10 Principles of Powerful Women by R.C. Blakes:

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It’s a new day for women who know who they are. Recently, I attended a conference that featured Pastor R.C. Blakes. He encourages women nationally and internationally with his teachings of Queenology. Queenology is an intentional way that women carry themselves. These women as he teaches are self-aware, self-mastered, self-sufficient, self-projected, and self-actualized. Women who carry themselves by the standard of being queens find themselves doing so through the foundation of their relationship with God.

He begins the talk sharing how many women have a broken consciousness where they aren’t aware of who they are. Women were made to have dominion also in the beginning, but most do not know it. He shared how the world hates a woman who knows who she is―getting out of the bed in the morning with confidence. It was refreshing to hear a man build women up to embrace the full abundant life that Christ died for us to have; instead of simply waiting for a man to come into our lives.

Some of the 10 principles are below along with the full recording at the bottom of the article:
Powerful Women Conquer their Emotions
Powerful women do not walk around with their thermostat open for anyone to turn them up or down. He who has no rule over his spirit is like a city without walls (Proverbs 25:28.) He also shared the quote, “The brilliant emotional person will be the servant to the idiot who has control of his life.” There are men out there who draw women in emotionally to use them for their advantage. Women who will conquer their emotions will have to set a limit for themselves and when she feels herself getting close to her limit she will have to self-correct. Also, women who conquer their emotions will have to study women who thrive in high-pressure environments. There should be at least one woman within our circle that we can study. If there isn’t, we will need a new circle. Finally, he shared on emotions, “When your emotions are undisclosed, you own your power and dictate what happens around you.”
Powerful Women are Students of the way Men Think
He began this with scripture from 1 John 4:1 that says not to believe every spirit, but to test the spirits to see whether they are from God. We should not just believe a man off top, but we need to gather data on a date instead of allowing ourselves to be intoxicated with the romance of being out with a man. Men, according to Pastor Blakes operate in 3 ways to hook a woman:

  1. Calculated Conversation
  2. Intentionally becomes a woman’s emotional addiction
  3. Avoids commitment

He made it a point to share that not all men operate in this way, but in general the above is the game.

A Powerful Woman Values Financial Independence
He shared a shocking study that poverty is a woman’s issue. You’ll have to listen to the audio below to find out more details on why that is. Instead of waiting for a night and shining armor; he encouraged women to maximize their abilities sharing a story about a woman who had been married and financially kept by her husband. This woman had experienced several nice things that her husband paid for. One day her husband left her deciding he wanted a younger woman. That married woman had to deal with herself and learn how to become self-sufficient. She became a millionaire starting her own business. This can happen for any woman who shares the required determination and applies it by studying and doing what is necessary to become successful.

Visit Pastor R.C. Blakes website for more content and materials:https://www.rcblakes.com/ 

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