Vulnerability as a Doorway to Relationships and Living Fully:

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Vulnerability is exposing ourselves to the possibility of being hurt. Vulnerability, according to Chip Dodd, is the doorway to living fully in relationships. He used as an example a child who naturally expresses each of their emotions acknowledging when they feel happy, sad, scared, and other emotions.   Chip also bought out the point that we can only live fully in relation to others.

When we cling to barriers like pride; it acts against our ability to be vulnerable and to live fully by hiding our hunger for relationships. It makes us wear a face that keeps others away instead of inviting them in. While this may be useful in keeping the wrong people away; it’s also keeping the right relationships from coming into our lives.

The way out of this trap is to begin to tell the truth about how we really feel. Chip shared a revelation of the word confession as it relates to the below scripture in the Bible:

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. – James 5:16

Confess, in the above scripture, means to fest up to being human as shared by Chip. To be human means acknowledging we aren’t God. We’re in need. We long and we feel, desire, and hope for things. Simply put, confession is when we begin telling the truth about being human and quit trying to pretend we’re otherwise.

I bought up the example of how many single women use ambition to cover up their desire to become vulnerable. We focus on being successful outwardly; while needing healing and vulnerability inwardly. This type of lack of vulnerability leads to Isolation which becomes like a dangerous prison.
However, we all as human beings go through spaces like this at various times in our lives, and God’s word promises to take away the cold hardened heart that caused us to lack genuine vulnerability and to give us a more pliable heart made of flesh.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. – Ezekiel 36:26

God makes this promise to us in the below scripture and He gives us his grace to get out there again as people who are willing to be vulnerable and take the risk of knowing others. God’s word warns us that people perish and plans fall for the want of the proper wisdom and knowledge.

In Chip Dodd’s book, “The Voice of the Heart.” You’ll find the wisdom and knowledge to live life fully by understanding and embracing the emotions of our hearts in a God-honoring way.
Watch the full video below for more wisdom from Author, Christian Psychologist and Counselor Chip Dodd. Also, get Chip Dodd’s book, “The Voice of the Heart” by clicking here: Click here

Full interview of Author, Christian Psychologist, and Counselor Chip Dodd on his book Voice of the Heart and Vulnerability:

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