The Single Woman & Submission Part II:

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When a single woman is considering submitting to a man, she should be well acquainted with submission and who is worthy of submission from her relationship with God and other appropriate men in her life.Single women can practice submission through their submission to God. This will show us what to expect in a man based on how Christ treats us. He willingly sacrificed himself to gain us because he loved us. He consistently forbears with us, corrects us and publicly heralds us as his own bride.

We also acknowledge similar traits in men around us. This teaches us as women who to respond to with our submission or not. Remember as single women, our primary role is not to submit to a man as if we are already married, but to be discerning about whether a brother is fit for our future.

Picking up where we left off on last week; below are some additional values we can look for as single women courting, dating, and waiting, for marriage:

Complimentary Purpose:
This would note that you have an idea of your purpose and are either operating in it to some degree or working toward operating in it. Purposes should not clash. His purpose does not have to be the exact same, but should not stand in the way of you operating fully in who you are, and fully in your purpose. If a woman has to deny being herself; then most likely it isn’t an appropriate relationship that the woman should include in her future.

Demonstrated Vision for His Life:
Where no vision is the people perish. Getting with a brother who has absolutely no vision for his life is like taking a huge risk on an investment known to be unstable. 9 times out of 10 the relationship will not fulfill it’s purpose. It will probably only be based on more trivial things such as attraction and that’s it. Attraction is not enough to keep a relationship together. There has got to be more, and vision for our future isn’t a bad place to start.

Clear Understanding of His Role As a Man of God:
A husband’s role is clearly spelled out in the book of Ephesians. A man is to love his wife as Christ loves the church. He is supposed to make his wife better by helping to shape her and prune her like Christ does the church. (See, Eph 5:27, and John 15:2). There are additional things such as providing and such, but these are some of the core things that we should be looking for.

A woman should already be secure in walking out her role as a woman in Christ. This is how she will be recognized. Notice Jesus pruned the vine that was already bringing forth fruit. A real man of God is looking for a woman of God who is already operating in her identity in Christ.

Willingness to Work Together:
He may have some flaws. Like we as women have flaws such as selfishness, and pride. Is he willing to work on his selfishness? Are you willing to work on your overspending. If the two of you are willing to work at your flaws while showing grace toward one another; there is a strong chance that the relationship can go further.

When we meet a man who exhibits these above traits; we know that eventually when we do get married we will be submitting to this man of God. Let us focus as single women right now more on the fruit then the idea of practicing being a wife and submitting to a man. We will have plenty of time for that later on if we do well with where we are right now.

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