Single Ladies, Are You Ready for This Responsibility in Marriage – Part IV (Our Voice)

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Trusting in Our Husbands Does not Mean We Lose Our Voice As Women:

This does not mean that Sarah did not say anything about the situation or present an alternate idea. We don’t know that because it isn’t mentioned in scripture. What we do know is that she submitted to him.

My point here is that women do not have to lose their personalities, and not be allowed to speak or share in decision making. It is all about the spirit in which we communicate. Is it out of respect for our husbands? Are we of a quiet and peaceable disposition meaning not combative, demeaning, dismissive or the like?

Are we looking down on a brother thinking to ourselves, “come on man, you should know this.” Finally, if our man does not agree with us, will we submit anyway allowing him to have the final authority as the man, and will we trust God like Sarah to work it out for us, and to protect us, and our families.

This series has taught us the below:

  •  Trust God​
  •  Respect our husbands by trusting them in their ability to make decisions and lead even when it is wrong.
  •  Don’t lose ourselves by not communicating or having anything to contribute. We just need to be mindful of how we contribute, and that should be done out of a peaceable, quiet, and respectful disposition.
  • Respecting our men is often how we cover them.
  • We learn to trust God as singles, and carry that into our marriages as we respect our husbands.

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