Single Ladies, Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part 5 (Practicum)

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A Modern Day Example of a Test of Submission in a Marriage Relationship:
​Let’s take the below scenario as an example of how a woman can apply this principle in marriage. Remember we want a husband who is submitted to the Lord already and this will minimize disagreements. However, let’s say a woman’s husband picks up a gambling habit during the marriage.

He has been spending a few hundred at the boat, and has gotten somewhat addicted. Now, he plans to take the family’s next paycheck and gamble the whole check away to win the money back that he lost. What should the wife do according to the principle discussed in this series? What would you do?
a.) Budget the money, and suggest that he takes the extra $300 left over to gamble with.

b.) The husband refuses to use the extra left over money, and insists on using the whole check. Therefore, you submit to him in this, and go to your prayer closet and pray that God changes his heart.

c.) Worry, and pull your hair out. Try nagging, and belittling him because he is a man and should take care of his family.
Trusting in God to take care of the family while trusting the husband in this case would be extremely difficult.

I believe to choose (a) is wisdom, and if the man resists the woman has no choice, but to choose (b). If her husband is truly a man of God who is submitted to God; he will be corrected through the conviction of the Holy Ghost or God will send someone else to correct him. If he is not a true man of God who is submitted to the Lord; The wife will have problems. She is basically on her own, and will be forced to cover the mortgage herself.

This is the reason why the Bible teaches us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers because we will always be going in different directions.

What would you do in this situation? Which path would you choose?​ Answer in the poll below.

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