Single Ladies: Are You Ready For This Responsibility in Marriage? – Part 1 of 5

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As women, it’s easy to concentrate on the glitz and glamour of romance in a God-fulfilling relationship with a man, but the presentation of a godly relationship presents more than the lovely opportunity to love and be loved. It presents an opportunity for the man and woman to put into operation the picture of Christ and the church through the beauty of submission. While both the man and the woman are to submit to one another.

The woman has the responsibility of allowing the man’s decision to be the final decision as he is the head and leader of the home. This can be hard when a woman is in disagreement with that man’s decision however this series will show how to handle that.

As women, it is very important that we cover our husbands in trusting their ability to lead us. This is especially important when our husbands display their insecurities or the fact that they just don’t have it all together because those are the moments when they are the most vulnerable.

Just like we as women have insecurities and desire for our husbands to cover us with their love reminding us that we are beautiful when we feel un-pretty, or that they chose us because they wanted us when we feel like we aren’t enough for them. In the same way, we have to cover them when their insecurities show up that they just don’t have it altogether. Who does have it altogether? That’s why we need each other.

In this five part series, we will cover the importance in trusting in our husbands, submitting to them when they show their insecurities, the need to trust Christ to do so, and the result of doing things in this way through viewing an example with Sarah and Abraham.

Some of my girls, and I were riding to the movies a few weeks ago discussing what most men want in a wife. My friend mentioned that Michelle McKinney Hammond had done a survey of several men asking them what was most important to them when seeking a woman to settle down with. All of the men, that she interviewed mentioned trust as the one thing that they had to have from their woman.

Of course, we know that trust is earned, but if a man has earned our trust enough to gain our hand in marriage; He ought to have our trust enough to lead us.
As single women, we should only expect to give our hand to a brother in marriage if he is submitted to God. In other words, the man is displaying on a consistent basis consistent submission to God’s word.
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;
Being in subjection is a form of trust and respect for that man and his ability.
While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. 1 Peter 3:1-2
Fear means a reverence and respect. There is a consistency of respect that the woman of God must embody toward her husband that shows trust, reverence, submission, and a willingness to follow his lead.
Stay tuned to read more on trusting our husband’s and following their lead in a quiet (peaceable) spirit on next week.

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