Book Review – Love Your Status: A Quick Guide for the Single Woman by KJ Hansel

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This book does just what it says it will do which is to persuade or remind us as single women to love our status. It pin-points some very important and enjoyable facts that are unique to the single woman’s experience such as the ability to enjoy the initial pursuit of an appropriate suitor.

In discerning, the suitor according to his actions and not by what he says, we also enjoy the ability to demand to be treated like ladies. She boldly reminds us that being concrete on our God-given standards and some additional preferences that we are willing to embody ourselves will ensure us that we get just what we are worthy of and that is God’s best.

I love some  of the helpful tips that KJ, the author,  includes to keep us stable while checking out a brother or even waiting and not talking to anyone at all. Tips include having a thankful journal, questions for each phase of dating, and not taking things past a first date when certain red-flags are in view.

The thankful journal is where she jots down big and small things that she is thankful for. The  thankful journal helps to have the right perspective in our season of waiting. Some of her key advice for the first date is not to ask too serious questions, but allow the questions to be broad enough to allow us to see if we’d like to continue to a second date.

One question we should ask initially:

If you were not a ________________ (current job title) what would you do? She shared how this question will reveal his passions.

One question that we should ask  later on:

Share your thoughts on ____________. (The blank could be filled with any moral issue of importance to you.) She shared this is a good way to see if you all are compatible on controversial issues that may be of importance to you.

She tackles the selfish attitude that many singles can acquire, and ways to combat selfishness. She answers the question of rather a soul-mate is actually a thing, suggests helpful relationship resources, and encourages women to live in the present.

Of course, my favorite parts are those that give women that extra empowerment boost that we need.

​See quote below:
“Insist he earn your investment on the grounds that you are a woman of high value. I’m not saying you should play emotional games. What I am suggesting is that I know many women who delve headfirst into a relationship as soon as a feller shows even a hint of interest. This generally scares guys, and by giving him your full investment up front, there’s no work he has to put in to win your heart.”Love this! Her book is available on Amazon and and her blog is​​

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