Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part I (Disbelief)

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First, I want to introduce this six-part blog series by sharing that there are times when everyone will be broken and being broken does not always mean that a person is doing something wrong. Look at some of our greatest examples who were broken Job, and Jesus.

Job became broken because God bragged on him allowing Satan to try him, and like God said, Job endured without turning on the Lord. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was broken, but it was a voluntary brokenness for a greater purpose to save us.

Brokenness can have a purpose if we have our perspectives in place. When we do not have our perspectives in place, those negative perspectives we hold can lodge themselves into our personalities causing us to exhibit behaviors of the broken.

Below are a few of those behaviors along with the appropriate view that one should hold in order to be free from broken perspectives and to walk in the perspectives of one who is whole in Christ.

Broken people with broken perspectives do not walk by faith

Instead of walking by faith; broken people abide in disbelief. They look at things based on face value and that is it. A person content to be broken will not exert any effort to train themselves to walk by faith. It isn’t always easy to walk by faith because walking by faith deals with moving in a forward motion despite what is seen with the natural eye. Faith means believing God when circumstances appear contradictory.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1

The children of Israel had just come from checking out the land of Canaan. There was a majority who believed they could not have the land of Canaan even though God promised it to them because of how it appeared. There was a minority of those who went with them to scout out the land who believed God would give it to them no matter how it appeared (Numbers 13 & 14).

Those who desire to be whole will need to allow God’s process within them to cause them to believe God no matter what the circumstance appears to be. Those who desire wholeness will have to be intentional about addressing every fear with the Word of God consistently to build faith.

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