Be Bold During the Wait

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Did you know that wholeness is a prerequisite for dating God’s way and marrying God’s way? When we embrace who we are–fully, embracing ourselves and our standard by God, we can proceed forward in a bold manner that brings freedom to our footsteps.​Bold: (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous (Google Definition).There is a confident bent or settling into ourselves that has to take place prior to marriage, healthy dating or courtship. That settling is best maximized when the below is firmly in place.

A sold out attitude of trust in the Lord

Come what may, our trust should be at rest in the Lord. This is something that is often anchored during trials, challenges, and opposition in life. Every time God brings us out, and every time God gives us peace despite challenges, our roots grow deeper, and we become steadfast and unmovable.

This is why we cannot despise challenges, but we must face them head-on with the strength God provides through his presence and word. This sold out trust will cause us to rest from anxiety, and questions of approval or not from others. We will be sound, Girl, chill, confident in who we are and willing to take risks.

A community that supports God’s vision for your life
This is a very important factor in being bold in the wait because we all need others.

​Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Jimdre West, the 34-year-old, male virgin of Worth The Wait blog has a new community available for believers to keep us encouraged during our wait. It’s the WaitUp App. This app provides inspirational and encouraging daily notifications to your phone.

​It also has blogs, encouraging video, and events. Last month the ministry app hosted a Kings & Queens speed dating event. They have mentioned that they will be providing more opportunities for community as well. You will want to stay plugged into what they have going on. Go to your app store and download the free WaitUp app today, and follow them on social media @WaitUp.

Propelling Faith:

With the deep-rooted trust in the Lord in place and the strong community, you should only be moving forward. Propelling faith does not allow us to be stuck. Things that used to get you bent out of shape, should barely faze you in this place. As a matter of fact, that propelling faith should obliterate what attempts to stop you. Don’t forget, we are to be mountain moving people. All it takes is just a little bit of faith. With this faith, you will wake up in a whole new world sort of speak because things will shift suddenly on your behalf for your good. Are you ready to be bold in the wait? Like our Facebook page, and share your best bold face selfie.

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