3 Lessons We Can Learn From the Life of Chadwick Boseman

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I’ve always loved Chadwick as an actor, but I will be honest. I did not know how awesome he was as a whole person until after he passed away. I began watching several videos of him online and each one ministered something awesome to my spirit. I share below 3 lessons I’ve noted from him that are like a confirmation to me as a woman of God on my journey of life:

Be willing to take a loss for your convictions trusting that God has something better:
Chadwick told an amazing story of his first television job on a soap opera. He was to play a young Black male with no historical background, who lived out a life of victim-hood making poor choices. He felt the role was stereotypical of African American males. He discussed this with his bosses on that show, who ultimately made the choice to fire him. Chadwick took a loss.

That job agreed to pay him the most money he’d ever seen in his life. After being fired, he was thrust back into the world of auditioning, being broke, scraping up change to get to auditions. He was told by his agent he would not get a job in some time because he was seen as difficult. He could only question if he made the right decision. Of course, he did. How many of us have taken a loss for holding strong to our convictions and values?

Continue to follow your convictions given by God; it will set you up for the very best that God has for you. God ordained Chadwick to play some of the very best roles that showed our people in such an honorable light. This was a part of his purpose to give African-Americans and all people hope and he did that well.

Obey God Quickly; You Never Know What Impact It May Have:
On an interview I listened to of Chadwick, he shared that he was on tour outside of the U.S.―finishing up promotions for the Get On Up film when he heard God speak to him in his spirit. God said, “Get international calling on your phone.” Immediately, Chadwick did so. Not long after that, he received a call where he was asked to play the role of Black Panther in the new Avengers film.

Had he not obeyed God, he could have missed out on the opportunity. God has a way of leading and guiding us. The Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Many times, we limit God speaking to us to only spiritual things, but God is involved in every area of our lives.

No Dream is too Big for your Faith
I’ve been reading in the book of Matthew where Jesus has been healing people according to their faith. In life, we experience things that kind of shock our faith. Mainly disappointment. Perhaps we prayed for someone to be healed and they died or we did not get an opportunity we were believing for. Perhaps God had something bigger in mind. Perhaps our loved one who died needed to experience being in heaven with God. Perhaps the opportunity we wanted was too small for us. Chadwick wrote in his journal years ago before making it big as an actor that he’d like to play the Black Panther in a film. Perhaps that dream was from God because it happened. It’s easy to dismiss a dream in disappointment when we feel it is too big, but all we need is a small grain of mustard seed faith. Hold on to whatever smidget of faith you have—no matter how foolish it may look. Perhaps the Lord wants to use you as an example to bring it to pass.

Thank you, Chadwick! We will continue to love and miss you.

See a few videos below where some of the above are mentioned:

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