As single believers, we have to constantly renew our minds to maintain a mindset that says, “Yes, we can have God’s best.” A scarcity mindset, however, seeks to rob us of God’s best. It is a precursor to unbelief. Essentially, it tells us that what we believe God for isn’t out there. Therefore, we have to settle for what is out there. Here, I will share 3 ways to get rid of a scarcity mindset.
Feel Yourself Up with Truths
First, we have to fill our minds with truth. Satan will send lies to our minds to attempt to make us believe untruths. Examples of untruths are godly men aren’t out there. Godly men do not want godly women. Or, you’ll die alone if you continue to practice abstinence.
You’ll have to keep examples that clearly show the lies for what they are—lies. Immediately, remind yourself of all of the godly men you know. Think about healthy couples that are godly and remind yourself of those who’ve shared their testimonies of abstinence until marriage.
The simple below proverb expresses clearly how to cure scarcity:
One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry, everything bitter is sweet. – Proverbs 27:7
In other words, when you fill up on sweet things—you have something to help you resist what is bitter. When you have nothing andyou are only hungry—you are more vulnerable to consuming anything. This is scarcity.
Scarcity is dangerous in the dating, marriage, and relationship realm. Our dating partners need to share the same values as us. Thus, we need to fill up on friendships and relationships with those who share similar values as much as possible.
Be Willing to Build God-Honoring Relationships Consistently
How do you consistently build God-honoring relationships? Ask yourself this question. If you don’t know the answer—start getting intentional about meeting others. There are several groups and pages on social media that bring Christians together with the same values. The Sexless Tribe is one page that brings together those who believe in practicing abstinence until marriage. hosts monthly events such as dancing, indoor mountain climbing, cooking classes, and more.
These are group events that help singles to meet new people. The Holy App is a dope dating app that has a friends feature if you don’t want to be romantic initially. Churches also have life groups. If yours doesn’t;then, visit various local church websites to see what churches do.
Go on Find a travel group or other groups of interest. Of course, we now have a group of 60k plus going strong on Facebook, “Singles Living for Christ.”By consistently putting yourself out there—you’llalwaysbe reminded there is always someone else. You always have a choice of who you decide to allow into your world. When dating—you’ll need to keep this in mind to avoid settling out of a scarcity mindset.
Submission is a huge conversation and an important one. It’simportant to have a balanced view of what submission is and how it works.Submission defined by the Cambridge dictionary says the act of accepting the power or authority of someone else. We all are required to submit to something or someone out of respect.
“Respect: A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others (Oxford Languages Dictionary.)”
Submission starts with respect. Respect for whoever or whatever we are submitting to. We respect the laws of the land, the law of gravity, water, and more. If we break the laws of the land, there will be consequences such as jail or fines.
disrespecting the law of gravity, what goes up must come down, could result in death. If we disrespect the wisdom in holding our breath underwater or learning to swim and breathe properly before entering deep water—we could drown. The same type of chaos or disruption can take place if we choose disrespect in our romantic relationships.
Submission to God First
Submission starts with respect for God and then for one another. The Bible teaches us that all we do should be done as unto the Lord. As single women, we should be living our lives in submission to God. This means respect for his laws, direction, voice, word, and the like.
The result is us abiding under the covering of the Lord. Men should carry themselves in the same way. When seeking a spouse—women should look for men who demonstrate as a natural part of their character submission to God. Submission to God in deed and word. Not word only.
Wives in Submission to Their Husbands
This is crucial as women are in a position to submit to their husbands once married. This means to trust our husband’s leadership allowing him to have the last word in the decisions made for the family. Thisdoesn’t mean women do not have a voice or should not be heard. It simply means the husband has the last word and the wife yields her trust to her husband’s leadership.
Submission to One Another
Husbands and wives are also required to submit one to the other out of the fear of the Lord & mutual respect. Often, this perspective of submission isn’t taught much in churches but scripture also teaches husbands and wives to submit to one another.
“Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ – Ephesians 5:21”
Thiswas explained by a married couple with several years of marriage behind them in one of the churches I attended. The wife and the husband yielded to one another in various things out of respect and reverence for God and one another.This is also a beautiful picture of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus led in serving the church washing the church’s feet. He left the church with the message that the church should wash one another’s feet. In other words, submission should not be required out of selfishness but out of servant leadership.
Also, servanthood should be reciprocated within the marriage relationship. This means the husband doesn’t only require submission from his wife but serves his wife. The wife; in turn, serves the husband as a natural response to his servant-leadership. It’s like an act of worship as appreciation for him serving her. It works together like a well-oiled machine.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, given God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1”
The above scripture reference creates a picture of Christ and his bride, the church. In response to God’s goodness and mercy—God’s bride presents herself to God in submission as an act of worship. This shows both the metaphorical husband and the wife laying down their lives for one another out of respect for God and mutual respect for one another. No one in the marriage only considers his or her own thing but what’s best for one another.
The man leads in serving the wife and the wife responds with respect and submission to her husband serving him in return just like Christ washed his disciple’s feet and taught them to wash one another’s feet. Mutual Servanthood is a picture of mutual submission.
The example the leader shared at church was that he was a pastor who would stay late at the church. His wife felt neglected because she regularly had to eat dinner by herself. The two came to a compromise that he would make it home for dinner considering her feelings by a certain time. He submitted to her request out of respect for her feelings.
Perverted Form of Submission
There is a perverted form of submission heralded by the world. It’s a partial understanding that submission is necessary but in a form that belittles a woman underneath a man or a man underneath a woman.
The belittling attitude that treats male-female relationships like a competition between one another is perverted. Scripture is clear that a woman is not to usurp authority over a man and that men as a result of the fall will rule over women.
The perversion of submission causes a man to seek to rule over a woman in a selfish and domineering way. It doesn’t consider the feelings or needs of the wife but the rules and final say of the husband alone. Husbands are commanded by God to dwell with their wives according to knowledge.This will allow men to make decisions that consider their wives rather than exclude their feelings.
The feminists’ ideas that women should only rule or the patriarchal ideas that men should only rule and control things are perverted. The working machine that God ordained is for both the husband and the wife to consider one another and to inturn submit to one another. Thus, submission is more about serving one another under the protection of submission to Christ.
Those who are unsubmitted to the Lord will not get this and will create unavoidable strife within their relationships. On the contrary, the Biblical type of submission discussed in this article will result in unity and God commands his blessing where there is unity.
How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It’s like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, Flowing down Aaron’s beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It’s like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that’s where GOD commands the blessing, ordains eternal life. – Psalms 133:1, 3
Christian couple, DJ and Lucretia of the “When Marriage & Purpose Collide Podcast,” chatted with me about how they came together. We discussed their mindset before they met as single believers, their commitment to Christ during the waiting and encouragement for those waiting now.
Lucretia kicked it off sharing that her mindset in her previous dating life before DJ had been that of low-self-esteem. She did not see marriage as an option for her which caused her to date unintentionally. This unintentionality caused her to hold on to a relationship that wasn’t good for her in the name of having someone.
Thankfully, her dad stepped in helping her to see that she deserved more. It was after this experience she’d done some work on herself that allowed her to make healthier decisions. No longer hiding behind her career because she had lost hope that marriage and love was for her—she put herself out there on Plenty of Fish.
How the Christian Couple Met
She matched with DJ sending him a DM. DJ shared how he’d lived in a desert land as it pertained to women for a couple years. His phone was dry. And there’s nothing wrong with having a dry phone especially when you have good reason to like DJ did. He had been recommitting his life back to the Lord.
He’d reconciled his relationship with his father after an incident at the church and signed up for more responsibility at the church. The leadership role at church helped to develop important leadership qualities within DJ. Little did he know, God was using his new position at church to prepare him for marriage. He learned how to communicate well with others, listen, and lead others.
One day on a trip with his father, he’d gotten a DM from Lucretia on Plenty of Fish. From then on, they began talking. At least two years before Lucretia, DJ recommitted himself to practicing abstinence. He even faced a challenge where a girl friend-zoned him because he did not try anything with her. Guys go through rejection because of their decision to practice abstinence too. It’s not just us women. We just have to remain faithful in honoring God while being patient for the right one.
Final Thoughts From Christian Couple
Some final thoughts were when Lucretia shared that virgins should learn their bodies so that when marriage comes—sex isn’t such a shock. I added on to that the FLO app is a good app that has video classes and articles about the various parts of our anatomy as women. They share about our hormones, cycle and more. Normal articles that share about the biology of reproduction and sex are beneficial as well.
There was a health and sociology book I’d read as a pre-teen that gave me the language of sex. Things like ejaculation, erection, clitoris, scrotum and more were normal topics covered in the books I’d read. There is nothing wrong with being knowledgeable about how our bodies were designed by God.
There is much more that each of them had to share along with some of the shared experiences that young adult Christians have in our pursuit of honoring God and acquiring love.
Thankfully, the culture seems to be shifting to where it is becoming more acceptable for those who either practice abstinence or who are virgins to share their journeys. Due to virgin shaming—many who’ve chosen this lifestyle often remain silent. Only because they know they have to be ready for people to attempt to shut their mouths based on their negative experiences with the message of abstinence.
Because I am aware that some have negative experiences with abstinence or the virginity message, I try to be sensitive. I hope to be clear that God values us whether we are virgins or not, abstinent or not. There is forgiveness for those who have had sex outside of marriage. Anyone can change course at any time. Nonetheless, it’s important for those of us practicing abstinence and who are virgins to tell our stories.
Virgins & Non-Virgins Face the Same Things that Lead to Sex Outside of Marriage
Many people have sex for acceptance, love, or the feeling of being wanted. Virgins and those who’ve chosen to practice abstinence experience the same desires yet to be fulfilled. The extended waiting period creates hardship; namely, the hardship of feeling invisible and unwanted at times.
The only difference is the choice made to endure those difficulties in obedience and the choice to find relief in disobedience. As virgins or abstinent people—we can talk about these things because we’ve been through these things.
Our testimonies are not unwarranted. Further, just because we are virgins or practice abstinence doesn’t mean we’ve been obedient in every area. Some virgins have sought relief in masturbation or fantasy lust. I used to be one who participated in both—but God delivered me.
This is why I cannot stand in pride as a virgin because I know this isn’t something I’ve been able to do on my own.
God’s Help is What Allows Us to Remain Abstinent
When I face loneliness, which is a norm for us who practice abstinence, I have to rely on the Lord for his strength. A key to remaining abstinent:
“Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:8-10
In the scripture above, Paul had something that bothered him continually in his flesh. He asked God to take it away. However, God had a purpose for it. Instead of God taking it away. He gave Paul the strength to endure successfully with his weakness. God’s response was my strength is made complete—meaning we will be lacking nothing in our weakness.
This doesn’t mean it will be easy. It doesn’t mean it will not hurt sometimes. It does mean God will get us through it. This is primarily how I’ve gotten through to remain a virgin at 40 years old. When I get weak and want it—I ask God for more strength reminding him of this scripture. When I want to give in because I am lonely, and feel invisible and undesired as a woman—I ask God for more strength. I am not unnatural as a woman. My womanly desires did not go away. I’m simply depending on God for his strength.
God’s Wisdom Helps me Through My Abstinence Journey
None of us have a book on doing relationships well or remaining abstinent until marriage except the Bible. Most of us have been experimenting and learning as we go along. The Holy Spirit a.k.a. the Spirit of truth gives us wisdom on the spot in tricky circumstances.
I’ve since had my first kiss at 40 years old. It was turned into a make-out session.
I wasn’t expecting it. However, when hands got to moving around—the Holy Spirit gave me wisdom. The wisdom was to grab the gentleman’s hand gently and redirect it away from my erogenous zones. These are the areas that would make it easy to have sex. I was already aroused and he probably was too. When you’re kissing someone and hands get to petting—it’s sort of like a furnace that keeps getting turned up and you want to go to the next level.
The wisdom from God allowed me to stay on the level I was more comfortable with resulting in me remaining abstinent. I took away a lesson from that experience to not get into the back seat of a car with a guy right away. It was our first date. He was very handsome and I guess I was attractive to him as well. We hadn’t had a discussion yet on our views on sex or abstinence. I had to find a way to communicate at the moment that I did not want to go too far.
It worked out with the wisdom of God. I’m moving forward in humility taking the lesson I learned with me. This is how life is. We live and we learn and we make it by God’s grace.
Abstinence & Purity
Many people have their unique interpretations of abstinence. Here, it means no sexual activity. However, it’s important to seek to keep our thoughts pure before God as well. This will assist in leading us to know how far is too far. Some blogs okay masturbation or outercourse, but these are forms of sex without penetration. If we desire to remain pure before God—we will seek to practice purity along with our abstinence journey.
This will mean reframing from dry-humping, masturbation or mutual masturbation. These are activities that will ramp up our sexual appetites even more making it more difficult for us to control the urge for sex. There is a scripture that says a little baking powder makes a big cake in essence (Galatians 5:9.)
Is Lack of Wisdom or Bad Advice Keeping You Single?
I’m somewhat privy to many conversations that take place in the world of singles as a single woman. I’ve also had my own experiences in living this life. A constant that I’ve come into contact with is a fear of dating due to a lack of knowledge. This keeps us stuck. Also, I’ve run into older women, some married, and some single, who give single women bad advice—keeping them single.
Bad Advice I’ve Noticed Keeping Christian Women Single
I’ve had conversations with some older married women. In their love and care for me, they’ve tried to warn me about men by sharing as many negative experiences from their peers as possible. Some of these women would go on to say things like, “When I was single, I did not even want to be married so I do not understand.”
This statement along with the negative stories of female peers who are trying to date and get to know men hopefully for marriage is discouraging, to say the least. The latter part of the statement saying when she was single, she did not want to be married is also problematic as it implies that having a desire for marriage is somehow shameful or ungodly. Or it implies that having a desire for marriage will lead to a poor outcome like her friends who are struggling. It isn’t wrong to desire a healthy God-honoring marriage. It’s wrong to become desperate for marriage making an idol out of it—resulting in poor decisions and lack of discernment.
I’d spoken with a young lady who was 24. She’d shared that she did not know what was wrong with her for not having a child yet. I asked her if she was married. She said no. I asked why she would be concerned about having a child without being married. Her mom had shared with her that marriages normally don’t stay together. She went on to share that her grandma had shared this with her mother. A seed was planted that marriage doesn’t work so if a woman desires children she should plan to be a single mother.
Finally, a lack of wisdom is a common topic. Many of us primarily got the don’t have sex before marriage from the church and let a man find us. That was it. There’s a lot of information missing between that and the altar. Not because the church was holding out on us, but because many of those in the church did not know much about marriage preparation. Marriage was a natural next step for the previous generation. It was super easy to marry whether you were well-developed as a person or not. Things are different now as Millennials and beyond.
Because many women desire to marry a man without compromising the security we find in singleness through obeying God; we don’t know how to approach dating in a way that will still honor God. Rather than taking a chance risking making a mistake or possibly being successful; we stay stuck waiting for a relationship to come together out of the blue. Many of us lack points of reference for women who have desired to honor God in their relationships and made it to marriage successfully doing so.
The bad advice confirms the fear single women already have or produces fear in those who weren’t fearful:
All of the bad advice plus the lack of wisdom keep single Christian women in a place of stagnation. Due to this fear, many women will not take the necessary steps in putting themselves out there by being intentional in growing in areas that will make them good partners outside of just the spiritual. I will say the spiritual is the foundation and of utmost importance and nothing else can be fully successful in our lives without having a firm spiritual foundation on Christ and his Word.
However, the Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us into all truth. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will send someone across our path to awaken us from our slumber of the familiar. He will cause us to take responsibility in areas where we need to grow. He will also correct all wrong perspectives with truth so we can move forward in freedom building healthy relationships with others.
The more we walk in this freedom—the more others will be attracted to our light and our network of people will grow. This increases our chances of meeting someone awesome. We can get referrals or exposure to others on social media by growing our network with other people period. This means allowing ourselves to develop outside of our fears.
It also means being intentional about not only potential romantic relationships, but healthy relationships in general with friends, family, co-workers, siblings, parents, and yes potential men who show interest.
Upon getting over our fears through faith, wisdom, and confronting our fears we grow. It’s this social growth that comes from the inner development of simply being that is often stifled and stifles our ability to meet someone that can lead to something serious and beautiful. Pride is something that many single women depend on to protect them from dealing with the fear they feel.
The answer that will break the wrong thinking patterns that can keep us stuck in singleness:
First, we will need to develop our relationship with God for ourselves. This will help us to avoid being manipulated into the unhealthy thinking patterns of others. The Spirit of Christ will lead us and guide us into all truth. It is the truth that will make us experience freedom in our lives.
Second, we have to take responsibility for seeking out the wisdom that is in alignment with God’s word. We will have to be humble enough to realize we don’t have it altogether. We will need to get support from others walking in balance. Balance means the lack of imbalance. Only focusing on the negative experiences of others is an imbalance. It sets women up for an expectation of dread and negativity.
Thus, women began to attract that in their lives and aren’t open to meeting appropriate men out of fear that all men are the same.
The Bible doesn’t warn women to avoid men or to be afraid of men. It does warn us to practice discernment. This is a skill of having the appropriate judgment to discern who would be wise to allow close to you or not.
If you do not have examples of the types of men who should get close to you in your life; you will not know who you should allow close to you or not. Pray to the Lord, who is your helper to bring godly men into your life, who can be an example of what you’ll need to look for. These many can help with clarity in discernment when you aren’t sure about continuing with a particular gentleman you are dating.
Often these men may already be married or you aren’t attracted to them—but you have a platonic friendship with these men. They act as a covering to help you to see things from both a male and female perspective. Focus on building a healthy community first before launching out into dating so you will have the help you need in addition to the Holy Spirit and Word of God. This greatly reduces the risk of you making a very costly mistake.
With your inner development and new openness—you’ll be in a position to date in a healthy manner and sooner whether than later get into a healthy marriage. We don’t just want to be married, but we want healthy marriages that honor Christ and they are possible when both men and women are willing to put off the barriers keeping them stuck and do the work necessary to move forward.
I will be offering a coaching program this May relating to single Christian women who desire marriage to walk in confidence and wholeness while being open to meeting people who can lead to a healthy relationship and marriage in a natural progression. Join my newsletter for more info on when the group coaching will be available: Click here. The Top 3 Dating Fears Course is available free with the email list sign-up. Information for the class will be in the email upon sign-up or visit link using code free at checkout. No credit card is needed for the free course when using code: “FREE.”
“All The Single Ladies” Have to Take Personal Responsibility
All The Single Ladies is a new Own Network television show. It showcases women of color sharing their dating and relationship stories in documentary-style interviews. I got a chance to catch the first episode and half of the second episode this past Sunday.
Several lessons stuck out to me as the women told their stories. The first one was taking personal responsibility for one’s actions. It’s easy to look at the stories as one-sided when you see what the women went through but even based on the women’s accounts the men weren’t the only ones responsible for the experiences leading to the breakups.
I believe the show tried to be responsible in making clear that the point of the show was not to demonize the man and only share one side. The initial interviews in the first episode start out sharing about the women’s family upbringing. They share how their parents were and how it shaped their views on relationships moving forward in life.
Our Needs Can Lead Us to Ignore Red Flags:
One of the girls shared how her father was not the affectionate type and her mother wasn’t nurturing. Sometimes, what we miss in our homes we seek to get within our relationships without doing the work to make sure the foundation is solid enough to hold that desire that we are seeking. A healthy foundation includes things like stability in all the following areas: mental, physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual. Also, shared values, a complimentary vision, self-discipline, healthy boundaries, mutual respect, and humility.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking a desire within the right context. When we take the responsibility to seek our desires within the right context—it generally lasts longer. Plunging in headfirst without the proper foundation can often lead to us ignoring the red flags.
Red flags don’t just show up in potential partners, but sometimes they show up within us—showing us that we aren’t ready to pursue what we think we want just yet. One common mistake several of the single ladies made was failing to take accountability for choosing men who did not practice self-control when it comes to sex outside of marriage.
Our Lack of Boundaries w/Sex Attracts Men Who Don’t Have Boundaries Themselves
This is because the ladies; themselves, weren’t practicing self-control in waiting for marriage to have sex. The woman who missed out on the nurturing affection coming up could have easily mistaken the closeness of sex for affection.
The rush of the thought of being close to someone could have caused her to miss huge red flags. We have to be careful how we get our voids filled. The dating field isn’t the best place to seek to get our voids filled. It’s best to come to the dating table as full as possible so we aren’t choosing scraps because we’re hungry, but we’re choosing fine dining because we’ve developed an acquired taste based on the healthy character we’ve developed through practice.
Many ignore the importance of temperance and self-control when it comes to sex outside of marriage thinking that marriage or a relationship will fix the lack of self-control. This is not so. Marriage will magnify the lack of self-control in that area. One of the women said it herself, “Marriage doesn’t flip on a switch that says I will now be faithful.” This was a lesson she learned. If a man is unfaithful before marriage; he will be unfaithful after marriage.
Develop the Fruit of the Spirit in Your Single Season & Seek it in Men You Date
I’m reading an awesome book called, “Watch the Red-flags: Discerning Relational Signs in Dating.” This book discusses something important to look for when dating or evaluating a potential partner. He says we should look for someone who already demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. Of course, for someone who demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit to be interested in us; we must embody the fruits of the Spirit as well.
This should not be done as a ploy to get a man. The fruit of the Spirit as believers should become our character. If you see fruit opposite of that within yourself; stop dating and ask God to help you to develop the fruit of the Spirit within yourself.
Single Ladies, Don’t Pursue a Man and Respect When a Man Isn’t Interested in You
In another story, a woman shared how her mother was very strong, take charge, and was independent. On the other hand, her dad raised her in the same manner that many men raise boys. He encouraged her not to cry and to chuck up hurt just taking it without expressing her emotions. She carried some of these characteristics into her adulthood–even to the point of pursuing a man she worked with. The man told her he was not interested in her. She continued her pursuit anyway.
The man eventually gave in. The two got a place together going all in. He would never post about her online or share about her with others. He discouraged her from posting as well. One day she finally posted him and the gentleman’s mother called her sharing that she was ruining her son’s marriage. Yes, the gentleman was married. The young lady had been informed they were separated.
This is an important boundary that should not be crossed. Separated is still married. This means the married persons have a responsibility to one another. No one else should come between that. That was the 2nd red-flag this young lady made by allowing herself to be in a relationship with a married man.
The first was to pursue him. Women should not pursue men because men are the natural leaders. It’s their responsibility to pursue. It’s our responsibility as women to position ourselves to be pursued by doing what God calls us to do. When a man shares, he isn’t interested; women should always take him at face value and leave him alone. There is a reason for that. Some men can be worn down and will take advantage of a woman who pursues them for sex while he continues to pursue the woman he really wants.
Ladies, we deserve more. To get more, we have to require more for ourselves by taking personal responsibility to get more. I pray that many women learn from the mistakes of these brave ladies who so vulnerably share their stories.
Sign up for the Top 3 Dating Fears Course for Just .99 cents and be added to the list to find out about our new coaching program opening April 1st. Click here
Catch me at the Valentine’s Day Event Below Hosting Girl Talk:
Queen B just released a song that centers around an important conversation that needs to be had. It’s called, “Church Girl.” This song appears to be the anthem of the church girls or Christian girls who no longer believe. Thus, they resign themselves to a lifestyle of those who do not believe and have become self-serving doing the best they can at an attempt for love by dropping it in the club and entertaining men, not for genuine love, but the exchange only of money for attention and potentially sex.
Interestingly, the song starts by sharing how the church girl has made so many strides moving mountains without a man. I interpret this to mean she’s been able to accomplish a lot within her life except for her desire for a God-honoring mutually respectful relationship. The church girl has been up and down in her emotions and in life. She has cried enough tears to have a river and she has become tired.
Tired of believing, hoping, and seeking a healthy relationship. She still goes to church and perhaps volunteers, but the negative mindset of unbelief for a healthy and God-honoring relationship for her has caused her to resign herself to the lifestyle of seeking only what is easily accessible—attention from men in the club based on the superficial only.
Beyonce confirms that this church girl ain’t trying to hurt nobody—she’s only doing the best that she can. My question is who told you that dropping it like a thotty and entertaining ungodly men is the best that you can do? Was it your experiences of being passed over by men of God? Is it because the worldly culture in many senses has gotten into the church where many men of God are looking for a girl who appears to be looser with her standards for a guaranteed fun sex life after marriage?
Photo by ali Shot80:
Single ladies, I’ve been single for many years too, and have seen and experienced the rejection that has become a norm toward church girls or women desiring to please God. The initial song by Twinkie Clark discusses the idea of wanting to be in the center of God’s will, but in Church Girl, all of that goes right out the window. Why is that? I believe it’s due to unbelief.
The unbelief festers within women of God causing them to come out of God’s will and who God has shaped them to be. But women of God do not have to stay there.
I’m not here to judge but to hopefully provide some relief to share that there is another way for the church girl to get the love she desires. We do not have to drop it like a thotty to be loved. I am a prime example of that. I have desired to do things God’s way and come up short for many years as it relates to love.
However, I abide in the hope which allows me to explore healthy relationships because my healthy boundaries or standards are clearly in place. Thus, my heart and body are protected when I explore love. Men know what type of a girl I am when they speak with me.
This prevents me from going through some crazy stuff. In a sense, I’ve remained covered and protected with a hopeful heart for love. When we do not believe we uncover ourselves as women.
The covered woman not only remains covered but she attracts a man of God who will mutually cover and protect her because he sees that she believes she is worth it. A woman who believes she is worth it will allow a man to cover her while one who doesn’t will uncover herself.
I think about Hagar in the Bible who was a maid servant to Sarah. She was within Sarah and Abraham’s house to complete a job. Her position was abused. She was used to bring Sarah and Abraham a child. This is a form of abuse or misuse.
The turmoil experienced in Hagar’s house caused her to run from the place of provision that she was initially there for. She set out pregnant with her baby in the wilderness wandering off to a place she did not know.
The Bible says that God sent an angel to speak with her asking her where she is going. She shared she did not know. She was simply running away from her employer Sarah. It had gotten too uncomfortable for Hagar as the tension between her and her employer Sarah grew.
God told her to go back to her employer’s house and submit to her. This would require Hagar to work through the abuse. God said I have seen your misery. God noted that it has been uncomfortable for her. He gave her a safe place to exhale and be seen, heard, and valued within her experience.
He gave her direction on naming her child and sharing a bit of what his personality would be like. This provided direction and prevented her from wandering in the desert as a pregnant woman with no provision on her own. In continuing to do so, she would have been uncovered, unprovided for with a baby to protect. It was not wise nor God’s best for her.
Scripture goes on to say that Hagar gave God a name, “ El Roi.” This means the God who sees me. She was no longer invisible. Someone saw her pain, the strides she attempted to make serving her master, and becoming broken in the process.
Like Hagar, many single women who have desired to please God have felt unseen, unnoticed, and looked over. Likewise, the church girl has only desired to be seen, touched, loved, and treated as a human. It’s become uncomfortable at times as a single woman, but not so much that we cannot work through it with God’s help and wisdom from others.
God sees us too! And we do not have to go the route of belittling ourselves to be seen by men who value us. God will provide us tools to establish healthy relationships with men and to enjoy the process of conversating with men who respect our standard to treat ourselves with respect. Likewise, the man who sees us respecting ourselves will also respect us and feel safe with us because we value ourselves so highly. In this, he will know that while he is at work taking care of the business, his wife will not be out wilding in the streets. Real mature men are attracted to women who respect themselves (See Proverbs 31:10-11.)
I’m not here to judge what is being shown on the exterior—the twerking, more revealing dress and the like. I’m here, like Christ, to provide open arms of love saying to come back to who you are. A woman who seeks to be within the center of Christ’s will.
Instead of giving up on having a healthy love within God’s will—consider tools that will assist you in having that type of love. Tools like putting yourself out there in healthy ways and maintaining your boundaries that make you healthy and whole within the process.
These are the types of things I teach in my writing and my new coaching program for single Christian women. I have not released the program yet as I have not had the capacity within my schedule and life in general, but one day it will be released.
In the meantime, consider getting a Christian dating coach who can provide the wisdom and direction needed to gain your heart’s desire without compromising who you are at the core. Or add yourself to my newsletter to receive my blogs when released and information about my books, courses, and coaching. When we compromise who we are at the core, we have to continue to do so to make any relationship birthed out of that compromise work.
Finally, there is a time and place for everything under the sun. If you desire to dance for your husband later after you get the ring—have at it! It’s honorable to share all of you with someone who truly values you. That’s the gentleman who deserves it—not a random in the club.
Can you recognize when you are being asked to relinquish your femineity? We live in a world where roles are confused within relationships. Back in the day, men could be trusted to lead, protect, and provide. Women were expected to help with the things that men could not do such as taking care of the home—cooking the meals, cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and doing other errands. The goal was for the couple to help one another to provide a stable home filled with peace and security.
Of course, peace and security were not always the result, but the willingness to work together not leaving everything to one partner is a pattern that helped marriages to last. Many relationships are so selfish; they cannot help but result in a one-sided relationship where one party takes on all of the responsibility for the home and the relationship. If the responsible party is a woman doing both the role of the man and the woman; she will grow to resent the man. Why? Because she has relinquished her femineity.
In relinquishing her femineity, she relinquishes the right to feel protected and becomes a protector. She relinquishes her right to feel secure and becomes security for the man. She gives up her right to receive as a woman and only gives until she is depleted and cold. This is not God’s will for women in a relationship. Both parties need to be committed to the goal of doing what is necessary to make the relationship work however that looks for each couple.
Ahab was a passive man, who was double-minded in his thinking. He was disobedient to the Lord and felled to carry out the things he was to do. As a King, instead of seeing how he could legally gain a field he wanted—he whimpered and complained to his wife. She then took things into her own hands using his authority as king to gain the field he wanted.
Women are typically socialized to be passive, but Ahab was passive. I don’t agree that passivity is healthy for men or women, but socially women are normally in a position of submission to a man because his manly integrity demands it. Ahab did not have that in him. He was not leading Jezebel. He was being led by Jezebel and she was leading in the wrong direction.
He did not stand up to lead spiritually following the Lord—although he was an Israelite. His passivity and lust caused him to seek out a woman who believed contrary to him. He ended up handing his kingdom over to this woman. She used the authority of the kingdom to pursue God’s prophets threatening to kill them.
A man who doesn’t care about what direction his life heads as long as he gets the booty is not in a position to walk like a King. He is also not in a position to lead a household in a healthy direction. That responsibility will simply fall on the woman and she will resent him for this if she marries him.
Don’t get me wrong. Some manipulative women willfully seek men out who operate out of a spirit of Ahab—relinquishing their responsibility as a man. Men will need to watch out for women who place their value and worth only in their ability to manipulate things by their looks.
A man should lead in three areas—spiritually, provision, and protection. If a man isn’t doing this for himself, with his family—sisters, brothers, parents, and friends; why would he do this with his wife and his household? Learn to look for fruit that the man you decide to commit to is willing to take on his responsibility.
Finally, this article is not to limit a man to a particular role all of the time or women. There are times in a marriage when a partner is stronger or weaker in an area and the other has to hold up the family and the spouse. For example, in sickness, this is the case. There are other examples of couples helping each other out to support a dream or a marriage business. These things are absolutely fine.
The issue is laziness, lack of responsibility, and a lack of fire to seek out the development necessary to become a man doing what a man is expected to do. No woman wants to feel as though she is in a relationship alone. If a man isn’t ready to take on the responsibility of manhood for himself and his future family; let him be.
Prayerfully, he will get it right at some point but do not lower yourself by doing for him what he isn’t willing to do for himself as a single man. Pay attention to see if he is following God well as a single man. Is he protecting the women in his life—his sisters, mother, friends? Does he respect women in general? Is he responsible in running his household—keeping up his bills, saving, and making wise decisions? If not, and he refuses to take the necessary steps of growth and responsibility, you may find yourself doing both his role in a relationship and yours too. You will only resent him becoming bitter and cold.
As a woman, you have a right to be feminine, feel protected, valued, and loved by the man you choose. You have a right to know the man you choose is really in it with you for the long haul. As a single woman, you have a choice to treat yourself with the love, protection, value, and worth you desire from a man. Remain under the covering of the Lord and those he’s provided in your life to remind you of your value and keep it moving when you cross paths with a man who simply isn’t ready yet in the ways we’ve mentioned in this article.
There are some things that should be in place before Christian dating. It’s interesting how many want to just jump into a relationship without wisdom or support. Dating is no joke. Yes, it’s just a set time to meet someone getting to know them. However, dating can easily become serious as it can involve the heart. The Bible cautions us to guard our hearts because out of it flows the issues of life. This means every other area of our lives can be affected simply by what we allow into our hearts.
Just like we guard our hearts against false doctrine and lust. We must also guard our hearts against relationships that should not go further than a first date or phone conversation. We don’t want to lead ourselves astray because of our desires. This is why I’ve listed a few things that must be in place before a process of dating is implemented.
Trust in God Must Be in Place in Christian Dating
It’s great to have a holy desire for marriage. This means a desire to honor God in an equally yoked relationship that leads to marriage. However, these types of relationships aren’t being given out overnight. Those who desire to walk out the process of honoring God in relationships are rare. It takes sacrifice to honor God in singleness as well as in a Christian dating relationship. It is uncomfortable at times to honor God as a single person. Thus, many have chosen the route of self-gratification.
Some people simply have become discouraged not believing there is anyone out there who also desires to honor God. So, they’ve joined the party of self-gratification. Self-gratification is immediate and fleeting at the same time. The long path of self-denial through obeying God in the present will build our trust in God.
As we allow an intimate relationship with the Lord to be developed within us as singles, we’ll start to see that it is possible to do things God’s way because God helps us to honor him. The resolve that we’ve gotten through growing in our trust in God prepares us for the process of Christian dating.
Then, we won’t choose what’s in front of our face just because it’s there. We will choose what is best for us instead. Our faith and trust in God will have become built to know that the same God who delivered us from ourselves and our weak flesh will be the same God who will bring us a godly spouse at his appointed time.
Wholeness is having the right perspective on how we see ourselves and how we see God. I share about this in-depth in my book, “The Wholeness Action Plan.” When we are walking in wholeness or alignment with what God says, we no longer question if God is good. We know God is good and his plans toward us are good. Therefore, we walk in expectation of God’s promises in our lives with confidence. We no longer see ourselves as unworthy or not enough. We’ve learned to draw our worth and value from what will never pass away and that is God’s word. We are God’s masterpiece intentionally created to give God glory. We take joy in the life God has blessed us with.
Wholeness is not perfection. It’s being honest with ourselves and taking personal responsibility for ourselves as well. When we take responsibility we can be honest about our faults and correct them growing in our perspectives. This will cause healthy decision making in future dating.
Healthy Community is Important in Christian Dating
If you follow me on social media; you’ve heard me, say to make relationship choices out of your full life and not loneliness. We all need others. When we are enjoying genuine relationships with a healthy community that doesn’t judge us, but instead allows us to be ourselves—it helps us to stand firm in our identity.
It also helps us to keep our boundaries in place as we get to know others. A healthy community also helps with our discernment while Christian dating ensuring we aren’t settling for less or conforming to something we aren’t to be in a romantic relationship.
When we make dating relationship choices out of our fullness we aren’t desperate for whatever comes our way. We should already have healthy and full lives that we enjoy. This includes hobbies, friends, work, family, and passions we are living out. We can more easily pass up the wrong ones while being patient for the right ones that compliment who we are.
We should be familiar with who we are in Christ. Out of that, we should be walking in our God-given purpose. Walking out our God-given purpose is an exciting journey that causes us to grow. As we are growing, we will further learn ourselves.
This process allows us to choose someone who will be good for us now and who we are becoming. Too many people choose someone off of what’s temporary. They feel lonely. They no longer feel lonely with a person as a place-holder for loneliness. Choosing someone based on our temporal needs isn’t enough to sustain a long-lasting healthy relationship. We should choose someone who would complement who we are as a total person not just one part of us. Dr. Henry Cloud author of “Boundaries in Dating” goes into detail about this.
Also, do you have any beliefs, hurts, unforgiveness, or fears that could be sabotaging your chance at a healthy relationship? God will reveal things to us that need to be healed. Sometimes, he will use a friend to point things out as well. Our response should always be humility when things are pointed out within us. God’s grace and healing come when we are humble. Invite others in to help you to work through any issues presented so you can fully enjoy this life God’s given you to have.
There are a lot of people in this world with a lot of different viewpoints. It may take some time to find someone on the same page. Don’t give up and become pessimistic in your spirit if you experience many wrong ones before the right one. This is life. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you or that no one is out there who is appropriate. You have to remain patient trusting in God and continue to be open to meet the right one. The right one is out there. Take breaks when you feel you need it from meeting new people or dating. You will need to continue to focus on what causes hope on the inside of you to avoid becoming pessimistic and giving up. I follow social media accounts that are positive and have testimonies of God-honoring relationships. I also fast and pray as led to quiet myself to hear God’s voice. All of these things help with patience.
Firmness in your values and boundaries
You should not desire marriage so much that you are willing to shift your boundaries and values. Your values are your firm beliefs stemming from your convictions and the Word of God. Your boundaries protect your values. Without this being in place, you will not have the discernment needed to choose who is good for you. Those who honor and respect your boundaries show you that they honor and respect you. It’s even better when the suitor you are dating has his own boundaries in place to honor God himself. Don’t fall for someone who temporarily respects your boundaries but seeks to lead you into sin because they do not have their own boundaries. Your values should match the person you decide to continue to date. If they do not this is a huge red flag the person isn’t for you. Finally, everyone you share values and boundaries with may not be good for you either. Learn to follow the peace of God when meeting people. God gives much discernment in dating.
Some Christian’s sexual fears are no doubt challenging. These fears and anxieties have to be carefully navigated if one wants to be successful during the stage of singleness on to a healthy marriage. Below are some of the more recent fears I’ve been hearing about from guys and girls on Clubhouse about being single.
Some men feel marrying a girl who is too spiritual will cause him to be short-changed in the bed-room
This adds to some of the fear and anxiety when it comes to approaching a woman of God because ultimately some men fear being stuck in a sexless marriage. I don’t like the term too spiritual. I’d prefer to label someone as either balanced or imbalanced. Being imbalanced is where a person chooses to develop their spiritual disciples and character, but completely ignore any other areas in need of development. The Bible shares with us that natural exercise is useful, but spiritual exercise is more useful.
Thus, we have to be careful how we portray a view of being too spiritual. It’s not being spiritual that is a problem but neglecting the exercise of development in other areas. We all should be balanced. We have to be able to operate in this world well. That is the purpose that God left us in the world so we have to be intentional about developing in a wide array of areas.
A man can simply have a conversation with a woman. This can be done without leading her to believe he is making her his girlfriend. This will help a man to know where the girl’s head is before he commits to anything with her. He can also peep her social media accounts if they are public. There is no need to label all single Christian women as too spiritual or imbalanced. But a man of God looking to pursue a wife must remain in faith that God has the right girl out there for him and he will lead him to that girl.
In the meantime, Christian men should work on being disciplined sexually and crucifying the sinful nature of the flesh.
This will help him to focus on getting to know a girl for who she is—making her feel safe. When a woman sees that a man makes her feel safe, she becomes more comfortable opening up to that man sexually at the right time within a godly covenant of marriage.
Approaching the idea of sex simply from a selfish aspect and not a sacrificial aspect creates its own barrier to intimacy and sexual fulfillment. It’s similar to Christ and the church. The woman is a metaphor for the church in scripture and she fully surrenders to God making herself a living sacrifice acceptable and fulfilling to God as a natural response to God’s sacrifice made for her. See the below scripture:
And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
– Romans 12:1
Worship in the Bible is also a metaphor for sexual intimacy. The idea is the man has made the sacrifice like Christ to make the woman feel so safe and so loved that she is willing to fully surrender herself to that man, body, and all. That’s a free nugget for a great sex life brothas. Thank me later 😊.
Also, great sex in a marriage has to be built on more than natural things like sexual attraction and a desire for sex. A lack of sex in a marriage is normally a sign of a deeper issue that needs to be addressed. So, a level of depth and maturity will be required to avoid a sexless marriage.
Also, a level of vulnerability and respect when things are shared will need to be prioritized in a marriage to avoid a sexless marriage.
For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. – 1 Tim 4:8
1 Timothy 4:8
Some Christian’s Sexual fears include not ever having a safe space to express themselves fully sexually
I’m familiar with this being a concern of women rather than men. There are men out there who label women who have committed to abstinence or who are virgins as asexual. They also assume that for a woman to remain chaste as a single she must have a gift where sexual desire isn’t there. Many women also notice how some Christian men will more readily gravitate toward choosing a girl who may be less chaste. Because of this, there is a fear that if they remain chaste it means they will be alone.
Not to mention the Instagram models who show everything. Many men of God have the idea of the Instagram model in their minds; thus many women who have practiced chastity and purity are discouraged from doing so out of fear of being alone and never being given a chance to express the love that she feels inside toward another.
Girls in this situation need to remember that their trust isn’t in man and how men perceive them, but their trust should be fully in God to provide a safe, loving, and caring relationship. We should also remember to be thankful because God is protecting us from the men who would use us and discard us if we did give into sex before the proper time.
We have to remember if God has promised us a godly spouse; it doesn’t matter what man thinks and how we are perceived as a man will not be the one to bring God’s promise to pass, but God will. Keep your eyes on Jesus and surround yourself with men of God who will encourage you to continue on your journey of dedication to God in both body and spirit. These brothers will be a reminder that you do not have to change who you are negatively or lower your morals to find a godly man.
Some single men have shared their fear of having to marry someone they aren’t physically attracted to:
I just want to say that the men are not alone. Women want to be physically and sexually attracted to their spouses as well. This is a choice that both of us have. Often women are expected to look past the physical and sexual attraction, but this isn’t wise. We have to be honest with ourselves and choose someone who meets our needs as well as honors God and has great character. We may need to be open however to someone we normally would ignore as our person may come packaged differently than expected. Men have the temptation of looking at Instagram models who do not look like their best photo all of the time.
Women are very clever and we have ways of dressing ourselves up for the gram, but in real life, we may look different. If you’re a guy with an unrealistic picture of a woman in your mind that most women do not look like; it may take you longer to find your spouse.
Be open to all strokes of beauty’s paintbrush. You may find a beautiful woman that you want and need if you broaden your spectrum outside of the woman you would normally talk with. Women who desire only 6 ft. men and up may have to also do the same thing. Minute features of a potential spouse like height, hair length, dress, and in some cases, weight can be adjusted. If a person was beautiful to you and had a minute feature that needed adjusting; would you be willing to work with them or be patient with them on that feature?
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