
A Robotic Mentality of Marriage Instead of a Human Mentality:

Routines are good because they can help us to practice discipline, but routines can be harmful when the importance of a routine takes precedence over intimacy and genuine mental and emotional connection in a marriage. Being robotic in a sense where work becomes more important than seeing that there is something wrong with your spouse can become an issue. Resentment can become a natural reaction and a wedge of separation is formed.

Take, for example, a couple who normally goes to church on Sunday. The husband takes the trash out every Tuesday, kisses his wife, and everything seems fine. The wife is taken care of financially, talks all day to her husband, cooks, and everything is fine. Let’s say the man breaks the routine and doesn’t want to talk so much. Maybe, he starts to withdraw and even picks up some bad habits that aren’t characteristic of a Christian and not what the godly wife expects.

If the woman condemns him for his actions of breaking the routine that she expected instead of fighting alongside him against the root cause of the issue; that man may feel as though he is in his marriage alone and he may withdraw even more. Meanwhile, the wife attempts to garner support from others sharing that her husband is no good based on his actions in the current moment of the struggle rather than the character of the man she chose to marry and love. She fights more so for the routine to be re-installed than for the husband that she says she loves. This can be a serious issue in a marriage.

The Bible shares the below about a foolish woman:

A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. – Proverbs 14:1

In the scenario above, the woman has an opportunity to apply wisdom. It will be uncomfortable, and it will expose some insecurities she may have, but if the man is a genuine godly brother and she a genuine godly sister, the both of them will grow stronger together because of the wisdom applied that would cause them to fight alongside one another rather than fight one another. The woman in the scenario; however, is fighting for the comfort of her robotic routine rather than the freedom of her spouse.

Sadly, some women have a fairytale―all about me attitude, when it comes to marriage. This attitude requires the man to only perform for her. When the man shows weakness; he is put down, disrespected, verbally abused, and almost discarded.

She sees him as her robot instead of a human. Humans have weaknesses, run into roadblocks, and sometimes get overwhelmed and discouraged. Sometimes they need their spouse to show genuine concern for what’s going on with them.

Likewise, some men want to only use their wives sexually as a coping mechanism to get through without showing concern for her emotionally. She is more than a sex object, but a whole human being.

I didn’t even mention how having children can amplify the situation. The routine of robotism can cause a couple to forget the genuine need of one another to simply be. That is to be safe, heard, valued, and comforted with knowing they get one another and are there for one another.

Continued robotic routine with the man and woman only performing for one another to keep the peace, can begin to eat away at true intimacy and emotional and mental connection. Eventually, the couple may become cold and hard wondering how they got there.

This is a real issue. The couple will have to realize it took time to get like this and it will take time to get out of this. Humility will be required for both parties to come together and communicate with respect. A third-party counselor can help to mediate this. If the spars at one another have gotten too harsh for peace; brief separation may be required while each person takes responsibility in working on him and her selves.

“Self-righteousness will not hold a marriage together. There’s going to have to be some humility from both parties.”

Don’t do marriage alone. Allow wise and mature people in enough to build you up and tell you both the truth. Check out resources at Build a Better Us Ministry as they provide education and workshops around this topic.

Tests in your marriage can bring you together in a stronger way if you have the proper wisdom to navigate it. Here wisdom from the Word of God below

See the parable in Luke 11:39 when Jesus and his disciples are questioned by the religious leaders on why they do not wash their hands before eating.

Jesus’ response was to share with the religious leader that it isn’t about the routine of washing the hands or washing the outside of a cup, but the inside of the cup. In other words, Jesus was saying they were focused on the wrong thing.

They want to have an appearance of cleanliness, but where it counts which is the inside of a person, the inner man of the heart, that is neglected. The Bible says that it’s the inner man where various sins are birthed out (See Matthew 15:16-20).

When a couple focuses on a robotic routine instead of tending to the inner man of themselves and the spouse; they focus on the wrong things leaving themselves vulnerable for an attack on their marriage.

The Difference Between Walking in Fear or Boldness Toward God

Have you ever been in a place where you feared condemnation because you came face to face with your weaknesses and frailties as a man or woman? What did you do? Did you begin to believe the lies of the enemy that told you that you weren’t enough or that you did not measure up?
God provided a way for us to be bold and confident in dealing with him even while confronting our weaknesses. That way is to be acquainted with his love.

Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God has to us. God is love, and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him. 1 John 4:15-16

Herein is our love made perfect (complete or mature) that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as he is so are we in this world. 1 John 4:17
There is no fear in love, but perfect (complete, full-grown, or mature) love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

The above scriptures say a whole lot. The main point is first knowing and believing God’s love for us. This is one of the main areas we get attacked in especially if/when we fall into sin. Condemnation and the lies of the enemy set in to blind us from the truth of God’s love toward us. This is a rabbit-hole many fall down when they are only acquainted with God according to laws, rules, and religion, and not being acquainted with the fact that God loves them despite their weaknesses.

God knew about every one of our weaknesses before we would come to Christ and he has already made provision to heal us and to deliver us. Part of that deliverance will come from the humility of realizing God’s commitment to us is not contingent upon our works or performance. It’s contingent upon his decision before the foundation of the world to love us.

Have you ever heard the term, “I’m a mess, yet he still loves me?”

The acceptance, love, worth, and value that God offers us while we’re still in the process of coming to maturity produces humility that draws us to the Lord. That humility makes us want to seek him and love him back in keeping his commandments and becoming more acquainted with him.

We love him because he first loved us. – 1 John 4:19

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1

Becoming more acquainted with God’s love and mercy toward us allows us to worship God in a more meaningful way—not just singing songs, but offering our bodies to him, allowing our discomfort in denying ourselves to be turned to the comfort of knowing and walking with him.
This is why it is so important to become acquainted with God’s love in maturity. Immaturity regarding God’s love will have us going in the same circles and cycles of sin again and again. Those stuck in cycles may be depending on fear and trying to hold things together due to fear instead of resting in the bold understanding of God’s love and commitment to us.

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love. May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. – Ephesians 3:17-19

Christianity is not the survival of the fittest. It’s the thriving of those who learn to rest in God’s love. The survival of the fittest concept means some make it and some don’t based on their own merits. It means some are cut out for this and some aren’t, but God made a way that everyone who believes in him would overcome no matter what their strengths and weaknesses are.

We become acquainted with God’s love through dwelling in God, who is love. See verse 16 again in 1 John 4. Whatever you do, seek to dwell in God. Pray that he would reveal himself to you and his great love toward you. Always believe in God and his word no matter what twists and turns life takes you on. Remember that God is for you always and never against you.

Love meaning: brotherly love, affection, goodwill, love, benevolence. Love feasts (Thayer Definition.)

The above description of love is how God sees us. His thoughts toward us surround the idea of dear affection, goodwill, and benevolence. When we are assured of this we can walk in confidence and boldness toward God according to the scriptures.

Boldness:Freedom in speaking, unreservedness in speech. Openly, frankly, without concealment. Without ambiguity or circumlocution. Without the use of figures and comparisons. Free and fearless confidence, cheerful courage, boldness, assurance. The deportment by which one becomes conspicuous or secures publicity (Thayer definition.)

The opposite of boldness is fear and torment. A fearful and tormented person is always afraid of doing something wrong, not being accepted, and not being good enough. The fearful person is afraid of punishment and hesitant in living a bold life stepping out in firm faith and belief in God. God’s will for us in life is not to walk in fear, but boldness toward him. We should know God and know that he is for us. We should be people well acquainted with his love.

The Non-Existence of Dating…

From personal experience, dating God’s way often means long periods of not dating at all. When was the last time you’ve been on a date? Be honest. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you have not dated in a while. I used to be ashamed of not having gone on a date in a long time. I used to even question myself if I was worthy of being courted, pursued, or finely dined. As an older person, who’s been there and done that; I realize I don’t want it unless it’s with someone that I can potentially see a future with.

I’m 37 years old. I date with purpose when I date. I desire real genuine love and commitment, and I strongly believe that is out there for me in God’s timing. I had to learn to wait for what’s right over right now. It can be discouraging as a woman with standards not being asked out by men who share the same values. As a Christian, I don’t want to be unequally yoked. I only want to marry another Christian, so I only date other Christians, but there’s the thing of Christian men not approaching Christian women. As a Christian woman, who’s primarily approached by none Christian men; it can be a temptation to try to fix a man or missionary date a man, but when you’re mature and you’ve been there and done that; it’s no longer an option.

Probably the greatest issue that our generation faces is bringing men and women together of like minds and values to build together. The first and foundational part of building a healthy relationship is to have similar values. The core values are the things that are less typical of changing. They hold everything else up built upon them. Core values are your strong personal convictions such as your faith, your morals, and attitudes around family, money, social norms, and the treatment of others.

Once the values are in place, other less important aspects of a potential partner can be considered like how much money a person makes, how big or small their belly is, or their height. These things can be compromised on, but core values must be agreed upon. The Bible says, “How can two walk together except they are agreed? (Amos 3:3)”

Don’t feel like you’re doing yourself a disservice by not having gone on a date, but rather be open to communicate with various men you meet whether in the church, at an event, in the grocery store, or whatever venue. Just be open to communicate with him to find out what their values look like. When you are whole, content, and self-loving enough to pass up on what doesn’t align with your core values; you’re ready to truly date with a purpose. You’re equipped with patience to wait as long as it takes because you embody being a woman or man of God who knows s/he’s worth it.

For the ladies, I have a game-plan that you can use when going throughout your day and a man approaches you. You can ask him a question that will begin to show you pieces of his heart. This question also leads to more questions where you can either connect with him further or back up and gracefully let him know you aren’t the one for him. I believe we all have a match if the Lord wills. Everyone simply just isn’t for us, and it’s okay to recognize that and gracefully keep it moving.

Patterns of the Heart: Conversations

This blog post is a video of an interview that I did with Camille of Purely Bacherlorette on my latest book, “Patterns of the Heart: Discernment in Choosing a Potential Spouse.” I share regarding my journey as a 37-year-old virgin and single Christian woman, and how I learned to accept myself, overcame brokenness due to my household upbringing, and how I learned to appreciate God’s grace even more and how appreciating God’s grace even more is a good prerequisite to getting into a marriage relationship. Finally, we cover pretty much all of the questions in the book briefly along with other nuggets.

Watch the full interview below:

The Climate of America

These last two weeks have been heavy. The climate of our country has been sensitive due to the overwhelming impact of several Black people being slain by Police officers or White aggressors in such a short time.

We watched the nation go into chaos as the last straw was drawn when George Floyd lost his life to Derek Chauvin. People were tired. Blacks were tired and for the first time, some of us have seen support from all over the entire world against police brutality against Blacks. Not only that but many of us seen White clergy and other Whites, who had never admitted that racism existed admit that racism is real.

I watched White commentators on several national television news shows admit to systemic racism in this country. There was something different about this time when we took the hit of losing yet another of our own. Other people began to take the loss with us, and that provided some type of relief, but this isn’t over. There is much to be done.

The Bible isn’t silent on such an issue of what we have been experiencing in America. God’s word says chaos is to be expected under leadership that does not prioritize justice. It also says that when the wrong leaders are in position the people will mourn. Finally, God’s word talks about how we can easily lose heart becoming discouraged when fathers, metaphorical for leaders, aggravate their children, metaphorical for constituents, provoking them to discouragement and disheartenment. These are all things we are currently seeing in our country. Humility among leaders who genuinely care for people will be the answer to this sensitive situation.

Proverbs 29:4 – By justice, a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down.
Proverbs 29:2 – When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged. Another version says to lose heart.- Col 3:21

James Baldwin shares a quote that communicates the sentiment of the tired and disheartened:

“The Most dangerous man of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.”

The above quote, speaks to the a result of marginalization and the grief of seeing our people killed again and again and how grief can cause us to experience a myriad of emotions at one time, which can lead to losing rationale and possibly self-destructive behavior. We want to avoid self-destructive behavior that lacks rationale at all costs and re-direct our anger into producing positive change.

The answer to this crisis of police brutality that lacks justice is to have the proper leaders in place who will prioritize justice in our country, which will reduce the chaos and create stability. Some of our great leaders, who are still living are encouraging us in this effort such as President Barack Obama, and T.D. Jakes. They challenge us to become more aware of our local officials that we vote into office to hold them accountable because they affect the policies that determine whether we will get justice as it relates to police brutality or not. Thank God for godly leaders who genuinely care about the people and practice wisdom galvanizing others for change and providing stability. Leaders like Barack and T.D. Jakes are so very important to us right now.

In the video, I also share my thoughts on people’s response to Black Lives Matters. For more practical things you can do in addition to prayer, feel free to peruse the list below:

  • Create a safe space for ourselves and others where we are willing to listen to others and we’re willing to be aware of when we are personally being overwhelmed.
  • Guard our hearts by not focusing too much on the negative images out there. Also, protect our emotional and mental health by avoiding unproductive arguments with those who oppose justice and make this moment about them.
  • Build ourselves up praying, listening to edifying information, and abiding in a healthy community with those who seek justice as justice is a part of the heartbeat of God.
  • By all means, do not tell others racism doesn’t exist. Read a book if you are familiar with systemic racism. Some book suggestions are Michelle Alexander’s, “The New Jim Crow” and “The Color of Law” by Richard Rothstein.
  • Give financial donations to organizations on the frontline
  • March to help create urgency of these issues
  • Subscribe to newsletters of organizations who are on the frontline fighting for justice for opportunities to get involved.

Organizations that we can get involved with:

  • Woke Vote
  • NAACP Legal Defense Fund
  • My Brother’s Keeper
  • Color of Change
  • Black Futures Lab
  • Campaign Zero
  • Center for Policing Equity
  • National Black Justice Coalition
  • Movement for Black Lives
  • New York City Anti-Violence Project

Finally, remember we do not have to turn our hearts against Christ to remain committed to justice. It is not God’s will for Blacks or any people to endure injustice. God is with us and for us and he is for Justice.

Why I Agree that Some Single Women Do Not Care to Take Accountability

Recently, I was made aware of a show called “The Talk Back” series by Poet Ezekiel Azonwu. He has a YouTube channel called “The Azonwus” where his series can be watched. It’s an experiment where there are three urban men and three urban women who are seated with their backs turned toward one another. They ask each other questions and respond freely without seeing the facial reactions of the others.

During part 1, the ladies ask each of the men why they are single and the first brother shared that many single Christian women do not take personal accountability. Further, he shared that many single Christian women do not know what accountability is. He went on to make the point sharing that many women have dealt with such low-quality men; that they have not honestly had to look at themselves taking responsibility for where they fall short because they’re so distracted by the low-quality men.

I believe there is some truth to the above statement and it’s a scary thing for women in that position because those women aren’t yet humbly self-aware. Because they aren’t humbly self-aware of their faults or need for personal growth for focusing on the dirt of low-quality potentials; they fail to take action to make healthy changes. They do not see the need to make a change because to them they are okay. This is a common coping mechanism of the insecure. They find someone worse off or weaker than them to make themselves feel they are okay. It’s a legit issue.

I’ve experienced this myself with women who have attempted to date my brothers. We’d normally become friendly until they see an imperfect part of one of my brothers and that’s when they’ve wanted to have a trash my brother session with me, which is not appropriate. However, the immaturity in them not taking personal responsibility doesn’t communicate to them that the whole thought of putting down a relative to another relative is disrespectful. I think the pride and immaturity of not taking self-accountability blinds some women from what is normal and appropriate.

There has been an assumption with some women because I encourage and minister to women that I would agree with certain behaviors such as not taking responsibility or hating on men. That’s simply untrue. I’ve learned to be a balanced woman of balanced discernment, who has embraced the fact that I am human with weaknesses of my own. Thus, I humbly take account of my weaknesses even if it’s uncomfortable, and I pray for those who are too immature to do so. However, when confronted consistently with women, who are this way, who expect me to be on their side; I sometimes have to say something, and it’s often not well received.

I shared in my first book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide’ how God spoke to me in prayer when I was disappointed with the fact that I had not seen many godly men my age. God told me to focus on him and not on the men, who had been inappropriate. When we are abiding in God in honesty and humility; we are more aware of the work that God is doing in us. God will expose things within us to take account of and give over to him. There is a promise from God where He promises to prune those who abide in him and who have bought forth good fruit in the past. God prunes us so that we bring forth more good fruit.

Taking personal responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and perspectives is part of that pruning process. It will be uncomfortable. God will have to cut somethings away―wrong thinking, pride, arrogance, and idols resulting in a humble woman, who depends on God. Submitting to God’s process and continuing to take responsibility for what God shows us will always result in deliverance and healing for us.

Therefore, confess (take ownership of) your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. – James 5:16

Are you a woman who does not take accountability? How do you feel about the statement that many single Christian women do not take responsibility? How do you think failing to take responsibility will affect a relationship or a marriage? Do you think this can prevent a woman from getting into a relationship? Please, share in the comments below:

Watch the video from, “The Talk Back” below:

Vulnerability as a Doorway to Relationships and Living Fully:

Vulnerability is exposing ourselves to the possibility of being hurt. Vulnerability, according to Chip Dodd, is the doorway to living fully in relationships. He used as an example a child who naturally expresses each of their emotions acknowledging when they feel happy, sad, scared, and other emotions.   Chip also bought out the point that we can only live fully in relation to others.

When we cling to barriers like pride; it acts against our ability to be vulnerable and to live fully by hiding our hunger for relationships. It makes us wear a face that keeps others away instead of inviting them in. While this may be useful in keeping the wrong people away; it’s also keeping the right relationships from coming into our lives.

The way out of this trap is to begin to tell the truth about how we really feel. Chip shared a revelation of the word confession as it relates to the below scripture in the Bible:

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. – James 5:16

Confess, in the above scripture, means to fest up to being human as shared by Chip. To be human means acknowledging we aren’t God. We’re in need. We long and we feel, desire, and hope for things. Simply put, confession is when we begin telling the truth about being human and quit trying to pretend we’re otherwise.

I bought up the example of how many single women use ambition to cover up their desire to become vulnerable. We focus on being successful outwardly; while needing healing and vulnerability inwardly. This type of lack of vulnerability leads to Isolation which becomes like a dangerous prison.
However, we all as human beings go through spaces like this at various times in our lives, and God’s word promises to take away the cold hardened heart that caused us to lack genuine vulnerability and to give us a more pliable heart made of flesh.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. – Ezekiel 36:26

God makes this promise to us in the below scripture and He gives us his grace to get out there again as people who are willing to be vulnerable and take the risk of knowing others. God’s word warns us that people perish and plans fall for the want of the proper wisdom and knowledge.

In Chip Dodd’s book, “The Voice of the Heart.” You’ll find the wisdom and knowledge to live life fully by understanding and embracing the emotions of our hearts in a God-honoring way.
Watch the full video below for more wisdom from Author, Christian Psychologist and Counselor Chip Dodd. Also, get Chip Dodd’s book, “The Voice of the Heart” by clicking here: Click here

Full interview of Author, Christian Psychologist, and Counselor Chip Dodd on his book Voice of the Heart and Vulnerability:

The Power of Choice

When you choose something you genuinely want; you appreciate it more and are more willing to pay the price for it. I thought about this when I recently went into an office supplies store looking for a printer. The printers had been flying off of the shelves due to Covid-19―possibly because many people are working from home and setting up their home offices.

They did not have any printers left within the price-range I had previously decided to spend. The salesman walked around the store and looked into what inventory he had left. Finally, he came back sharing with me he’d found one more printer near my price-range that had been discontinued maybe 9 months back.

I followed him in anticipation. As I approached the printer, I noticed it looked flimsy and was nowhere near a previous design I’d decided I wanted. I would have been paying about $25 over budget for something of lesser quality. The thought passed through my mind that I would not have to look any longer for what I’d wanted if I chose this flimsy machine that looked as if it would not last very long.

I also wondered why it had been discontinued. Did the company find an error with it, I thought? Were there too many complaints or requests for refunds regarding the printer? I utilized my power of choice to make a confident decision. I decided to pass on the printer because it wasn’t what I wanted. It could not meet my needs for scanning should I have to submit work-related documents that required a signature.

I would have been settling for what was available instead of what I had intended on receiving and spending with my preciously earned money. Because I had a clear vision of a printer that I wanted before I went into the store, I did not have to waste much time trying to convince myself to want something so drastically outside of my vision.

It’s similar when it comes to choosing a spouse. Single ladies and gentlemen, you have options. Just because you may be shopping in a place where it doesn’t seem like you have many options at the moment; doesn’t mean that you should simply choose what’s available—especially when what’s available can’t meet the need nor the vision God’s assigned to your life.

Use that time to build your confidence in trusting the Lord and his good plans for you. Growing in trust towards the Lord will build the confidence you need to turn away from what isn’t for you. You’ll realize your power of choice over settling, and you’ll have the confidence you need to say no when what’s presented isn’t for you. It’s okay to exercise your power of choice to choose wisely.
I ended up looking again online for the specific printer I’d already decided I wanted. I found it at an online store that I’ve bought video and photography equipment in the past. It was on sale for the same price as the cheaper flimsier printer. This time, I was willing to pay the price because it aligned with my vision.

Single ladies and gents, we are waiting for something that not only aligns with our vision, but with God’s vision for us. It’s within that vision, that we’ll be willing to pay the price because it will be worth it. It will be what we’ve chosen all along when we disciplined ourselves to be built into those who’d be mature enough to handle the vision. So, please don’t cast your pearls before swine accepting something only because it’s available, but nowhere near the capacity to sustain the call of God on your life. Be patient and wait to choose what you are sure God has for you through your faith.

Utilize the book, “Patterns of the Heart: Discernment in Choosing a Potential Spouse” to ask thought-provoking questions when dating a potential spouse. Learn more here: Click here

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. – Proverbs 29:18
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. – Matthew 7:6

The Body of Christ Standing Together Against Racism:

In 2014, the country was upset over a young man who laid in the streets for hours like road-kill while many African Americans suffered in grief at another young man’s life disregarded and shamed as to have little value. The country re-lived this pain again and again with others like Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and many more.

Restless with yet hope in God, many went to their church houses looking to hear a word from the Lord and were shocked to find out that those who were once counted as brethren were suddenly divided. Many could not gain any support to walk through this grief from their church homes because the church homes were either in silence or agreement with the negative narratives that were being promoted on the news to devalue the lives of our Black men and women.

Thus, many had to put back on their transient shoes and look for another church to call home. Since then, there have been many discussions and corrections publicly to the Body of Christ to promote the message of unity in the face of racism. Examples of this include Kirk Franklin, who protested TBN last year, and Lecrae who challenged evangelicals on views of racism.

Thankfully, I can say that this time around there is more support from some of our White evangelical leaders. I’m thankful for my new pastor who came out and made a statement and others. Below are statements from Pastors Sam and Taylor Hamstra, Christine Caine, John Bevere, Jentzen Franklin, who pastors in Georgia, and Zauntee, to name a few:

The below messages are from my pastors Sam & Taylor Hamstra of Anthem Church in Hammond, IN.

How awesome it is for injustice to be seen as injustice and life to be seen as valuable no matter the color. This is what so many of us have looked for and longed for in our Christian circles. This is the type of behavior that brings healing and eases the pain. While racism in the body of Christ has not been totally eradicated, it’s hopeful to see that some are willing to stand in unity—mourning with those who mourn no matter the color.

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. – Romans 12:15

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! – Psalms 133:1

This is the real gospel. That is what Jesus Christ died for. The gospel is not always comfortable. Sometimes it means addressing some hard truths. As long as we address these things together in love; that’s what makes the difference. I continue to pray for Mr. Arbery’s family as they’ve lost a precious life and they feel the most pain.

The Urge to Decline the Call:

A little over three years ago, I was going through my morning routine so that I could head to the office. I had my music going and was standing in the mirror getting my hair together. There was a pause in my music, so I looked at my phone and noticed that someone was calling. I keep my ringer on silent 98% of the time. When I looked to see who was calling, it showed ‘NO CALLER ID’ on the screen. I smacked my lips and got back to my routine. I said to myself, “I’m not answering that call.”

In my experience, when ‘NO CALLER ID’ shows up on the screen, it is either someone playing on the phone, a telemarketer, some weirdo, or some scammer. My music came back on for about 10 seconds before being interrupted again. The same thing showed on the screen: NO CALLER ID.

Now, I’m getting irritated and blurted out, “WHO KEEPS CALLING ME?” I grabbed my phone and irritatingly hit the ACCEPT button.

“Yes.”The person on the other end of the phone was a woman. She replied, “Is this (insert nonprofit)?””Yes, it is. Who’s calling?”

I was at the end of my fundraising season and preparing for an event. Therefore, I was not surprised that someone mentioned my organization.

The woman on the phone said, “I saw your flyer on Instagram and I wanted to get more information.”
She identified herself as “Alexa” and said that she was the assistant of a very famous (and rich) person.

In my head, I said, “YEAH, RIGHT!” However, the words that came out of my mouth were, “OK. Yes, what would you like to know?”

Alexa went on to ask my name and other questions that were relevant to my upcoming community event. I interrupted her a time or two and asked her what her name was again. I was skeptical, but my curiosity didn’t let me hang up. I believe I let her continue only because she wasn’t asking me for money or personal information. We finished the call and Alexa told me that I should expect another call soon.

I was not sold on the fact that the woman who called me was really this famously rich person’s assistant. I mean…why in the world would she call ME?! Ten minutes later as I was getting ready to leave, my phone rang again. The same ‘NO CALLER ID’ flashed on the screen. I answered quickly this time. The voice on the other end was different this time.

“Hiiiiiiiiii! Is this Eureka” the woman asked? Her voice was high-spirited. You could tell that she was smiling.

“Yes, it is. Who’s calling?”
“Hi, Eureka! My assistant told me that you didn’t sound very convinced of who she was. This is Khloe Kardashian and I want you to know that what you’re doing for your community is super-duper awesome!”
“Khloe Kardashian? Really? Are you serious? Is someone playing with me this morning?”

I kept calm- walking and talking and still skeptical. I listened to the voice closely. She asked me questions about how long I’d been doing the event and my inspiration for starting it. She explained to me that she somehow saw my flyer on Instagram and that she wanted to donate. She told me to expect an email from her assistant within the week to discuss further and where to send the donation.

I told people on my social media. I don’t think they believed me until Khloe Kardashian commented on one of my posts.

But… what if I had allowed fear and familiarity to keep me from accepting the call? What if my urge to decline had won?
Some of us become fearful when it comes to answering what God has called us to do. Something inside of us tells us to ACCEPT it and ANSWER the CALL, while we struggle with the fear. We get fearful of what may be on the other side of the call. We get fearful of what will can or cannot happen if we answer the call. We get irritated because of what happened the last time we answered a call.
Those things are simply a distraction and ways to keep us stuck. The enemy knows that you become your most powerful and FREE when you answer the call that God has on your life. He knows that favor and blessings are attached to the will of God.

There are blessings and favor on the other side of that fear and anxiety. There are blessings and favor on the other side of unfamiliarity. YOU are a blessing on the other side of fear, anxiety, and what may be said by others. Trust that the call that you accept is ordained by God.

What is not being done because you haven’t stepped up?

Who is not being delivered or set free because you’re afraid of what others may think? What vision cannot be accomplished because you are not in your place?

Don’t decline the call. ACCEPT IT! Get rid of the urge to decline the call on your life.

In my book, A Fancy Tale of Yesterdays, I share how our past experiences can produce fear in us and detour us from the call that God has placed on our life if we allow it.

To purchase, visit or email for a signed copy.
#Purpose #Calling #God #Grace #Mercy #AnswertheCall

If you’re looking to be challenged, you’ve found the right one! Eureka Ice, whose name literally means “I’ve found it!” is a multi-faceted, forward-thinking, straight shooting creative who lives by the belief that the shortest distance between any two things is a straight line.
Having overcome the challenges of teen motherhood, environmental, socioeconomic and generational barriers, she has learned that if she was to be who God called her to be, she would have to blaze her own trail to godly success. Eureka believes that we’re not all just products of our environment, but our choices. She has always been told that her personality was way bigger than her small, 5’2 frame. 
As a speaker, writer, educator, multi-genre author, mentor, and coach she is never afraid to push past the norm while throwing in a mix of humor and fun with godly wisdom.
She has a gift and passion for identifying gifts and talents in others and helping them to be their best selves. She holds quarterly and annual events geared toward personal development.
Eureka was born and raised in Arkansas. She holds a master’s in college student personnel and counseling and a bachelor’s in psychology. She is a mother of two sons (one adult) and enjoys working out, singing, cooking, art & design, sports, and a good laugh.