Are You Ready to Date Part II: Fear & Control or Faith

Continuing from last week, we are reviewing a quiz inspired by my new book, Patterns of the Heart. The quiz helps those who participate in it to see if they are truly ready to date or if they need to still do some individual work as a single person. Last week, we looked at questions 1-2. This week we will look at question number three below. Remember, the book, Patterns of the Heart was written for those who are ready to date. It is packed with questions we can ask during the dating and talking stage to see if we should move forward with a suitor or not.

Question # 3
Do you operate out of fear and control or faith when communicating with the opposite sex?

  1. I operate out of faith, 40%
  2. I operate out of fear and control, 20%
  3. Other, 40%

The above is very important to know when we are communicating with the opposite sex to form a romantic relationship. If we’re operating out of fear and control; we may not be resolved yet in the belief that we are good enough for a romantic relationship. We may still have a broken perspective in that area where we are subconsciously trying to prove to ourselves that we are good enough. We may be motivated by fear of not having what we genuinely desire. Thus, control can come into play causing us to attempt to force a relationship to work that just isn’t it.

This can be seen when only one party is showing interest in the relationship, but the interested party doesn’t take the clue that the other person isn’t interested and continues to press, pursue, or give clues of interest. The other party may take advantage of the weakness of the one acting out of control or fear to get what he/she can. This is an unhealthy imbalance that should be resolved before attempting to get into a relationship.

The person operating out of fear will need to continue to be processed by God allowing the Holy Spirit to teach him/her through trials, tribulations, and circumstances in life that God has him/her no matter what. Thus, there is no need to fear. Once trust is fully grown in this area and a person has fully embraced him/herself; they will be ready to react in a healthy manner when communicating and attempting to build relationships with the opposite sex. The person who deals healthily with attempting to build a relationship with the opposite sex; will not seek to control or force a relationship because he/she is busy trusting in the Lord to lead and guide them to the right relationship.

He will have enough self-respect to know when a relationship isn’t it and when someone isn’t serious about him. He’ll walk away waiting for better knowing that he is worth it.

The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. – Proverbs 10:22

Faith or Denial

Can I be real about some of the things that tempt us to turn away from the living God? There is this battle of questioning that we can sometimes experience after a loss. We may ask ourselves have we been walking in faith or denial?

Namely, this applies to when we are believing God for something in faith that does not happen. What do we do and what do we believe when we’ve believed God for something that it’s become clear to us just isn’t going to happen? Should we turn away from God and believe His Word isn’t true? Should we question whether God loves us because maybe He’s done what we were believing for someone else, but not us?

These are normal questions that come up in the human experience of life. In this life, we face serious and very real difficulties where we lose something. Yes, I said it, and it’s okay to realize that we’ve lost something whether a loved one, loss of use of our fully functioning due to illness, or other things, but life and faith isn’t over at our point of loss.

In the over-spiritualized name it and claim it culture, we sometimes live in denial of what’s really going on. Yes, I believe in living in faith, but I also believe in walking in humility in the circumstance that I am in.

The reality is God wants us to walk in faith, but sometimes we have to walk in a lower place of humility on our way to seeing what faith will produce in our lives. Faith, biblically defined, is the substance of what we hope for and the evidence of things unseen.

In other words, we can have hope, and believe God for a thing, but there is still an element of the unknown to our faith. We aren’t guaranteed that a thing will happen unless God specifically spoke on it. The unseen is just that unseen. We don’t know. There is a humility that is produced within us that comes from the unknown and the crushing of things not happening as we expected.

What we do know is that we are to live our lives trusting in God, depending and relying on God. In this trust, dependence and relying on God, what’s unseen will be manifested. It could be healing, stewardship over something greater than we imagined, or a disappointment. Things may go in a totally different direction than what we were believing for. It’s okay to admit and say that we don’t know, are disheveled, or confused when we are.

God forbid, those who once were believers would begin to turn their hearts against the Lord in hardness of heart because they named and claimed something where God said no. God’s promises are yes and amen. These are things he has promised personally. He promised Joseph personally that he would be in a position of authority over his brothers and He bought it to pass. Things God has not promised specifically to us; He can say no on―whether we name and claim it or not.

God watches over what He’s promised to perform it. That’s his Word. Anything else is unseen and unknown. I myself walked in denial believing God until the end to heal my father when God had already revealed that he would not live any further. Of course, I continued to believe in case the Lord changed his mind as he did with Hezekiah. God’s word stood however and I had to submit to it.

When God says no. We have to submit to it in humility continuing to believe in the Lord. We have to believe that all things work together for our good and that something good will come out of it. I recently heard an awesome message taught by Michael Todd on fading faith for those who’ve experienced loss while trying to believe. He shared how those people needed a personal tangible touch from God. That has been a personal prayer I’d shared with the Lord after my real loss.

I can say that I’ve experienced the Lord walking with me and reassuring me of his presence during this time in such a real way. I believe that it’s helped me not to walk in denial of how I feel, or what I’ve experienced that allows me to continue to walk in faith.

Don’t allow anyone to make you feel ashamed, unspiritual, or lacking in faith for being real about the genuine loss you’ve experienced. God cares about your loss and how you feel. Most importantly, God cares about how we see him because this determines if we’ll be able to believe in him. God isn’t afraid of your honesty as you express the real emotions of your loss. If you feel frustrated, let down, or confused, let God know. Reach out to him so you too can continue to walk in faith over denying him.

Why It’s Important to Celebrate Imperfect Fathers:

It seems that the culture places men on a pedal stool to a degree when it comes to fatherhood. Men are expected to be perfect or they are only considered effective if they’re more on the perfect side. Case and point, recently with the TI conversation about his daughter’s pap-smear appointments. Many were ready to throw TI under the bus because he has a level of fear that he’s been operating in by seeking to control his daughter and his daughter’s sexuality. Yes, I agree that it is a bit overboard, but at least TI is there.

At least, he did not leave. At least, he realizes a need for his daughter to be protected even though that isn’t the best way to go about. At least, he is trying. I’ve never experienced anything like what TI and his daughter are going through, but I did grow up with a controlling father who did things out of fear, and he was a good dad. I turned out amazing not because he was perfect, but because he was there.
Too often in culture, we act as if kids can only turn out well if they’ve grown up in a home similar to Joel Osteen or others that we assume had perfect childhoods, but God can use the imperfections of our fathers to demonstrate his grace, power of redemption and sustainability, and his great love.

I am so extremely thankful for the fact that the Lord allowed me to grow up with my father and all of his imperfections as well as strong suits. When we look at our parents through the eyes of honor being thankful for the fact that they are there, they’ve stepped up to the challenge, and they are willing to learn and grow to some degree; we without realizing it encourage them to be better.

The opposite is beating them down about their imperfections and throwing them away because they do not meet our pedal stool expectations. The reality is none of us can be a pedal stool. We all need the grace to be ourselves as we grow. If TI is at a point of control to attempt to protect his daughter right now; then that’s where he is at. He should not be condemned for not fathering in a way that we expect him to. He is only human and has to grow and develop himself.

When God deals with us, he doesn’t throw us away until we get over our weaknesses. He used Joshua when Joshua was afraid. How did God do that? He encouraged Joshua to be strong and to have good courage despite the frightful circumstance of having to lead the children of Israel to the land of Canaan. Joshua took on the opportunity. He stepped up to the challenge. He may have made some mistakes along the way, but he ultimately did it. He did it through Christ.

This is how we all overcome through leaning on Christ and not ourselves, nor our record of perfectionism and self-righteousness. Finally, when we only focus on the bad of a person and the fact they did not meet our standard for them; we can make them feel like a failure in our eyes and that may make a person want to distance themselves from us. I know I would not want to be around someone who only pointed out my weaknesses.

Something my dad shared with me a few years before he passed was that he could always see the respect that I had for him. That meant a lot to me because I’d always tried to carry myself in that way. It’s important to make sure we are appreciating and honoring our fathers right where they are and this will encourage them to do better.

A Daily Trust in the Lord:

We should not just be trusting God for one thing, but trusting in the Lord should be our daily lifestyle. I believe one of the things God has been dealing with me about is a daily trust in the Lord. Daily trust in the Lord is one of the benefits of resting in God. Resting in God is birthed through journeying through various trials and tribulations and coming out as victorious. This is our inheritance in Christ Jesus.

God’s word provides specific encouragement in enduring through daily life challenges by faith. This restful faith ensures that everything God has promised us will come to pass. We should not be anxious about what God’s promised but instead live in a daily trust. We should not become angry, resentful or rebellious because God’s promise hasn’t come to pass yet.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. – 2 Peter 3:8

The above scripture reminds us that God and humans do not think on the same wavelength as it pertains to time. God is extraordinarily patient when it comes to his promise to return to earth and judge the world. Why? Because he is waiting for other people to come into the kingdom of God. That’s his purpose in being so patient. He wants to make sure everyone he died to save will come to him and receive his salvation.

However, the same chapter in 2 Peter warns against those turning away from God in rebellion as if God’s promise is no longer relevant to them because things have been the same for so long. God wants us to know even though things may be the same for a long time; His word is still true and his promise still stands. We will discover his promise one day in daily faith or if we fall away as the rebellious; we will discover his promise one day in judgment and wrath. We have a choice. What will your decision be?

I’m choosing to continue to rest in daily faith and trust toward the Lord. When we are in this place, we will notice that things that happen that may have been seen as negative or disappointing by others will not affect us as much. Not because we are superhuman, but because our trust has become more firmly rooted in Christ Jesus. This is an amazing place to live in.

Lessons Learned from Married at First Sight Season 9

The show is winding down and this week we’ll see who stays together and who does not. Below I’ve given my synopsis of who I think will stay together and why along with some lessons to be noted for those who wish to have an awesome relationship one day.

Matt and Amber
I saw the error in picking these two to be together from day one. Matt has too many unresolved issues and a pattern of running away from things that appear to be difficult or uncomfortable. So, his parents got a divorce and he was disappointed. Through his disappointment, he has not communicated with his parents in years. This was noted in the first episode.

My first question was why has he not communicated with his family? Why hasn’t he reached out even if they don’t want to talk with him? That is family. His family did not even know he was getting married, so his parents weren’t at his wedding. Matt has some real communication issues, and perhaps some hurt and bitterness toward his parents that he refuses to address. Instead, he runs. He ran to Married at First Sight hoping his marriage would fix his issues, but it didn’t. It only showed him that he wasn’t ready for the real work that marriage required.

His lack of ability to address his issues causes him to project on other people. This is why Amber is the problem in his eyes. This was shared when he said she was too clingy and how he just needed to getaway. Perhaps she is, but that doesn’t negate him taking his responsibility as a man. He just simply was not ready and thus, I do not believe he and Amber will stay together.

Matt should be working on the relationships God has already given him such as with his parents. He needs to find a way to honor his parents and love them and to be present in their lives in spite of their mistakes. He needs personal healing for himself and it will only be found in him facing his issues and taking responsibility. Only after he’s done that can he look toward marriage or else he’ll continue not to take it seriously as he’s been doing.

Iris and Keith
Big-ups to Iris and Keith! Did you all see the cute hug and multiple kisses where each one of them came back for more of each other? That’s what I am talking about! It seems like what they have is genuine, which means that since this show is pre-recorded and we’re just now seeing it; Iris more than likely has already popped open that cookie jar.

I’m proud of these two for actually not just jumping right in focusing on the physical only. They seem to have taken the time to get to know each other. After all, they were just strangers meeting at the altar. I’m proud of Keith for verbalizing that he wanted to honor Iris and wait until she was ready and share that he was not ready. He seemed to take this exercise very seriously and Iris too. She did not allow the peer pressure from others telling her to just give in and be sexual immediately so she would not lose Keith. Because what Iris seemed to place value on was real love and genuine connection, she was not willing to compromise and play the game of changing who she is to avoid losing someone.

That shows her strength and confidence in who she is as a person. That’s a great quality for Keith or any man to have. Many women are too afraid to take the stand she has and they simply play the game of changing who they are to be “loved.” When you know you’re already loved and you’re worthy of real love; you simply do not settle. If her being herself meant she may have lost this awesome man; it would have meant he just wasn’t for her. Iris realized that if Keith was really into her as she seemed to be into him; he would not leave her because she did not have sex with him within 8 weeks. Marriage means the rest of their lives or at least it’s supposed to.

I believe that both Iris and Keith were looking for more than just sex. I believe they were looking for life-partners. They have a lot of the same values, as shared by Keith on last week’s episode, and desires. They seem to also share the same purpose, as well as both of them, work with kids. Finally, they seem to have mutual respect for one another. I believe with these foundational things in place; they’ll be just fine and that they will stay together.

Greg & Deonna
Greg & Deonna are super lovely! Deonna has some obvious walls up. Sometimes she seems as if she can do with or without her husband, but her husband seems to love her. No matter what she throws at him in the form of her walls; his love breaks those walls right on down.

I love the way he looks at her, values, and respects her. That is everything to a woman. I’m pretty sure Deonna will say yes to staying married to him. Greg seems to be every woman’s dream. Perhaps Deonna just isn’t used to being loved like many of us, and thus it’s taking her some time to believe that her experience with Greg is really true. Well, this is a scenario where Deonna will have to become more open in showing Greg how much she appreciates him. As women, we do not want to take the awesome men God’s placed in our lives for granted.

Jamie & Beth
Hmm, what can I say about this couple? When two people just aren’t good for each other; they need to realize that and move forward. Everyone we date or seek to have a romantic relationship with will not be a perfect match, and that is okay. It doesn’t mean that one person isn’t worth love or vice versa. It just simply means; it isn’t a good match. I believe this sums up Jamie and Beth. They aren’t a good match. While Beth is a bit weird into her moon water and such; I don’t believe Jamie takes her seriously unless it comes to them having sex. That seems to be the main bonding point for Jamie.

While Beth wants everything. She wants a man to adore her. I feel like watching them together that Jamie sometimes appears to be speaking to a child when he argues with Beth. He said he wanted someone who was somewhat spontaneous and a bit of a wildflower, but it seems he cannot handle that. He seems to need a woman who is more reserved, laid-back, and quiet. He seems to want someone who also just wants to have a lot of sex while making him feel comfortable. I do not believe they will stay together, and thus they need to accept that they just aren’t a good match.

Just Go Through It:

I’ve talked about this before, but I want to reiterate because I’ve noticed some of my sisters and brothers in Christ causing themselves to be stuck by not leaning on the Lord when it comes to dealing with their insecurities of self-worth and worthiness of an appropriate spouse.

Instead of going through the uncomfortable faze of being single and unattached; some invite others into the space of a potential to hang out with no definition of being there. It isn’t a friendship, but a user-ship of men and women they have no business with. These men and women validate the questions of self-worth within a person; rather than that person relying on Christ for that worthiness.

Yes, it’s uncomfortable to not have a potential that is qualified by God’s standard insight, but it is necessary to develop our trust in God and our character as we wait for what God has for us. If we genuinely trust God; we will be willing to trust God through the uncomfortable. This applies to any part of life where growth is needed.

If you are single and your hormones are burning up. Don’t rely on cheap fixes such as masturbation, air-humping, or porn. Go through it leaning on the Lord for his grace. If you are having problems dealing with difficult people at your job, in your family, or at church; go through it.

If you have a vision or dream God is directing you on, and it isn’t comfortable right now; go through it. If you are trusting God for something that has not panned out yet, and others simply do not understand; go through it.

In the below video, I share the benefits of continuing in an uncomfortable situation in trust, faith, and obedience to God. I share how God uses it to develop us; and those who choose to run from the hard places end up stuck, underdeveloped and in the same place.
Many who run from what’s uncomfortable never confront the real issues of what’s going on underneath their insecurity because their so busy covering their insecurity with distractions; while God is seeking to expose those insecurities for deliverance and reliance on him. Reliance on God is the precursor to miracles in our lives.

Running from discomfort results in resentment for staying in the same place when it’s our responsibility to do what’s necessary to move forward in life. Watch the video below to hear more about remaining in uncomfortable spaces to grow and develop and to also become more reliant upon God.

Are You Resting in the Secret Place?

The more life hits, the greater the value we place on resting in that secret place with the Lord. It’s easy for us just to move with the business of life when things are level. We celebrate, adorn ourselves, and focus on living that good life. That’s all fine and well, but sometimes life calls us deeper into the secret place and focusing more on the inner man or as the Bible states the hidden man of the heart.

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:3-4 (KJV)

This is a scripture God takes me to often to remind me to be still and quiet before him. I’ve recently been going through grief and other things and sometimes it causes me to feel a bit behind with the pursuit of purpose, ambition and plans I’d previously been working on, but I know its important for me to heal so I pace myself.
However, God was letting me know it isn’t about those things so much right now anyway. It’s about my inner man. God wants my inner man rested and secure in him. He wants my inner man quiet no matter the challenges that come my way. He’s been inviting me to rest more in that secret place with him not worrying about falling behind or keeping up the things that others can see. He wants me centered on him.

During the centering on him, God provides wisdom, instruction, rest, assurance, healing, and everything that comes with his presence. I love this place. I love that the Lord draws me nearer to him when I am facing challenges, and he carefully instructs me on how to get through them.
Recently, God had given me Psalms 27 as a road map and confirmation of how he’s been calling me deeper into him:

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.
And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord. – Psalms 27:1-6

David was reiterating that no matter what came up against him; he’d be okay if he focused on what was most important and that is the one thing he desired from the Lord. He desired to dwell with the Lord and to behold the Lord. That is when he saw himself as hidden in God’s place of safety at rest and lifted up far above his enemies. That is the most important thing. It’s more important than keeping up in ministry, appearing to have it all together or anything else we could desire. Maintaining our seek for God and allowing ourselves to be quiet enough to gaze on him helps us to remain hidden in his rest. When life hits hard; we should go deeper in God into that secret place. God is so good that he will be patient with us and coach us there no matter where we find ourselves.

What to Do When You Feel Like You’re Just Existing:

Have you ever had a moment or season in your life where you took such a heavy blow that the pain made you feel like you were just existing? You were tired and lacked the strength to be passionate about the things that were once important to you. You’re just here. I have and I think it’s pretty normal to hit this place in life sometimes.
The first thing we should do when we hit this place is to release ourselves from the shame and guilt for feeling this way. Sometimes, we place false burdens on ourselves as if we have to always feel like we’ve got it all together. However, it’s okay to realize we don’t, we’re weak, and desperately need to depend on God trusting him daily through especially tough places such as this. Below are a few things that we can do to help us get through the tough place of being simply tired and feeling as though we just exist.

Talk to other Believers
Recently, I’d been praying a secret prayer to the Lord asking him to add something to my life that would make me appreciate where I am. Sometimes, we can hit such heavy pain that we do not appreciate the gems that we receive in going through the pain that God allows. We simply want it to stop. Heaven at that point seems like the best idea. We ask God why am I here? I’d rather be in heaven or not to have been born as Job prayed when he went through a hard time. But then, we talk to other believers who are going through the same things. We begin to hear their testimonies and it enlivens our spirit. We begin to wake up and realize there is more to life than our suffering and pain. This adds a little more strength to keep moving forward through the hard place of simply existing.​Over-saturate Yourself in the Word of God
This is super easy for us to do nowadays. We can turn on YouTube and find teaching for free on any subject. We can listen to the Bible on our phones, watch on television or pick up a handy devotional. When we’re in the place of just existing through our in; its hard to study the Word or find the strength to muster knowing what to read in the Bible. In those moments, technology comes in handy.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:8-9

Don’t Stop Seeking the Lord
Of course, the question is always lingering, “Lord do you see? Or what will the Lord make of all of this pain in my life?” There is that wonder of locating the Lord to hear what he will say or do. God always shows up in the hard places in life. However, its easy to place God on the back burner through the despondency of dealing with the present hurt at hand. We wonder if we can go on. We wonder if we’ll ever be as strong in our faith as we once were. God sees and begins to give us more grace and more strength. This adds strength to our faith and answers our hidden questions of whether its all been worth it to walk with the Lord and still go through such pain. We remember that this is simply a part of life that God has already given us the victory over. His strength is what pulls us through each trial and test and we grow in faith and in our seek for God. Allow your trust in the Lord to continue to grow through the circumstance knowing that God knows exactly where you are and his grace is enough for you.

​But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold Job 23:10

Wait on God
God knows how challenging it is to face a feeling of hopelessly existing through hard circumstance and pain. That is why he promises over and over again to show up for the humble, broken, and weak. It creates an expectation within us to be reverent of God being here with us and in our circumstance with us. God shows up providing affirmation, stability, security, and peace. We can expect these things from God’s presence. God shows up with strength for those who wait on him.

Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD! – Psalms 27:14

Count Your Blessings
​When we are in a cold hard reality, it’s hard to count our blessings. If its too hard to thank God for one area in your life; begin to thank him for another area of your life. Eventually, the hard place will become easier when we’ve begun counting our blessings. It helps us to find contentment, joy, and resolve as we walk out our journey with the Lord.

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kind. James 1:2-4

Keep Moving
Pain, hardship, and depression can all be immobilizing. They make us feel like giving up. That’s okay to feel like giving up, but we have to keep moving forward to see what the end is going to be. The hardship, pain, depression, or grief is not the end. It’s simply a hard place on our journey, but our journeys always get better if we stick it out to see how things will shift. I’ve been in a hard place lately, but God himself shines his light on my situation at times just to let me know He’s still there with me, and better is coming. Embracing our weakness, and our need for God is what gives us the strength to keep moving forward because God sends his grace at that point.

For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. – Psalms 30:5

When God Takes Things Away…

When God starts to take things away; he is teaching us to trust him more. Pay attention, and submit to him, and then expect the miraculous. This is what stood out to me in my recent Bible reading time. I’ve been reading about Gideon, who I am excited to read about. I honestly don’t recall reading up on him much in the past. It’s always more exciting to get into an unfamiliar part of the Word of God for myself because I get so excited about what God will show me.

Anyhow, Gideon had been in conversation with the Lord. That is how he ended up at a place where God was going to deliver the Midianites into Gideon’s hand, but Gideon had too many men for God to do so. God told Gideon he had to let several men go or else they’d be able to take his glory. God wanted it to be clear that he was the deliverer and not man.

After several men left Gideon that had been afraid; the men were still too many. God continued to eliminate men from Gideon’s army leaving only 300. It was with the 300, God promised to deliver the Midianites into Gideon’s hand. That is when the miraculous began to happen.

One, our communication with God goes to a new level. Communication with the Lord got Gideon to a moment of seeing God move in a unique way. Not only communication but submitting to God and following him. Actually, walking with God gets us to where we need to be. So many times, we attempt to follow the crowd of Christians, or pastors and leaders without seeking God for ourselves. I firmly believe we can miss out on some experience with God if we do not seek him for ourselves.

Two, our ability to endure becomes more resolute. Gideon did not quit when God began to remove what would have made him comfortable. Having tens of thousands of men in an army to fight with us while going to war is a strong form of security and protection. With such help, why should we deeply concern ourselves with trusting in the Lord? God is aware of this, and often creates discomfort and insecurity inducing awareness of our need to depend on him.

Three, We can only see the miraculous when we do so. Gideon was naturally afraid in a new situation of war. All of his security within the many men who were with him was stripped away. God saw Gideon’s fear and encouraged him to go down to the enemy’s camp with a servant of his. Gideon went down. At that point, he overheard one of the enemies of Israel, a Midianite, share about a dream he’d add. The dream entailed the Israelites overcoming the Midianites led by Gideon. God used Gideon’s enemy to show him the end. After this occurred, Gideon instructed his men to overtake the Midianites yelling a sword for the Lord and Gideon. The Midianites became so afraid that they began to fight each other.

Walking in the Spirit allows you to see the Impossible in your own life:

Sometimes, I think about all of the miracles that Jesus walked around and did while he was on earth as a man, and I wonder how we can see those things on today. I always come back to the below scripture:

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. – John 5:19

I can only ask myself in those moments, “what did God last say or last show me?” If Jesus could only do what he saw his father do, and the servant isn’t greater than his Lord; then I have to move in the same manner that Jesus did in order to see the miraculous and impossible in my life.

There is this name it and claim it theology in the body of Christ, but if we name and claim something God has not said or shown us; we are not guaranteed to have that. We are however guaranteed what God has said.

This was confirmed also by another scripture that came to my mind where Ezekiel was bought to a valley of dry bones. He was asked the question if the dry bones could live, and his response was to look to the Lord. That is when the Lord gave him the Word to command that the dry bones live and that the breath of God would enter into the bodies, and skin would appear on them.

The scripture goes on to state that the bones began to come together and form into men with skin and skeletons fashioned appropriately together. The result of Ezekiel’s obedience in declaring what the Lord gave him was a whole army of men that had formerly been dead. That is clearly the impossible becoming possible because a man was in a position to listen to and follow the Lord.

In life, we will face impossible challenges where we may not know how to proceed forward, and that is okay. We have to be careful in those times to hear the voice of the Lord and to follow what God shows us to speak and do because it’s God’s word that sets our expectation and allows us the strength to proceed forward.

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.  I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. – Ezekiel 37:7