Why Dating a Person With a Religious Spirit is Just as Bad as Dating a Worldy Person

The religious person has the appearance of being in Christ. However, instead of abiding in Christ which means to be so submitted to Christ that a person commits to the process of being a true believer. This process includes a willingness to be led by the Spirit of God and the word of God.

Also, it means allowing refinement and growth to take place through submitting to the word of God continually. The religious person still operates according to the standards of the world. He picks and chooses what he will submit to in God’s word making his own standard of righteousness. Here is the worst part. This man is so prideful in his religious spirit that he sees no need to change.

Consequently, the person who operates in the above manner is not fit for marriage because marriage is all about growth for both the man and woman. Humility is also very much so required for the married couple to grow. Without it, the marriage will become stunted and die.

The person who chooses to walk in a religious spirit instead of allowing God’s process of sanctification, preparation, refinement, and freedom through submission to Christ has also stunted his own growth. He thinks he is the bomb, but he is really spiritually dead and nothing will be able to properly grow from him even a healthy and stable marriage until he truly hooks himself into the giver of life—Jesus Christ. Anything outside of the true vine dies.I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. John 15:5-6
The person who builds from a religious spirit becomes responsible for the success of what he builds, but the thing is, a religious person is not equipped to bring success to a marriage, relationship or any such thing.

The foundation cannot be stable because the foundation should always be Jesus Christ and nothing else. We build upon the foundation that Christ has already laid in his word. Any other structure has to come down.Unless the LORD builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain; unless the LORD watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain. – Psalms 127:1​This religious person is like the one in the below scripture. 

Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. – 2 Tim 3:5Run from him. Cut him off. Cut him loose. Flee into another direction. For your own sake, leave him alone.

Have You Been Proven?

For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Romans 1:17 (KJV)

The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith. Revealed means to be shown as in to be proven, or placed clearly out into the open. Our character of whether we are walking this Christian thing out by God’s righteousness or our own is revealed through the circumstances that test our faith.

Are we going from faith to faith? When circumstances happen outside of our control that test whether we trust in God or not; are we found trusting in him? Are we growing in faith or faltering in faith. If we are going from faith to faith; we are showing that we have been proven. We are showing that we are truly believers that depend on Christ.

Job was a believer who had been proven. During going through his trial, he remained resolved to continue in faith trusting in God. He made famous the line, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him. I will defend my cause before God, and this will end in his deliverance for indeed no godless man would be so bold as to plead their cause before God. (Job 13:15-16)”

Job declared with boldness that he was fed up with his friends judging him. He was no longer going to put up with being judged in the courts of men and their limited understanding. He made up his mind that he would plead his cause before God who would judge righteously. He knew that it would turn out that the Lord would deliver him because the Lord is faithful.

Men were judging him according to how things looked. It looked like Job had done something wrong. Why would God allow a man of God to suffer so much? This is often the case in the body of Christ today when believers go through uncommon circumstances that causes them to suffer.

They are often accused of doing something wrong. If we aren’t careful, these accusations can make us want to do wrong. However, Job in the King James Version says in the same scripture that he would maintain his ways before God (Job 13:14). In other words, he has been righteous, and will continue to be righteous, and because of that he isn’t afraid to approach God. He had been proven.

His friends did not note that the Lord was proving Job in the fact that Job was consistent through suffering. You see, when we continue to walk by faith through suffering, it shows that we have been proven. We have been proven that what is inside of us that is causing us to hold on is not of the flesh, but of the Lord. It is the righteousness that springs from God’s work in us himself.

If you are in a proving process or have been in a proving process; don’t be discouraged. Be bold and continue to walk by faith like Job knowing that the end of this thing will result in your deliverance, vindication, and double the blessing of the Lord.

How to Deal With Those Who Devalue Us:

I thank God that the Bible acknowledges the challenges that women of God face with being valued as women of God. Below are just a couple of scriptures in the Bible referencing a woman’s worth.

Who can find a virtuous woman? Her price is far above rubies. – Proverbs 31:10
Whoso finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor of the Lord. – Proverbs 18:22

Despite the mantras clearly stated in the Word of God; many women struggle to hold on to the fact that their rarity and wifely characteristics are something to be celebrated when they consistently meet men who do not see them as such.

Similarly, many upstanding men get the brush off from women because they are not the mean hardcore type. What are we to do in such instances? One of the first things that we can do is to expect it. We can expect the fact that not everyone will love us, nor honor us for who we are and that is okay because God has those that will.

We can conclude within ourselves that no matter what obstacles we face, we will keep going without modifying our standard given to us by God. We can leave up to God those who treat us wrongly knowing that he is the righteous judge and he will deal with them while we forgive. Jesus, the Christ who was tempted in all points yet without sin experienced similar devaluing of himself. Some people will never value who we are no matter how good we become. Let’s look at an account of Jesus being devalued in Matthew 11.

Jesus had done many miracles in the towns of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum yet many in those towns did not believe in Jesus. Jesus began to correct the people of those towns saying that if he had done the miracles in other towns they would have believed. He shared that on the day of judgment, more mercy will be shown to those who did not see his many miracles and take him for granted as the other towns did.

Jesus was clearly taken for granted. How could they take Jesus for granted? He was the Son of God. He raised people from the dead and healed many that were sick. There were many who heard of the fame of Jesus and would have loved to have had him in their towns up close and personal during that period, but the above towns took Jesus for granted.

Jesus’ Response
He chucked the experience up for what it was, corrected the people and moved on. Where did Jesus move on to? He moved on to those who would value him. He is found just after this experience saying to anyone who will hear to come to him if they need rest.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30

I made bold the part about being meek and lowly in the heart because it is a natural temptation to allow life circumstances to allow us to become hardened. After being bluntly disrespected as Jesus was, he could have become hardened and closed himself off from all people. He could have become prideful and very selfish in saving his gifts for only himself, but he instead maintained his humility and invited others in who would value him and what he had to offer.

This is an excellent example of how we are to handle those who dishonor us. Instead of allowing it to cause us to become hardened, locking up who we are, or devaluing ourselves into a woman or man of a lower standard; We learn to move on like Jesus entrusting those who devalue us to the judgment of God.

In doing so, we will keep our hearts soft and pliable toward the Lord, and those that he has assigned to our lives who will value us for who we really are.

An Invitation to Wholeness Through Submission to Christ:

Is God requiring you to submit a particular area of your life over to him? Last week, I was reminded of the familiar story of when Jacob wrestled with God. I had always been curious about this story and how it could apply to my life. Well, last week is when the Lord would give me revelation on this story that directly applies to my personal life.

Just before Jacob settles into a place where he wrestles with God; he is confronted with his past. This past of his brings about anxieties within him that cause him to fear for his very life. In his past, he had tricked his brother, Essau, out of his birthright. The last encounter that he had with his brother was that of an angry Essau, who desired to kill his brother.

Years had gone by since Jacob and Essau had talked. Seeing how he did not leave his brother on peaceful terms, his lack of knowing what to expect from this meeting with his brother only produced much fear and anxiety. He devised ways to keep the situation under control by sending his servants to the front of his entourage to offer gifts, and splitting his entourage into two companies saying if one is attacked perhaps the other can get away. After, Jacob did everything within his power to pacify his brother in preparation to meet him, he prayed to the Lord.

Full of anxiety, he began to remind the Lord of his promise mentioning what God had promised to his father Abraham that he would make his seed as the sands of the earth. Later, that night, he began to wrestle with the Lord. The Bible says that when God knew he was not going to prevail against him; he grabbed his hip and caused it to be out of place. From then on, Jacob walked with a limp.

This has always intrigued me. Why would God not be able to overcome a mere man in a wrestling match? I believe that the wrestling was symbolic of not a physical wrestling match, but a wrestling match of wills and a wrestling match of trust in God. Jacob was so upset about the fear of meeting with his brother that I believe it was hard for him to completely entrust the ordeal completely over to God, How many of us have wrestled with something that we tried to figure out, control, and cope with on our own only to find that our answer is just as simple as submitting that area over to God, and letting him have it.

I believe God wrestling with Jacob was symbolic of God asking him to submit this fear and anxiety to him–To submit his trust in the Lord in this particular area. When God saw that Jacob was bent more on the fear than trusting in him; God had to allow him to be broken to make him dependent on him. I believe that God will allow brokenness in our lives to re-center us back to submitting our trust to him in the area where we are most broken. I believe God wrestling with him was sharing with him that he wanted that broken place not for Jacob to remain broken, but through Christ that God could use brokenness to make him whole.

Wholeness in some areas of our lives will only be realized when we learn to depend on God in those areas. We see that Jacob was preparing to run from the confrontation with his brother. He had separated his entourage into two companies saying to himself, “If Essau attacks one company, the other will have a chance to run and get away.” He was still strategizing on his own to fix the situation that had already been fixed. God had already changed Essau’s heart causing him to desire to reconcile with his brother in forgiveness.

What areas of our lives are we still striving to overcome in? Areas that Jesus has already invited us to walk in freedom in if we only submit those areas over to him. Submitting the areas that we struggle with over to God result in trust in God. When we aren’t so willing to do this, and when we continue to wrestle with God on these issues, he will sometimes cause brokenness or allow brokenness in order to cause us to depend on him.

The sacrifices of God are a broken and contrite spirit and those who give God this offering will see that it isn’t despised (Psalms 51:17). In the place of being broken, we find that God is near to us (Psalms 34:18). This is why brokenness is so important. There are times when all of us as believers must be broken to be whole.

The end result of Jacob’s encounter with God was that his name was changed to Israel. Israel was the name of the nation that was promised to Abraham. God’s response was not only to confirm his promise, but to better upgrade Jacob’s identity into one who had become ready for the promise. He reconciled with his brother. They both fell on one another’s neck and kissed one another. What was once a question of fear, anxiety, and possible death in the end began a story of triumph, restoration, and trust in God. This is what God desires to do in us when we give him our broken places.

Let’s invite God into the personal broken places in our lives. The ugly ones, as well as those that aren’t so ugly and see what he does with it.

Growing Our Intimacy With God through Fasting & Prayer – Pt. IV (Need to Seek the Lord)

In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. Psalms 10:4
Not Seeking the Lord is a sign of pride and that we have forgotten him
We all can be prone to forgetting the Lord because of the human nature to forget God while things are going well. God talks about how he chose Israel as a child when she was abandoned in her blood. He took care of her, and when she got old enough, he married her making her a queen and dressing her in the finest garments. She began to take it for granted and to lose all of the fear, thankfulness, and reverence that she had for the Lord in the beginning (Ezekiel 16:6-32.)

This is also figurative of the church. We can easily lose our zeal, fear, adoration, and will toward the Lord when we fail to guard our closeness with God through fasting and prayer. Fasting and prayer helps to prepare our hearts in position toward the Lord our God.

In closing, if we want our hearts to be after God, we have to be intentional about placing our value on God. The below scripture tell us what not to place so much value on because God has already taken care of it.
And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.  But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Luke 12:29-31
Finally, verse 34 in the same passage says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” In other words, what you treasure or place value on is where your heart will be. Where your heart is will eventually show up in your actions.

This is why the Word of God says, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him (Matthew 12:35.) What is in our hearts is so important, and coming to God allows for our heart’s desires to be changed to that which pleases God.

Let’s be like Esther and place value on drawing closer to our king through humility, reverence, fasting, and prayer.

Check out the videos below that recaps this whole mini-series as well as provides additional information on ways to go about seeking the Lord.

Growing Our Intimacy With God Through Fasting and Prayer – Part III (In Faith)

Seeking the Lord with boldness requires faith and a knowing of how God feels about us:
We have been discussing Queen Esther and her relationship with King Ahaseraus when Esther approached him concerning her people. She took a risk in pursuing or approaching the king, but found favor because she was in covenant with the King as his favored and adored wife. He wanted to be with her as much or more than she wanted to be with him, and he was delighted that she had approached him.

When she entered his courts, the golden scepter was extended welcoming her in. He asked her what he could do for her stating that what she wanted he would do up to half of the kingdom. He was clear on how he felt about her, and his love for her specifically to her and all on lookers.

Similarly, God feels the same about us. God is in covenant with us. We are God’s bride through Christ. Biblically speaking, we the church, are considered the bride of Christ. God longs to be with us and for us to seek him. Finally, God also offers to share his kingdom with us just as King Ahasuerus did with Esther.And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32​Thus, coming to God through fasting and prayer requires us to somewhat know our worth to God, and to like Esther step out on faith. Even though Ahasuerus was the king and had the power to show favor or wrath to Esther, he wanted to reassure her and remind her that she was his choice. Thus, he asked queen Esther a second time during the second banquet what her request was and he would do it up to half of his kingdom.

Just like King Ahasuerus desired his wife to boldly approach him in saying what concerned her; God wants us to do the same.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16​

Just like King Ahasuerus chose Esther as his wife, and desired to reassure her, God also has chosen us.You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you 

so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16

Growing Our Intimacy With God Through Fasting & Prayer – Part II (Some Fruit of Fasting)

Last week, we began looking at kings in general for similiarities to God’s character and how to approach God. We have been studying in particularly the story of Esther and King Ahasarus, and we left off discussion how kings are expected to rule in righteousness. Below are a few scriptures to support. Next, we discuss some fruits of fasting and prayer, which is a way to reverence our approach to God eliminating distractions from our life.

Ruling in Righteousness

Below are some scriptures regarding the expectation for kings to rule in righteousness

  • Worship the Lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling. – Psalms 2:11
  • Loyalty and truth preserve the king , and he upholds his throne by righteousness. – Proverbs 20:28
  • It is abomination for kings to commit wicked acts; for a throne is established in righteousness. – Proverbs 16:12

Because of the expectation of righteousness that we have toward God and that we should be able to have toward kings or authority; we should be able to fear with a trust  that  both God and the kingdom or authority that we are under is for us. Thus, in the story of King Ahasuerus and Esther, we see Esther preparing herself to go before the king. Like Esther prepared herself to go before the king through the humility of fasting and prayer; we ought also to prepare ourselves to go before God.

Fasting is a way to humble ourselves

Esther chose to consecrate herself to the Lord through fasting and prayer before approaching the king. She also asked her people to do the same. Esther knew that she could not approach the king just any kind of a way. It had to be done in reverence. Therefore, she humbled herself. Fasting is a willing way for us to humble ourselves. We willingly make ourselves weak through fasting, and find our strength through intentionally leaning on, and seeking the presence of our King, Our God.

When I fast and pray, I look forward to God’s presence because it literally gives me strength. God’s presence is needed. God himself is needed. Fasting gives proper perspective to our need for God.

Fasting produces clarity

There is a chapter of scripture in Isaiah 58 that deals with fasting. It talks about the purpose in the type of a fast that God calls to humble ourselves, and such. One of the things that the scripture mentions that will happen is that clarity will come.

Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
    and your healing will quickly appear; Isaiah 58:8

Light breaking forth is significant of clarity. At first Esther did not know what she was going to do when approached by her Uncle Mordecai to intercede for the Jewish people who’s lives were being threatened. In the beginning, she seemed a bit resolved about whether she could or even should do something about the situation until Mordecai told her if she did not do something, God would raise up deliverance from elsewhere. It was after she fasted she gained clarity on what to do. Now, she had a full plan in place. Her plan was to approach the king, and invite him to a banquet. She was careful in how she bought the very serious matter of her people to the king. She did not just spring it on him.

Why Do the Rebellious Get Blessed While The Faithful Suffer? – Prodigal Part 2

Last week, I covered from a Biblical perspective the human nature in how we question ourselves, and question God for blessing someone who was rebellious right away after they turn from their rebellion, and allowing the other son to continue to suffer.

You will need to go back and read part one of this to understand what I believe is God’s heart on this matter. I want to cover bitterness, and competition in this portion. One of my mentors shared with me her testimony through which she was placed in a lot of bad situations through bad choices and simply not knowing any better.

When she got older and saved, she also shared how God began to deal with her about her husband. Long story short; she ended up engaged and married. Some of the sisters that she was waiting with got very angry with her because of bitterness and competition. She told me about one woman in particular who called her accusing God saying, “I don’t see how I’ve been waiting so long and I don’t have a husband, and God blesses you not long after you decide to live for him. I hate you.”

Clearly, the above woman fell into the trap of competition. Competition is the natural fleshly reaction when a situation arises similar to that of the prodigal son. When the thought of competition goes unchecked by God’s word; the competition takes us off of track of what we are supposed to be doing and what we are supposed to focus on. Competition leads to frustration, anger, and bitterness because God never made us to be like anyone else. He made us to be ourselves.
“For we are not bold to number or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves. But they themselves, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, are without understanding.” 2 Corinthians 10:12
Again, the above scripture points to the person who compares themselves with others is lacking of a particular understanding. The lack of this understanding is what keeps that person in bondage.

What are some things that need to be understood to avoid giving in to competition:

  • It is not wise.
  • It leads to bondage.
  • It takes away from our unique identity, which diminishes who we are as a person. This is not God’s will.
  • We want to fulfill God’s will for our own lives; and not mimic the life of another due to feeling rejected like the faithful son.
  • It Prevents us from being thankful for what we already have.

We need to get an understanding, and that understanding should be God’s understanding on the matter.
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7
The bitterness that is produced will keep us from being in a position to receive what God does have for us. Remember that I said in part one that God told the faithful son that whatever he had also belonged to the faithful son. We will not be able to see that what we are believing God for is already ours when we allow bitterness, anger, and frustration to be our guide.

Why I Pay People No Mind When They Say I Am Too Picky:

Reason number one
To be too picky would mean that I have had ample choices of potential mates that are reputable to what I want and what God has promised me. This has not been the case, and when that has not been the case, the only reasonable thing to do would be to wait until God brings that person along.

Reason number two
I know what it is  that I want and what it is that I need. Why? Because as a single individual, God has allowed me to go through specific seasons, things, and circumstances that has shaped me and developed me into a more sure woman knowing just what I want, and still yet submitting the ideal of what I want to God’s perfect will.

Many wise people share that in a relationship, we don’t necessarily get what we want, but we get who we are. I believe this is true. As a person who has sown personal development, discipline, and many other things in my season of singleness, I can expect to have someone who has done the same to some extent. The man that I choose will have consistent fruit of the same in his life. I am not trying to downgrade in a marriage partner, but find someone similarly minded who is willing to build together.

Reason number three
As a woman who knows who I am. I am fully aware that as a woman, I am the weaker vessel meaning I am in a weaker position to initiate and sustain a relationship. This because God has designed the structure of the male and female relationship that the woman would be in submission to the man. Thus, I need to choose wisely as a woman of God who knows my identity.

I cannot choose a man who does not know his identity in Christ, or even a man who knows his identity in Christ and refuses to walk in it. I’d be putting myself at risk to not be myself, to have to change or lower who I am. When God bought Adam to Eve, it was not so that she could lower who she was, but that she could help him, and walk with him in submission to his authority as the final say in Christ. Note, I said in Christ only. Ephesians – Submit to one another in the fear of the Lord. A brother has got to be fearing Christ for real and walking out submission to Christ in every area of his life especially the ones that will affect me and his family to come. Anything else being offered this chick right here ain’t going.

Reason number four
Oh, you are scared for me that my standards are too high, and that I will be single until forty. Well, that is too bad because I ain’t scared. I believe that if God had the wherewithal to give me boundaries to protect, preserve me, and teach me what to expect as a woman of God, and daughter of the king, then he can fully provide for me a man that has been made by him. I ain’t scared. You are on your own with your fear.

Reason number five
There has to be some type of a physical attraction. If I see a man as my brother, and that has been the case for several years, then that is not going to change. Normally, when an attraction is grown between a man and a woman that did not exist before, it naturally develops over a period of time. If physical attraction does not naturally develop; I will not force it. I deserve more. One night I could not sleep, and I was up reading blogs on my cell phone. I came across a thread of a married woman asking the question if she should divorce her husband because she was not physically attracted to him. She said she married him because he was nice, and her family liked him, but she never felt an attraction. She was now a few years in, and dreading having sex with her husband. She did it out of duty only.

A problem with many people who say that others are too picky is that they are willing to settle, and they love to cast a negative vibe to those who refuse to settle. All this settling for what we don’t need or want, and lack of clarity on what we do want is what produces a lot of relationships based solely on availability, and not on purpose and intentionality. Hence, many divorces inside and outside of the church. It’s okay to be willing to wait for God’s best. Anyone, who knows God to some respect knows that faith gets God’s attention. Who will stand up in faith and be willing to wait for God’s promise instead of settling for what is before us on today.

Be bold in waiting on the Lord. He who has promised is faithful. He will bring his promise to pass. Amen.

The Spirit of Witchcraft Among Single Believers:

When people think of witchcraft, they think of people casting spells, doing incantations, and experimenting with the forbidden, and yes that is witchcraft, but that isn’t the only type of witchcraft there is. According to the Bible Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23). To rebel means to change the order of a thing in order to manipulate it according to our own selfish way. That in essence is what witchcraft is. There is an appropriate way to do things and an inappropriate way to do things, and when we seek our own way instead of God’s way; it is a spirit of witchcraft. We in essence rebel against God’s order for our own.

The door to operate in a spirit of  witchcraft through manipulating the natural order of a thing is often opened through a spirit of fear. Fear in not trusting God and doing things his way. Often, in waiting for God’s way of things to be done, we see no immediate results. This can easily produce a spirit of fear rather than trust in God. That spirit of fear tempts us to act on our own instead of waiting for God to reveal his plan to us.  In our fear to not trust God as we should; we begin to manipulate people, situations, and positions to make things work out in our favor. A spirit of witchcraft is birthed out of a spirit of unbelief, and mistrust in God, which produces fear and the fear produces witchcraft.

Witchcraft in single men: Witchcraft in single men is often shown in continuing to walk in the same patterns walked in when the gentleman were in the world. Most women who have talked with a worldly man, is familiar with the “break a woman down” tactic that men use to get women to gain interest in them who otherwise would not be interested. That way is often manipulation. A man gets into a woman’s head, and simply put, plays with her emotions to shift them in his favor.

Building a woman up to tear her down is often how this is done. A guy continues to compliment a girl, and show interest in her, and then he ignores her or pretends he isn’t interested in her. The girl is left confused, and her self-esteem is shot. She now only wants for the man who once built her up to affirm her letting her know that she is worthy of him.
This is just worldly game a.k.a. manipulation. I never thought we would have to deal with this mess in the church, but it is in the body of Christ. Girls, we have to be aware, and allow the Holy Spirit to give us discernment.

Witchcraft in single women: This is mainly seen in seduction and women relinquishing their role as women. Women doing things to manipulate men into getting their own way. Jezebel in the Bible is the poster chick for witchcraft in women. She used her looks, words, and influence in order to change the order of the household. Although, she was not the queen, she used the King’s seal as if she were the king. She manipulated her husband Ahab into doing whatever she wished. It got to the point where instead of her husband acting in the position of the head; she took on that responsibility while he took on a more passive role.Women who control, and manipulate their way into things and position do not know their worth nor trust in God.

Single women, often without realizing, fall into the trap of relinquishing their role as a woman to be sought after, pursued, and captured the right way. Instead of backing up and focusing our trust in the Lord to build the man that he has for us, we attempt to build our men ourselves. We move ahead of sound wisdom and discernment and attempt to shape a man into the man of God that he is called to be. That is not our job ladies. It is witchcraft. It is us operating outside of our God-ordained role. We place ourselves in harm’s way to be hurt, misused, disappointed, and abused all because we did not trust God to make the man. It is not a woman’s responsibility to make a man. It is the job of God along with other mature men. Once the man is made or ready; then the Lord presents us to him. Any other way is normally just a distraction. An unready man is a danger sign. Keep away. Guard your heart.

Witchcraft in the Bible: Sarah and Abraham got tired of waiting on God’s promise.  What did they do? They decided to help the Lord out. Instead of waiting on God to manifest his promise–the natural order of things. They decided to bring the promise to pass on their own. God allowed this to happen for them to learn that it is better to trust God. God actually exercises some faith in us by trusting us to eventually get it; instead of controlling us into doing things his way. Those who operate out of a spirit of fear and witchcraft have forgotten who they are and they’ve forgotten who God is. When God does something; he often exceeds our expectations defying natural odds.
Finally, operating out of a spirit of witchcraft becomes a very selfish, and self-centered act:  It is all about I, and then some more I. We see the selfishness of Sarah and Abraham, who after dragging Hagar into their decision. They kicked Hagar out of the house with her baby leaving her to fair on her own. Why? Because of the confusion that resulted from their choice to manipulate the situation. The spirit of witchcraft or manipulation among singles almost always causes a spirit of confusion.

The all about I spirit is the same spirit that overtook Satan in his attempt to overthrow the order of heaven causing confusion among God’s angels in heaven. That is when he was kicked out of heaven. So, there you have it. The spirit of witchcraft ultimately leads to demotion. It is far better to trust God than to manipulate things according to what we think we want or need especially at the expense of hurting others. If you have found yourself being excessively selfish not caring how your actions affect others as long as you reach your bottom line or main goal; You could be operating out of a spirit of selfishness, witchcraft, fear, and unbelief.