How to Get Rid of a Scarcity Mindset

How to Get Rid of a Scarcity Mindset

As single believers, we have to constantly renew our minds to maintain a mindset that says,Yes, we can have God’s best.A scarcity mindset, however, seeks to rob us of God’s best. It is a precursor to unbelief. Essentially, it tells us that what we believe God for isn’t out there. Therefore, we have to settle for what is out there. Here, I will share 3 ways to get rid of a scarcity mindset.

Feel Yourself Up with Truths

First, we have to fill our minds with truth. Satan will send lies to our minds to attempt to make us believe untruths. Examples of untruths are godly men aren’t out there. Godly men do not want godly women. Or, you’ll die alone if you continue to practice abstinence.

You’ll have to keep examples that clearly show the lies for what they are—lies. Immediately, remind yourself of all of the godly men you know. Think about healthy couples that are godly and remind yourself of those who’ve shared their testimonies of abstinence until marriage.

The simple below proverb expresses clearly how to cure scarcity:

One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry, everything bitter is sweet. – Proverbs 27:7

In other words, when you fill up on sweet things—you have something to help you resist what is bitter. When you have nothing and you are only hungry—you are more vulnerable to consuming anything. This is scarcity.

Scarcity is dangerous in the dating, marriage, and relationship realm. Our dating partners need to share the same values as us. Thus, we need to fill up on friendships and relationships with those who share similar values as much as possible.

Be Willing to Build God-Honoring Relationships Consistently

How do you consistently build God-honoring relationships? Ask yourself this question. If you don’t know the answer—start getting intentional about meeting others. There are several groups and pages on social media that bring Christians together with the same values. The Sexless Tribe is one page that brings together those who believe in practicing abstinence until marriage. hosts monthly events such as dancing, indoor mountain climbing, cooking classes, and more.

These are group events that help singles to meet new people. The Holy App is a dope dating app that has a friends feature if you don’t want to be romantic initially. Churches also have life groups. If yours doesn’t; then, visit various local church websites to see what churches do.

Go on Find a travel group or other groups of interest. Of course, we now have a group of 60k plus going strong on Facebook,Singles Living for Christ. By consistently putting yourself out there—you’ll always be reminded there is always someone else. You always have a choice of who you decide to allow into your world. When dating—you’ll need to keep this in mind to avoid settling out of a scarcity mindset.

This should build your confidence and help to pull you out of that scarcity mindset. Make sure you’ve been working on your health and wholeness as a single person so you aren’t vulnerable to challenges that come with interpersonal relationships. Grab The Wholeness Action Plan, The Single Christian Woman’s Guide Book, or Patterns of the Heart: Discernment in Choosing a Potential Spouse.

Have you experienced a scarcity mindset before? What helped to get you to change that for yourself? Share below in the comments.

Getting Still in an Age of Hustle & Grind

What up Y’all! I know it’s been a while since I dropped a blog article. I’ve been practicing what I’m about to preach—getting still. Getting still can be a hard thing to do. There is always something to do. So much so, that if we aren’t intentional about getting still—we run the risk of going and going on empty—until we run out.

Even God—the one in whom we are created to reflect his image—modeled rest for us. When intentionally getting still, we aren’t just going to bed early to sleep. Instead, we remove some things from our plate creating the margin for us to refresh—mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically.

Getting still refreshes the whole person. We have time to think, see, or perceive things without the stress of always being on a deadline. Sometimes it’s nice to not always have to run to the next thing. We are better able to enjoy life experiences at a steadier pace.

Getting still also better enables us to hear from God preparing us for our next season. Finally, getting more still creates the margin in our lives to have the capacity to handle life challenges. In April of this year, I felt a pulling away from the work of social media and blogging.

This pulling away, allowed me to feel what it feels like to just be. Not to always do, but to be. There is a difference. Doing all of the time can have us in the mindset of always working and never stopping to enjoy the fruit of our labor. That fruit may not always look like money. Perhaps, it’s diligence or an area being exposed that we need to be built up in such as waning belief because we are laboring but not seeing expected fruit. Expected fruit can be a shift or promise from God being fulfilled.

Getting Still

When God does things; however, he doesn’t do them on our timetable, rhythm, or expectation. He does things according to his process. He prizes our inner man to be at a place of quietness, rest, peace, and total surrender to him. Sometimes, constantly working when God is saying to rest is a sign that our trust is in ourselves and our work more than God to fulfill his promise.

God is a jealous God and he will not have any other God before him—not even something that appears good like work, hustle, or grind. These are things held high within our culture without necessarily acknowledging God within the work. The door becomes open for pride if we are successful without acknowledging God and unbelief toward God if we work and do not find the expected success. The Bible makes it clear that those who labor are laboring in vain unless God is within the building of the house (Ps 127:1.)

Even when God called for the rebuilding of the temple of God after the Babylonian exile of Israel, God was in the rebuilding of the temple. He touched the hearts of several different people involved in the process adding favor to see it to completion. It was a process, but it got done with God’s help. In this example, God touched the heart of King Cyrus causing him to give favor to Israel funding the rebuilding. He touched Zerubbabel and others.

This allows us to see that work is not a bad thing unless we are seeking to bring something to pass God has promised without his help—his favor, and his leading. Someone said anything built outside of God will have to be sustained outside of God. This is why those who place the value on hustling and grinding to accomplish success without God’s leading, may find that they are more willing to compromise their character to sustain the success that ensued. God doesn’t want us to build his promises outside of him.

He doesn’t want us worn out and tired from constantly doing and never experiencing the joy of being. So, he calls us to rest. It takes trust and faith in God to do this–to remove our hands from our work and still see it prosper. God knows what he is doing. The margin created during my obedience to God in coming away resting and seeking God has given me the capacity to handle a more stressful time at work, the loss of a close loved one, and a minor surgery. I did not know I would need the additional margin, but God knew.

Getting Still

You see God values us outside of the work we believe he’s given us to do. He values us as his precious sons and daughters. He wants us to rest and enjoy this life he’s given us. This also allows us to enjoy him—God himself. In the slowing down and resting—we notice the promises of God he has fulfilled. We become more patient, thankful, and less stressed. We also become more open to God bringing to pass the things he’s promised—instead of us trying to produce them ourselves.

I would love to encourage you all to stir up your prayer life even more during a time of slowing down to rest. God will put his word in your mouth in prayer so you can prophesy over yourself, your situation, and your family. Write down what God shows you. Allow God to use this time to build you because you matter beyond the hustle and the grind. When it is time for you to return to your work—you’ll have God’s grace and strength to go with you.

A book I am listening to now via audiobook is “God Where Are You?” by John Bevere. It shares about God’s process before he shifts us to our next. This is where I am right now and many of us are within the body of Christ. We can build ourselves up by listening to the Word of God in this book.


How to Hold on to Jesus When Others are Letting Go

What’s up IFG Tribe (Intercession for a Generation.) If you’ve been rocking with me since I started the blog, you probably know the tagline: To teach a generation the heart of God and the way of the Lord. This is still foundational to the blog even though I write on a host of issues that affect the lives of believers. I want to share some key points in how to hold on to Jesus when others are letting him go.

We are in the world and not of the world. Thus, we have to have both spiritual and practical wisdom to live in a way that honors God in this life. With that said, I have to buckle down and share some of what I’ve been seeing and praying about. We had a brother from one of the most Iconic groups in Christian Hip-hop remove himself from the faith last month.

There is another woman who considers herself a Christian who has written a book that creates her own rules for wrong and right aside from what the Bible teaches. On an almost regular basis, we are hearing of people becoming popular in the Christian hip-hop world or church arenas that are turning aside to homosexuality, lesbianism, and secular humanism to worship themselves instead of Christ.

These things are not okay. How does one hold on to Jesus when influencers and former musicians are turning away from the faith or preaching a compromised gospel? Below are some tips to help us to avoid falling away like the many that we see.

Remain Humble

Humility will protect us from so much. Humility says: I am aware of who I am and what I possess, but I cannot judge God. My wisdom and knowledge is limited. I can always be corrected and be open to the right perspective. Phanatik, our dear former brother in the Lord recently lost his faith. As a Bible college professor, He stumbled over not being able to understand some things he’d discovered when studying apologetics to teach his students.

His response could have been Lord, I don’t understand, but I still believe. However, he expressed how he went on a search with some of the leading theologians and Christian mentors who were not able to provide satisfactory answers. Due to this, he has stepped back in considering himself a believer in Christ. He chose not to hold on to Jesus.

I do not know Phanatik personally; although, I’ve met him a few times. I don’t know if he is prideful or not, but humility will protect us when we don’t understand something about God. God will give us the grace to continue to believe even though we don’t understand something.

Humility is being aware of our limitations by trusting in a God who we have come to know as limitless. We watch and see God’s strength made perfect in our weakness of not being able to understand everything. Honestly, some things relating to God are too wonderful for our current understanding. We will have to wait for God to reveal certain things within his time.

Have you ever had a question about something relating to God or scripture and the Lord revealed it in a later season? I have. There are some things that will not be revealed until Jesus returns. We have to be okay with that. The most important thing that we are to understand as men and women is Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen again.

For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. – 1 Corinthians 2:2

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Listen to The Ambassador and The Tonic encourage the body of Christ after news about The Phanatik in the below videos:

Realize You Do Not Have to Know or Understand Everything to Hold on to Jesus

I don’t know about you, but I’ve read things in the Bible or relating to God that I did not understand. I do understand that I am not required to understand everything. I’m not God. My lack of understanding of certain arguments about the faith doesn’t take away from what I do understand. That is that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so that if I trust and believe in him, I’d be saved.

Some things God has been specifically silent on in the Bible because it’s none of our business. I genuinely trust that what we need to know; God will reveal to us through his word. There is a danger in journeying into certain literature outside of the Word of God that seeks to refute Christ and the gospel. The same doubts that rest on the person writing the literature against the gospel now become the battle of the reader to fight. This type of literature makes it that much more difficult to hold on to Jesus. The Bible warns against participating in certain arguments as they only produce strife, doubts, and questions that cannot be answered.

hold on to Jesus

Have you ever felt like you hurt your brain by asking yourself questions that you had no answer for like: Where did God come from? So, God just exists? How does the trinity work and yet be monotheistic? Of course, you have. But what advantage does understanding things God has not revealed have on our salvation? If God wrote the Bible from Genesis through Revelation to reveal Christ and God’s character to us with his plan of salvation; shouldn’t we focus on that and be thankful? I believe we should.

We don’t want to simply get to know God after knowledge, but an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This means when we do have doubts and questions which we all will; we have to be humble enough to bring them to God. God says to cast our care on him because he cares for us. God has given me peace and settled my spirit about various things I’ve not understood. He’s reassured me on what’s most important which is getting to know him.

Don’t have anything to do with foolish arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. – 2 Timothy 2:23

Be Aware of a Root of Bitterness

Hebrews 12 warns us to be aware lest a root of bitterness springs up and defiles many. Candyce Benbow, a Millennial Christian theologian, author, and blogger recently released her book, “Red Lipstick.” It discusses the challenges she’s faced growing up in a single-parent household. She goes on to discuss the loss of her mom, challenges she’s faced with church folk, and finally the perspectives her experience has created going forward.

There is a quote in the video below that discusses her book where Candyce shared something about the Biblical quote that says all things work together for our good. She feels her mom was dealt a bad hand and things did not work together for her good. Here we can easily see the doubt and the bitterness based on one negative heart-wrenching experience after the other. The bitterness is what caused Candyce to write the book. Her conclusions that pre-marital sex is okay and homosexuality is okay are a result of the root of bitterness she did not properly deal with.

As a theologian and someone who identifies as a Christian, she has a responsibility to speak the truth not to muddy the truth. It seems that she’s gone to the other end of the spectrum by okaying sin and self-pleasure or self-worship as an antidote to the trauma she’s faced in the past.

Newsflash, practicing sin is not a solvent for trauma. Healing, forgiveness, and truth are. Practicing sin to cover trauma is a temporary Band-Aid. I call this a vice in my first book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide.” A vice is an illegitimate way to meet a legitimate need.

Candyce’s qualms with her father leaving, her mom suffering and dying, church folk being mean and talking about her instead of supporting her are all legitimate. It’s almost as if Candyce has been fighting on her own to keep her head above water through all of her trials. Others, instead of helping, hurt her even more. However, she doesn’t have to fight alone. God was still with her in every experience to provide for her a beautiful ending. God is with the broken-hearted. We all go through having church folks judge us and talk about us. We all lose loved ones such as our parents. Some two-parent households experienced abuse growing up from the father or mother and greater tension is created. But through all things we endure, we overcome through Christ. We should not allow our hearts to become cold toward the Lord because others do us wrong in God’s name.

God promises to give us a heart of flesh for a stony heart. We all walk through back-to-back valleys, but we trust God through them. We have a choice. I discuss this in more detail in my book, “The Wholeness Action Plan.

Forgive Immediately

Forgiveness is necessary when an offense comes. Forgiveness is a choice. God gives us the power to forgive when we ask him after choosing to forgive. It will be a process, but we have to be humble enough to walk through the process. No one is above suffering. It doesn’t matter how good you are. You are not above experiencing suffering. The Bible says all those that will live a godly life in Christ will suffer some form of persecution.

The key is to deal with the offense immediately, so it doesn’t fester in our mind producing lies, jealousy, or evil thoughts. Recently, I’d been offended by a sister in Christ, and I spoke with her about it. As we talked, peace came over me. I was resolving the offense leaving it in the past to move forward in full strength toward my future. This is how God wants us to live in freedom from offense with full strength toward our future.

Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.” – Matthew 5:23-24

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that 

Be Intentional About Seeking the Lord & Placing Yourself Within the Community of Those Who Seek the Lord

Bitterness is one of the tools Satan uses to isolate believers. It fosters distrust with the rest of the brethren in the Lord. This is why it’s so important to put our offenses on the table to resolve them so that we can move forward together as one. We draw strength from one another as we seek the Lord together. When one is weak the other can hold up the weak one. Be intentional about seeking out meaningful groups where you can share your heart with others and be poured into. If you are only pouring out as a believer—you will end up empty and lacking in strength. Don’t think that you cannot be deceived because you’ve been strong at some point. We are all human, get weak, and need support.

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls, one can help the other up. – Ecc 4:9-10

Be Willing to Die to Yourself, Opinions, Perspectives, and Entitlement

We all have opinions and deal with thoughts while journeying through hard circumstances. We have to always be willing to exalt the Word of God above our own opinions. This can be uncomfortable but be willing to be uncomfortable for your own freedom.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5

Overcoming the Fear of Man:

Last week we discussed the fear of man. We discussed the fear of man operating in religious people who seek to confine others to their understandings, personal convictions, and lifestyles. This is indeed a form of bondage that prevents us from being ourselves and causes us to walk in disobedience toward God by obeying the voice of man over the voice of God.
This is a very serious sin because the church is full of people who refuse to use their gifts, talents, or to walk fully in their purposes because they are afraid of being seen the wrong way. These people have not fully developed into their own identity in Christ, but hang on to the idea of how others see them. They find their worth and acceptance in being seen in a particular light by others. The dangerous part of this however is that God has sown seeds of purpose in each one of us.
The purpose God has sown in us is to reflect Christ leading others to him. Those who impose the fear of men on others seek to lead others to themselves instead of Christ. It is deep. How can someone become free from this?

One must learn who they are in Christ and what God says about them:
Have your own intimate relationship with the Lord. Read your Bible. Fast and pray yourself. God will show you things giving you discernment. You’ll know who is operating out of prophesying the Word of the Lord over you and who is operating out of control only seeking to shape you into a replica of themselves. He will begin to illuminate to you your purpose. Your purpose is what God has called you to do. God has a parable in the Bible about talents he’s given men. In the parable, God was upset because some knew better.

They knew God expected a return on the talent he’d invested, but in fear, the talent holder hid his talent. He never sought to multiply it increasing the return to God who’d given it. Who in your life are you fearing more than God that you are willing to disobey God in hiding your talent?

God’s word tells us to stir up the gifts in us. This particular scripture is of apostle Paul, who shared with his mentee Timothy that he has a gift of faith. He had noticed this gift of faith not only in him but in his grandmother Lois as well.

He is building up Timothy’s confidence to know that the gift of faith is his and it has been a gift that’s been prevalent in his bloodline. Therefore, Paul continues by sharing with young Timothy that he is not to be afraid because God has not given him a spirit of fear. What is Paul saying? Paul is saying operate out of what is coming from God not what is coming from man.

The fear of man comes from man. It does not come from God. We are not to operate out of it.

When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that it’s in thee also.
Wherefore, I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:5-7

Next, Paul lets Timothy know that he should not be ashamed of the testimony of Christ, but he must embrace the afflictions that come with carrying our cross. Facing the pressure of the fear of man is all a part of carrying our cross and walking out our purpose. As I said last week, God will send those who will walk with us and support us to remind us that we aren’t crazy. We do need that for our own personal stability. Paul was an appropriate example of that for Timothy. When Timothy faced opposition for walking out who God called him to be; he had the support of the Holy Spirit as well as reminders in apostle Paul, and his grandmother Lois that he was doing the right thing. God will give us discernment to see this when we walk with him.

Once we know who we are; we can become bold:
The Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion, but the wicked flee when no one pursues after them. God increases our boldness by allowing us to walk through uncomfortable tests and through the test on to the end of the test we see that we are okay. What we feared was not as big a deal as we’d thought. When we walk with this assurance that God is with us and what we face; he’ll bring us through. We learn there is no reason for us not to be bold.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of them all.

The Sin of Unbelief

The sin of unbelief is something that will keep us in cycles of sin simply because we don’t believe God is good. We don’t believe in the gospel fully and we don’t believe we are enough to receive God’s goodness. I was reminded of this when viewing a film this past week about Hosea. The film is called, “Sinners Wanted.” The blessing of the Lord could be right before our eyes and we will not see it due to unbelief.  This is what the woman in the film depicted and this is why it is so important that we guard what we allow ourselves to meditate on and we become intentional about building our faith.

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy (holy, consecrated) faith and praying in the Holy Spirit. – Jude 1:20

We all will have circumstances that test our faith. Years ago, I remember feeling like a bad example and failure while speaking to kids in public schools about healthy relationships and abstinence. The kids would always ask me if I was in a relationship and I’d say no. This one day when I was asked the question, I began to feel the above emotions of guilt and failure. I took a bathroom break in between classes and God spoke to me clearly asking me this question, “Where is your faith?”

Unbelief causes us to become stuck on how things appear, but because God loves us, he gives us his perspective which builds our faith. I share in my first book, “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide” how God bought resolve to the encroaching unbelief that attempted to ensue me through furthering the discussion through his word. In short, God let me know that things would not always be as I’d seen them at that time. There was another side of this singleness journey I had to get to. God has been walking with me and his word has helped to build my faith along the way.

You see our faith-walk is a journey. No one has it all together, but building our faith through God’s word helps us to walk safe, secure, and sound.

Religious people are some of the hardest people to get to believe the gospel because of being blinded by their religious piety. For example, when I was in college, I interviewed a Jehovah’s witness, Jewish priest, Muslim minister, and Christian for a brief documentary presented as a project in college.

The Jew shared how her Jewish place of worship stood on the belief that Jesus was not as honorable as Moses. They did not look at Jesus as the Son of God or savior of the world, but as a good Jew, but not as good as Moses. This was dishonoring to the Biblical fact that Moses along with other figures and scriptures in the old testament only exist to point to Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ is the only way for man to be saved.

Jesus had to go into Egypt to be preserved and grow up into the God-man who delivered his people—all who place their trust in him. Moses likewise had to go into Egypt as a baby to be preserved from the Pharaoh who sought all of the lives of the male children 2 and under. Moses, in the process, learned the Egyptian ways and gained the favor that allowed him to intercede on behalf of the Hebrews—his blood brethren. In this way along with other similarities, Moses was what some Bible scholars call a type of Christ, which is an image-bearer that points directly to Christ.

Even though Christ stood right in front of the religious leaders, they did not recognize him as Christ but instead despised him. Meanwhile, those who were first to worship Christ were called Magi, which are non-religious wise men of the world.

In summary, it skews our perception to operate out of unbelief. Operating out of skewed perceptions is dangerous and leads to sin. It causes us to deny the blessing of the Lord while operating out of a lower than mindset. We have to be diligent with building ourselves up with God’s word to avoid the sin of unbelief.

Unbelief will cause us to give up on trusting in God for our deliverance, freedom, and the right as those made in his image too, like Moses, point others to him. Unbelief will cause us to return to what is familiar rather than stepping out in the unknown of faith.

The earlier mentioned film is a depiction of Gomer and Hosea—a prostitute and man of God who got married in the old testament at God’s command. God commanded this to be a metaphor for Christ and the church. No matter where we are at in our faith-walk, God is still committed to us. He still holds up his end of the marriage when we do not, and this in and of itself should compel us to seek to walk in faith in Christ.

3 Lessons We Can Learn From the Life of Chadwick Boseman

I’ve always loved Chadwick as an actor, but I will be honest. I did not know how awesome he was as a whole person until after he passed away. I began watching several videos of him online and each one ministered something awesome to my spirit. I share below 3 lessons I’ve noted from him that are like a confirmation to me as a woman of God on my journey of life:

Be willing to take a loss for your convictions trusting that God has something better:
Chadwick told an amazing story of his first television job on a soap opera. He was to play a young Black male with no historical background, who lived out a life of victim-hood making poor choices. He felt the role was stereotypical of African American males. He discussed this with his bosses on that show, who ultimately made the choice to fire him. Chadwick took a loss.

That job agreed to pay him the most money he’d ever seen in his life. After being fired, he was thrust back into the world of auditioning, being broke, scraping up change to get to auditions. He was told by his agent he would not get a job in some time because he was seen as difficult. He could only question if he made the right decision. Of course, he did. How many of us have taken a loss for holding strong to our convictions and values?

Continue to follow your convictions given by God; it will set you up for the very best that God has for you. God ordained Chadwick to play some of the very best roles that showed our people in such an honorable light. This was a part of his purpose to give African-Americans and all people hope and he did that well.

Obey God Quickly; You Never Know What Impact It May Have:
On an interview I listened to of Chadwick, he shared that he was on tour outside of the U.S.―finishing up promotions for the Get On Up film when he heard God speak to him in his spirit. God said, “Get international calling on your phone.” Immediately, Chadwick did so. Not long after that, he received a call where he was asked to play the role of Black Panther in the new Avengers film.

Had he not obeyed God, he could have missed out on the opportunity. God has a way of leading and guiding us. The Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Many times, we limit God speaking to us to only spiritual things, but God is involved in every area of our lives.

No Dream is too Big for your Faith
I’ve been reading in the book of Matthew where Jesus has been healing people according to their faith. In life, we experience things that kind of shock our faith. Mainly disappointment. Perhaps we prayed for someone to be healed and they died or we did not get an opportunity we were believing for. Perhaps God had something bigger in mind. Perhaps our loved one who died needed to experience being in heaven with God. Perhaps the opportunity we wanted was too small for us. Chadwick wrote in his journal years ago before making it big as an actor that he’d like to play the Black Panther in a film. Perhaps that dream was from God because it happened. It’s easy to dismiss a dream in disappointment when we feel it is too big, but all we need is a small grain of mustard seed faith. Hold on to whatever smidget of faith you have—no matter how foolish it may look. Perhaps the Lord wants to use you as an example to bring it to pass.

Thank you, Chadwick! We will continue to love and miss you.

See a few videos below where some of the above are mentioned:

How are You Doing Regarding the Corona-Virus?

This past week has been like a movie out of the blue a world-wide emergency hit our home soil. Initially, when I’d heard of Corona, I thought it would be like the Swine flu. We’d hear about it for a little while and then it would fade away. However, this pandemic appears to be hitting much differently than the Swine flu. Businesses and the personal livelihood of people and industries have been affected yet in this, I remain thankful because God is faithful and still good.

I can think of a few promises from God that make my soul rejoice even in the middle of uncertainty:
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. – James 1:2-4

I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. – Psalms 37:5
For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. – 2 Corinthians 5:1

It’s awesome to know that chaos can be going on all around us, but we have a sureness that we’ll be okay no matter how things pan out. Isn’t that awesome to know? This is why I cannot allow myself to be worried about something like this because my faith is anchored on God’s word.

This doesn’t prevent me from showing concern for others or practicing wisdom in following the instruction given by authority though. We should still do what is in our power to do to help our fellow neighbors. For example, the homeless shelters in our area were requesting additional funds to help keep the vulnerable homeless population safe. That is an opportunity to be a blessing and show the love of Christ to others during this time where we all are facing Corona together.

Let’s count our blessings continuing in the spirit of thankfulness toward the living God as we face Corona. I’ll start by sharing some blessings below as a result of Corona and anyone else willing can feel free to share in the comments below. Keeping a mindset of thankfulness helps us to maintain balance and stability during difficult circumstances.


  1. I have slowed down some staying at home more. This has helped me to see the importance of having my margin time for additional rest, reading, and more quiet time with the Lord.
  2. I did not have to facilitate a workshop last weekend, but I got that additional weekend to myself.
  3. I’m able to work from home remotely with no interruption in my employment.
  4. Working from home is causing me to save money in gas and staying in has allowed me to save money in my budget that otherwise would have been allotted toward eating out or hanging out.
  5. I got some cheap flights for the remainder of the year.
  6. Americans may be receiving a stimulus check.
  7. I get to attend four virtual conferences for the price of one due to Corona.

You see, even when things don’t look good and aren’t comfortable to us; God still works in those things to reveal his goodness. Truthfully, anything that draws us closer to God is good. Anything that reveals the character of God is good. I love to see his character and glory on display. Think about the plagues in Egypt and how they revealed God’s glory again and again. Despite the stubbornness of heart that the Pharaoh displayed; he and his people had to bow—submitting to God that he indeed was God. Pharaoh had no choice but to succumb to God’s will.

Our hearts at times can become hardened due to the cares as well as the business of this life, and we can easily forget God becoming stubborn in our way, but God’s goodness allows circumstance that stops us in our tracks getting our attention.

While God may not have caused this virus; he’s certainly using it for our good. I cannot wait to see and hear of the good stories that came out of the Corona-virus pandemic. Be encouraged while counting your blessings and being a blessing to others. Something good will come out of this and God will always be glorified.

This would be a good time to get to know the Lord if you do not already know him. The gift of salvation is free to everyone who believes in Jesus. Read Romans 10:9 and confess it with your mouth while believing in your heart. Pray genuinely to God for salvation and begin to get to know him.

How are you doing with the Corona-virus? What are some blessings you can share as a result of Corona? Are there any challenges that you would like to pray regarding due to Corona?

Remember Your Why:

I believe God is in the process of promoting many of his people. I’m seeing peaks of some of what’s to come in my life, and it is awesome. In the excitement of promotion and new experiences, I personally believe its important to remember why I began. This is integral to maintaining character within the new space.

I am thankful that God allows reminders along our path to cause us to look straight up to him. Looking at the Lord is the ultimate reminder of why. I’m currently studying on people in the Bible who built altars to the Lord wherever they went. Altars to the Lord weren’t just something in the Bible that was for the local assembly of what we would call the church today, but it was for every situation, decision, and place where God’s people were.

We operate in the same way as a King David, who built an altar to the Lord on a threshing floor, which was an unfamiliar place for worship, and yet a necessary place of worship to save lives. In the story, where King David built the altar on the threshing floor he was acting in a place of worship to the Lord, but also a place of intercession for Israel. Israel was in the middle of judgment because David had erred in numbering God’s people.

David had gotten a little off in his position of promotion as the king, but God bought him back to his why by reminding him to build an altar. That altar is that intimate place of worship, fellowship, and raw communion with the Lord. Let’s seek the Lord to help us to continue to have a pure heart in remembering why we are being promoted. Let’s remember our dreams to intercede for others in a position that would bring God glory. Let’s remember that even though there are benefits and favor for us that the benefits and favor aren’t our total motivation.

Let’s not forget Matthew 6:33 has been our roadmap up until this point and it will continue to lead us on the right path. Let’s remember our why.
Read 1 Chronicle 21 to learn of David numbering the people and being corrected by God and told to build an altar.

Have you sensed or seen promotion anywhere in your life? How have you prepared your heart for promotion? Has God worked with you to prepare your heart for promotion?

A New Level of Access & Favor:

I’ve been meditating on Esther and Mordecai during my quiet time, and I really believe that God has been using that story to communicate to me that there is a new level of favor, access, and open doors coming to his people that are willing to take the risk of unconventional obedience.

Unconventional obedience is not the norm. It’s obedience that makes us vulnerable and has obvious risks. For example, Esther was in a comfortable position as the queen of the kingdom she ruled over with her husband. She did not have anything to worry about, but her people were in danger.
Thus, she willingly made herself uncomfortable placing herself at risk to approach the king knowing that meant her very life would be at risk. She obeyed anyway being led of the Lord after a fast she had called for both herself and her people to go on.

They were fasting because an enemy of the Jews, Haman, had ordered by law that the Jews would be killed on a particular day of the month. Esther’s obedience along with the obedience of her elder cousin, Mordecai unlocked favor and additional open doors to the Jewish people in that region. Mordecai had been ridiculed for not bowing down to Haman. He’d been made to appear as a fool for his obedience to God instead of to Haman, but God was working behind the scenes for his good.

I believe that like Mordecai appeared to be foolish in holding fast to his conviction and getting in trouble for it; many of God’s people have been holding fast to their God-given convictions and they’ve appeared foolish for it as well. Perhaps, those holding their convictions were not promoted as fast. They had to settle in a humble place for a good while, but that is okay because we learn the Lord best in humility. Our trust grows in him the most in that humble place.

Haman was the very opposite. He was so full of pride. He needed to be humbled and God orchestrated the circumstance in such a way to do just that. Esther, who had already come from a humble place of losing both of her parents and being raised by her elder cousin, already knew how to humble herself. She humbled herself with fasting and prayer. She humbled herself to her king asking him to attend a banquet. Favor was already ordained for her. She just had to obey what God was showing her to do in faith that things would turn out well. The king’s response was, “I’ll give you whatever you want up until half of the kingdom.”

While the king was attempting to sleep the night before the banquet; God would not allow him to do so. He read up on how Mordecai had saved his life. Haman was consulted by the king on what to do to honor Mordecai. Mordecai’s enemy, Haman, was made his footstool. Haman had to parade Mordecai around dressed in the king’s clothes and riding the king’s royal horse. It was only the beginning of the shift of Haman being bought low and Esther and Mordecai being promoted.

The banquet took place. Esther asked the king for her life and the life of her people. Again, although she was comfortable in the king’s house. She made herself uncomfortable to intercede for her people in obedience to God. The king granted her request, hung Haman, promoted Haman’s estate to Esther, and Esther appointed Mordecai over Haman’s estate. Finally, the king gave both Esther and Mordecai his seal to reverse the law that had gone out to destroy the Jews. Instead, the law was re-written to place residents in fear of the Jews given them explicit right to defend themselves.

Had Esther not obeyed, she would never have experienced God’s favor in a greater way. Her people may have still been in bondage and danger of genocide. Had Mordecai not obeyed in honoring the king, he would not have been promoted and honored by the king. What is it that God is pricking your heart to do? In what ways can you display your obedience to God that are uncomfortable, risky, or unconventional, but you know if you obey, doors will be open and God’s favor will ensue?

Trust God’s Plan for His Very Best for You:

Yesterday, I was reminded of how specific the hand of God has been in my life. From the job I’ve had to the choice of man, God has allowed in my life. It simply reminds me to continue to rest in God as I trust his plan for me to be the best.

God’s best is more than what we can think up for ourselves. It’s just as the scripture says exceeding, abundant, and above what we can ask or even think (Ephesians 3:20.) I recalled when I’d graduated from college and applied for various jobs in faith. I’d worked at temp agencies and wherever I could in expectation of a good job.

Doors kept being closed in my face. No was a norm with jobs I wanted, but I continued in faith and trusting God. I remember being at an assignment on one of my temp jobs, and a Christian lady said that she’d be praying for me that I’d get the right job—the job that God had for me. This statement implied there was a specific job that God had in mind for my life, and his purpose.

Well, 13 years later, I’ve been at that specific job. That job allows me to travel every year for free experiencing new places and adding to my personal development in so many ways. You see, God did not just want to give me a job. He wanted to give me so much more. Recently, I’ve been promoted at the same job, and I’ll be learning and growing in even more ways.

This job has been worth the wait, and disappointment in the closed doors while waiting for the specific job for me has been all worth it. That’s what happens when God’s hand is on something. We experience God’s fullness without the added stress or pressure of trying to make things happen.

The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. – Proverbs 10:22

Yes, we remain diligent in faith, but after doing all that we can do; we rest in God. As far as love interests are concerned, I’ve not gotten to that blessing yet, but I can expect that it is on its way. The fact that the Lord has led me graciously regarding interests I’ve had in the past; these are all reminders and examples of God’s specificity in my life. Ways God has protected me regarding love interests include: not allowing wrong relationships to pan out, sending prophets to me to lift my spirit when I was down about an interest not working out. God did not leave me in the dark but valued me enough to give me clarity and re-enforce my identity.

I’m not at all worried about my future. The remainder of God’s history of specificity with me reminds me that not only do I have a future, but I have the best future. Why? Not because I’ve earned it. Not because I’m good, but because God is good and He is trustworthy. God has used my life as an example to show that if you seek to honor God, not to be perfect, but genuine desire to honor him; for example, “Lord, I don’t know how to do this, but I want to honor you. Give me grace, and show me” God will take that and give us the power to honor him.

There are benefits from honoring and obeying God. I genuinely believe that obedience to God is a way to unlock additional favor in our lives. I’m just thankful to be a recipient of God’s grace and goodness. God is no respecter of persons. What he’s done for me; he will do for others. That is one of my primary reasons for writing and sharing—to encourage others along this path of life to experience the joy of getting to know the Lord for themselves.

My son, do not forget my teaching,
    but keep my commands in your heart,
for they will prolong your life many years
    and bring you peace and prosperity.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
    bind them around your neck,
    write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
    in the sight of God and man. – Proverbs 3:1-4 (NIV)