
God Heard You When You Prayed!

Tonight, I’ve been meditating on John 11:1-43 where the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is told. The story of Lazarus is a story of faith in God making a promise and that promise being fulfilled before Lazarus family’s very eyes.

When I began writing for Intercession for A Generation my very first blog was about faith. Where I asked the question where is your faith, and I talked about how we as people of God are on our way to things God has promised us and that we needed to use our faith to get there.

Yesterday, I was reminded in prayer about some things that I had prayed to God about. I had gotten home from my parents house feeling really tired with the intentions on taking a nap, but when I got into my home, I began to pray. As an intercessor, God often brings people and situations before me to pray about and sometimes after I’m finished praying, the question comes to my mind what about me Lord. What about the things that I have asked you for. So, after I finished praying for everyone on yesterday, I simply told the Lord, “I thank you that you heard my prayers.”

That simple statement denotes expectation or faith in the Lord simply saying even though it doesn’t look like anything is happening right now, I trust that you are working on my behalf because you heard my prayers.

Jesus was aware all along that his friend Lazarus had been sick. He stayed away purposefully until Lazarus had died because the situation had to play out the way that it did for God to get the glory out of it. (John 11:2-4)

When Jesus had gotten to the place where he was near the entrance of the town, Mary and Martha sisters of Lazarus we’re overwhelmed with mourning and grief because of the situation. Both of the sisters told Jesus if you had been here, Lazarus would still be alive. They we’re looking at the situation according to how things appeared. Lazarus had been in the tomb four days and in their eyes it was too late for their brother to get up.

Jesus attempted to change their perception saying, “Your brother will live again.” They responded yes I know he will live again in the resurrection at the last day. However, Jesus responded saying, I am the resurrection as he continued to persuade her to believe in his ability to do the impossible right then and there.

Just before Jesus does the miracle he says, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” Again, Jesus is reassuring us that our expectations being placed in him will not be disappointed. If we put our trust and faith in him; we will indeed see the glory of God.

Jesus looks up to heaven and says, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.” The very same thing that Jesus is asking us to do by putting our trust in him; he does by putting his trust and expectation in the heavenly Father to bring to pass what he’s believing him for. Jesus is our #1 example of how we are to deal with God.

After all the grief that Jesus endured of people looking at him and talking about him saying things like if he is the Son of God why can’t he have just prevented the man Lazarus from dying. After, the situation appearing to be dead and over, Jesus in faith calls what was dead back to life again showing forth the glory and the power of God.

That same power and authority is what we as believers can rest our trust in knowing that the things that we have prayed to God for and the things that we have been believing God for according to his will; will indeed come to pass no matter what the situation looks like.

When we decide to place our faith and trust in God; we set ourselves up for his miracle to come to pass in our very lives just like it did for Lazarus’ family.

To the Women that feel that Men have let Women Down:

There are women out there who do the best that they can. They serve God with all of their heart. They wait on God. They love people, but they feel alone. When they go through things they feel like they go through them alone. They do not have the support or even the perspective of a man most times, and they feel abandoned.

These women feel like they have to face life and life’s challenges uncovered or without being under the protection of a man, a head, or a leader. She may not have had a father in her life. Or the father who is in her life may not have walked out the role of a father protecting and covering his daughter. He may have disrespected the girl’s mother on a consistent basis through abuse verbally, mentally, and physically. Therefore, the girl grows up into a woman confused about her worth and how to relate to men or how men should relate to her. This woman has to be strong for herself and assume all the responsibilities of her household. She feels like she has to bury the thought of having a mate that would compliment her, love her, and understand her due to running into several men who lack what she needs in a mate. I just want to say that although there are women who feel like this; it is a lie from the devil that you are abandoned or alone. It is a lie from the devil that you have to face everything on your own.

I feel like God wants this woman who feels this way to trust in him. When people say that God is a father to the fatherless and he will cover the widow and fatherless. It’s not just a phrase; it’s real. It’s actually the beat of God’s heart to look after those that are uncovered and are alone and abandoned. The Bible clearly says that you are not practicing being a Christian without looking after the widow and fatherless. (James 1:27)

Also, the Bible says that when your father and mother forsakes you; he will take care of you. (Psalms 27:10) I was reading Deuteronomy Chapter 8 tonight and it talks about how the Lord is bringing his people the children of Israel to a promise, and how God doesn’t want us to forget him when he brings us into that promise. A lot of us are waiting on a promise to have a man of God who will treat us right like Christ treats his bride the church. We want to make up for the things that we have lacked coming up, and to know that we are worthy of real true love despite what we have experienced.

Deuteronomy went on to explain how God allowed his people Israel to go through certain things to show them that they do not only need the natural things that he had promised them, but that they needed him even more then those things. Read verses 2-5.

2 And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.

3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee (meaning allowed thee) to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live.

4 Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years. 5 Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee. Deuteronomy 8:2-5 (KJV)

God wants us to know that although we have experienced some crazy stuff; he has been there all along and he is the one who has sustained us through it all. It’s because of him we are still here in our right minds after experiencing the things that we’ve been through. However, God wants us to learn a lesson in the things that we’ve been through. He says he allowed it so that we can see that we needed him more than we needed our circumstances to change.

In other words, the scripture is saying that God has made his people some promises. God has made some of us women of God some promises as well that he would bless us with a godly companion. However, before God blesses us he wants to deal with what is in our hearts. As much as we would like to believe we are completely innocent and have everything altogether, that is just not the case. God wants to use our current circumstances to fix what’s wrong in us. He wants us to entrust those men that we’ve had our eyes on to him; while he fixes us. 

God saw in the children of Israel’s heart the tendency to forget him. By causing the children of Israel to go through in the wilderness; he ingrained a consistent memory in their mind that before they had the blessing of promise that it was God who sustained them. It was God who sustained them for an excessive amount of time. God had sustained them for 40 years to be exact. During that 40 years the Bible says God allowed them to know what it is like to feel hungry and be fed by him. God allowed them to walk in the same clothes and shoes without those clothes wearing old nor the feet becoming swollen from overuse of the same pair of shoes for 40 years.

In the same way that God sustained the children of Israel in this passage of scripture, God is saying to trust him to sustain you as a single woman. I thought about this as I was reading the scripture and how it is true how God has sustained me. I have been single for 30 years and God has sustained me with peace of mind, all of my needs taken care of, and no baby daddies. God has been good. God is so good that not only will he sustain you, but he will cause you to find forgiveness in your heart for those that hurt you and mistreated you because forgiveness is not really about that other person, but it’s about you. God will deal with and take care of those other people, but God is concerned about you. I also thought about how I hadn’t been out on a date in 3 years and didn’t even realize it. I wasn’t stressing saying oh, I need to find someone to date because I didn’t realize. It wasn’t a big deal to me.

I did realize a pattern however that made me feel out of place or discouraged, and that is when I decide to look to men instead of to God. Yes, there are a lot of issues when it comes to men, and women can easily feel let down without very many choices. We have the ratio of men to women, then the amount of men in prison, then the amount of men who go with men, and finally the men of God who don’t know who they are and are trying hard to be like men who are in the world. But I believe God doesn’t want us to focus on that. He wants us to focus on him and how he is the one who has sustained us. Putting our trust in a man that God has not clearly ordained to cover us is like bringing an empty glass to a broken fountain expecting the glass to become full. The glass will remain empty. That glass is like our hearts. When we put our trust in the wrong men; we open our heart up to disappointment.

God doesn’t want us to be disappointed. He wants us to be excited and thankful for him and how he’s sustained us thus far, and how he will continue to sustain us until he brings  the man that he has promised us because God intends to make good on his word, but he is perfecting us and making us pure so that when the promise comes we will be able to handle it without forgetting the Lord. So, don’t be discouraged because it seems that you are alone at times. The truth is you are never alone. God is there with you teaching, chastening, and purifying you as he prepares you for the blessing that he has for you, and he doesn’t want you to be discouraged by what you see, but to keep your eyes on him because he is able to do the impossible.

10 Things to Practice while you are still Single that will Contribute to a Healthy Marriage Relationship in the Future:

1.) Make God your First Love: For thou shalt worship noothergod: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: Exodus 34:14 Hopefully, we are all familiar with the fact that God is not crazy at all about us making idols out of anything but him. He alone should hold a special allegiance, submission, and worship in our lives because he is God. Now, in order to understand how a healthy relationship should look, we need to look at our relationship with God. After all, the biblical purpose of marriage is to be a sign or a reflection of our relationship with God. For example, The man is to love his wife like Christ loves the church and gave himself for it. (Ephesians 5) Marriage is a covenant relationship that should not be broken unless, but for a few things that I won’t mention here. Our relationship with God is a covenant relationship often reflected in scripture metaphorically as a marriage. If we can be faithful with our relationship with God in putting him first, and keeping his commandments,  we are well on our way to learning about having a successful marriage relationship. If we get our relationship with God right first; then every other relationship that follows will be right as well. Our relationship with God is the most important relationship that we will ever have. If we neglect our relationship with God; then every other relationship we have will suffer for it. God is a jealous God and he will not allow us his people to have any other god before him even if that’s a man or a woman we desire to be in relationship with. God has often allowed things to happen to the children of Israel in the old testament when they began to follow idols. God’s people would always end up coming back to God and repenting for allowing things to take God’s place because that always landed his people in bondage. 

2.) Knowing who you are first:  You really need to know who you are first before you seek out a marriage relationship. So many people get into relationships expecting the other person to fix their problems, but if you are messed up then that other person is not going to be able to fix your problem, but rather it will cause a strain on the relationship and it will be over before it started. So many women who don’t love themselves get into a relationship with a man to have him love them as if that will fix the problem, but you cannot love anyone unless you first love yourself. I used to have very low-self esteem  not knowing who I was. I didn’t feel pretty at all, and I felt like if when I got a little older if I could have sex with guys then that would fix my problem and boost my self-esteem. I’m so glad I got to know Jesus before then. I’m sure I would have regretted that after realizing that I was worth more. You get your worth from God. You find out who you are from walking with God. When Moses was in Egypt he had no idea who he was. Then he learned that he was a Hebrew and he started to meet up with God on that mountain and God birthed him into who he was called to be a great leader, yet he didn’t even no it. So #1 find your identity in Christ Jesus. Therefore, you will learn to love yourself and make better decisions for yourself because of it.

3.) Faithfulness: Going back to our relationship with God where we learn handfuls about marriage. God is committed to us as his bride. God has no intentions on divorcing us his people. When he sent his son to redeem us he meant serious business. I’m sure there are times when we weren’t faithful to God, when we made mistakes, and God felt like we did not love him, but he still remained faithful to us. If you read the book of Jeremiah God discusses all throughout those chapters how his bride, “Israel” at the time committed adultery against him in a sense through idolatry, yet he says that he is still married to Israel. When God took us on as his bride he took us on for the good times, and the bad times. Oftentimes, in a physical marriage people are only willing to stick around for the good times, and when a person no longer feels things are working that person is ready to leave. However, as a single person when you go through rough patches with God where you don’t feel his presence, or you don’t feel close to him; you don’t leave God, but hopefully you seek God more while you wait out the circumstance, and when you feel close to God again you are more stronger for it. It’s the same way in a marriage relationship. So many people say, “I don’t want to be married anymore because I don’t feel the love anymore”, but marriage is more than a feeling. It’s a life-long covenant or commitment.

4.) Time Management: As singles we are encouraged to be super busy to distract ourselves from wanting a mate and the ever so active sex-drive that knocks at our door, in which we aren’t allowed to answer just yet.  A person can be busy all day long and avoid fantasying about sex; however, unfortunately when you go to bed you are busy doing nothing but laying in your bed until you go to sleep. This is where the devil often comes to tempt the single people of God and he is often successful because our lives are so imbalanced that we lack the strength to resist the enemy and we just give in. When you are balanced you find other ways to bring yourself relaxation and enjoyment besides just giving in to the temptations of the flesh. You purposely prioritize your time contributing to your good health physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Oftentimes, singles are so busy  they are imbalanced. If you do not love yourself enough to take care of yourself and have some time for yourself then how will you love and take care of someone else or have time for someone else. Many Christian singles say they desire marriage at some point but live their lives as if they will be single for the rest of their lives. You have to be able to make time for your spouse or future spouse. You have to have time to communicate with your spouse or spouse to be and continue to learn him or her. If you are willing to put in the time, work, and communication then you are starting off on a solid foundation that will add to the strength of your marriage. Last but not least if you are having trouble managing your time, then pray to God for wisdom on what to commit to or what to let go of. Oftentimes, singles are so over committed to things God has not called them to do or things that it is no longer their season to do. If what you are giving your time to is no longer yielding fruit, that may be a sign that you are to come away from that thing. Pray to God for wisdom, peace, and confirmation. If you want a return out of your marriage you have to constantly invest into your marriage, and that takes time.

5.) Intimacy: Of course as Christian singles we should not be having sex right now. That is not what I am talking about as far as intimacy as it concerns the Christian single. Intimacy is not just sex, but it is a close fellowship with someone. As Christian singles we should be practicing having close fellowship with God as well as trust-worthy individuals that God has placed in our lives. At the center of intimacy is communication. A relationship without communication is headed for disaster.  As Christian singles we should make a conscious effort of prioritizing intimate time with God.  I believe that when there is a lack in close fellowship in a relationship that there is a void that opens the relationship up for temptation and confusion. For example, the Bible warns married couples of being imbalanced fasting excessively while neglecting the fellowship of sexual intimacy between the couple. The scripture says for the couple to come back together again lest they open themselves up for temptation from the enemy. (1 Corinthians 7:5) Similarly, when we fell to practice intimacy with God through prayer and meditating on his word; we open ourselves up to be tempted and to give in to temptation easier. On the other hand, when we continue to practice intimacy with God our relationship with God is strengthened, and we can more easily resist temptation. Jesus says in Luke 22 to his disciples to watch and pray lest they enter into temptation.  Jesus continued on to pray himself. He was under pressure because he knew that it was time for him to die for man’s sins. The Bible says Jesus went off to pray and an angel came and strengthened him (Luke 22:41-43).  Again when we pray we are practicing intimacy with God and he gives us strength. People who walk closely with God are normally not so quick to sin against God because they love him. The bible says they that love him will keep his commandments. Similarly, those that walk close with their spouse will not be so quick to go outside of the marriage because they love their spouse and are willing to consider what it will do to their spouse.   If you are having trouble in this area, you need to pray specifically and honestly to God about it so he can help you and he will help you.

6.) Appreciation for one another: God warns the children of Israel over and over again in the old testament about not forgetting him when he brings them into the land that he promised. The land of milk and honey. (Deuteronomy 8:10-20)   Why did God say that? The reason is because we human beings have a tendency to take things or people for granted when things are going well. God makes it clear what will happen when we begin to forget him. We will invite all types of confusion and chaos into the relationship that will bring the relationship down. Sometimes husbands and wives take one another for granted. It’s almost like I got you now so I don’t have to be on my best behavior. One thing mentioned in scripture that can keep the relationship strong in this area is to set aside intentional time to remember the good times and appreciating one another. God mentioned to his people the children of Israel to make a memorial to him so they would not forget him calling several feasts celebrations signifying various things that he had done for his people. (Exodus 13:5)  For example, the feast of Passover is a memorial of Jesus Christ dying for man-kind. The married couple needs to set aside specific and intentional time to appreciate one another and remember the good things that caused them to come together in the first place. As single individuals, we should already be practicing this behavior with God as far as remembering the Lord, and setting aside specific time to remember him and the things that he has done in our individual lives.

7.) Unselfishness: Everyone knows that we live in a very selfish society where it’s all about me. A good strong and healthy relationship is a reciprocal relationship where both parties are involved with contributing equally to the relationship. I cannot stand being or attempting to be in a relationship where I am doing everything in the relationship. I have been there and done that. Then I figured out if I’m going to have to do everything than I may as well just be in a relationship with myself. Nobody has time for deadweight. If you want to be in a strong and healthy relationship then don’t just be willing to receive, but be willing to give as well.

8.) Mutual Respect: Mutual respect is a very big one. It’s always said and I do believe this to be true that men want respect and women want love, but I would like to go on a little further and say that women want to be respected too. Not only do men and women want to be respected, but every human being wants to be respected whether they are a child, or an adult male or female. Respect assigns a sense of worth to the individual by a another. Everyone wants to feel like they are worth something and their opinions are worth something. Therefore, if you want to have a healthy relationship than you can start practicing now while you’re single by respecting anyone and everyone that you meet. You may not agree with everything that person says, but if you can respect a person there is always room for growth in that type of relationship.

9.) Integrity: People always say that integrity is what you do when no one else is watching you. Well, if you are doing well while no one else is watching you while you are single; than you will do well when no one else is watching you while you are married. Now is the time to form those good and integral characteristics about yourself that will contribute toward a strong healthy relationship such as self-control, honesty, integrity and the like.

10.) Learning what real-love is: I thought about how a lot of people say that they marry for love, but in reality lot’s of people marry for the initial feeling or emotion of love, but they may not completely understand what real-love is. When you really love someone, you make a commitment for the long-hall. To love that person for a life-time. Thus, love becomes a consistent choice in addition to the emotion or feelings that love bring. It’s a good idea to refresh yourself every now and then on what the Bible says love is. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) Know that if real love is what you want; it will take some endurance, some selflessness, some humility, some forgiveness, some kindness, and the like. If you pay close attention you will find that you probably already practice these attributes in your life now with certain people that you love such as family members and friends. You may not feel like going to meet your friend and help them with their car that just died out, but you make a sacrifice and do it because you love them. Some of us give our last dollar to strangers who ask for money for food because we love them. These little attributes that we practice now as single individuals will help us tremendously when we are married as well. Once we have been faithful over these few things as singles; we can become ruler over more in marriage. (Matthew 25:21)

Prince Marries Commoner

Prince Felix of Luxembourg and his new bride, Claire Lademacher, pose for photographs after their civil wedding ceremony in Koenigstein am Taunus, Germany.

I recently came across a story with the headline, “Prince marries commoner.” 

Of course this headline immediately grabbed my attention as I looked at the pictures of the bride and the groom enjoying one another as they pledge to holy matrimony. I love these types of stories because it reminds me of who I am in Christ. We all we’re born commoners in this world with a chance at royalty, a
chance to be a part of the greatest royal lineage there ever was and ever will be, and that lineage is the kingdom of God. 

Anyone with a biblical foundation understands that the relationship of a man and his wife is to be a picture on earth of God’s love for man-kind and his
church, whom he calls his bride (Ephesians 5:25-33). God is so good that he gives us reminders of himself and his thoughts toward us through natural things that he created in this world.

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and
Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Romans

Women want to feel desired, loved, and pursued by someone, and if men are honest they will admit that they feel those same desires too. Well this blog is
to remind us that all of those desires can be met through our relationship with God.

He loves us and sees us as royal and worthy of the best when we may not see ourselves as such. That is why God gave us his best. He pursued us when he gave us his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. (Isaiah 53:10) Jesus Christ is our prince, who has changed our name, our status, and our right to inheritance. We are thoroughly blessed with all things that we need through him. It’s important to know who you are and who you are connected to.

I leave you with1 Peter 2:9-10 that says:

 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now
have obtained mercy.”

So, don’t go settling for anything once common people who have become royalty through Jesus Christ!

Life’s Too Short Not to Love who God Made Us to Be!

So, this morning I was reading about the Apostle Paul, who wrote a great deal of the new testament, and was one of the most instrumental people to push the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had noticed something about Paul that I hadn’t noticed before. He mentioned in 2 Corinthians 10:7-11 how there were those who looked at him after the outward appearance that said that his letters were weighty and powerful, but his presence was weak and when he spoke in person it wasn’t that good. (KJV)

When I saw that in the Bible I said Paul and I have somethings in common. First of all he is a single man of God as I am a single woman of God. He is judged according to his outward appearance as being weak. I am also judged by appearance as being weak because I carry a humble spirit. I don’t seek to be the center of attention. I have that Lecrae I can play the background type of vibe, but when necessary I address situations that may place me in the center of attention.

Of course, Apostle Paul corrected the naysayers and represented who he was as a person regardless of what people thought about him or saw him as. I thought about how so many people guys and girls are in and out of dating relationships looking for someone to validate them. We look for people to tell us we are pretty, we are desirable, we are worth being around, we are worthy of their time and all the while some of us don’t know these things for ourselves.

The danger in looking to people or relationships to validate you is that as easy as a person can offer validation to you they can just as easily strip away that validation and any self-worth from you because you allowed yourself to idolize their opinion of you instead of God’s opinion of you. At that point, those relationships can easily turn into manipulation where a person sees the worth that you place on their opinion of you as a need that you have in which can be manipulated to their advantage. I’ve experienced this and do not intend on experiencing it anymore.

People will always have an opinion of you. Most of the time if people are judging by the outward appearance they form wrong opinions about others, opinions based off of superficial and unfounded observances. People may say you are too quiet, too short, too dark-skinned, too light-skinned, too goofy, too serious, but those people cannot see what is in your heart neither did they make you.

The Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. This scripture has been used as somewhat cliche’; however, it is a very important scripture that means God did not just make us in a fly by night kind of a way. God put special effort and special thought into making each person into something wonderful. Wonderful means something that others will wonder at and just be like wow.

You don’t have to look like Beyonce to be a wow-factor, and guys you don’t have to look like Trey Songz to be a wow-factor. All you have to do is to love yourself. To accept yourself the way that God made you. If you’ve had trouble with that then join the club. I believe that every human being has had some sort of trouble with accepting something about themselves, but don’t stop at realizing you have an issue with yourself. Take it to God in prayer. Ask God to show you yourself the way he sees you. Ask God to help you to learn to love yourself. If you have an issue with your own style, ask God to give you your own style that you will feel comfortable and confident with. Finally, ask God to show you how what you view as a weakness can be used as a strength that gives God glory.

Many of the things that we may see as weaknesses about ourselves are actually a strength in some way. People who don’t talk a lot don’t get involved in drama. They may be strong thinkers who later on in life turn out to be great teachers. People, who talk a lot can be exhorters or encourages. Those who are goofy can spread the joy of the Lord and lift someones spirits. I’m sure if I tried I can find a million men and women who are exclusively attracted to a dark-skinned person or light-skinned person. That all depends on preference. You never know what God had in mind when he made you and the way that you see yourself today may develop into something even greater tomorrow. We grow in grace, development, character, styles and all types of ways. Enjoy the process and the ride of life in your own shoes without trying to change yourself to be like someone else wants you to be. When you learn to love yourself, you can then love others more freely and genuinely.

You see men look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7) He looks at what he has put inside of you. He knows who you are and when you are ready just like Apostle Paul he will give you a revelation of who you are. (Acts 9) Although, you may be going wrong by limiting yourself to how people see you. God can change your name and give you a new identity. The identity that you always we’re but never knew. Apostle Paul probably never thought that he would be preaching the gospel prior to his conversion, but when he got a revelation from God on who he was and what God had called him to do; he was able to step into his calling boldly, and do what God has called him to do

God wants us to be bold and confident in who he has made us to be. Therefore, we as singles and even married people should not use all of our lives seeking approval from one another, but from the one who made us. We should not get into dating relationships because of the insecurities that we have about ourselves and looking for those insecurities to be validated, but instead get them validated by God before we enter into a relationship. That way once we enter into a relationship we can provide some stability to the relationship instead of just seeking approval.

What are some of the things that you have learned about yourself? Has the things that you learned about yourself caused you to have a more positive outlook about yourself? Are you believing what people think about you or what God thinks about you?

Blurred Lines Part II – Overcoming Five Deceptions of Lust

For me lust is not as big an issue until my faith for God’s plan for my sexuality feels threatened or unrealistic. Lust then becomes more attractive because it offers immediate relief without the requirement to have faith in God for something that you do not have, but would like to have.

I heard somewhere on a documentary that there are studies that men tend to view pornography because it provides an immediate gratification to their fantasy which is something that they would like to have but do not. It also expressed the same sentiment regarding women who read romantic novels saying because of a woman’s desire for romance that she doesn’t have at the present moment, she reads the novel which feeds that fantasy of hers.

Therefore, if lust is an issue of faith or the lack thereof in our lives then we need to work on increasing our faith. Just because something hasn’t happened right away doesn’t mean that it will never happen, we just need to have enough patience to wait until it does. The Bible says that the trying of our  faith works patience. It also says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Therefore, we need to be around people who are talking about the word of God. We need to be building our faith with scripture, and through prayer, and also with the things that we think about. Get away from people who sow seeds of doubt in your life saying things like you will never get married, you are going to struggle with lust all of your life or things will never change.

The second deception in my list of fighting lust is that you are the only one struggling. Everyone else in the house of the Lord is floating on clouds of holiness and righteousness except you of course. You alone battle the demon of lust and lack the secret ingredient of walking on a cloud of holiness in this area. Just know that the devil is a liar. You are not the only one who struggles with lust. That isolation that comes about by believing you are the only one can easily cause you to give up and give into lust’s every whim. The Bible lets us know in the book of Peter that the things that we are going through our brothers and sisters in Christ are also going through the same thing in the world.(1 Peter 5:9)

Therefore, don’t struggle in isolation. Expose your struggle. Confess, get prayer, talk about it with godly accountability partners that are mature and of the same sex. You will find strength and healing taking place. (James 5:16)  Also, don’t get discouraged if your healing doesn’t happen immediately. Struggle against your flesh and against sin until you get free.  

Thirdly on my list is the thought that you can handle anything. Someone, who thinks they can handle any situation leaves the door open for things that can and will trigger lust. You have to be honest and humble enough with yourself to realize when you cannot handle something. Sometimes, our hormones are high due to outside factors or triggers such as sexual conversation, sex scenes on television, music that sets the mood, a touch in the right place, or certain settings like a bedroom or a dark place. At other times your hormones may be high for no reason at all. For example, I could be sitting down reading my Bible and next thing you know, I’m like where in the world did this come from…I was reading about Jesus. Unfortunately, during those instances where you don’t do anything and your hormones are on ten, there is really nothing you can do, but endure and try

to distract yourself from your hormones in those moments. However, with the other things mentioned you can set boundaries on what you will allow yourself to watch on TV, talk about sexually with someone of the opposite sex, listen to on the radio, and so forth. The Bible gives us a reason to be extreme when dealing with things that cause us to sin saying if your eye offends you pluck it out, for it’s better for you to enter into heaven lame, then to go to hell with all of your limbs. (Matthew 5:29-30) That is a metaphor for dealing with sin. The word offend in the Greek means to cause to sin. God is saying if there is something in your life that is causing you to sin; you just may need to cut it off completely in order to be free in that area. I know guys who don’t watch TV at all, not because it is a sin to watch TV because it isn’t, but because it helps them in their struggle against sin.

Forth on my list is the company you keep especially as it pertains to those who are of the household of faith or who claim to be Christians. If a Christian is practicing sexual immorality openly and you begin hanging with him or her there is an opportunity for the temptation that says it isn’t that bad for a Christian to have sex outside of marriage or so & so is doing it and he or she is OK. That is why the Bible makes it clear that it isn’t a good idea to keep company with people who are openly professing Christ, and are still yet practicing the sin of pre-marital sex. (1 Corinthians 5:9-11)

Last but not least on my list is attempting to live holy and pure in your own strength. God tells us in Isaiah that even the young men will faint. The struggle with lust is an area where several young men and women faint. However, it doesn’t have to end there. God lets us know that he is able to renew our strength. Sometimes, as a Christian single waiting on the Lord, I honestly get tired. Lust revs up so strong at times where I literally feel like there is no hope period end of story. It’s a done deal God. I’m a goner. At that last moment, the Lord reminds me that it is him that renews my strength and that I don’t have to depend on myself and my own abilities. It gives me so much strength to go on that I forget about the struggle that I had until the next season of struggle comes up.

If we are honest, as Christian singles we go through various seasons where sometimes we are strong and feel like we can stand for the Lord forever, and other times when we are weak, and feel like what were we ever thinking.

Now, when you go to God for renewed strength in this area, don’t be talking about yeah Lord, I need you to take these unholy images out of my mind, but you know you don’t really mean it. You know a double-minded man is not going to receive anything from God. (James 1:6-8) You have to allow yourself to get to the place where you are tired of lust coming in between you and your relationship with God, then you can come to God in sincerity and watch him work on your behalf.

Coming to God in humility and sincerity increases your intimate walk with the Lord and your ability to see how we depend on him. I think it is a beautiful thing that God can use even our weaknesses as it pertains to our flesh to draw us nearer to him. So, don’t believe the lies of lust that it’s worth flirting with lust and casting off your faith for real-love because lust gives immediate gratification, we are alone, we can handle any situation because we are supermen and women in Christ, or that we can stand for God in our own strength. That’s why we need God’s grace, and his grace is enough for us no matter where we are in our struggle against lust. We are over-comers through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Blurred Lines

One of the most popular songs right now is a song called Blurred Lines. I’ve watched the video and the video portrays young women dressed in all white appearing somewhat docile or innocent similar to a child.
The women are encouraged to let their wild-side loose sexually because they really want to. This song can’t help but to remind me of the battle between the spirit and the flesh that we face on a regular.
The battle for a single who is battling her sexual passions and desires from being expressed outside of her season of marriage is similar to the metaphor in the song Blurred Lines. The believer in scripture is encouraged to be like a child (Matthew 18:3). In some ways as a single believer, it is wise to be as a child.
It is wise to be pure, to keep your innocence as a single, to lock up your sexual passions until the time of unveiling within the marriage bed, car, truck, kitchen table lol (added for humor.)
As with a child, if the child relinquishes his purity or innocence too soon, the child will feel robbed of a portion of his childhood. The child will feel like he hasn’t experienced being a child fully and enjoyed the carefreeness of going outside to play everyday with his friends or eating ice-cream as if it’s pure gold.
Therefore, we guard and protect the innocence of a child. Similarly, we as single believers must guard and protect our purity from lust as singles. Lust brings about temporary satisfaction. It is not permanent. Lust has a way of taking from you instead of giving to you. You will have to chase another lustful experience to capture the joy of lust again which is fleeting; while waiting on the joy of real love is the opposite.
Real love is giving. Real love is permanent. Real love is signified by covenant. Covenant meaning an everlasting commitment between two people which is filled with all of the ups and downs of love. That’s why in the marriage ceremony two people who pledge love to one another pledge through the good times and the bad times, sickness and health, poverty or wealth, until death does them apart.
That is what I want. A permanent friendship/relationship/intimate partner. This is one of the things that has helped me to hold on for so long as it pertains to waiting to have sex until marriage. As singles, we have to be careful not to give into the moment of temptation. The temptation that says let’s grab this temporary lust fix because I’m hot right now or I’ve been trying to stay pure, but I really want it like the song says.
Of course, we really want it. That is the way God made us with a healthy sex-drive. However, the sex-drive was not designed by God for temporary sexual fulfillment. Once that fire is started, the Lord has designed the fire to burn, burn, and then burn some more. That is why it is so important to wait for that committed marriage relationship because if you don’t, you will find yourself trying to manage that fire with various sexual escapades that lack the intimacy that comes with a committed marriage relationship. Therefore, you may have the physical intimacy that you desire, but the emotional and spiritual intimacy may be lacking.
Why trade one part of intimacy for the other. Why not have it all. Jesus Christ came to give us the abundant life where we will lack nothing. (Psalms 34:9-10)
Don’t allow satan to blur the lines of how God says single believers ought to manage their sexual passions, and how the world says we ought to manage our sexual passions. The world acknowledges the sexual passions and says you want it go get it. They don’t tell you what could come with just going to get it outside of God’s plan.
The Bible tells us to put our flesh under subjection, and to deny ourselves. The bible tells us we will suffer for a little while, but afterward there will be glory. The word of God sets us up for the abundant life. While the world sets us up for momentary thrills.
Let’s be clear on what we believe as it relates to our sexuality as single believers putting our trust in God for the grace to cover us as we wait for the right sexual relationship that will be oh so pleasing to God and us within the covenant of marriage, true love and commitment that lasts for a lifetime and not just for the moment .

You Don’t Have to fall on your Wait for your Mate

We do not have to fall on our wait for our mate. If we do fall, we know that God’s grace is sufficient for us meaning that God’s grace is enough to meet us where we are at and restore us to where he has called us to be.

Of course, we all fall short in our own ways. There are many of us if not all  of us, who have made mistakes by dating the wrong guys just to have someone in our lives, trying to save a man who we thought was cute and had some characteristics that we liked while almost losing ourselves in the process, but God’s grace some  way and some how has brought us back to a vision and a focus in him that gives us rest, peace, and clarity of mind.

Well, satan is after that clarity that rest, and peace that we have in Christ as single believers waiting on the promise of the right mate that God has for us. It’s normal when a person has been waiting on something for a long time to get tired. We all will get tired during this process at times and will need our strength to be renewed.

It’s like going to a doctor’s office and sitting in the waiting room. You can only sit there and read a magazine for so long. Imagine having to sit there for years waiting, LOL, yes pun is intended here. Even though we at times get weak and lose focus, God promises to renew our strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

However, at those times we are weak is where satan comes to tempt us to fall because satan is afraid and intimidated at the thought of two believers coming together in holy matrimony what a force to be reckoned with. Not to mention the godly children who will be brought into the world due to the godly parents. That is why satan fights us so hard.

As believers who know that we have a promise from God, many of us have been taught the story about Abraham and Sarah in the old testament who were promised a son in their old age, and how due to the strain of waiting so long Sarah tried to make the promise come to pass on her own. Through Sarah’s attempt to make the promise come  to pass on her own, she opened up a whole can of warms that made her life that much more difficult. Although, she got her promise, she fell from faith regarding the promise and made things harder on herself.

We do not have to follow in her example in that situation, we can remain encouraged to know that the promise that God has given us, God is the only one who is able to bring it to pass, and that he will bring it to pass in his time and season. As people of God, we we’re born to win. We we’re born to overcome every obstacle that we could ever be faced with on our way to what God has promised us.

There was a group of people in the old testament called the children of Israel. These were people that God made and established as a nation for himself. God also made them a promise. God delivered them out of the land of Egypt where they were slaves, and promised to bring them into their own land that would be filled with everything that they could ever want or need.  Everywhere the children of Israel went they stayed winning. Every army that ever came up against them was defeated because God was with them.

It is the same situation in our lives, impatience rears it’s ugly head along with loneliness, and lies like your standard is too high, you will never get married, or you are going to be waiting forever because I have never seen a godly man/woman. However, we have overcome those things and we have stayed winning against all  of those obstacles that tried to make us forfeit our blessing for what was easier to attain at the time.

So, satan attempts to come at us in a different way just like he did Jesus when he was weak after fasting. Satan tried several attempts to tempt Jesus, but he stood on God’s word (Luke 4). I will share one of the ways that satan recently tried to come at me.

I had already been weak and going through some stuff, and a lady came to me calling herself prophesying saying negative things to me that insinuated that I needed to go out and get a man on my own. She encouraged me to date an unsaved man, rub his back, and hold his hand, and smell him smelling all good up against me, so I would be able to share with people how things really are because they will not listen to me if I haven’t had the experience of being with a man.

She was not hearing from God, but judging me to be inexperienced and unwise because of my youth. She encouraged me further to compromise insinuating that I was too rigid and would scare a man away through having a standard, and she said all of this in the name of the Lord.

I was floored. I could not believe what was coming out of her mouth because the Bible tells us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers, and it also tells us not to make provision for the flesh to obey it in the lusts thereof. So, if I am continuing to date a man who isn’t saved and becoming more attached to him by being physical with him then I am setting myself up to fall.

It would be a different story if God sent me a man, who he had been dealing with, but isn’t necessarily saved yet, and through an uncompromising friendship relationship in a safe environment such as a workplace, group, or social organization the man becomes saved, and I begin to see fruit that he is serious about his relationship with the Lord, then we can talk and become closer and eventually become married, but the contrary would only be compromise, and would cause me to fall.

I was reminded about the children of Israel who continued to win against their enemies and every nation that they would come up against how they would defeat those nations and God would drive those inhabitants out of the land.

There was a king named Balak in those days who heard about the children of Israel and their victorious streak, so what he did was he called a “prophet of God” named Baalam to curse God’s people. Now, Baalam was truly a prophet of God at first, but after a while the gifts and the notoriety that was offered to him by King Balak got to him. (Numbers 22-25)

Balak was concerned that the children of Israel would come up against him next and defeat him. That is why he contacted Baalam. Baalam originally responded to Balak’s request to curse the children of Israel by saying, “I cannot curse what God, has blessed.” However, after a while Baalam gave in by giving Balak counsel on how to truly defeat the children of Israel saying that in order for him to curse the children of Israel he would have to entice them to sin and to go after other gods. That is the only way that God’s covering will be removed and that they would no longer be victorious in war.

Later on in the book of Numbers, we read about how the children of Israel were tempted to go after idolatry and sexual immorality due to the counsel of Baalam.  We see how God sent a plague to the children of Israel and many of them died until a young man who feared the Lord stopped the plague. (Numbers 31:6)

What I gather from this is that because satan cannot bind you, he will try to get you to bind yourself. Satan cannot defeat us, because we are already overcomers through Christ Jesus; therefore, satan will attempt to cause us to be defeated by our own actions.

As I stated earlier, God’s grace is sufficient for us or enough to meet us where we are and cover us and draw us back to our right place in God, but I believe that their are different levels of grace. I believe God’s word where it says to whom much is given much is required. You see the lady who “called herself prophesying to me, who also reminded me of Baalam” was in her flesh and looking at me as if I was a child who didn’t know or experience certain things.

However, that isn’t true. I am an adult who has already been through trying to have a relationship with a man who wasn’t saved. I’ve already experienced what it is like to have an ungodly soul-tie, and struggle with someone else’s demons in addition to my own through making the choice to allow someone close to my heart who God has not ordained to be there. And God has delivered me from that situation, and it would be foolish of me to go back to that type of a situation.

A child receives a certain amount of grace that an adult does not receive because an adult is expected to know better.  (1 Corinthians 13:11) If a child runs out in the street naked people will say that it is cute. If an adult runs out in the street naked; they will get arrested for indecent exposure. This is what the Bible means when it says that to whom much is given much is required.  (Luke 12:48)

Oftentimes, when people talk about grace it is in the sense of a free pass to do whatever you want, but I don’t believe that is the biblical concept of grace. I believe that satan used that woman to try to make me take God’s grace for granted in order to open up a door in my life to allow compromise and cause me to miss the promise that God has for me, which is my God-ordained relationship with the husband of God’s choosing and not my own.

I believe that when people sin. There is still grace for them, and that God will forgive them just like he forgave David in the Bible who sinned with Bathesheba. However, the judgement for someone who knows better will be harsher than for someone who doesn’t know better and is still learning  in that area. Although, God forgave David who was a man who walked with God and knew better. God’s judgement for David was greater than for someone who did not have similar knowledge of God. We know that David had to deal with enemies in his own house hold because of his sin. He only made it harder on his self although he was forgiven.

We donot have to go through similiar instances of making things harder on ourselves while waiting on God for his promises. We can continue to walk in the fear of the Lord and the faith of the Lord until we reach those promises. If I feared what that woman, “prophesied” to me above what God’s word tells me, than I would find myself going through unnecessary pain and drama. Notice that the fear of the Lord is how a person overcomes what the Bible calls the error of Baalam (Baalam represents someone who knows right, but chooses to do wrong anyway). It was through a man who feared the Lord that God’s judgement was stopped upon Israel. (Numbers 25)

I used to have a job where I was the only Christian there, and I really liked this guy who was not a Christian, and at first I did not like him, but he weared me down in a sense. There would be all types of ungodly conversation going on and sexual innuendos at times that he would bring to me in conversation. So, I tried to be prayed up and strong before I went in to work.

I remember one day I was worshiping God before I went into work, and it was almost time for me to go in when I quickly grabbed my Bible to try to get a quick word from God.  Before I could open up the Bible, I heard God say to me, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

At the time, I was really young, and was in a position that I had never been in before where I felt like I had to fall. So, I was kind of in this, “What do I do God?” sort of a way. God’s response was, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

To fear God means to respect above all else the commands and knowledge that we have of God or to hold in high esteem what God says so much so that what he says becomes the wisdom for that situation that we are in.

After a while, God begin to renew my strength as he promised in his word. (Isaiah 40:31) He reminded me of Matthew 6 that addresses the subject of worrying about the things that God has already promised to do in our lives. He specifically reminded me of the passage that says, “Look at the lillies of the field. They do not toil (work) nor do they spin (strive) yet I say unto you that even Solomon (who was the richest man of that time) was not dressed like one of these lillies. It goes on to say if God takes care of the lilies, the grass of the field, the birds and so forth will he not much more take care of you. You are worth more to God than these things. Therefore, don’t worry about these things, but seek first the kingdom of God (things of God), and his righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:28-33)

Often, the last scripture has been taught in the sense of being used to get what you want from God. But I now understand, that God’s purpose in sharing that with us is so that we can rest in him and what he has promised us instead of worrying and trying to figure out how we will do it on our own like Sarah. We are to instead focus on the things that concern God’s kingdom that he is calling us to in this moment of our lives leaving tomorrow up to God to handle.

Although, I had been a little weak, confused, and discouraged from dealing with those things. Through waiting on the Lord he has restored my focus and encouraged me in prayer letting me know that it isn’t a man’s responsibility to bring my husband to me, but his responsibility. It is God that puts a man and his wife together and what God has put together no man should put apart. Lastly, he begin to deal with me about my husband showing me certain things about him and having me to pray for him. Now, I am encouraged to know that I do not have to fall in the things that I have already learned, but to continue to fear the Lord, and rest in his promises as he brings them to pass in my life.

Whatchu thinking Bout?

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Thoughts are like seeds that become planted into our minds and if we began to water those seeds by meditating on it they will grow. Only a certain type of seed or thought should be allowed to grow in our minds. As believers, we have to remember not to get so relaxed that we allow just any thought to remain in our mind. Thoughts that are harmful to the fruit that God promises us (joy, love, peace, endurance, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance)  must be cast down. (Galatians 5:22-23)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
In order to cast the thought down in your mind, you have to first recognize the fact that this is not a good thought or a good seed. How do you recognize it? Through the knowledge of God’s word that you have. That is why it is so important to read the Word, and to listen to the Word so that when the devil comes at you and says you are not valuable, you can say I am so valuable that nothing on this earth could have purchased my salvation and freedom in Christ. That’s why God had to come down from heaven himself to purchase our salvation sending his only begotten son.

That’s a high price. When the devil says you are not loved or lovable, you can say greater love has no man then this than that a man would lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13-14) That’s what Jesus did for us. Furthermore, we have to realize that these ungodly thoughts do not come from ourselves alone. We may open a door to ungodly thoughts through our fears and so forth, but we are in a spiritual warfare. 2 Corinthians 10:4 reminds us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Sometimes, we may think a negative thought is just ourselves, so we dismiss it thinking it will go away on it’s own, and it only grows and gets bigger because we did not deal with it. God has given us weapons to deal with these things like his word, and prayer.

As soon as we spot a negative thought we need to begin to pray right there and speak God’s word or his response to that thought. In doing so, we are aligning our mind and thoughts to God’s word. God’s word is his seed that will not come back void and it will produce his fruit love, joy, peace, endurance, gentleness, goodness, and faith. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
Oftentimes, people allow a negative thought to grow in their lives to the point where it becomes a stronghold, and when it becomes a stronghold; it becomes even harder to deal with and the negative affects of the stronghold are undeniable in a person’s life.

For example, a thought of worry starts out as a simple question, “Will I have enough?, or Will I find love?”. The next thing you know you think upon those doubtful questions so much so that you begin to analyze the current circumstances in your life and you begin to speak doubt instead of what God’s word says saying I don’t have enough or I will never find love because I don’t have any prospects.

You carry the weight of those negative thoughts that have turned into negative words until you begin to act out on them settling for a relationship that God did not ordain or over-working yourself instead of praying to God for wisdom on how to have the income you need. Now, there is a stronghold in your life that manifests itself in anxiety, exhaustion, and frustration out of moving ahead of God, and it all started from a simple thought. So please be aware of the thoughts that enter into your mind that are seeds toward your future. Speak believe and act out what God’s word says. Let God’s word be the thoughts that you meditate on and in doing so you will be prosperous and successful in everything and remember to cast down immediately thoughts that are negative or opposite the fruit that God desires to produce in our lives. (Joshua 1:8) It will not always be easy and I am a witness of that, but it will always be worth it.

Good seeds equal good fruit. You get to pick the way your life turns out by what you choose to think about.

Where is Your Faith?

Sometimes life can be challenging as a Christian single. I can say for myself just a few days ago, I met a fine godly brother, which always seems to spark some sort of anxiety in me.  It makes me feel a bit of a rush for him to get my number and call me already. When you have waited so long and haven’t seen any prospects that seem to be available or a good fit . However, when I  finally see one, I’m ready for take off, and when that doesn’t happen it becomes easy for me to become discouraged.  So, I  have no choice but to continue on living life as usual. Shortly, after my bout of anxiety I had to finish up one more school teaching  abstinence education to high school students, and I thought to myself do I really believe this stuff that I am teaching? Do I want these young girls that I am speaking to to end up like me alone?

In between classes, the thought came to my mind where is your faith? I looked up that phrase in the bible and came across Luke 8:22-25.

Luke 8:22-25  –  Shares the story of Jesus and his disciples being in a ship, and Jesus says to his disciples, “Lets cross over to the other side of land.” In other words, God is taking them somewhere.

Jesus gets on the boat and falls asleep, and then a storm comes. The disciples began to freak out. They say things like we are going to drown. The anxiety of the storm has totally overridden the thought of them crossing over to the other side of land. Finally, in a panic they awake Jesus, and he calms the storm.  Then, he looks at his disciples saying the words I heard God say to me, “where is your faith?”

I can only interject with speculation why Jesus asked his disciples where is your faith. Could it be that they thought they would not get to the other side. Could it be that they cast off their faith for a moment not realizing who they really had on that boat with them and the power that he possessed.  Not realizing that even in situations that seem uncomfortable or outside of our control, he is still God and able to bring to pass what he said. In this case, Jesus had told them that they were crossing over to the other side. They faced the storm and forgot that Jesus said they were going to the other side and they almost gave up. However, Jesus was on the boat with them, and when they went to Jesus everything became ok, and they crossed over to that other side.

In the same sense, we are on our way somewhere. God has made us promises, and we are walking by faith to get to those promises. Like the disciples, when a storm comes or opposition comes we sometimes are quick to give up, and to get discouraged. But if we can re-kindle our faith and remember who is in the storm with us, and who made the promise (Jesus), and that he has the power to calm even the winds in our lives; we too will get to the other side.

Getting back to the single thing. I sometimes struggle with my faith in that area. Although, it seems it’s easy for me to believe God for certain things, I’ve often struggled with my faith to believe God for a godly spouse going back and forth with my faith for that. Largely, due to the fact that I did not see any godly men around my age. But faith is not seeing and then believing, but about believing although, you do not see.

Another nugget God gave me at one point in time as it relates to my faith for a godly man is (Mark 11:23) For verily I sayunto you, That whosoever shall sayuntothismountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

A mountain would be to man an impossible thing to move, just like a godly woman meeting a godly man seems impossible to some of us who have never experienced it, but we cannot lose our faith. Because when we lose our faith we forfeit our blessing, and we settle for drowning in our current circumstance in life. So, keep your faith even if it’s really small because it’s that small amount of faith that will get you to your promise.

This blog post may not only apply to singles. There may be other promises that we are waiting to have come to pass in our lives.

1.) What are some promises God has given you, and you felt like is this possible? Will I make it to this promise or will I drown in my current circumstance of life?

2.) What do you learn from this story on how to handle your current circumstance on your way to the promise?