Why women will never get what they want if they follow Beyonce’s example in Partition:
The last blog, I wrote about called, “To Be a Whore or To Be Alone?”, addressed the struggle between single men and women where women feel like they have no other choice but to be a whore or to be alone. The pressure for singles is real and many women struggle with that because they do not want to be alone, while the quality of men that approach them is to disrobe, dishonor, and use them and toss them to the side. The final result of that blog was to trust in the Lord who covers us, and not to compromise our worth as women in order to have a man.
Beyonce’s message in partition is OK for married women adapting to the needs and wants of her spouse within the boundary of marriage. The bible says that the marriage bed is undefiled (Hebrews 13:4i), which means that it is holy, and appropriate to let loose within the covenant of marriage, but all the single ladies who interpret the song’s lyrics, “I just want to be the girl you like, the kind of girl you like is right here with me”, as appropriate for them in their singleness are setting themselves up for a high-risk relationship that may not last.
The video of Partition starts out at a table where a man is reading a newspaper ignoring Beyonce’, while she ponders how to get his attention. She begins to disrobe, and the scene is set for her compromise. The man doesn’t pay her attention until she disrobes and becomes what he wants.
What if the many single women and young girls who look up to Beyonce’ took her song and video Partition as a clue to compromise their own worth in order to get a man.
What if women said to themselves: I cannot get a man the right way through waiting on the Lord for someone who is worthy of me. Someone who respects, loves, and wants all of me, and not just my body. So, therefore, I am going to change who I am as a woman of honor, class, and integrity, and lower my standards to just have a man.
There are so many young women out there who interpret their worth to a man based solely on their bodies and that’s it. As women we bring much more to the table than our bodies. Our bodies are the icing on the cake the extra. We should bank on bringing more to the table to form a healthy relationship with a man than just our bodies.
What if women interpreted the partition to be the boundaries that are set in place to protect women: The word of God, accountability, not placing one’s-self in compromising situations as to give way to sin.
There is a scripture that says remove not the old landmark, and enter not into the fields of the fatherless (Proverbs 23:10). A landmark is a boundary or a dividing line. The purpose of the landmark is to protect the ownership of property.
Fathers represent protection, structure, purpose, security, and order which when in proper place, they bring about safety, security, and peace in a home. In other words this scripture is saying not to remove those boundaries that we’re set up of old to protect the structure of the family or whatever needs to be protected. Without the proper boundaries, the result will be chaos, lack of order, and the complete opposite of what fathers are supposed to bring.
This is what we currently see as it pertains to relationships and the structure of the home.
There is chaos in not being able to form healthy relationships with one another, but only relationships where women are being used. Men trained to be sex animals, but not to be men and to take on the responsibility of manhood protecting, covering, godly leaders, and providers.
The chaos doesn’t stop at not being able to form healthy relationships with men. It continues into the rest of the home with disorder, lack of fear for authority, violence, young men growing up wild not knowing how to harness their emotions. Young girls growing up seeking for what she should have gotten in her father in men who use her.
Lastly, instead of children coming into the world with a jump on things financially and stability-wise, they are forced to grow up in homes where poverty is a common theme.
Contrary to popular culture that always seeks to push or remove the boundaries set up to protect us. Boundaries are very important because they show us that there is a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things and the results will be more favorable when we hold up the boundaries that God has set in place for us. If anyone knows how to protect us it’s God who made us and who knows all things.
What if women began to remove those boundaries and let the men in who are so easily available. Would she be happy in the end? The man would get what he wants, but what about the woman? The woman would in turn become what the man wants and lose her own-self in return. I don’t think that is a fair exchange.
We would do better just simply waiting for someone who is willing to step up to the plate and work together with us to protect us, to hold up the boundaries we’ve set in place, and in turn when the time is right after a foundation has been built on real love, commitment, selflessness, and God’s covenant of marriage can the partition go up and the cabaret show can then begin.
As women, our responsibility is to help the men (Genesis 2:18). Women help men when women hold up a standard to these men. When a woman holds up a standard it forces men to have to make a decision. Either he will fall-off from pursuing her out of respect because he sees her intentions don’t match his or he will become challenged by her standard and come up to her standard. Either way she will have been respected and remains in position to receive God’s best for her.
Men cannot help the fact that they are visually stimulated, but women can help men in dealing with that by carrying ourselves in an attractive, yet appropriate manner not un-classy, and not sexually stimulating unless it is in the privacy of marriage between a husband and wife.
Women have to be careful not to become confused as to what the image of a powerful woman looks like. In the world, when women do not get their way, they find ways to manipulate men mainly with their bodies. However, our power does not come from us being able to control or manipulate men with our bodies. Real-men are attracted to more than a woman’s body.
Real-men are attracted to her mind, her sass or wit, self-respect, confidence, fear for God, willingness to learn, skills, gifts, ability to nurture, and more. If your body is the best asset that you have to offer a man, than don’t be surprised if a man treats you in that manner.
Women in the kingdom of God, when they don’t get their way continue to play the position that God has given them to play. She knows her role well. She knows that her role is to help the man, to be a builder, to build up with her tongue, holding her tongue when she is tempted to speak out of bitterness, or rage.
Instead of holding bitterness in her heart towards men putting them down, she guards her heart and prays for the men that she sees out of position. She doesn’t encourage ungodly behavior in men, but carries herself to demand respect and accepts nothing less. She embraces her sexuality with wisdom and the fear of the Lord holding out until the appropriate time. She knows her purpose and focuses on that instead of wasting time with riotous activity.
If she is married to a husband she doesn’t withhold sex, she continues to submit to her husband which is another discussion. She continues to respect him, not talking down to him in any way. After a while, the man will notice these things and began to change or fall off.
The bible says that a woman who continues to honor her husband has a greater chance at winning her husband over (1 Peter 3:1ii). Basically, this scripture expresses the power of a woman’s influence when she plays the position that God has given her to play.
Single women can take a lesson from 1 Peter 3:1 and continue to maintain the position God has given us by continuing to honor and respect ourselves. When women are in their appropriate position, it forces men to take notice, and either to line up or ship out, and that is what we need as virtuous women of God who are waiting on God.
We need to know who we are and to continue to play our role holding up a standard to help men to hold up their standard of man-hood, to encourage men in that, to crown the one’s who walk out that standard of a man well with honor and respect, and then in God’s plan and order we will get what we want as women.
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. – 1 Peter 3:1 (KJV)
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 (KJV)
Disclaimer: You may want to watch the Partition video by Beyonce’ in order to fully understand the blog, but please be warned it is explicit. If you are a male you will not have your mind on Jesus once the video is over. Watch at your own risk or not.