
Are You Being A Good Steward Over Your Gift of Singleness?

I firmly believe that it is God who puts people together and who causes others to be single for a season ordained for that person in order to carry out the specific purpose that God has in mind. I also believe that whatever calling rests upon an individual’s life whether single or married that God will give that individual the grace to do all that God is calling for with his specific assignment for him.

With that said we know that the Bible teaches us that singleness is a gift and marriage is a gift (1 Corinthians 7:7i). The question is what are we doing with are current state of singleness for those of us out there who are single? Are we being good stewards of this gift God has entrusted to us or are we focusing on trying to trade our gift for something else. Below are a few things that I think would help singles to better enjoy their time of singleness, and yes just like any other gift should be enjoyed, the gift of singleness should be enjoyed and maximized as well.

Having a positive outlook of what it means to be single:
 Unfortunately, singleness is too often looked at as a negative thing or a disadvantage, but singleness has a lot of advantages. We know that the Bible speaks about a single person’s first priority is that of being concerned with the things of God and living a life of holiness in both body and in spirit. It is an honor and a privilege that God would set us apart to be concerned specifically with his purpose. It shows that he respects us and trusts us to be concerned with the things that concern him. This opens up the door for greater intimacy with God which results in greater understanding of him. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t privy to this because either they have another calling such as marriage that distracts them from being able to have an intimate relationship with God in such an easy manner or they are seeking after other things.

Prioritizing to live a life of holiness in body and in spirit ii: When we make a priority of living for God in a way that is holy both in body and in spirit, we free ourselves up from the distractions of condemnation that we often have to fight when we are struggling with sin, and we invite God into our lives on a more intimate level. Sin separates us from God and his presence, but the opposite of sin, which is holiness and obedience causes us to welcome the presence of God.

The reward for holiness is the presence of God. God’s word teaches that the man that follows holiness and walks in peace toward men will see Godiii. I believe that is significant of a greater intimacy with God. Lately, I’ve been in a season where I’ve been waking up and going to sleep feeling the presence of God. That in it’s own way is my fuel to say, as I go into this next year no matter what I have to face, I will fight to be obedient even when it is hard because I remember God’s presence. I remember what it is like to feel his love and to love him in return, and that is what I want to do. The Bible says that if we love God we keep his commandments. Let God’s love for you and the idea of focusing on his love for you be the fuel that makes you willing to fight your flesh or any sinful threat that would seek to separate you from the presence of the Lord.

Not allowing yourself to be distracted: When you have made up in your mind to prioritize living a life of holiness to God, don’t be surprised if all of a sudden distractions pop-up out of no where. During those times, that distractions show their face, we have to be intentional in making a choice not to entertain the things that God has not ordained. Whether it is a man or a woman who is not a God-send in your life, or if it is an idol that is causing you to waste your precious time. Idols could be anything that you have chosen to give the greater attention to rather than what God has called you to for this season of your life. An idol could be a friendship that God no longer has ordained for you, or fantasying about sex where you have lifted up the idea of sex so much to the point where you can no longer focus on the fact that you are supposed to be single right now i.e. not getting any. God has called us to live a life of peace in whatever state that we are in. Normally, when we do not have peace in our current situation, we may have either outgrown that situation or we may have shifted our focus to something that it is not yet time for thus creating frustration for where God has currently called us.

Being productive: I know we have heard all of these things before, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded that the time of being single is a great time to realize those gifts and talents that God has placed within us. Being productive requires keeping our attention on the things that will bring forth good fruit in our lives and hopefully spill over into the lives of others not backbiting, gossiping, or being jealous of one another, but being mature. Being productive allows us to take leaps of faith that we may feel more reserved to take later when we have a family to support. Getting started with being productive can be as simple as using what you already have in your hands. If you have a job, you can use some of the income from your job as seed money to do whatever it is God is calling you to do. Every one doesn’t have to get behind your plan to make it work. You get behind your vision and other people will see you behind your vision and they will begin to support you as well.

I remember when God told me to put my website up. I was very reserved in doing so telling the Lord I would need confirmation before I followed through on putting up my website. I immediately got a text message after praying that prayer saying that God hasn’t lite a candle for it to be hiddeniv. It was so cool how that happened. One of my mentors who texted me didn’t even know I had just prayed that prayer.

It wasn’t my idea to be somewhat in front of people blogging and such, it was God’s idea. I never would have known what God wanted for my life without prioritizing him and seeking him for myself in prayer and reading of his word. Whenever we prioritize God we will find ourselves ending up exactly where we are supposed to be, and we’ll be the most productive than we can ever be.

Being Thankful: Being thankful helps us to enjoy the right now, to be thankful for what has been, and to have a hope for what will be. When we are thankful for what we already have, we don’t have time to wish we had more. Thankful people maximize what they already have.

Sowing into the lives of others: Sowing and reaping is one of the greatest principles that God has set up in the earth. God looks at the idea of a person not reaping what he has sown as mockery toward himself. It just doesn’t happen. God does not allow himself to be mocked in that way. Whatever a person sows, he will reap (Galatians 6:7). That’s God’s word and his word is bond. Therefore, as singles we should not be lacking in anything as long as we have some seed to sow, and God gives seed to those who have a heart to sowv. So, if we need love, we should find someone to sow love into for example, a church mother, widow, elder person, family member, or a child that we are mentoring. The point is if we sow love we will get love in return. If we sow our listening ear, we will get a listening ear. Sowing and reaping isn’t just about money although it can be used in that manner. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to look back after we are ready to settle down and get married and see all of the fruit of our labor as singles and say to ourselves wow that was really something.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who are married now did not have such fortunate single lives as some of us have been afforded the opportunity to have. Some people, who are now married, wasted their singleness trying to fit in doing any and everything under the sun that they should not have been doing and have nothing to show for it.

Others married before they really realized who they were, or what they wanted out of life. Some married people leave their marriages to find themselves. While others wait until they are finished raising their kids to pursue their dreams. If God has given you an opportunity now as a single to be productive as you enjoy your life and change the lives of others in a positive way than maximize that gift until he decides to say you’ve done well with that gift now here is another gift. Remember, that is what God did with the stewards over the talents in Matthew 25. Those, who were productive received more, but those who weren’t productive, what they had got taken away. Be sure to honor the current gift of singleness.

Finally, Not forgetting to do something for yourself: This is the one that I had been the weakest at,but I must say that I’ve gotten much better at being purposeful to do something for myself. Unfortunately, as singles sometimes we can do so much for others that we forget about ourselves and maybe some of the things that we would like to do. If you’ve always loved to dance, now is the time to take your dancing class, if you love to travel, than budget your money and get your travel on. Make some time for yourself to do things that you enjoy.

iFor I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. 1 Corinthians 7:7 (KJV)

God gives the gift of the single life to some, the gift of the married life to others. 1 Corinthians 7:7 (Message Bible)

ii The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:34

iiiFollow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14

iv Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Matthew 5:14-15

v Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness; 2 Corinthians 9:10

A Heart of Worship: Focus for the New Year:

The best part about approaching the new year is the sensitivity that comes about that draws us to seek the Lord. The Lord is describes in the book of Isaiah and the book of Revelations as the one who holds the key of David to shut doors that no one can open and open doors that no one can shut.
He is the one with the authority, the kingship and the grace to do just that on our behalf. Often the new year is a time of reflection where we review what has happened the previous year and what we can improve on for the next year.

Going where God is calling us in the new year is just as simple as submitting ourselves to the authority of Jesus Christ who personally deals with us his children in closing doors in our lives that would hinder us from him and what he has for us, and he opens doors of opportunity for us to grow closer to him and to carry out his will.

I pray for sensitivity to God’s leading and a willingness to submit to him in this new year that he is allowing us to enter into. I also pray for a heart of worship for myself and God’s people as a whole. We know that the true worship that God calls us to is rooted in obedience. When we obey someone it shows fear, reverence, and respect for them.

I am currently reading in the book of Jeremiah which is a great book for believers to read when they are struggling with a sin that is happening over and over again in their lives. We know that the word of God is powerful and able to correct us, discern the intentions of our hearts, and re-direct us to the right path i.

The book of Jeremiah deals with the sin of idolatry. Idolatry is anything that we obey or place more importance on over the Lord. Jeremiah talks about how God’s people Israel were idolatrous toward God, but God still let his people know that he loved them and if they turned their hearts to him he would take them back.

Sometimes idolatrous sin can cause a person to lose a sense of what is right and wrong, and what God is saying altogether. It isn’t a good place to be in. Therefore, God being the good loving God that he is will use some form of judgement to shake us up causing us to sober up to what God is trying to show us.

That is what happened in the book of Jeremiah. God warned his people that he was about to send judgement after they had been idolatrous against him. He already had planned for another nation to take his people and subject them to the rule of that other nation. He tells them how to react when this happens saying for them to repent and to prepare their hearts toward the Lord.

“For thus says the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and do not sow among thorns. Jeremiah 4:3

Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your heart, you men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that non can quench it, because of the evil of your doings. Jeremiah 4:4

Declare in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem: and say, Blow the trumpet in the land; cry gather together, and say Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defenced cities. Jeremiah 4:5” (KJV)

The above scriptures bring balance to how we view the Lord showing him as a God of love and a God of correction, judgement, and fury. The world is imbalanced in their view of God limiting him as just a God of love and that is it, but the Bible paints the appropriate picture.

These scriptures bring an appropriate fear for God that we should maintain as his children knowing that Gods character will not allow him to look past sin, but if we obey him we can overcome sin.

The above scriptures starting with verse 3 talk about a heart that needs to be cultivated toward God. Fallow ground is unfruitful ground not worthy of planting seeds because nothing will be able to be produced from fallow ground. In the new testament Jesus gave the parable about the seed and good ground and how good ground produced much fruit some 30, 60, or 100 percent. Verse 3 also warns against planting among thorns which the Bible talks about the seeds that were sown among thorns choked whatever attempted to grow from the seed that was planted.(Matthew 13:7).

Verse 4 specifically talks about setting our hearts upon the Lord almost like a re-dedication unto him, and verse 5 where it talks about blowing the trumpet is the wake up call where God is warning his people of the upcoming judgement.

God wants our hearts to be in a place where we are ready to receive from him. Where we are ready to worship him in sincerity and in truth. If we are so bound by our sin or distracted by life he will send a wake up call.

As we approach the new year, let’s examine the ground of our hearts, and pray that our hearts would be in position to receive from God and to worship him like maybe we haven’t done in a long time. Let’s pray for an increased hunger for God instead of what he can give us knowing that what we need is already taken care of by him because his word is bond.

Let’s be grateful and thankful that we made it another year still belonging to the Lord, in our right mind, full of the vision and the Spirit of God. These are things to truly be thankful for as we approach the new year.

Let’s allow our focus to be that of true worship where we give ourselves to the Lord without distraction and in obedience. Let’s pray that every door of distraction, sin, doubt, unbelief, or anything that would hinder us from truly worshiping God to be closed, and every door that will cause us to bring forth fruit in our lives to be opened doors of discipline, consecration, obedience, vision and such which will lead to so much more. A person who has committed their way to the Lord is limitless in what God has called him or her to do ii.

i For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

ii Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3

Common Misconceptions Single Men and Women Have About One Another:

Common Misconceptions Single Men and Women Have About One Another

A while back we did a radio show on some of the common misconceptions that single Christian men have about women, and women have about men. In case you missed that episode, I’ve posted a snippet of the male-perspective below and also me closing out the topic for that evening. Please, feel free to share your thoughts on the comment thread. Open and honest dialogue is always encouraged here on Intercession For A Generation’s blog:

Personal Responsibility and A Balanced View on Ferguson:
12/8/20141 Comment
The situations that stirred up so much contention and controversy in Ferguson are bigger than Ferguson. The source of contention and strife have to do with the way that we understand and relate to one another of different backgrounds, the tiredness of consistent injustice, and personal responsibility in dealing with various situations.

One of the most relevant things that the President stated the night that the Ferguson Police Department announced its verdict was when he mentioned the history of racial tension and discrimination in this country of America. I will admit we have come along way. Integration has been around for a little over fifty years with laws in place to protect the rights of all Ethnic groups, religions and such who seek the natural civil liberties that every American requires.

However, although we have made several strides over the years the war against racism and social injustice is far from over. We know that racism is more hidden now and less blatant in many cases as it relates to housing, businesses, and other structural institutions. There is a way of communicating one’s racist beliefs in such a way as to not draw immediate negative attention in order to avoid consequence, but it still exists.

With that understanding, I will not say that every problem stems from racism. Some problems simply come from a lack of understanding of a group of people. For example, when I went to California just a couple of months ago, I figured I’d go to an open mic comedy cafe’. I was sitting at the table and a comedian was on the stage. He was a White guy. He made jokes specifically about Black women. The first joke was okay. It was about a Black woman’s weave.

However, he started talking about how Black women are crazy and how he was afraid to have a Black girlfriend because she would catch him cheating by smelling his private area and he went on about the crazy Black woman. I was the only Black woman in there and I just focused on my food and ate waiting for him to get off the stage.

He was kind of embarrassed because no one was laughing especially me. I just ignored it as comedy that was based on stereotypes and wasn’t really funny. He got off stage and just left afterward. I would assume that the comedian did not have very many Black female friends. He probably watches shows like Jerry Springer, where unfortunately, there actually was a Black woman saying the things that he said during his set. However, in reality there are many other Black women who carry themselves with a since of pride, dignity, and self-respect.

My point is we cannot judge one another of different backgrounds by stereotypes perpetrated in the media or anywhere else. Unfortunately, many of the stereotypes relating to Black men are negative and therefore Black men are looked at as being more violent than other racial groups. Because of the many negative stereotypes that are aimed at Blacks in general, Black people have had to be extra excellent at whatever we have done in order to disprove the negative stereotypes of the mainstream.

Black people are not the only ones who fall victim to stereotypes. There are stereotypes that Blacks have about Whites as well. For example, normally when there is a school shooting, mass shooting, or serial killer, some Black people are surprised if the killer is Black because the norm for mass shooters have largely not been Black in the media. In a sense, every race of people can be guilty of having negative perceptions about one another, but those perceptions should begin to die the more that we begin to see each other as humans deserving of love and respect.

Many have asked why are so many people angry and saddened by what took place when Darren Wilson was not indicted for the death of Michael Brown, as if the Michael Brown incident was an isolated incident. The truth of the matter is that the Michael Brown incident is not an isolated incident, but an incident that the Black community has seen far too much. There is a reason why people are angry. People are fed up and tired. The message to those who are angry should not be to get over it and move on, but rather to channel their anger in a way that will bring about a positive outcome to prevent things of this nature from reoccurring in the future.

There is no sin in being angry. The sin comes about when we make poor choices due to our anger. Scripture reminds us to be angry, but not to sin. When we make poor choices because of our anger, it takes away from the injustice that was done to us, making us appear to be the one in the wrong (Ephesians 4:26).

To add insult to injury, when a case becomes prominent of an unarmed Black male being killed, that male is always made to look like a criminal to justify the shooting. That is extremely hurtful to the families and all involved. We have seen it with the Trayvon Martin case, of which I am still upset that his killer was not brought to justice, the Michael Brown case, and even in the case of Tamir Rice, the 12 year old boy shot by police in Cleveland. There are stories circulating about his father having a history of domestic violence. What does that have to do with justifying a 12-year old boy being shot and killed? I am not condoning any inappropriate behavior, but if we all got shot for all of the mistakes we made as young people, we all would be dead.

Do I believe that all police officers are bad? No. Do I believe that all White police officers are racist? No. Do I believe that all police shootings are motivated by racism? No, but I do believe that some are motivated by an inappropriate perception of someone who has a different racial background than that of the officers. Other cases are motivated by the lack of accountability for police officers to be brought to justice on certain actions. It is common for police departments to protect officers, and I can understand that to a degree because police officers put their lives on the line to protect citizens and sometimes they simply make mistakes and need grace just like any other person.

However, when the same occurrence of unarmed Black males dying at the hands of officers continues to occur, then something needs to be done. I believe in order to see effective change concerning this issue, there has to be a collaborative effort by everyone effected. That includes accountability from those outside of the local state to ensure that citizens have a fair chance and that their rights are not being violated. The cameras are also a good idea because it takes away from the questions of what really happened. In many cases, it has been the livings’ testimony against the dead. Lastly, families teaching their sons and daughters how to deal with the police, and more diverse examples of Black males in media.

More diverse examples of Black males in media would include decreasing the violence in our own communities. Unfortunately, it isn’t good to only see our communities of color come together when there is an offense that has taken place involving a White person, but when African Americans kill one another it is acceptable. I was very upset when I watched a documentary of the L.A. Riots that showed a truce between two popular Black gangs because of the misconduct of White officers, but any other time they would be killing one another. That is unacceptable. We have to do better.

Thankfully, in the day and age of social media, news of injustice can spread quickly and cause a positive movement that effects change that impacts all races and nationalities. I am glad to see many people who are not Black as well as other Blacks marching for Garner, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown, so that their lives would not have been taken in vain, but that it would effect positive change for others.

As the media, rides the wave of social injustice, we have to be careful to not just respond in anger, but to respond in prayer also praying for those that are in authority to make the right decisions and praying for everyone as a whole.

1 Comment
Are You Being A Good Steward Over Your Gift of Singleness?
12/3/20143 Comments
I firmly believe that it is God who puts people together and who causes others to be single for a season ordained for that person in order to carry out the specific purpose that God has in mind. I also believe that whatever calling rests upon an individual’s life whether single or married that God will give that individual the grace to do all that God is calling for with his specific assignment for him.

With that said we know that the Bible teaches us that singleness is a gift and marriage is a gift (1 Corinthians 7:7i). The question is what are we doing with are current state of singleness for those of us out there who are single? Are we being good stewards of this gift God has entrusted to us or are we focusing on trying to trade our gift for something else. Below are a few things that I think would help singles to better enjoy their time of singleness, and yes just like any other gift should be enjoyed, the gift of singleness should be enjoyed and maximized as well.

Having a positive outlook of what it means to be single: Unfortunately, singleness is too often looked at as a negative thing or a disadvantage, but singleness has a lot of advantages. We know that the Bible speaks about a single person’s first priority is that of being concerned with the things of God and living a life of holiness in both body and in spirit. It is an honor and a privilege that God would set us apart to be concerned specifically with his purpose. It shows that he respects us and trusts us to be concerned with the things that concern him. This opens up the door for greater intimacy with God which results in greater understanding of him. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t privy to this because either they have another calling such as marriage that distracts them from being able to have an intimate relationship with God in such an easy manner or they are seeking after other things.

Prioritizing to live a life of holiness in body and in spirit ii: When we make a priority of living for God in a way that is holy both in body and in spirit, we free ourselves up from the distractions of condemnation that we often have to fight when we are struggling with sin, and we invite God into our lives on a more intimate level. Sin separates us from God and his presence, but the opposite of sin, which is holiness and obedience causes us to welcome the presence of God.

The reward for holiness is the presence of God. God’s word teaches that the man that follows holiness and walks in peace toward men will see Godiii. I believe that is significant of a greater intimacy with God. Lately, I’ve been in a season where I’ve been waking up and going to sleep feeling the presence of God. That in it’s own way is my fuel to say, as I go into this next year no matter what I have to face, I will fight to be obedient even when it is hard because I remember God’s presence. I remember what it is like to feel his love and to love him in return, and that is what I want to do. The Bible says that if we love God we keep his commandments. Let God’s love for you and the idea of focusing on his love for you be the fuel that makes you willing to fight your flesh or any sinful threat that would seek to separate you from the presence of the Lord.

Not allowing yourself to be distracted: When you have made up in your mind to prioritize living a life of holiness to God, don’t be surprised if all of a sudden distractions pop-up out of no where. During those times, that distractions show their face, we have to be intentional in making a choice not to entertain the things that God has not ordained. Whether it is a man or a woman who is not a God-send in your life, or if it is an idol that is causing you to waste your precious time. Idols could be anything that you have chosen to give the greater attention to rather than what God has called you to for this season of your life. An idol could be a friendship that God no longer has ordained for you, or fantasying about sex where you have lifted up the idea of sex so much to the point where you can no longer focus on the fact that you are supposed to be single right now i.e. not getting any. God has called us to live a life of peace in whatever state that we are in. Normally, when we do not have peace in our current situation, we may have either outgrown that situation or we may have shifted our focus to something that it is not yet time for thus creating frustration for where God has currently called us.

Being productive: I know we have heard all of these things before, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded that the time of being single is a great time to realize those gifts and talents that God has placed within us. Being productive requires keeping our attention on the things that will bring forth good fruit in our lives and hopefully spill over into the lives of others not backbiting, gossiping, or being jealous of one another, but being mature. Being productive allows us to take leaps of faith that we may feel more reserved to take later when we have a family to support. Getting started with being productive can be as simple as using what you already have in your hands. If you have a job, you can use some of the income from your job as seed money to do whatever it is God is calling you to do. Every one doesn’t have to get behind your plan to make it work. You get behind your vision and other people will see you behind your vision and they will begin to support you as well.

I remember when God told me to put my website up. I was very reserved in doing so telling the Lord I would need confirmation before I followed through on putting up my website. I immediately got a text message after praying that prayer saying that God hasn’t lite a candle for it to be hiddeniv. It was so cool how that happened. One of my mentors who texted me didn’t even know I had just prayed that prayer.

It wasn’t my idea to be somewhat in front of people blogging and such, it was God’s idea. I never would have known what God wanted for my life without prioritizing him and seeking him for myself in prayer and reading of his word. Whenever we prioritize God we will find ourselves ending up exactly where we are supposed to be, and we’ll be the most productive than we can ever be.

Being Thankful: Being thankful helps us to enjoy the right now, to be thankful for what has been, and to have a hope for what will be. When we are thankful for what we already have, we don’t have time to wish we had more. Thankful people maximize what they already have.

Sowing into the lives of others: Sowing and reaping is one of the greatest principles that God has set up in the earth. God looks at the idea of a person not reaping what he has sown as mockery toward himself. It just doesn’t happen. God does not allow himself to be mocked in that way. Whatever a person sows, he will reap (Galatians 6:7). That’s God’s word and his word is bond. Therefore, as singles we should not be lacking in anything as long as we have some seed to sow, and God gives seed to those who have a heart to sowv. So, if we need love, we should find someone to sow love into for example, a church mother, widow, elder person, family member, or a child that we are mentoring. The point is if we sow love we will get love in return. If we sow our listening ear, we will get a listening ear. Sowing and reaping isn’t just about money although it can be used in that manner. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to look back after we are ready to settle down and get married and see all of the fruit of our labor as singles and say to ourselves wow that was really something.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who are married now did not have such fortunate single lives as some of us have been afforded the opportunity to have. Some people, who are now married, wasted their singleness trying to fit in doing any and everything under the sun that they should not have been doing and have nothing to show for it.

Others married before they really realized who they were, or what they wanted out of life. Some married people leave their marriages to find themselves. While others wait until they are finished raising their kids to pursue their dreams. If God has given you an opportunity now as a single to be productive as you enjoy your life and change the lives of others in a positive way than maximize that gift until he decides to say you’ve done well with that gift now here is another gift. Remember, that is what God did with the stewards over the talents in Matthew 25. Those, who were productive received more, but those who weren’t productive, what they had got taken away. Be sure to honor the current gift of singleness.

Finally, Not forgetting to do something for yourself: This is the one that I had been the weakest at,but I must say that I’ve gotten much better at being purposeful to do something for myself. Unfortunately, as singles sometimes we can do so much for others that we forget about ourselves and maybe some of the things that we would like to do. If you’ve always loved to dance, now is the time to take your dancing class, if you love to travel, than budget your money and get your travel on. Make some time for yourself to do things that you enjoy.

iFor I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. 1 Corinthians 7:7 (KJV)

God gives the gift of the single life to some, the gift of the married life to others. 1 Corinthians 7:7 (Message Bible)

ii The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:34

iiiFollow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrews 12:14

iv Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Matthew 5:14-15

v Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness; 2 Corinthians 9:10

Common Misconceptions Single Men and Women Have About One Another:
11/28/20140 Comments
Common Misconceptions Single Men and Women Have About One Another

A while back we did a radio show on some of the common misconceptions that single Christian men have about women, and women have about men. In case you missed that episode, I’ve posted a snippet of the male-perspective below and also me closing out the topic for that evening. Please, feel free to share your thoughts on the comment thread. Open and honest dialogue is always encouraged here on Intercession For A Generation’s blog:

What do you think of the questions:

1.) A Christian woman who doesn’t appear desperate for a man must not want a man?

2.) A Christian woman who is serious about practicing abstinence before marriage will not want to have sex after marriage?

My take on the above is that hopefully as a Christian single we are not desperate for a spouse whether we are a man or a woman because when a person is desperate that is when a person begins to settle.

God hasn’t called anyone of us to settle. He has called us to his best. If we are honest, we don’t want someone to be with us because they are settling for us, but we want them to be all in to the point where they don’t want anyone but us if they had the choice to choose someone else. We want someone who is willing to commit to us to make it work in the good, bad, happy, and sad times not someone who said I’m just tired of being single.

Desperate should never be our demeanor as single women or men. Forget about a biological clock. We serve the God who split the red sea. He is able to exceed our expectations.

As far as men being afraid that women won’t want to engage in appropriate marital affections, men need to entrust this to God that the wife that God sends them will be appropriate for them. Being abstinent until marriage doesn’t make me want to refrain from sex after marriage, but to me it increases a curiosity and intensity of the sexual experience at the appropriate time.

Sometimes, I feel like the devil throws lies at singles in order to get them to believe that God’s way is not the best way. I often get kids asking me what if my spouse doesn’t have sex right or know how to kiss. I tell them to go to a sex therapist and work it out. There is just simply no excuse not to do things God’s way.

Before marriage, pre-marriage counseling needs to take place that discusses the sexual expectations and so forth of the partners. Every woman is unique. It’s often portrayed that men think about sex more than women and women don’t like sex, but I beg to differ with those portrayals.

Most women when treated right with the love and affection that she needs from a man is turned on by that and ready to go. There are both men and women who love sex that are saved Christians, but women’s physical response is fueled in a different way than a man’s is. If the husband takes a wife and treats her right, I just don’t believe he will have anything to worry about. What are your thoughts on these questions? Are there any other common misconceptions you would like to discuss?

Benefits of Being Thankful:

Sometimes we need to be reminded to remain thankful especially when we go through challenges that would tempt us to complain and murmur about our situations. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to give thanks in every circumstance stating that it’s God’s will or bidding for us to do so. Being thankful also comes with certain benefits.

We began to get closer to God when we thank him: Psalms 22:3 says that God inhabits or dwells in the praises of his people. God’s word tells us that we can enter into the courts of the Lord through praise and thanksgiving (Psalms 16:11). Isn’t it nice that we as believers can have our own peaceful little sanctuary of praise wherever we are at and no matter what is going on around us just by tapping into God’s presence with praise and thanksgiving. Abiding in God has benefits of it’s own. John 15 states that when we abide in God, we bring forth fruit. In other words, we end up doing what we should do as believers just by abiding in God, and depending on him and his word.

I think abiding in God increases our appreciation for him because we are reminded of how good he is, and we are provoked by what he did for us in sending his son and his word, that we are able to do the things that we naturally would not do in order to live for him and bring forth good fruit.

Thankfulness fills a person up with joy: Because thanksgiving is a way to enter into God’s presence, once we get there our joy can become full because in God’s presence is the fullness of joy (Psalms 16:11).   When we go back to John 15 it states that God shared the things in that particular chapter of John so that our joy would be full. Things such as abiding in Christ Jesus, bringing forth fruit, and asking what we will if we are asking according to his word, and it will be done for us[i].

It’s easier to be happy when we are thankful, not complaining or murmuring about our situations, than when we are complaining and murmuring. Ever noticed how unhappy we feel after we complain? Complaining and murmuring do not solve our issues, but being thankful does, and it helps us to get through negative situations much easier with joy and gladness instead of with discontent and anger. We need to be careful when we start getting into our flesh over circumstance. What helps me in those situations is to pray and ask God to re-focus my attention on what he is saying in the moment.

The Lord knows how to work things out in our favor. Recently, I had to pray to God to re-focus me on what he was saying due to a situation I had with a professional associate of mine who I felt was acting against me. I was reminded that when God is pleased with us his word says he will make our enemies to be at peace with us[ii]. This scripture has been the case in the situation, and I am at peace with the individual despite the wrong done.

Focusing on God first, and abiding in his word is really the pattern to which we as believers should live our lives. It’s always a good thing to re-focus on this at the end of the year to begin the new year on the right foot.

Finally, when we are thankful, we make room for more: Godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6). Being thankful makes us content with the things we have instead of complaining about what we do not have which makes room for God to bless us with even more. Years ago when I was still in college, I used to work at Fuddruckers’ restaurant. One time it was the end of the night and we were just about to close when several congressmen came into the restaurant, Jesse Jackson Jr., David Miller, Rev. James T. Meeks and a whole entourage of congressmen, their wives, and children came in at the last minute. I told Jesse Jackson Jr., “I’m sorry we are supposed to be closed. I will have to check with my manager to see if we can take more customers.” He responded, “yes please.” I went and talked to the manager who had us stay a little later to make sure that they were served.

After making sure they had everything they needed, I was tipped $5 by the Rev. Meeks so I threw my hands up and said thank you Jesus. He then pulled out $5 more, and said since you are praising God, I will give you five more dollars. I was happy at the end of the night because I wasn’t expecting to get ten extra dollars. I normally did not get a tip at all from working at Fuddruckers unless I filled in for the busboy for the night. Back then ten extra dollars was a lot of money as a college student. There’s just something about being thankful that makes a person want to do more to go above and beyond.

[i]  If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.. John 15:7 (KJV)

[ii] When aman’swaysplease the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7 (KJV)

In Awe, He said your Standard is High: The Power of a Woman’s Influence

What if men are so used to women lowering their standard just to have a man that when they come across a chick who knows who she is and isn’t willing to compromise they are left in awe?

That says so much to me that a man who considers himself a Christian is shocked that a woman who considers herself a Christian is actually holding up the standards Christ set for her.

What if men were not just in awe of women who held up a high standard? What if men were moved to maturity not by a woman compromising booing up with a dude hoping he will change, but a woman who will not entertain any further conversation until a change is made in the right direction. A real change.

We as women have so many complaints about men and a lot of them are warranted. From the Christian brother who acts like the world, women carrying both the weight of a man and a woman, men wanting only sex without the responsibility of commitment, and the controlling man who confuses controlling a woman with his manhood.

However, are we doing all that is in our power to influence them the right way? Not in a way that would compromise our well-being. Are we doing all that we can by teaching our daughters by example to stand so that they will not have to go through the things that some of us have?

Are we buying into the lies pushed on us by media that show a powerful woman as a woman who controls a man with her body or are we practicing self-control in respecting our bodies requiring the same respect from others?

What if God created men with a higher sex drive so they would be inspired to do right by women in order to get some in an appropriate manner meaning marriage?

What if they didn’t get what they want without giving us what we want a godly committed relationship where the man is the head and the woman assists him as a unit of one walking together under God (godly-marriage).

The title of this blog comes from a gentlemen that I talked to for five days and told him we could not talk anymore. He asked why and I shared my reasons which to him he interpreted as a high standard which it was, but I know I am worth it.

I know I am worth having peace of mind with the gentleman that I choose to spend my life with. Women risk a lot in relationships allowing our bodies to be changed to have a man’s babies, giving out emotionally, spiritually, and in other ways.

The least a woman should be able to have is to be able to feel secure. The woman who chooses to dedicate her world to a man should at least get the same respect in return. This security, respect, and peace should not just be communicated in words, but in actions. Until mature actions in men who pursue us are shown, we as women should hold fast to our standards and our standards will protect us if our standard comes from God.

We as women are beautiful and powerful influencers whether we know it or not. Behind many of the important decisions made is a woman influencing things to go either one way or the other. Eve influenced Adam to go against the commandment of God in the Garden of Eden and the world is still paying for that now.

Esther in the old testament influenced a king to spare a whole nation. Pilate’s wife who was warned in a dream by God, warned her husband not to have anything to do with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ; therefore, her husband washed his hands of the matter after seeking to offer the people another man to be crucified instead of Jesus (Matthew 27:19 and vs. 24).

Pilate was in a position where he was in authority, but did not quite know what to do. God had already given him a helper, his wife to provide what he lacked and to point him in the right direction. Unfortunately, all men aren’t in a position to hear God yet, or to even recognize his voice when he speaks. All men do not have the capacity to give us what we feel we earnestly need from them which is love because they have not yet learned those things for themselves yet.

Therefore, instead of compromising ourselves for the affection of the wrong men, how about looking to God as he teaches us how to influence this world for him until he sends the right man. Men will begin to see your light along the way that you may or may not even notice, and may began to change on their own because of your influence.

It is so encouraging that when you look at some of the biggest events that took place in the Bible there was a woman involved some way some how. For example, when God wanted to send a deliver to deliver his children out of Egypt he used Moses’ mother to make a basket and hide her son to preserve his life, when it was time for Solomon to become King God used a woman, Bathsheba to ensure that it happened, when God got ready to save the world he found a woman who was highly regarded by heaven Mary to give birth to the Son of God.

Women have so much power of influence, and it is important that we use that wisely allowing our influence to be yielded to God. If the devil can influence a woman, he can influence nations, leaders, children and many people as a whole. Don’t get caught holding up the wrong standard of influence. Hold up the standard that God has given to us to hold up. Don’t apologize to men who cannot meet that standard. That’s not your problem, it’s theirs. Don’t be afraid to be confident in who God has called you to be. If your confidence comes from God then you should be confident and bold in it. If your confidence comes from temporal things such as how you look alone, I’d suggest grabbing a Bible and getting a prayer closet to spend some time with God. The more time you spend with God, the more he will invest his desires in you and show you who you are in Christ.

If you have not made it to the point where you are confident in Christ’s standard for you, and who he has called you to be, then hang around some other mature, godly, and sound women because the more a person hangs around wise people, the wiser that person becomes (Proverbs 13:20).

Women need to began to hold up a standard and show that we have more to bring to the table than what is between our legs. We should expect more from the man who will hold our attention than pleasing words that only soothe for the moment and in the end hurt our souls. If we want to see positive change, then we have to be the seed that brings about that change.

Being an influence can be as simple as when a man shows you he isn’t right for you in the beginning to let him go instead of waiting down the line for hearts to be broken knowing all along that he isn’t the one God that God has approved for you.

The gentleman that I talked to for five days and then gently cut off has something to now think about before he pursues the next girl. Maybe he will use our experience to work on himself which would be great. Or maybe he will continue to mess around until he is older, but at least I did what I was supposed to do and I did not have to go through a lot of drama in the process.

Characteristics of a Good Leader:

A  good leader knows that whatever office or task that God has called him to, God will anoint him for. In other words, God gives us the ability to do what he has called us to do. This morning I was listening to my Bible over my cell phone and it read saying:

And one of them, named Caiaphas, being the high priest that same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all, Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. And this spake he not of himself; but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad. John 11:49-52

A little background on the above scriptures. Basically, the religious authorities in that day were in an upheaval over Jesus. Some of the religious leaders felt that Jesus was a blasphemous crazy person who was demon possessed going around telling people that God was his father and such.

However, because the high priest Caiaphas sat in the office of the priest, he had been anointed to speak what the Lord was saying. It wasn’t that he had some special knowledge that no one else knew of, it was just that he was in a position of authority where God could use him and God did use him.

Therefore, when God is calling us to lead we don’t have to be afraid of the what and how we are going to lead. We can trust that God has already put in us everything that we need to do the job and if we are in a place of faith trusting in God, he will use us and it will flow in an easy manner.

Moses is one of our first examples in the Bible of this fact. Moses was a man who God had set apart to be a leader before Moses even had a clue as to what was going on.

Once Moses had his experience with God learning who he was and what he was to do, he began to doubt. He made excuses telling God what he could not do. Of course, God got upset at that because God is God he can make us do anything.

What we may naturally feel that we cannot do, God can give us the grace and ability to show us that we actually can do those things with faith in him.

Of course, Moses did not have God’s word like we did, he was one of the guinea pigs while the book was being written, so in that case God gave Moses his brother Aaron to assist him in speaking.

It’s my own personal thought that if Moses had the faith to trust in God to show him how to speak, he really would have been able to speak for himself without the help of his brother Aaron, but without God’s word like we have it how could he have had the faith.

Moses had some fear in the area of speaking instead of faith. Fear has the ability to cripple a person causing them to ignore or not even try to do the things that God has destined for them to do. I’m sure as Moses’ life and ministry went on with the Lord that his faith grew stronger as he learned that God had him all along.

God’s anointing was with Moses because Moses was the man God set in that office for the job. Again when God calls us for a job, he equips us to handle it so there is no need to fear, but there is much need for faith.

Another great characteristic of a good leader is humility. A humble person is in a place where he or she can hear, be corrected, and speak graciously yet with authority maintaining respect and consistent growth.

A perfect example of this is a leader among the Jews called Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee, yet humble enough to hear Jesus. When he came to Jesus by night, Jesus corrected him making this statement, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? (John 3:10, KJV)

Jesus was explaining to him that he had to be born again and how he would go about becoming born again. He basically said to him, dude, you are a leader in Israel, and you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Because Nicodemus was humble enough to listen, Jesus went on to share some other things with him stating how he had to die because he loved the world so much. After Jesus’ death I’m sure everything became crystal clear for Nicodemus and he grew in faith toward Christ just like Moses.

Later we see that Nicodemus became a follower of Jesus Christ and that he bought Myrrh and spices to anoint Jesus’ body after his death (John 19:39).

In contrast to other leaders in Israel at that time, many of them were not able to hear nor receive revelation of Jesus because of their pride. They were fixed in their own way of thinking and that wrong thinking caused them to seek to kill Jesus and silence his voice.

It is a stunting thing as a leader to be caught up in a spirit of pride. It can stunt growth and cause others not to want to be around. Therefore, the leader is stuck doing everything on his or her own.

What are some of the characteristics you have noticed in good leaders?

And he said, The things which are impossiblewithmen are possible with God. Luke 18:27

One of the Greatest Relationship Killers:

This morning, as I jumped into my car to get ready for work, I heard a new song from Trey Songz called “What’s Best for You”. He talked about how he just wanted what was best for his girl that it was not about him but her and how she deserves her worth. It immediately reminded me of one of the greatest relationship killers, and that is selfishness. I wanted to watch the video before I began to write about this song and so I did. I was slightly confused by the video because the lyrics talk about wanting what’s best for a girl while Trey Songz character dates two girls.

I then read through the comments to see what the two girls in the video could have meant. Many of the viewers were as confused as I was; however, one commenter had a very interesting take. He said that clearly the video meant that Trey is an entertainer who is on the road without the time and mindset to settle down thus in the video the two girls he agrees to let go of out of his life because they aren’t the type of girls that just want to play around. They are the type of girls who want a committed relationship with one man and he doesn’t want to compromise their worth.

I thought that was interesting. In it’s own way that interpretation can be a selfless way in dealing with a woman’s heart. Instead of breaking her heart and leading her to believe there is room for something more stable she is told the truth in the beginning and given a choice to choose to deal with it or walk away. Just think how much damage can be prevented by such an unselfish act.

The scenario could have gone a completely different way. Just like in real life where you see one broken relationship after another all because two parties are seeking to please themselves without considering the other party involved. People come into relationships with selfish motives at the expense of the other person. Instead of seeking for the other person’s well being, we often seek for our own momentary pleasure. Relationships were never designed to work in that way.

Relationships were designed by God to point people back to God. They were to be used as examples of God’s love for men and women being expressed between man’s love for woman and woman’s love and respect for man which is a picture of Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:31-33[i]).

Just like selfishness is one of the greatest relationship killers, selflessness and servant-hood can be one of the greatest foundations to a healthy relationship. To learn about selflessness what better person should we look at than Jesus Christ.

He committed the ultimate selfless act. He humbled himself being the King of Kings. He came down as a servant to mankind taking on the lowest form of servant-hood when he washed his disciples feet [ii]. The person back in Bible days who washed the feet of house guests was the lowest form of a servant. Not only did he wash his disciples feet, but he taught his disciples that they should wash one another’s feet. [iii]In other words, we as believers are to look out for one another and for the best interests of one another even to the point of humbling ourselves.

If we took on this approach when pursuing or considering relationships i.e. being selfless and looking out for the best interest of our brothers and sisters, there would be less confusion, pain and heartache yes even in the church.

Not only did Jesus humble himself in serving his disciples by washing their feet, but he taught them that the greatest among them would be the servant.[iv] Therefore, basically, in the end what the disciples were seeking all along they would get by doing things God’s way in the manner of servant-hood and selfishness.

We also see this to be true with Jesus Christ who has garnered a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee would bow and every tongue would confess that Jesus is Lord. Therefore, Jesus in addition to serving us by coming to the earth putting off his kingship privileges to be able to dwell among us and save us from our sins has become the greatest man among us[v].

Our reasonable response to Jesus Christ is to respect him and honor him all that we know how. What if we had the same affect in our relationships that we loved and served one another so much that the only response that would come natural would be to honor, love and respect one another.

If you did a selflessness check where would you come out? Would you be the selfish self-seeker only or would you be the one who humbles yourself to put the needs of others before your own serving and loving your brother or sister?

[i] For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:31-33

[ii] Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself. After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded. Then cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet? John 13:3-6

[iii] If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. John 13:14-15

[iv] But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Matthew 23:11

[v] And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Philippians 2:8-10

It is a beautiful thing to trust in the Lord:

Recently, I read two scriptures that greatly encouraged me. The first one comes from Ecclesiastics that says God makes all things beautiful in it’s time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Have you ever been waiting for something to happen and became a bit impatient or even wavered a bit in faith wondering if you heard God correctly on what he promised you?

In those moments, we sometimes just need the reassurance of God’s word again to remind us that he has not forgotten about us. Ecclesiastes 3 talks about how there are specific times to each season in our lives. I’m sure we’ve all heard the scriptures before. There is a time for everything:

“a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace. ” Ecclesiastes 3:2-8

The references to timing and seasons are concluded in the verse below:

“What do workers gain from their toil. I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He makes all things beautiful in it’s time (Ecclesiastics 3:9-11). “

Maybe, I am wrong, but I can only glean from this that no matter how much we try to work for some things and assure that they will come to pass on our own accord, sometimes we just have to let go and trust God’s timing to bring everything together in a beautiful manner in the season that he has ordained for us. After all that is how we want things to happen in our season done God’s way. That is the only way that we know things will be blessed. Finally, the other scripture that I read tonight comes from Psalms 125:1 that reads Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Our faith and trust ought to be so strong and solid in the Lord that just like a mountain cannot be moved, we are not shaken in our faith and trust in God. We should not be shaken by what we see nor what we don’t see. I pray that our faith rests in the Lord and we are encouraged as we trust in him for everything. Everyone doesn’t understand the process that it takes for a flower to shoot up from the ground in it’s season, but no one can deny the beauty of it once it’s season comes. What if that flower represented everything that we believed God for in our lives. Keep on trusting in the Lord.

The Misinterpretation of God’s Grace

I was recently grieved when I met a gentlemen who veered from the truth of God’s word in order to justify his decision to practice sin, and the worse part about it is the gentlemen knows better. He made statements to me such as, “God does not judge sin anymore, but winks at it turning a blind eye because of his grace.

Therefore, implying that we can do whatever we want. He made a case that it was fine to curse every other word and even while you witness to others about Jesus Christ because Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples witnessed to others while cursing and Jesus did not have a problem with it. Don’t know what Bible that came from. I only remember Peter cursing once when people tried to accuse him of being one of Jesus disciples after Jesus was arrested. We should not use other people’s lives even if they are in the Bible in order to justify our own wrong-doing. The Bible makes it clear that it isn’t wise to measure ourselves by other people (2 Corinthians 10:12).

Just because God has mercy and grace on someone else who does something, doesn’t mean that same mercy and grace is promised to everyone regarding that something. Everyone is at different maturity levels and some individuals may require grace in an area that someone more mature or stable does not. It’s like the example of a toddler running outside naked, everyone will say that it’s cute and the toddler doesn’t know any better, but an adult would be considered indecently exposed and may be arrested. Judgment belongs to the Lord not to us to use in order to justify our own sinful pleasures. God will have mercy on who he will , and his grace should not be taken for granted.

For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. Romans 9:15 (NIV)

Ephesians 4:7 says that God has given to every man a measure of grace according to the gift of Christ. A measure is a portion of grace. Everyone is afforded grace through Jesus Christ, but it may not be to the same measure, but it will be what is necessary for each individual person and his or her level of growth, maturity, and capability.

The gentlemen also referenced King David and King Solomon saying they were a couple of the biggest hoes of all time, yet God dealt with them gracefully. Whenever grace becomes justification for sin instead of the ability to overcome sin then grace is not grace. It is a mere taking for granted of the purpose for God’s grace to begin with.

God’s grace is a gift given to us through his son Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for us so that when we sin, but sincerely want to do right and attempt to do so, we have an advocate with God who if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us of all of our unrighteousness so that we do not have to walk around in condemnation, but the grace of God cleanses us giving us the strength to try again.

Romans makes this clear saying: Should we continue in sin so that grace may abound? God forbids. How should those who are dead to sin continue therein Romans (6:1-2). Accepting God’s grace requires a seriousness to dealing with sin. The Bible says that those that consider themselves born again should view themselves as being dead to sin.

This is a process that takes time and growth, but it is clear that God’s grace is not around to justify sin. Sin did not become justified through God’s grace, but we became justified through God’s grace taking on righteousness that we did not earn (Psalms 32:2). That is an honor that God has bestowed upon us of the highest standard which is his Son and God gives us the grace to grow into the righteousness of his Son as we submit to him. We do not have to work for God’s grace, but there should be some type of appreciation for it.

The way that I understand is that when we become born again our spirit is connected with God. We take on a new life where we have to learn how to walk in the spirit and not after the flesh. The Bible says that the flesh is not subject to God neither can it be and as long as we walk in the spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Walking in the spirit is walking in the things that we cannot see. God’s word, Jesus’ Christ righteousness, the promises of God, faith and such.

Walking in the flesh is the total opposite of the above (Galatians 5). We need God’s grace because of the battle with the flesh that we constantly have including the carnal mind. God’s grace is there so that when we fall short and we all fall short, we are not out of the game because he brings us back to that place of justification meaning it’s not over for us. We are accepted with God. We are loved. We are his. His patience and covenant of mercy and grace with us is honored when he looks at his son and our faith in his son.

We access God’s grace through faith and humility. We need faith to come to God and have a trust that he covers us if we trust and believe in his son. We need humility to be humble enough to know that we need him, and to come to him even after we have done wrong.

James 4 talks about a struggle between the flesh and the spirit. It concludes the struggle in vs. 6-7 by saying, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Lastly, it says in vs. 7 to draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you.

James 4 is how we are to deal with sin. We are to always deal with sin after humility and coming to God. If we become prideful and seek to justify our sin hiding from the truth of God’s word, we will find ourselves in deception like the young man twisting God’s word to fit our own deceitful lusts.

The man who continues to walk in deception eventually loses the ability to discern between what is truth and what is a lie. That is what the Bible refers to as reprobate. Once a person gets to the point where he or she no longer honors the cross of Jesus Christ, there isn’t anything else that God can offer that person to be saved (Hebrews 10:26) Salvation through Jesus Christ is the only way that God himself provided to deal with sin. If we willfully dishonor what God did to save us, then what else can God offer us, but his judgment. I still pray for the young man that he would turn away from deception and walk in the truth.

My last blog was about honor. When we choose to use God’s grace for something other than the purpose than what it was intended, we dishonor his grace, we dishonor God and run the risk of losing his grace over our lives.

One of my greatest prayers when I have struggled with sin has been, “Lord don’t ever let me take you for granted.” This is one of my greatest prayers because anyone of us can fall prey to sin, and allow sin to become a stronghold in our lives that leads us to deception and pride in trying to justify the sin, but the good part about it is God’s grace is enough for us wherever we are currently at in the struggle between walking in our flesh and spirit.

We only need to seek to honor God through putting our faith in him coming to him sincerely in repentance and not deceitfully in order to justify our sin until we see victory in our personal lives over the sin. The misinterpretation of God’s grace is unfruitful; it only promotes sin while God’s purpose for his grace is to destroy the power of sin in the lives of us God’s people.

iFor he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. Romans 9:15 (NIV)

iiBut unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

iiiFor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

ivFor if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, Hebrews 10:26

vBut exhort one another each day, as long as it is called “Today,” that none of you may become hardened by sin’s deception. Hebrews 3:13

What You Dishonor You Lose. What You Honor You Retain:

When we find ourselves in dishonor, we can be assured that the next step is losing that very thing that we dishonored unless we re-evaluate ourselves and get ourselves in order. We see people losing things through dishonor all the time.

Marriages dissolve because either one party or both parties decide to dishonor their covenant. The dishonor and devaluing of women by men that bring the worth of the woman down to only physical, makes it hard to acquire healthy relationships outside of just the physical alone. The dishonoring of men as the head of the household in a marriage causes a lack of stability and often results in loss of some kind. The dishonoring of paying a car note leads to losing the car and so on.

There is a story found in Matthew 25:14-19 that tells the story of three men who were given talents. The first two men who were given talents honored the fact that they had received the talents and faithfully used them to the point of gaining other talents. However, one of the gentlemen hid his talent dishonoring his Lord who had given it to him and he hid it as he forgot about it altogether. When the time to reckon came, those who we’re faithful in honoring the talents they had, received additional talents. While the one who dishonored his Lord had his one talent taken away and he was judged for dishonoring his Lord.

When someone dishonors something they used something for a purpose other than what it was intended to be used for and they bring that person or thing that they are using down to a value that it was not intended.

For example, someone who misuses God’s grace. When we dishonor God through practicing sin we separate ourselves from God (Isaiah 59:2ii). It causes us to lose a level of fellowship with him. It’s like if somebody who curses you out calling you all types of the B-word and such. Naturally, you are not going to be best friends with that person who talks to you in such a demeaning way until some type of reconciliation takes place. If there is no place for reconciliation then a severing will take place.

As a woman of God, I should honor myself as such. When a man pursues me and isn’t honoring me and has no intentions to do so, then he has to be cut short. I met a young man who I recently started to get to know. I saw several red-flags of dishonor in him. Although he was full of God’s word, he did not honor God nor his laws. He repeated how God’s laws are written on our hearts, but his heart ignored that fact as he said that God turned a blind eye toward sin and no longer judged it.

He did not fear, respect, nor honor God, and therefore I knew that he would not honor me. Not only did he not honor God, but he did not honor himself. He said he’d jump to the opportunity of a woman who would be willing to have sex with him despite the lack of the marriage commitment.

So now, we have the dishonoring of God, God’s grace, and commandments, his own body, which is to be used to worship Christ pointing people to God instead of to fornicate, and women in general as opportunities to get some.

God’s word teaches that people who willfully walk in dishonor to his laws will not inherit the things that should come naturally to those in the kingdom of God.

“Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed. You were sanctified. You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)”

God goes on to say elsewhere in his word that those who are lukewarm instead of either hot or cold he will spew out of his mouth, and finally his word says a double-minded man (someone who is trying to worship God and their flesh), will not receive anything from God.

If God does not tolerate a certain level of dishonor, why should we as his kids tolerate it. Therefore, my only resolve was to cut the ties with the gentlemen. After three days of talking, I was invited to take a trip to Vegas or California with the gentlemen, which I refused, and after 5 days I was invited twice to meet up and cuddle with the gentlemen, whom I was only trying to get to know we weren’t in a relationship stage yet at all, and the way that things were going we were not going to be.

I genteelly let the brother know that we cannot talk anymore. That I did not want to compromise my position of who God called me to be. He told me that my standard was too high as I thought to myself, his standard was too low for a man of God. If he had of been in the world however, he would have hit the mark just fine.

The whole point is as men and women of God we need to honor ourselves as men and women of God. When we honor ourselves, we will not allow someone else to come and dishonor who God has called us to be. I honor the fact that I am consecrated to the Lord and that all of my decisions revolve around him because he has set me apart to give him glory.

I honor the Lord. I don’t feel like the gentlemen that God has for me will cause me to compromise, but he will honor his position as a man and protect me instead of putting me in harms way. In addition, he will honor his position as a man of God and lead us closer to God instead of further away from God.

It was right for the gentlemen that I spoke with to lose a chance with me because he did not honor me. As a woman, God would not have me to dishonor myself allowing anyone access to my cookie-jar. I am precious to God, and he has reserved a man of honor for me. Therefore, the cookie-jar remains locked on clank clank mode until that man of honor is revealed.

The best part about honor is it’s a two-way street. When you honor others you receive honor yourself, and when you honor God he will honor you. God’s word says in Psalms 18:25 to the faithful, God will show himself faithful (NIV). In other words, when you choose honor you put yourself in a win win situation.

Sometimes, the devil will try to make it seem as if those who have been taking a stand for God honoring him in their decisions have been doing so in vain, but that is a lie. God will show himself faithful to those who show themselves faithful to him. Honor is a key in life that will take you places that you otherwise would not have been able to go.

In sum, what we honor we retain and grow in those areas, but what we dishonor we lose. If we do not want to lose ourselves we need to honor ourselves, if we do not want to lose close fellowship with God we need to honor our fellowship with God by being obedient to him and we will inherit his promises, if we do not want to lose a chance with a man or woman of interest we ought to honor that man or woman of interest.

For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.

After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. Matthew 25:14-29 (KJV)

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:2