
The Worship that God Requires:

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. John 4:23

It’s a whole lot of worship going on in the church, and the body of Christ as a whole, but it all isn’t the worship that God requires. People who worship and follow Christ intimately understand that true worship is rooted in obedience to Christ. It is rooted in denying one’s self for the glory of God. What we have going on too often is the exact opposite. It’s almost as if we get all that we want as far as worshiping ourselves, flesh, and own desires and we give God what is left over.

Here is a little worship Lord, a little singing, clapping of the hands, and attending church, but my obedience to you is on hold, my life is mine, I am not willing to give it up for the sake of glorifying God. This is the exact attitude that got Cain’s offering rejected by the Lord. Able took his best, the first-fruits of what he had giving God his best; while Cain gave God what was left-over. Obviously, he did not understand the Lord that he attempted to worship. He did not reverence the God that he “worshiped” in his self-ordained routine.

Our worship is a reflection of our heart. The Bible says that where our treasure is there our heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). This scripture is not just in reference to money, but treasure can be anything of importance or worth to us. Whatever we give our hearts to the most becomes what we worship whether money, things, people, sex, lust or God.

The problem comes in when we have one ideal of worship and God has another one altogether. Who’s ideal of worship will we believe? Unfortunately, we often take on our own opinion of worship because it is easier for us; however, at some point in time if we are going to worship God and deal with him on his terms, we are going to have to humble ourselves. It is a wonderful thing to humble ourselves before the Lord and do things on his terms because it increases our intimacy and that is what worship is any way. True worship shows an understanding of the one that we are worshiping. It shows an affinity and passion for that person or thing.

We should not worship things, but we should reserve our worship for Christ alone [i ] There is an exclusivity to worship. It is pure when it is given to God only and not anything else. Just like the husband and wife who get with one another and no one else. It’s a pure stream.

Worship is not giving God our last after we have satisfied our flesh with sin, but it is denying ourselves rejecting sin while giving God our best because he gave us his best. He gave us his only begotten son. It’s our reasonable service to be a living sacrifice unto the Lord. Do we realize who we attempt to worship? He is the one who is God. He made the world. He sits high, but looks low and is concerned about us. He considers us to the point of answering our prayers, being patient with us as he was with Cain sharing that if he acts right he will be accepted.

True worship is rooted in truth, and truth is rooted in God’s word. When we take on perversion which is to go out of the way of truth; we dishonor God instead of worshiping him we instead worship perversion. I am sure it grieves the heart of God to have to reject our worship that we attempt to offer him, when we worship perversion, but he only loves us and desires truth for us. God is truth and cannot compromise with sin. Therefore, he will not intimately commune with those who love sin. We have a choice to either love God and worship God or to love the things of the world and to worship them. There is no in between.

Lastly, worship is rooted in a fear and reverence for the Lord holding his word above all with the ultimate respect.

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth. Psalms 96:9 (KJV)

Oh worship Jehovah in holy array: Tremble before him, all the earth . Psalms 96:9 (ASV)

The above scriptures reference the exclusivity of holiness again or being set apart in a beautiful manner that shows exclusive allegiance to Christ, and secondly it promotes fear, reference and respect for God. These are the things that make up the worship that God requires.

If you find yourself worshiping something other than Christ and walking in something other than truth, humble yourself before God and ask him to change your heart to a true heart of worship that he will accept. Worship that is rooted in truth, intimacy, holiness, fear, and reverence that puts God first before your own needs #Living Sacrifice.

i Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt you serve. Matthew 4:10 (KJV)

Only God Can Judge Me?

Only God can judge me only God. Most of us who grew up on 90s hip-hop remember that popular song from Tupac that says, “Only God can judge me.” This phrase has become popular or rampant even in the church to put up a defense saying that God is the only one who has the authority to judge others including believers.

However, I was listening to the Word of God as I got ready for work today, and came across the scriptures below that give clear instruction on how we are to judge in the body of Christ.

But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister that is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.” 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 (NIV)

It appears that the scripture is implying that we as believers are to judge one another simply because we are called to be set apart. We are the ones who are supposed to know better and to act right. Also, God has given us brothers and sisters in Christ to help to keep us in line when we may ignore our conscience. The truth of the matter is it is a good thing to be judged by a mature believer who walks in love. When we tell each other the truth it shows that we love one another.

Another scripture in God’s word that supports the idea of judging our brethren:

Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Galatians 6:1

The above scripture promotes the idea of judging for the purpose of restoration. It also promotes the idea of judging being done not by people who are immature walking in their flesh, but by those who are mature, learned, and who savor the way of walking in the Spirit. Those are the ones who will judge with the heart of God and God’s purpose in mind.

So, no the idea of believers not judging one another is of the world. We are to judge one another, and not to judge the world because the world naturally sins because they have not subjected themselves to God having not accepted him as Lord just yet. Therefore, God will judge them for not accepting him as Lord when the appropriate time comes.

We don’t want God to judge us; we want our neighbor to judge us so that when we go before God on judgement day, we only hear well done my good and faithful servant. God used Nathan to judge David and to push him toward restoration after he had sinned with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:1-15). The judgement of God through our brothers or sisters in Christ, or through the Holy Spirit leads to repentance.

God doesn’t like hypocritical judgement. That is the judgement referenced in Matthew 7 that says, Judge not lest you be judged, because with the measure that you set, it will be measured back to you again, and it goes on to say that why are you trying to pick a speck out of your brothers eye when you have a huge pole in your own eye?

Many people read only the first part,” judge not”, and say that we are not supposed to judge, but that isn’t what that passage of scripture is referencing. That passage of scripture is referencing our human nature to believe that other people’s #2 stinks , but our own #2s do not stink. It’s human nature to see the negative in others more than ourselves.

This is clearly seen in the fact that when Nathan judged David; he did it in the form of a parable. David did not know that Nathan spoke of him. Therefore David pronounced judgement on the man saying that man shall surely die [i].

Nathan told him you are the man, and David’s reaction changed. He humbled himself saying that he had sinned against God. According to Matthew 7, David should have died because that is the judgement that he pronounced upon himself when he thought that it was for someone else. However, after David humbled himself, Nathan’s response was the below scripture:

The Lord also has put away thy sin; thou shalt not die. 2 Samuel 12:13

David was able to obtain mercy against the judgement that he had pronounced upon himself. God’s purpose for sending our brothers and sisters in Christ is to seek an occasion for us to humble ourselves and obtain mercy against the judgement that we should incur for our sin. This is why we ought to maintain humility and examine our own selves when we are judged by our brethren.

Yes, sometimes brothers and sisters in Christ are not right in their judgements nor are they sent by God as Nathan was, but if we take everything to God in prayer we will know the difference.

We don’t want to wait until we get before God on judgement day to say, “You are the only one that can judge me God.” We will receive the greater damnation for knowing what is right to do and not doing it. The Bible says to do so is sin.

It’s God’s love judging us through our friends, trusted prophets, and teachers of the gospel. It is better to get things right now than to go before God on judgement day saying Lord, I rejected your correction and judgement through my brethren because they were not you. That is foolish! So, let’s re-evaluate some of these popular sayings that have made their way into the church. We do not govern our lives as believers based on popular culture, but by the Word of God. Amen!

[i] And David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die. 2 Samuel 12:5

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith:

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Yo, today is good Friday, and we have been celebrating holy week all week, which is where we celebrate Jesus Christ dying for our sins. This Sunday we will celebrate not only the death but the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I was chilling Wednesday night as my pastor nailed prayer requests to a cross that we have at our church and I was immediately hit in my spirit to remember the Lord as I heard the sounds of the nails, I began to worship.

It all hit me reminding me of when I feel like I am going through a difficult path to remember the path that Jesus Christ took. Jesus took a path that was mapped out specifically to benefit not himself but someone else. That someone else was us. Jesus took on that path by choice, not by force to give his life for our sake. The Bible says that his life was not taken from him, but that he laid it down.

He held any shame in contempt. In other words, he was focused. He did not allow himself to be distracted by anything. He had a one track mind to show the father’s love to us by paying for our sins once and for all.

Jesus was a voluntary sufferer for our sake. That is so deep and so real. Often as believers in America we do not want to suffer for ourselves let alone someone else. We can be very selfish placing our needs and wants above what we really should be focused on. In those moments when we get lost for whatever reason we can look to the Lord. He lived a life of consecration meaning to be set aside for a specific purpose.

All while Jesus was alive and went through the many shared experiences that people of his day went through whether it was going to school, learning to work, help around the house or make friends. He had his purpose or consecration in mind all of the time. He must have been thinking to himself, “Don’t get to caught up in what is going on around you; you are here to save the world.” That is what he did.

That is the highest calling that he endured. He shut himself out of a lot of things that many of us are bent on experiencing such as finding a wife, having kids, or paying off a mortgage. He had a greater calling with us in mind. Anytime, we want to feel as though we are giving up a lot, we need to again look at Jesus.

He was faithful to his path unto death, and resurrection.

Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. Hebrews 12:4

Lastly, Jesus saw the result of his consecration.

When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.Isaiah 53:11

After enduring a life where his primary focus was to live until the age of 33 not experiencing marriage, or kids among other things, but experiencing being misunderstood as a crazy person who saw himself equal with God, and upset religious authorities, was spit on, put down, and diminished to be much lower than who he was which was the Son of God, he saw the result of it all and still sees the result even unto this day.

He is at the right hand of the father interceding for us reminding the father that he shed his blood for our sins. Therefore many have come to know him. Jesus Christ has the largest family known to any. He is the most famous person in the world spanning through out every generation that has hit the earth and that will hit the earth. He has his very own bride which are us his believing church. He sanctifies us, loves us, and calls us his own.

So, whenever you feel like giving up from carrying your cross no matter what cross you have to bear, remember to look to Jesus. He has done this already and won! We love Jesus!

Why Real Men Love A Strong Woman:

Real men are attracted to strong women because those women are secure enough to be who God made them to be without disrespecting nor putting down men. Strong women hold men to a reasonable standard and thus make real men feel like men. They feel appreciated and blessed to be within the company of a strong woman. A strong woman presents a challenge. It’s clear that she is not just entertaining anybody with her precious time because she knows her worth. Therefore, when the right guy gets in the door; he feels that he has really worked for her.

I have a friend who shared a story of meeting her husband and the thing that drew him to her was the fact that she wasn’t thirsty all over him like other women trying to impress him, but she was secure in herself, and she was real when it came to God. Another friend told me of her brother who got really serious about a girl who was a strong woman. She wasn’t putting up with just anything and if he wasn’t going to act right she was throwing up the deuces. He had never met anyone like that before and wanted to straiten up and fly right with her right away.

Many of us women have lots of guys who come to us all day trying to get in to our personal space without respecting the type of women that we are. Sometimes, you just want to say, “Do you know who I am bro?”, but it’s no use. We just kindly throw up the deuces.

That is always a great sign of a strong, and confident woman who isn’t depending on interactions from a man to build her worth especially from a negative experience with a man where she is reduced to a simple sex object.

Strong women are whole and complete. They don’t bring unnecessary drama and baggage to the table. She has already dealt with her hurts, pains, and unforgiveness toward men. She has entrusted herself to the only one who is able to heal her completely and that is God. She doesn’t see every guy as an opportunity for a mate, but loves everyone who crosses her path.

Her trust is in the Lord. She is strong she is beautiful. She is a builder who builds others up around her. She becomes noticed by the best of the best. The man who considers her considers the legacy of his household and how she will not only love, respect and build him up, but his whole household that he will establish with her.

This woman is highly sought after. There are so many women out there who have lost their strength their power and virtue. They have given it to men out of desperation, discontentment, lust, loneliness, and the like.

The strong woman has dealt with all of the above and overcome those things. She has let go of despair because her trust is in the Lord. She has walked her course. She has let go of discontentment knowing how to embrace God’s joy in every season of her life. She knows that the joy of the Lord is her strength not the joy of a man. It isn’t that the strong woman doesn’t want a man; she just wants the right man.

The strong woman has learned how to kill her flesh. She realizes that sexual flings will never satisfy her soul. Therefore, it isn’t worth it to her to entertain. She isn’t ruled by loneliness because God is very well able to meet every need of hers including companionship . She taps in to God’s presence who is always there with her. She also utilizes godly friends, family, and loved ones placed into her life. She is a giver, and when she gives of her time and love, more love and time with others of value is given to her.

She is a strong woman. A wise woman, who will soon become the wife of a wise man who will appreciate her. This is what happens when we wait on the Lord. We are tested and tried in so many things, but we overcome and when we overcome we come out on the other side with strength. Strength not according to the world but according to God. The world tells a woman that she is strong because she lives her life independent of a man. The Lord tells a woman she is strong because she lives her life dependent on him.

Let’s define what a strong woman is because there is clear confusion what a strong woman looks like according to the world and to what God’s word teaches. A strong woman according to the world is a turn-off to real men, but one according to God’s standard is the opposite.

Worldly Strength

Independent woman:

Godly Strength

The godly woman is dependent upon the Lord and the reason she doesn’t need a man right now is because, God has not provided him yet. God has been revealing himself to her and covering her showing her how important and loved that she is so that when he does bring the correct man into her life; she will not place unrealistic expectations on him.

I can control others therefore I am strong

The godly woman knows how to exude her influence in a graceful manner. She doesn’t need to control others because of the mere authority and respect that she carries when she speaks. She has a reputation that precedes her and demands respect without control. She knows how and when to submit herself to others. Respect is at the top of her list for dealing with people.

I don’t need a man. I’m good.

We all need one another. Although, this woman may not have a man yet, she utilizes godly men in her life loving, honoring, and respecting them as she prepares for the man that one day God will have her to submit to as her hubby. Men in her life as a single may include a father, granddad, brother, cousin, or appropriate friendships with men, also co-workers, and/or bosses. She knows how to deal with men well and her exposure to healthy male relationships despite the fact that she isn’t in a relationship allows her to see men in more than one light.

I will make the men pay who have hurt me

The godly woman says that her healing is more valuable to herself than making a man pay for what he has done to her. She realizes that men will only do to a woman what that woman allows, and therefore she has to start treating herself better if she wants men to treat her better.

Do You Obey God Out of Duty or Delight?

I have this teaching that I listen to 3-4 times a year by John Bevere called Intimacy with God. The teaching speaks to the core of me because being close to God is one of the things I most desire and need. In his teaching, John goes over the difference in obeying God out of law instead of delight. He mentions the scripture in Romans that talks about how the strength of sin is the law. He goes on to say that obeying God out of law is when God’s word is restricting us from what we really want to do instead of delight for God’s law. Not having a delight for God’s law and way, is an indicator that something is wrong in the heart. However, our God is so good that he will allow us to go through various situations to humble us and bring us back to the correct focus which is on him (See focus for the new year blog.)

Basically, God wants us as believers to get to the point where we are so in love with him, and his way of doing things that it becomes our delight. The very thing that we look forward to and take joy in. People who truly are delighted in the Lord are the ones that God gives the desires of their heart. Not those who seek God to get things. Our disposition as it relates to the desires of our heart should be that those desires are entrusted to him to bring to pass in his time. We should be at rest as we enjoy the Lord. There is some teaching in the church that encourages people to seek God only to get things, but that is not God’s will at all.

It is God’s pleasure to give us the kingdom meaning the things that are promised to us in his word, but his desire is to also be in relationship with us and to fellowship with us. Many of us do things out of repetition, fear, knowledge, or like robots, and even though the things that we are doing are right, it still isn’t enough for our relationship with God.

God desires to know us intimately and for us to know him intimately. He desires for us to be in tune with him so that if he speaks, we just simply listen and obey out of delight of knowing him. If many of us knew how good the God is that we say we worship, we’d be head over heels, skipping, jumping, smiling, and gazing with joy and such fullness that people would swear we were in love.

The truth is God’s word invites us to be in love with God. Jesus spoke of the different churches and says that he has against one church who dots every I and crosses every T the fact that they have forsaken their first love i. Can we say that we are in love with God? Can we say that we delight in his ways or his laws.

God’s stance is clear. He loved us so much that he humbled himself all the way to the cross enduring grief, shame, misunderstanding, physical and emotional pain. He was royalty, but did not focus on that when he came. He is the example of the greatest love in that he laid down his life for us whom he calls his friends. God is love. His love is the ultimate patience waiting and waiting for us to get the fact that he just wants us. Some singles have not yet gotten that they are single in this season because God just wants them all to himself. He loves us that much and then some.

The greatest pursuit of love known to man is the pursuit of God toward his creation man. We are so valued, desired, and sought after in the eyes of our creator that the word of God describes God’s love in terms of the width, depth, and breadth that he desires for us to know (Ephesians 3:17-19).

Christ’s love is deep and he wants to share it with us. He wants to be that confidant, friend, provider, covering, and lover of our soul to us. He embodies love because he is love. He is patient, kind, not self-seeking, keeps no record of wrong due to us being covered by the blood of Christ. He suffers long, isn’t envious of us, endures all things, hopes in all things toward us and everything that his word says about love.

He desires for us to know him and that there is no greater love than him especially before we get married because the one that God has for us is to love us like Christ, and God doesn’t want us to have any other god before him. He is a jealous God with a godly jealousy. I love the way Pastor Toure Roberts put it by saying that when we place something before God we put ourselves in a position of deficiency because no one can give us what we need to get and what we can only get from God.

I would imagine that when I do one day become in love with my husband, especially in the beginning, that I would delight to be with my husband. Just to be in his presence will be like whoa! I won’t have a problem doing things for him even when I don’t feel like it because I love him, not because he would now be my head as my husband, but because I love him.

God wants that to be our motivation as well. He wants us to obey him and keep his commandments because we love him not out of law. That is why he sent his son as the fulfillment of the law writing his law on our hearts and not just on scrolls. He wants obedience to be a natural part of our love relationship with him not out of fear, or control, but out of love, fear, reverence, and respect.

Lately, I’ve been falling more and more in love with God again and it is wonderful. Of course, I don’t want to keep this to myself so I invite all my readers to do the same. As you would prioritize a love partner, prioritize spending time with God not only speaking to him in prayer, but waiting quietly at times in prayer, singing songs to the Lord, and acknowledging him daily.

The more we fall in love with Jesus the easier it becomes to do what he commands in his word. At that point it no longer becomes a command, but our delight. That is when things begin to move on our behalf and favor overflows like rain, but don’t let the blessing be your motivation allow the Lord to be your motivation as he multiplies your love for him the more you take action to make him priority.

Other Related Scriptures:

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:8

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he does shall prosper. Psalms 1:2-3

Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalms 37:4

i Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Revelations 2:1-4 KJV

To hear a portion of the teaching from John Bevere Click the video below:

Also, the full CD set of this teaching can be purchased at the link below:

The Burden of Being Young:

In a young person’s 20s there is often a burden to get certain things done by a certain age. A young person may say by a certain age I want to make my mark doing A or B. I also want to have checked off of my list buying a house, getting married, dashing into my dream career, all while avoiding the process that builds character, causes us to have patience, become stable well-rounded adults, and most importantly causes us to learn to depend on the Lord.

Many of us have grown up hearing older people say go get it. You can do anything. All things are possible, and yes these things are true, but one of my mentors shared something additional with me. She said that I know you have your plans and the things that you want to do and you ask God to make it happen for you, but you need to learn how to follow God.

Sometimes, we can be anointed and appointed for something, but God wants to take us through a process to build our character and cause us to rely on him first. One of the most important scriptures in the Bible says to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added unto us (Matthew 6:33).

King David in the Bible was specifically sought out by God through the prophet Samuel. He was anointed and appointed by God to be the king of Israel in place of Saul, who displeased God.

I love David because him and I have a lot in common as far as being rejected and off to himself as a shepherd tending to the sheep and worshiping God. He was not sought after by men who overlooked the many gifts that God had placed inside of him. When Samuel first came to Jesse’s house (David’s father) to anoint a king; Jesse never called for David until Samuel specifically asked if there were any more sons. Jesse bought out all of the best looking sons that appeared strong and prepared according to man’s standards.

David, however was prepared by God. He would not take the throne right away, but he even after being anointed had a process that remained for him to go through. God would create an opportunity for him to defeat a Philistine named Goliath which gave him favor with the current king Saul, yet also it placed him at odds with the king to the point where he had to run for his life.

David displayed godly character in having an opportunity to kill the King, but continuing in respect he humbled himself and allowed the king to live. It was clear that God was with David and he had to seek God several times to figure out what to do. In seeking God first as young people we allow seeking him to become a part of our character where it is a normal thing to acknowledge God in all we do. When we are placed in position to do the things that God has shown us we will be better for it.

Today, we can see many young people in their 20s and 30s with their hands in so many things trying to make that mark, but God is saying that the mark is right here with me in my presence is where you will find your identity, your vision and goals for life and guess what the responsibility to bring those things to past also falls on God as well when we seek him first.

I mentioned this before in one of my blogs, but I will mention it again. I can remember one day I was on a fast seeking God laid out on the floor praying asking God how to deal with all of these different desires and passions that I have inside of me to do various things. I asked God how would I do these things seeing how it is so much. Where would I begin. God gave me a scripture as a response.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

That scripture took the pressure off of me and placed it on God who is well able to carry it and bring it to pass. He bears the responsibility of bringing the things he has placed within us to pass, and our responsibility is to follow him, but if we aren’t prioritizing seeking him how can we follow him?

As young people we have to learn to place our burdens on the Lord, and he will give us rest as he carries us. He will give us instruction, ideas, witty inventions, as we walk by faith and God’s leading into his promises for our lives whatever those promises may be.

When I was a late teen in college about 19 or so, I used to lead a prayer group called, “The Prayer Closet” at the school. We would pray in a designated empty class room in between classes. I remember praying in their one time with a friend of mine who is a prophet. She told me not to worry about what I was to do when I graduated that God had me. She said that I would be working at a non-profit.

Yep, that happened just like she said. When I was 22 years old I got my job at a non-profit. That is the full-time job that takes care of most of my needs. I have been there for going on 9 years. All the while I do additional things that the Lord has placed on my heart such as the Abstinence education, blog writing, small group leading with a young adult encouragement group and radio program. God has given me favor, grace, and the ability to do these things preparing the way for me.

If we would seek and trust God, he will direct us. God has got us. The Bible says that God enlarges our steps underneath us to keep us from falling (Psalms 18:36). That means that a lot of scrapes and bumps can be avoided as young people through following God.

When we do things on our own without following him; we run the risk of being so out of whack that we don’t know what we are supposed to do, rejection due to not meeting other men’s standards or standards we have set for ourselves, or pride if we are successful.

There is nothing wrong with having ambition, and a burden to do something great, but we are greater when we follow God. Either way we are covered as believers because of the covenant in Christ that we have. When we fall all we have to do is come to God and he will restore us, cleanse us, and cover us. We are such a blessed people and we need to realize that as we walk with God and allow him to take our burdens for his burden. The Lord is with us and for us. If we come to him and ask him for wisdom he will not look down on us (James 1:5), but love us and gently guide us to our purposes found in him.

The Other Side of Waiting Part II: With Mark Holmes a 31 year old Male Virgin

The below interview is from a man of God who remained a virgin until marriage. This interview was done last year at the age of 31. He remained a virgin until marriage. Listen to the interview below by clicking the play button on his picture. He discusses what it was that made him wait. His father’s impact on him, and avoiding falling into the negative images expected of men by popular culture.

The Other Side of Waiting Part One w/Lakita Garth-Wright:

In today’s world we could use all of the encouragement that we can get. When it comes to waiting on the Lord for the right counter-part as well as to have sex until marriage, there are many things that can discourage a person. I am so thankful for a role model to our generation named Lakita Garth-Wright.

Mrs. Lakita Garth-Wright is a nationally known public speaker, abstinence educator, former radio and television personality, former Mrs. California, and so much more. I really cannot put it all up on this blog. She waited until the age of 36 years old to have sex after marriage. She reminds me of myself also in that she is the only girl with four brothers. How interesting! I never thought when I first heard of her as a teenager that I would also be waiting into my thirties to have sex after marriage and also doing abstinence education. It helps to know that there are others who have traveled your same path and been successful at it.

Without further ado below is the interview that I did of her on my radio show last year regarding the other side of waiting. She talks about 5 steps of relationships that allowed her to see that her hubby is the one for her, the grieving process that she went through before she found her mate, and other helpful tips for singles waiting on the Lord. So hear goes Mrs. Lakita Garth-Wright on the other side of waiting.

Mrs. Wright also has a great book called, “The Naked Truth.” There are many insightful truths that will help anyone on the path of life with the choice to wait until marriage to have sex among other things such as discipline. Stay tuned for part two of the other side of waiting with one of my brothers in the Lord who waited 31 years to have sex until marriage.

To read more about Lakita Garth-Wright Click the following link:

Dealing With Depression:

Depression is a normal symptom of life that everyone will deal with on various occasions of life. It often occurs when unexpected circumstances happen out of the blue that breaks one’s spirit. God’s word however gives us some key things to overcome depression every time unto full and complete recovery.

One of the first times I remember dealing with depression was a long time ago. I don’t even remember what I was depressed about. I woke up and heard God speak to my spirit saying to read about Elijah, so I got my concordance and found 1Kings 18 & 19.

Elijah is one of the people shown in scripture to deal with depression to get through it.

  • Depression has a way of making a believer feel as though the reason they are in their depression is because they have been standing for God and maybe things would be better if they compromised.
  • Depression makes a person feel alone as if he is the only one going through.
  • Finally, depression leaves a feeling of numbness making a person reject themselves and to despair of all hope even the will to live. This is why people with depression go through the motions of life without feeling often being emotionally fragile. These feelings can cause a person to isolate himself.

All these things can be seen in the below accounts of scripture.

Elijah had just come out of doing the work of the Lord proclaiming the truth to the leadership of Israel. He had just had God answer by fire to prove to everybody that his God was God (1 Kings 18:19-39).

He was then hit with an unexpected event. His life was threatened by the queen of Israel the wicked Jezebel (19:1-2).

He went through the below emotions and God had an answer for each one:

He was famished, tired, and had done all he could yet still ending up threatened and weak. He went into the wilderness which can represent being in the middle of no where, where it’s easy to ask yourself how did I get here, and what is going on[i]?

God’s first response was to send his angel to feed him. The angel of the Lord told him that he would need it for the next place that he was going to. Elijah thought God was done with him and he just needed to die but the angel feeding him was the first sign that God was still with him and that he would get through his depression (1 Kings 19:5-8).

Key # 1: We live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God

(Matthew 4:4). In other words we are not alive simply by natural nourishment, but we live by the Word of God. We have to look for, expect, and seek God for his daily bread especially during times of depression. There is only so long that we can go without hearing what God is saying to us. When we hear him and eat of his word, it gives us strength to continue in the journey.

Next, Elijah isolated himself in the doorway of a cave. He was probably still thinking those negative thoughts of wanting to die and rejecting himself saying he was no better than his father’s (1 Kings 19:4-9).

God gently spoke to him saying What are you doing here? He states how he has been zealous for the Lord and look where it has landed him (1 Kings 19:9-10). God proceeds to make a point to him in so many words saying I know you are used to me moving in big stuff with you closing up the sky so it would not rain, and sending fire from heaven, but I want you to get quiet before me right now. I have some things and instructions I want to show you for what is to come (1 Kings 19:11-12).

Key # 2: Get quiet before God.

Sometimes, we may be used to ripping and running and working in the kingdom of God watching God make power moves in our lives, but there also comes a time where God simply desires for us to get quiet before him. He uses that time to strengthen us. To multiply our passion for him, and to show us how he wants to move for the next phase of life that he has called us to. Lay out before God in his presence. Listen for God’s instruction and get your worship music going along with the word of God to place your spirit in preparation to hear from God. He has specific things that he desires to share with us while we are in the middle of depression. The Bible says that God is a very present help in the time of trouble. We can expect God to speak with us if we are willing to get quiet before him during depression. Satan may mean for our depression to destroy us, but God will use it to make us stronger.

Last time I had to walk through depression. The Holy Spirit would softly speak scriptures into my spirit, and he even brought songs up in my spirit to listen to such as Israel Houghton search for you. I put that song on and went right into God’s presence. My gifts inside of me began to become stirred up as I listened to the Lord, prophesied to my situation, and rested in God’s presence. Try not to get caught up in how you feel, but allow God’s presence to calm your spirit and cause you to began to trust in God.

Key # 3: We have to fight the urge to be negative and to speak negative things out of our mouths.

Staying in God’s presence is the main way that we as believers can fight the urge to be negative and to speak negative things outside of our mouths. If we are in God’s presence hearing what he is speaking to our spirit we can then speak those things instead of speaking how we feel in the moment of our flesh.

Earlier I mentioned how Elijah began to speak negative about himself saying that he was no better than his fathers and he should just die, but God did not address him in that manner. God still addressed him as God’s anointed set apart for his glory. God showed him what he was to do next which was to anoint a young man who was also zealous for the Lord named Jehu to be the new king over Israel. God had planned to d-throne the wrist-limped Ahab and controlling Jezebel. They represented the current king and queen of Israel, but God wasn’t feeling them and their foolishness. God had big plans for Elijah just like he has big plans for us if we would only place our trust in him.

It is normal to be tempted to be negative and to speak negative while going through temptation, but it will not get us anywhere. It will only set us back. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue and we eat the fruit of what we say (Proverbs 18:21).

I can remember one time years ago I was going through a depression and I don’t remember what it was about, what was coming out of my mouth was not lining up with God’s word or plan for me. I was just frustrated and would say stuff. I remember having a dream during that time, and I don’t know how I knew, but I knew that the person in my dream who looked at me in a very serious and frustrated manner saying to me, “Russelyn, Be careful what you say.” was one of the angels that God has assigned to me.

The Bible says in Hebrews that God has ministering spirits (angels) that minister to the heirs of salvation[ii]. We are the heirs of salvation. We have such a great inheritance in Jesus Christ, but when we speak against what God is trying to do we hinder the work of those angels ministering on our behalf and it frustrates them because they have an assignment by God to carry out but become hindered by our words.

Elijah’s complaint was that he was alone. He thought he was the only prophet of God left (1 Kings 19:14). God’s response was that he has seven thousand in Israel who’s knees have not bowed down to Baal (vs. 18). He confirmed for Elijah that he was not alone.

Key #4: You are not alone.

The Bible says that there are several others of our brothers and sisters in Christ that are going through the same things[iii]. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid that says you are the only one in the world who is going through what you are going through that is a lie from the devil. God knew you would go through what you are going through and he has already made the provisions for you to give you the necessary grace to get through it[iv].

You aren’t the first person to go through depression, and you will not be the last. Try to remember the word of God and stories such as Job, who was blessed double after he was bought through several trying life circumstances. Also, Hannah, who became bitterly depressed so that she poured out her soul to God and he answered her prayer, and lastly Elijah who we are studying in this blog. If God did it for them he will do it for you too. He is no respecter of persons.

To conclude Elijah’s depression, he ended up getting all the way through his depression. It slowed him down enough to hear God, become strengthened for the next phase in life and to complete the assignment that God had called him to. He along with those that God instructed overthrew the current kingship destroying Jezebel and anointing Jehu as the new king.

Just like God was faithful to Elijah to bring him through, and strengthen and preserve him; we can rest assured that God will be faithful to do the same for us. So, don’t compromise and don’t give up, but continue to trust in the Lord[v].

[i] But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers. 1 Kings 19:3

[ii] 13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? Hebrews 1:13-14

[iii] 1 Peter 5:9 – Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your bretheren that are in the world.

[iv] But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

[v] O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful, and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer. Psalms 31:23

Why 50 Shades of Grey will Leave You Unsatisfied:

All I know about “50 Shades of Grey” is what I have seen on the commercials and the news-clips, and that is all I need to know. I recall a scene where the lead character who plays the male starring role says something to the degree of how he doesn’t want love or isn’t into love. He goes on to say that his affinity is of a different sort as he preps to fulfill is lustful fantasies.

The problem with this whole deal is that it places more emphasis on lust and fulfilling sexual desires than on real-love. As believers we have to guard what we have an appetite for because what we have an appetite for will become what we go after.

Movies like “50 Shades of Grey” create a curiosity and appetite for lust and sex without creating an appetite for purity or real-love. Purity and real-love are necessary to fully enjoy sex. (See the blog on purity.) It is no accident that the film was released during Valentine’s Day weekend the love holiday bringing the gift of God called sex down to mere lustful fantasies are a direct attack against real-love and satisfactory sex between the covenant of marriage.

Real-love satisfies, but lust is not satisfactory. Real-love will always be there, but lust is fleeting. A person opens the door to lust and has to search for a lustful relationship again and again to try to feel some sort of satisfaction. The high of a new sexual experience often takes the place of the high of being truly loved.

The door to lust is opened through curiosity and sets up a home in a believers life becoming a stronghold that is hard to get rid of. I met a guy who was a believer, but he opened the door to lust. He meets various girls online and drives out to any of their homes who are willing to have sexcapades with as many of them as possible. He told me he tried to get offline, but could not. He had become addicted to a negative cycle that robbed him of real-love, but gave him momentary pleasure that was fleeting meaning he had to constantly chase lust again to attempt to have any satisfaction.

That is a very sad life. The same theme is echoed through-out Sam Smith’s song, “Stay with Me”. I love the lyrics and artistry of this song as it talks about a one night stand that the gentlemen is involved in and how he doesn’t want his partner to go, but to stay with him. This song really covers the emptiness of choosing a temporary lustship over a real-love relationship. The lyrics go on to say, “this is not love it’s plain to see, but won’t you stay with me.”

If you pay close attention to the video the scene of the choir singing dressed in black appeared similar to that of mourners who are grieving the death of someone or something. Could it be that Real-love has been so gravely under attack in our generation that many have come to believe that an opportunity at real-love is dead? Thus, causing many to choose lust because of the ample accessibility. However, I choose not to believe the lie that real-love is dead, and I choose not to give into the deception that a “50 Shades of Grey” relationship can satisfy me.

Why would we as believers who know the truth and walk the strait and narrow path participate in laying down in the bed of bondage-bondage to our flesh, our emotions, and sexual appetite without love? Is it because of loneliness? Afterward, we will still end up lonely if we only have lust.

If we seek love and allow our affections and desires to be shaped to desire love instead of lust we would not have that problem of not being satisfied because love will always stay. Love endures all. Love is not fleeting. Love gives, it covers, it protects, it builds up, and it satisfies, while lust is the very opposite.

Lust takes. It is not concerned with others, but only itself. Therefore, it does not protect. It tears down when necessary to satisfy itself, and it cannot last because it is a mere imitation of love. A person in lust is not crazy in love as the soundtrack to 50 Shades of Grey suggests, but that person becomes crazy in lust.

In deciding whether to watch 50 Shades of Grey as believers, please think about what you want your affection to be geared toward, because the affection that you shape becomes the affection that you seek to satisfy be that of fleeting unsatisfactory lust or real-love.