
Dating Vs. Waiting Part I: Dishonesty in Dating

Have you ever dated a guy while deep inside knowing he wasn’t the one for you. I think back to when I was in my twenties. I remember dating a guy who I labeled as my friend at the time. We were on our way back from downtown on the train from watching The Matrix Reloaded. As we rode the train, my date held me in his arms. It was a really nice experience, but I remember thinking this cannot go on because deep inside I knew he wasn’t who God had for me yet the feeling that I got from being close to him only pulled me closer. I was young and gaining my experience to later learn the lesson of dating in dishonesty.

While I labeled our relationship as just friends, it was clear that the gentleman wanted more and the more that he wanted, I was not willing to give him because for one, we were unequally yoked. I had a relationship with God and he did not. We were together often because we were co-workers and therefore our bond grew stronger. I enjoyed his attention, but all along inside I knew I would have to give it up. Not only did I know, but God begin to warn me. I had two dreams from God warning me about the young man. Plus, a friend and mentor God had placed into my life warned me too.

After, still flirting with what God did not want for me, finally God did what good fathers do who cover their children. He removed him out of my life. All of a sudden, the guy’s family ended up moving to somewhere I had never heard of and we lost touch. The situation was not in vain, but taught me just how interested God is in my success.

God will do what is necessary to get us to the relationship that he has for us. While I was dishonest and avoiding the signs, God was covering me. Thank you Jesus! How many of us hold on to a dating relationship just because we feel like dating is what we are supposed to do knowing deep down inside that the gentleman that we are dating isn’t the one for us? What if God was asking you to wait instead of date?

I remember talking to one of my buddies in college. She shared with me that she was prophesied to that she is not supposed to date like other people, but to wait. At the time we were having this conversation, I had not heard anyone talk like that before. I was still in my stage of wondering why certain women had to wait so long. I just kind of noted it in my mind as interesting and that was it.

Now that I am older, I can of course see the benefit of not just dating around, but instead enjoying life with friends and family as I walk with God knowing that he will reveal my husband just as he does with the men he doesn’t want me to waste my time with. Lesson learned don’t be dishonest. Don’t ignore what God is speaking to you inside. Don’t date someone selfishly for your own personal needs knowing God will not allow you to give more.

It was okay for me back then to learn that lesson, but as an adult who is 32 years old, I should not have to re-learn that lesson as if it has never been taught. So, I very rarely date. That doesn’t mean that men are completely non-existent from my life. I have a couple of guy friends that I can talk to here and there as simply brothers in the Lord. I will continue in this vein until God leads me to something different  because I choose to no longer date dishonestly. Instead, I’ll just wait.

In this series of dating versus waiting we will look at the Dishonesty in dating, This idea of a soulmate, should men wait too, is it easier for men than women to wait, wisdom for opposite sex friendships,  maintaining holiness in the season of courtship, dating versus courting, and the result of waiting. Stay tuned to this blog series for great insight, fun conversation, and of course God’s word.

Watch the supplemental intro video to, “Dating Vs. Waiting”, the series below:

Are you resting in God’s love?

God has a history of going to great lengths to make clear to man just how much he loves us. Lately, I’ve been meditating on the love of God as I’ve been feeling his love on me literally. I woke up the other morning and felt engulfed in the love of God and began to just read up on some scriptures that contain the word love. Here are a few things that I noted about the love of God.

God’s love is not contingent upon how good we are. The love of God is unconditional. He stays committed to us even despite our imperfections.

God first laid out his commitment to man by demonstrating his love for us in the fact that he gave up his life for us. Similar to marriage, those who know the word of God know that marriage is a direct depiction and demonstration of God’s love for man with God being so committed to us that he has tied himself to us for life through the covenant that we have with him because of the death and resurrection of his son. Unbreakable is the bond of love that God has for us. It will never allow him to give up on us.

He further demonstrates his commitment by asking one of his servants who was a prophet Hosea to marry a woman who would be unfaithful to him. This woman was a whore. God’s purpose in asking Hosea this was to demonstrate his love for us, man-kind, by this example which shows that even though the whorish woman was imperfect she was still worthy enough to become Hosea’s wife simply because of a decision that was made. God made a simple decision a long time ago to love us his people and that will never change.

Hosea 3:1 – Then said the Lord unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons.KJV

Love endures all. It does not leave nor quit. That’s God’s love. He is love. He does not run when things get hard, but shows himself to be of the utmost present. His word says that he is a very present help in the time of trouble (Psalms 46:1).

God’s love is relentless toward us:

Man’s heart has a tendency to stray from the Lord in the pride of doing our own thing and leaning to our own understanding. If we read Psalms 107, it repeatedly talks about God’s unfailing love toward us in that when we turn away from him and get lifted up in pride how God allows us to go through changes to the point of us getting to our lowest wits end. At that point, the scripture says that we cry to the Lord and he hears us and delivers us out of all of our troubles. It of course is speaking about the children of Israel when they were in the wilderness, but that was an example for us and our experience with God on this earth.Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron (Psalms 107:15).

.God’s love moves him to respond to our needs:

Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. John 11:5 Later, in verse 35 it says that Jesus wept. Jesus had to allow the process of his beloved friend Lazarus to die and his family to grieve for a number of days in order for God to be glorified and for man to know that Jesus could raise from the dead, but this process hurt Jesus to the point where he wept for his beloved friends because he had to watch the pain of them going through even though it was for their good. That’s what a good father or mother does. They allow their children to go through various circumstances for their learning and their good. If Lazarus had not of died, how would we know that Jesus is the resurrection.

And God so loved the world that he was moved to give up his son on behalf of those in the world. That would be us.

God’s love corrects and confirms us as his own:

Raise your hand if you ever got a whipping and afterward your parent said come here and give me a hug you know I only whipped you because I love you. Yep, that’s how God is. He corrects and chastises those whom he loves. Those who he has made an investment in through the death and resurrection of his son. God’s correction in our lives is a sign that we belong to him. If God whips you just say to yourself I am his. Somebody loves you baby! 🙂

My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor detest His correction; For whom the Lord loves He corrects, Just as a father the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:11-12

Have you been convinced yet that God loves you, and that God’s love is enough for you no matter where you are at in life. He will go through great lengths to reach you, to keep you, deliver you, and to confirm you again and again as his own because he loves you.

So many out there run from God’s love and run to and fro looking for love among things, people, and relationships when God wants us to yes, enjoy godly relationships and connections, but he doesn’t want us to forget about the most important love, and that love is his love.

I am so very thankful for how God has been overshadowing me in his love and presence for this season of my life. I kind of feel like it is an answer to my prayers. I believe that God is preparing my husband for me soon, and before he comes, God wants me to know that his love was enough for me. He wants me to remember how he kept me as a single, and spoke words of affirmation over me. He wants me to remember how I felt safe in his embrace so that when my blessing from the Lord comes I will not idolize him.

God will blow our minds if we let him. If  we come to him and run to him instead of the world and the world’s way of doing things, we will see the miraculous and experience God’s love in undeniable ways. I pray that readers will began to notice things that the Lord does to show his love for us and the fact that he thinks about us. God has had man-kind on his mind way before he even created us, and that is why his son was slain before the foundation of the world. God’s love is real, consistent, and true, and we can rest in it. Amen.

3 Things Single women need to unlearn if we plan on one day being in an appropriate relationship

As single women, we have to deal with a whole lot. Therefore, there are certain character traits that we learn to hone either consciously or unconsciously as a coping mechanism for the way that things are out here. Three of those coping mechanisms are summed up in: Pride, Negative speaking, and Isolation.
Many women naturally desire a covering. For many of us, we have not had the covering that we have desired. There are the women who have never known a covering in the form of a father, women who may know their father, but the father isn’t in a place to cover the woman spiritually or even to make her feel loved. Others have experienced abuse or witnessed consistent abuse between their natural father and mother’s relationship.

Looking to other tangible examples of men, to fill that void often results in disappointment causing a woman to build up a wall of pride to become her own covering. Even though she may have a relationship with the Lord and view the Lord as her covering, she still desires something tangible and that tangible thing becomes her pride.


Her pride throws off an invisible magnetic field to those around that they are not getting into her inner circle. This woman is afraid of being disappointed again, and again, and again as has been the consistent pattern in her life perhaps from childhood well into adulthood. Her pride protects her and although it in some senses isolates her, she feels safe there. The whole independent woman thing is a situation of safety for her. It is some sense of stability and rest that she has not been able to find in dealing with the men in her life.

The reality is that at some point in time vulnerability is going to be necessary in order to let the appropriate person in. That appropriate person is not just going to be anybody, but someone whom the Lord our true covering has checked out and hand-picked as worthy to be trusted with his daughter who is loved by the Lord greatly. Although, she isn’t perfect and has her issues, her worth is not diminished in the Lord’s sight. As a matter of fact, God is in particularly sensitive to her needs, and will deal with her pride on his time gently removing every fear, healing every disappointment, and assuring her when it is safe to proceed with being vulnerable.

If this is you, you will have to entrust yourself to God submitting to his will. As the Spirit of God leads, you will have to be willing to follow him.

Negative Speaking:

For the woman who has built up a wall of pride, because of her negative experiences, or the lack of positive ones, negative speaking can become a norm for. She may say negative things without even noticing it. She may make blanket statements, for example: “you men”, “All men”, “Black men”, “Young men”. Her therapy in some cases may be to discuss negative men with her girlfriends as they wallow in a hopeless rant that breeds more hopelessness. Her faith for better becomes bleaker and she becomes more isolated from the ideal of an appropriate man because negative is all she sees and all that she speaks.

Because many of us spend years of being single and dealing with these cycles of emotion, these traits that we have picked up can become a part of our character where we continue to practice them unknowingly even after God begins to put his finger on it to began the deliverance process.

Negative speaking as a woman or even as a man is not something that we want to take into the marriage that God gives us. It will only cause wars, strife, and tension between a couple. It results in a man and woman warring against each other instead of building while walking with each other. Satan has been very successful in getting women to think negatively about men and to speak that out of our mouths instead of using our mouths to pray for the men out there who are really trying to live right and struggling. Sometimes, as women, I think we give too much negative attention to negative men, and thus we speak negative. If we focused more on the positive ones, then maybe the negative men will get jealous and get it strait. Nevertheless, what happens with negative men, God will judge them, and we as women need to guard our peace so that we can be in a position to build with our tongues. In practicing this as singles, we will be able to more easily practice this in our marriages.

Lastly, for the negative speakers, I don’t want you to get me wrong in communicating that there isn’t a problem with our men. I know there is a problem out there with lots of our men, and there is nothing worse than someone trying to calm someone down who is angry as if they do not have a right to be angry. I know the anger is legitimate, but what are you going to do about it besides being angry? It would make more sense to focus on your strength which are the godly men instead of the ungodly ones building them up and speaking life over them.


Isolation is a natural response toward people who are angry and prideful. Who wants to be around someone who is just angry and prideful? No one. That means that once God begins to put his finger on this, we have to be willing to let God work on us.

Now, it is extremely legitimate and appropriate for a woman to have to dismiss herself from most men who attempt to talk to her when a lot of these men aren’t in a position to cover a wife nor take on the responsibility of a wife. Nobody needs an additional problem while they are waiting on the Lord for someone appropriate. So yes, many of us single women have to not even consider most men who come to us.

We find ourselves running when we see the red-flags which is wisdom. But again, an appropriate habit for a single woman in waiting, may not be appropriate for a woman who is sure of an appropriate man of God in her world as a suitor or even her husband.

Because of this need to run from ungodly men, many of us women have built up feelings of strong rejection. We withdraw from even appropriate men when things don’t seem to go our way dismissing any hope that things could grow into something beautiful due to the fear of rejection.

We have interpreted God’s protection from the ungodly men as rejection and not being good enough for a relationship. It becomes easier for us to revert back into those feelings of not being good enough, and things will not work out, and it’s easier to just do the me, myself, and I thing rather than to toughen up and work through a relationship whether friendship or leading to romantic with a guy.

Recently, I had an experience like this where I wanted to just withdraw from someone that I was attempting to befriend because I did not like his lack of communication. I remember starting to resort back to thinking negative thoughts and feeling as though isolating myself would be the answer, but the Lord quickened me to pray.

I began to pray. During prayer, I prayed for the young man that I wanted to withdraw from I prayed regarding any fears, concerns, or anxieties that he has that prevent him from communicating in the way that he wants. I prayed against my own selfishness for not even considering how he felt or why he may have not responded. I prayed for men of God in general who are trying to live right. I prayed for those men who have to fight the stigmas of what the world considers to be a man. I prayed against all shame and embarrassment for doing things God’s way. I prayed for stability, consistency, and open communication in their personal relationships with the Lord. It is ironic, that after I prayed, I felt a release in my spirit, and finally the gentlemen contacted me communicating the total opposite of what I was thinking.

The truth is as single women, when we learn to trust God, and his ability to put us together in healthy relationships with men whether it is restoring an ungodly father, brother, friend, or potential spouse, a weight will be lifted and we can more easily follow God’s instruction resulting in humility, positive speaking, and godly fellowship with men.

The last thing that I learned from my ordeal with the friend mentioned above is that humility gives God the opportunity to provide his grace in the situation. God’s grace is his special supernatural ability to do something or go through something victoriously. Satan’s plan that has been enacted seemingly on every generation has been to get the man and the woman at odds with each other in pride, negativity, and isolation resulting in brokenness.

When two people in a situation are full of pride toward one another, there is no room for God to move. Someone has to humble themselves in order to allow God’s grace in the situation. This is also an important lesson to be taken into our marriages. Humility and prayer over pride and negative reactions.

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

What is the hardest part of being single, and also the greatest part?

For me it has been my desire for intimacy, and yet the greatest part has been getting to know God in a more intimate manner. Intimacy is a closeness with someone exclusively. Those involved in an intimate relationship show each other parts of themselves that not everyone else gets to see.

So, last night I had an episode where I was feeling my need to be intimate with someone. I am 110% woman which means I don’t just want to be told I am loved. I want to be shown that. I want to be held, touched and so forth. So, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling alone. I needed to be held, but of course as a single there isn’t anyone there.

I got up went to the rest room and got back in the bed all wrapped up good in my blanket, and God placed a song in my heart. I begun to hum it to him as a prayer and the words went: I will rest in your love oh Lord, You are enough for me. I will rest in your love oh Lord. You are enough for me. I stopped humming and started singing the words. I am never alone, never alone. Lord, You are enough for me.

My desires had been quieted and fulfilled at the same time. I needed to feel like I wasn’t alone even though I already know that by faith. As a woman, it’s in my DNA to want to feel at times and to have a connection. I felt the warmth of God’s love and went right back to sleep. For the past few days I’ve been meditating on a scripture regarding God’s love to remind myself of how God loves me. I also asked God with expectation for a tangible reminder of his love and he gave me a song in the night.

In the morning, I Googled for scriptures on songs in the night and found the three below:
But no one says, “Where is my God my Maker, who gives songs in the night. Job 35:10, (NIV)

But each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me, and through each night, I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life. Psalms 42:8, (NLT)

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah. Psalms 32:7 (KJV)

God is truly enough for us in every season of life. He is enough for the singles as well as the married. A lot of people don’t experience God in an intimate way because they don’t turn to him, but instead turn to things and vices. See more on vices at the link (click for vices blog posts). God wants us to turn to him so that he can show us sides of him that maybe every one else isn’t willing to turn to him to see. God is enough.

If you are struggling with a portion of your singleness or any area of life. Consider reaching out to God concerning it whatever it may be. I guarantee God will give you the grace and strength to endure until your season is to change.

I am very excited about the season that I am in, because I am constantly being reminded that God is enough. All I have to do is look to him. Before God delivers us from one season to the next, I believe that God wants us to know and to be sure that he is enough for us. Similar to how the Lord gave the children of Israel all types of precious gold, and jewelry when he delivered them out of the land of Egypt. It was almost as if, God wanted the children of Israel to have a reminder that he did this. He was their deliver and not anything else.

However, just as soon as the children of Israel had been delivered from bondage and slavery. They went into the wilderness and made an idol by way of a golden calf. If we are not careful as believers, we will allow God to deliver us where we get a little relief and run right back to an idol instead of God when things seem just a little hard.

The children of Israel thought it hard that Moses had been up on the mountain for so long getting instruction from God. They felt as though they had no leader, so they made an idol. However, in actuality, the children of Israel should have been up on that mountain with Moses or at least worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth to the point where God had to come down and see what the praise and worship was about himself.

We cannot depend on someone else to lead us to God, or to solve our inner problems as believers. We have to have enough faith and trust in God to be willing to go to him for ourselves allowing him to show us that he is enough.

What is the hardest part for you as a single? Please, pray to God for his wisdom and strategic instruction on how to deal with that hard thing turning it into a great thing that brings you closer to him.

The Confident woman

The Confident woman!

A woman should have some healthy pride about herself. A healthy pride is a

godly confidence that comes from a woman knowing who she is in Christ. She

knows that she is loved, covered, valuable, and has purpose. All of these

things the godly woman learns and grows into despite the difficulties of her

background. The confident woman finds a place of rest, and peace under the

shadow of the Almighty God. She is covered. She knows that God’s very

shadow is enough. Enough to ward off any person with wrong intentions

covering and protecting her with strong and careful discernment. Her beauty is

carefully crafted by the best, coupled with her spirit of gracefulness just

glorious. Her beauty is used for God’s glory as God brags that’s my daughter.

Yep, I made her. Isn’t she beautiful both inside and out, and her graceful and

kind spirit points others back to me. I’m proud of my creation and in her I am

well pleased. That’s why I got her covered on every side because she is

committed to me. It’s easy for me to show myself strong in her life and,

although certain times in her life gets shaky, she still keeps her trust in me

. She knows it is impossible for me to disappoint her, and so she rests in who

I am, my protection, acceptance, and confirmation. She rests in confidence

because she knows I’ve got her. The secret chamber of her love is reserved for

someone strong who mirrors her God’s love. She isn’t taking just any man’s

hand, but only the man, God her heavenly  father has approved. She has a

healthy pride

and godly confidence. If you are a woman with a healthy pride and godly

confidence, purchase a t-shirt . Click the picture to visit the

t-shirt website.

Don’t Let your Feelings of Being Alone Make you Trade in your Wifey Qualities

As single women of God, we go through a lot. We are consistently faced with the feelings of being alone and rejection in lieu of our desires to love and to be loved. If we are not careful, we can allow our feelings to rob us out of our inheritance in Christ through devaluing ourselves.

Many women devalue themselves because of being tired of this struggle and give in to the pressure of settling for whatever comes her way. She loses those qualities that make her stand out to the spouse that God has for her taking on the identity of someone else instead. This isn’t God’s will for his daughters, but he gives us the unique strength to maintain who we are while realizing our value and worth along the way.

One of our most virtuous and sought after qualities that we carry as women being made into godly wives is our trustworthiness. I love how the King James version puts it below:

The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. Proverbs 31:11

In other words, a man with a virtuously trust worthy wife knows that he can go to work, out of town or wherever he has to go and have the peace to know that his wife will be faithful to him. Men of God hold that at high value and high prize. Some men have been so worried about this that they try to control their wives. Even worse, in some cultures of Africa women’s private area would be sewn up when the husband went to work, and un-sewn when he came home.

The fear of mistrust toward a bride is completely non-existent for the wise man who has been graced to get a virtuous woman of God. He finds a place of safety and rest in a trustworthy wife. He doesn’t have to wonder whether he has chosen the right one who will be faithful to him. He already knows that because a virtuous woman remains faithful to God during her season of singleness allowing herself to be made by the hand of God into the virtuous woman that the Bible speaks about.

Being single in a lot of ways is a process of being made to handle the maturity that comes with the marriage relationship. Romans puts hardship in this way:

Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character, and character, hope. Romans 5:3-4

There is a purpose in our suffering, that produces perseverance which is the ability to stick things out through the hard times even when the situation doesn’t change. Perseverance becomes a natural part of our character, and thus we walk straight into what it is that we were hoping for all along. God has to get us ready for the things that he has promised us. If only all singles male and female could get that revelation.

Ladies, we have to start knowing who we are and knowing our worth, so that when the enemy comes to us with lies saying that we will always be alone or rejected because we don’t put out and aren’t willing to compromise, we can respond with who we know we are encouraging ourselves in the Lord saying I am beautiful and I am trustworthy, and these qualities make me unique to the man that God has set aside for me. Not only that, but it’s through maintaining our identity in Christ that we can truly be ourselves, and maintain our God-given dignity.

What is love Really?

Love is continuing to love through imperfections. Love is Christ.

Recently, the Lord has been dealing with me in prayer regarding some family members that can be challenging to love. I love how God uses natural things to speak of himself. To point us back to him and to mirror our relationship with him.

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:20 (ESV)

I recently had a situation where a family member that I am getting to know has been pretty mean to me on more than one occasion. The last thing that this family member did was the last straw. I was so upset at her to the point where I could not respond to her for two days because I knew I would not have anything to say. I was so floored at her behavior.

My brother called me and I shared how upset I was that I did not know what to do. I wanted to get back at her and I wanted to cut her off, and as I got off the phone with my brother the thought came to my mind, “Do you love her?” I said to myself I did not know if I loved her. Well, I guess according to the Biblical definition of love that would be something that I would need to work on. I made it my resolve to pray about my family member and see what God thought before I responded.

As I prayed for my relative, I was reminded that love is not love or only necessary when it is easy to love people, but it is most necessary and heartfelt when it is difficult to love people. God placed it on my heart that he wanted me to be an example of his love to her, and at the same time use her to mirror his love to me in that despite my imperfections I am still worthy of love.

Love is consistency through the imperfections. We become perfected in love. Real love is Christ. Christ showed his love to us in that while we were yet in our sins, Christ died for the ungodly. Because God made a choice to love us while we were unfit for love; we now walk as whole and complete individuals in Christ.

It is a similar situation with my relative and I. Though, she has been mean and imperfect, I can through God’s grace that he has shown toward me remember how I need God’s love to cover my imperfections and thus cover my relative’s imperfections through walking in love.

It is something how God uses our natural relationships to mirror our relationship with him. How he has placed me into a relationship with my relative that I cannot escape and although difficult both her and I become better for it. She gives me a certain look as if she is afraid of rejection when she knows she has done something wrong, but instead of being difficult, I can choose to in love give her grace. Just like when we do something wrong and shy from God’s presence, God deals with us still according to love.

God’s word goes on to say that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ and it names off some things: Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all Creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-38

God is trying to prove a point here. He is trying to communicate the depth of his love, and even so we still have not totally gotten it. God in his consistent care of us provides examples that are tangible to remind us of the simple fact that he loves us. His love is so deep that it takes a special revelation just to get how deep his love is for us. It isn’t based on our works, worthiness, or perfection.

Recently, God had exposed some things to me that were in my heart that weren’t right, and I was sort of upset with myself thinking Russelyn, how could you have this in your heart, you are supposed to be better, but God’s comfort to me was in the fact that he still loved me in spite of myself and the things that he had shown me that he’s been working on in me. We become perfected through God’s love. God’s perfect love casts out all fear. We no longer come to God in fear of failing him or being rejected by him because we know that he is on our side to love us all the way to the expected end that he has for us. Just like with my relative.

What are some of the examples that God has given you in your personal life of his great love toward you? Are you embracing those things or people? Pray to God to continue to reveal his love toward you and in you and he will?

Are your desires hid in Christ?

I remember when I was a teenager my brothers and I used to watch what was called, “The Box”. The box was a local music television channel that broadcasts urban music videos. This was before the digital television when all of the channels were on analog which meant that at times if we hooked up an extra antenna or hanger with some wires to the TV we could get additional channels that we would not normally get.

Anywho, we had the television set up to receive The Box, which was a big deal to teenage kids at the time. My brothers and I were home-schooled, and when school was not in session we used the school room as personal space to pray.

One of my brothers had finished praying and it was my turn to go into the school room to pray. I walked through the living room where TLC’s waterfalls video was playing on, “The Box.” I remember my state of mind around that time. I was a typical teenager that wanted a boyfriend, to feel beautiful like the girls in the videos, and to be loved.

It is ironic that I remember what I prayed for during that day, and not only that day, but that season of my life. I prayed for my desires to become the desires that God had for me. I prayed for God’s will for my life, and for our heart’s desires to be one. Such a big prayer from a young girl unlearned. I did not realize at the time how much in line with God’s will I was actually praying.

An interesting thing to note is that the more time I spent praying in God’s presence and acknowledging him, the more my desires began to dissipate and the desires that God had for me in him began to become the norm for what I wanted.

Slowly, but surely I no longer wanted a boyfriend as a teenager. Instead, I began to grow a hunger within me for more of the presence of God and fellowship with God. Little did I know that my desires actually weren’t dissipating for what I wanted, but they were being hid in Christ. Now, that I am older I understand that God took my natural desires that I had and simply shaped them according to his will. It wasn’t that I was giving them up altogether, but that pleasing God and being near to him became more important than what I wanted.

What I placed my value on during that season simply began to change. It reminds me of where I am currently meditating on in God’s word:

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19-20

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3

God uses an emphasis on being hidden in him to teach us what to place our value on. When we get into seeking earthly things, we can easily open ourselves up to corruption in particularly the corruption of seeking things over Christ. There is nothing wrong with having a desire for things especially God-given desires, but we need to hide those desires in Christ and in his will for us to avoid corruption. I have had many desires thus far in my life that have become unfolded and revealed into reality just by seeking and following Christ.

For example: My desire to write was accomplished through being obedient to Christ. The desire to teach young people about abstinence in public high schools was fulfilled through following him, and also meeting more mature and godly men and women of God. Even normal stuff like wearing cute clothes and getting deals on beautiful hairstyles have been accomplished through following and obeying God. I have so many testimonies.

The point of it all is everything that we need was given to us when we received Christ. This is why God’s word instructs us to seek first his kingdom and righteousness and all other things will be added unto us. Seeking Christ and keeping him at the center of our hearts is what is necessary. It keeps us from corruption, idolatry, and having things in the wrong season where they can be harmful for us.

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3, NIV)

God is good. He doesn’t ask us to give up certain things that he has placed a desire in us for without the expectation that he will fulfill those desires in his season, but he simply asks us to focus on and look to him knowing that he is good and that he is who he says he is. This is what it means to delight ourselves in the Lord and we will have the desires of our heart.

That scripture isn’t a formula for God to play some type of a Santa Claus or Genie based on a few fake Hallelujahs and Thank you Jesus’. Delighting in the Lord is a lifestyle where our desires become hidden in him through rest and trust in him.

It’s ironic that the video playing on the box was TLC’s waterfalls which is reminisce of how a lot of us treat Christ at times. We have a consistent stream of all that we need in Christ yet we are off chasing waterfalls or other streams just like the world in hopes to achieve what’s already been promised to us in Christ. Hide your affections in him and watch them come to pass in purity and in glory toward the one who delights to give us good things, but most of all wants our heart and affection for him.

Series on Sisterhood Finale: Contentment

Contentment is the key to overcoming covetousness. Jealousy and covetousness go hand in hand. Jealousy causes a person to be discontent with what she has and covetousness causes her to want what her sister has.

I was reading the below scripture and it just stood out to me that contentment is the key to overcoming covetousness:

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have; for he hath said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:25

If we can become content where we are, we can overcome covetousness, which is a very strong desire for something that God has not said belongs to us. Usually, we began becoming covetous through comparing ourselves with what someone else has, but we have to be content with the path that God has given us to walk. Covetousness can lead to being possessive and controlling over something that the Lord has not given us. James says it best.

You lust and desire to have. You kill and covet yet you do not have because you ask not and when you do ask it is only to consume your lusts. You adulterous or idolatrous people (James 4:1-3).

We cannot make idols out of our desires seeking only to gratify them. We have to seek God sincerely even when it means denying ourselves and saying no to the things that we want. Let’s allow our focus to be on being content where we are. Where we know God has called us instead of acquiring what we think we want

To sum up what we have learned and gone over in this series on sisterhood, the key points have been:

  • The importance of sisterhood
  • Understanding rejection as a root to jealousy, competition, and spite that often separates women
  • Self-love as a foundation to prevent such things starting with learning our worth and acceptance from God first
  • Applying that love and worth toward ourselves and projecting that love onto others including our sisters
  • Recognizing jealousy, and an inappropriate response to the emotion of jealousy versus humility that requires work.
  • Loving our sisters through hard times such as when liking the same guy
  • Contentment with ourselves appreciating the unique things about us that make us who we are

 All of these things applied will help us to stand together as women of strength, love and dignity representing our God and maximizing our fullest potential as women. I hope everyone enjoyed this Series on Sisterhood as much as I did.Enjoy the finale video below:

A friend loves at all times, and a brother (sister) is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17

Why Being a Virgin is no Joke: Thoughts on Born Again Virgin Show and Media’s Portrayal of Virgins

TV One has a new show out that highlights the hot topic of virginity. Everyone seems to be jumping on the band wagon, but everyone’s contribution to the topic is not necessarily beneficial to those of us who are seeking to maintain our virginity until marriage.

Some positives about the show is that it is starting a conversation on a serious topic that affects the well-being and health of a woman mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. It also gives a lot of Black actors a job that we have not seen work in a long time, and the show is written by an all female writing team.

However, in my opinion not everything is positive about the show, but it’s a comedy and meant to entertain not to promote the ideal of doing things God’s way. Comedy is cool and fine to draw viewers and keep them drawn in, something I believe the show has done well, but rather suggestively and if you are a serious virgin like me, it may not be your show of choice if you want to continue down the path of purity.

I ain’t ashamed to say what my flesh cannot handle right now as a single woman because my flesh ain’t saved. It is just under subjection and just like it is under subjection it can get from under subjection if I allow it. So, I personally choose not to fan the flame.

Just like I take my sexuality seriously in small things such as guarding my thoughts from inappropriate innuendos on television; a person who wishes to practice abstinence rather a born again virgin or regular virgin will need to take it seriously as well. That will mean not dating just anybody and everybody who is not on the same page, setting realistic boundaries such as not kicking it in a man’s apartment that we aren’t married to, possibly no kissing, and simply following the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit leads us and guides us into pathways of truth only. Living abstinent for me is not something that I could do on my own. If I am honest, which I am, I would share that my ability to practice abstinence has been contingent upon the fact that God himself has been my covering giving me wisdom, and guidance on who to keep around and who to let go of and how to be free from my own lust. We cannot continue to practice abstinence if we continue to flirt with sin and sexually compromising situations as the lead character in the show continues to place herself in.

If you take fire into your bosom, you are sure to get burnt. You cannot play with sin especially sexual sin. If I am getting to know a brother and notice a spirit of seduction on him coming at me, I cut him off. I ain’t got time for games. God gives us discernment for a reason. We have to use it. I remember talking to this one guy who thought he had a full-proof get the drawers plan, and it would have worked on me had I not cut him off.

Popular media often looks at virginity as just a sensational thing to try to tempt or disprove virgins as strange, weird, naive’ or imbalanced. It only focuses on the natural mocking or ignoring the spiritual. I have seen some strange reality shows on virgins looking straight foolish that has turned me off. If the media wants to tackle the issue of virginity in a balanced manner then they will need to seek out balanced virgins. We are not weird, freaky, creepy, naive’ and disconnected individuals. We are strong individuals who have made a clear choice to seek to honor God with our bodies and God grants us the ability to do so by his grace.

Being a virgin is not just a physical situation for popularity or sport. It’s not something you try on like a glove, but a choice that reflects a transformation from the inside out. A virgin has to renew her mind. She has to be pure in both body and spirit making a series of smaller choices that lead up to the big choice of no sex until marriage.

It is possible to be a virgin and still be impure in one’s thoughts. This is why we need the Lord and his word to help us to renew our minds and to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We cannot walk around in our flesh trying to accomplish God’s will on our own.

While it is great that TV One has decided to tackle the topic of abstinence and virginity because of the conversation that surrounds the topic; it is not clear where the main character of the show will be going or how serious she really is about her choice to practice abstinence. Unless she takes things seriously and makes some serious changes, she will end up in a brother’s bed, and I will not be tuning in to watch