Last week we talked about an older man in his 80s who struggled with self-hate for years growing up under segregation, and how he carried the ideas of self-hate even after integration began to take place. I asked an older woman who is 75 years old for her response to the older gentleman, and how the ideas of self-hate and racism affected her as a woman growing up.
She recalled the familiar poem that kids would chant about the skin tone that went something like if you are “light you are alright, brown stay around, and black get to the back.” She shared that for some time she did not notice a difference in color, but the older Afro-Americans did. According to my friend, the older adults had the ideal of inferiority ingrained into them. Once, her generation came up, she described that the way that she saw herself was contingent upon the support system that she had.
Her surrounding community was protective of how she saw herself. She told a brief story of how as a child she was coloring in a coloring book and decided to color a Black woman’s hair blonde. Her dad quickly corrected her sharing that blonde was not a natural hair color for an African-American woman, and that she needed to color the woman’s hair something different. He wanted to protect her from the idea that what was White or light was better, and what was darker or closer to Black was bad.
He did a good job along with her mother. The woman grew up to marry a man who was a Black militant brother similar to the Black Panthers of the 1960s and 1970s. She has told me a few stories about her hubby and his passion to promote his people. Clearly, she became surrounded by African-Americans who took pride in who they were and in their culture. She also mentioned a positive teacher of hers who would ingrain an attitude of unity among Afro-Americans instead of division regarding shade of skin tone. The teacher would say that Afro-Americans were a rainbow of beauty over and over again reminding the students to appreciate their worth.
Thankfully, all of these positive affects helped my older woman friend to see herself in a manner that was healthy for both her and others around her. One thing that I have learned in my dealings with some older Afro-Americans who still carry an inferiority complex due to their skin-tone is they may just need a little help from the younger generation to cause them to accept themselves.
What up lovelies? As we know that wonderful day of Love is soon approaching where many will snuggle up with a boo, or at least wish they had someone to snuggle up with. Maybe, I am a weirdo because I just plain and simply don’t care about Valentines day right now as I am a single. I am not imagining myself snuggling up with an imaginary boo-thing, but instead I am appreciating the love that I already have. Often times in our wishing and hoping for the future, we end up forgetting all about what we have, and becoming UN-thankful.
In all things give thanks for this is the will of God concerning us. 1 Thessalonians 5:8
At work today, I have been quietly communing with the Lord under my breathe singing, praying in the spirit, and feeling God’s presence. As I walked out on my lunch break today, I began to pray out loud getting into my car thanking God for the ability to feel his presence, and to know that he is real. There are so many out there who don’t even have that. We are so blessed as the children of God. Not only am I blessed with the privilege to recognize and commune with God in his presence, but I am blessed to be in a position of wholeness where my worth as a single woman is not contingent upon a day, whether I get flowers or chocolate or a title of wife or girlfriend. My worth and worthiness of love is contingent upon the fact that it just is. I am just worthy of love because God made me that way, and he loves me for me. Many of us are guilty of putting off or not appreciating the love that we already have due to wanting a romantic love. It is just as important to celebrate the love that we already have such as from of our parents, siblings, and friends as singles while waiting on romantic love. In a world, where people put God off for the immediate attention of another to feel loved, desired, or sought after for a day, a few months, or however long some of these relationships last; It is best to reflect on and appreciate the love that we already have in Christ as the foundation and allow other loves in our life to grow off of that. Love founded on Christ is the love that will truly last, and that is the type of love that I want as a single and am willing to wait for. #Thankful 🙂
People say when a person gets into their thirties they no longer care what people think of them. They just do them and let it ride! Well, I don’t know if that is what is going on, but I feel like a good majority of my twenties was in a sense fighting and warring with the idea of me truly being and showing others myself.
I discuss in my latest book (The Single Christian Woman’s Guide) about how sometimes we buck against the call of God for our lives when we don’t understand it altogether. Often, as young people we view the identity that God calls us to as rejection. If I commit all the way to my convictions given to me by God, I will be rejected or I will not fit in, and lastly I will end up alone. Satan is good at painting a negative picture of us embracing our identity because he knows that our identity comes from our consecration, (willingness to dedicate ourselves to the purpose and call of God for our lives), which leads to our purpose and that opens us up to endless possibilities of seeing the hand of the Lord at work in our own personal and individual lives.
One principal that I learned a long time ago is that a consecrated life can get you places that others will not be able to go. To be consecrated means to be set apart for a specific purpose by God. Therefore, that purpose from God supersedes any and all plans, culture, desires, and such. All of these things: desires, plans, interpretation of culture must be submitted to God in the life of a consecrated believer.
When I was about 19, I learned a valuable lesson from dating a young man at the time. We were in an unequally yoked relationship. We were together often because we worked together, went out a couple of times, and he came to my house a couple of times and met my family. We considered each other friends, but it was clear that he wanted more. When he came to my house, I remember my brother asking me after he left if he was saved. It was because he was not saved that he could only get so close to me and eventually had to fall back altogether.
The lesson that I learned was that when we embrace who we are, it determines who can get close to us. This meaning that everyone is not going to be able to be in my close circle because it would require me to alter my consecration to the Lord. When a person knows who she is, she should embrace that identity not allowing any relationship to cause her to compromise from who God called her to be.
The final part of the lesson learned at 19 was the understanding of why Jesus Christ had to die in order to reconcile us to himself. Because God’s identity is that he is holy, and cannot deny himself; he did something drastic in order to bring us close to him. He took his most precious and only son, made him to die to pay for our sins, and gave us his son’s righteousness. Thus, when we trust in and rely on Jesus Christ for our salvation, righteousness, and wholeness, we then are bought up to the standard that allows us to be in fellowship with God. Off the chain, how God could do that.
We learn from God himself, the importance of not denying our identities, because God did not deny who he was, but bought up those who are willing to the standard necessary to hang with him. In a similar fashion, we as God’s children should allow those close access to us who are willing to come up to an appropriate standard. This includes friendships with males and females as well as romantic relationships.
The trouble with denying who we are comes in when we are around other believers who have a different level of consecration to the Lord, and having different levels of consecration to the Lord isn’t wrong. Some people have convictions about certain things because of the call of God on their lives that others do not.
For example, John the baptist in the Bible did not drink alcohol, nor cut his hair, among other things. While Jesus did drink wine. The consecration required for their purposes was carried out appropriately and they still remained on one accord with one another without feeling as though one or the other should change. However, in our culture when we perceive that we are different from our brother or sister, we feel a pressure to change ourselves. This should not be the case when we know that we are operating in our identities given to us by God himself.
This assurance and surety regarding our identities can only come from an intimate relationship with God. God will reveal his will for how he wants us to conduct ourselves. He often uses others in authority over us to confirm or reveal our identities and he will give us peace in our hearts regarding our identities as well.
From then it is up to us to embrace it or not. Because of the awkwardness of not fitting in, we often make the choice to deny who we are to fit in with others. The truth is there are several others out there just like us who love God with all of our hearts and willingly set ourselves apart in obedience to God for God’s glory, yet have the same fear that we are the only ones. If everyone adopted the ideal that they are the only ones who are weird, peculiar, and set apart for God; there would be no one living for God.
The thing is when we set our identities to the side, we set aside our purpose and every open door that the Lord had planned for us in that identity. It has been a part of God’s plan for my life for me not to have a boyfriend until I meet my husband. Of course, that makes me appear awkward or weird, and I could easily try to go out and get a boyfriend and cause all types of problems for myself, but that would take me off of the beat and path that God has for me, and I am not willing to do that. Instead, I make the choice to continue to embrace who I am and follow Christ
We all have had those times when we have struggled with our appearance as women especially single women. Sometimes, we can feel like the baddest chick, and at other times we can feel like nothing we do to improve or highlight our beauty is enough. The latter seems to always be apparent when there is that guy that seems just like the perfect guy, but for whatever reason he slips away, and we begin to blame or question ourselves thinking maybe I should have been prettier like this girl or that girl, and all along God is saying, but I made you perfect. Perfect in the fact that we are lacking nothing as women with our very own unique beauty to be as beautiful, and bold as God envisioned for us to be.
The last time I had those feelings the Lord begin to deal with me about a few things. He spoke into my spirit saying, “Your Beauty is in your Uniqueness.” In other words, there is no one else quite like me. Even though there are look-a-likes in the world, there is no one who could possess everything so to the “T” that when you see them it’s just like seeing me.
From our birth marks to our skin tones, facial features, hair texture, beautiful eyes that incite intrigue, voice, and yes those curves. All of these things are the workings of the Lord our artist, and the best part of it all is no matter how any of these features change in us, He still loves us unconditionally.
Another thing that God used to encourage me was his word that says:
We are the handiwork of God… Ephesians 2:10
Who would dare call the work of the Lord shoddy or not good enough? That is what we do when we put ourselves down because our beauty may not be up to par with that of others. God made us unique, and that is beautiful.
The last thing that God used to encourage me was a word from the Lord. Thankfully, I have been blessed to work with lots of saved co-workers. One morning before getting ready for work, I had done my hair and lip gloss, plus mascara like I normally do, and I was looking kind of cute. I thought to myself, I am cute today just not cute enough to get a godly mature man of God.
Sidenote: There is so much stacked against women that sometimes we can droop into the negative if we are not careful. They say: There are more women than me, Black women are disproportionately single and will not marry, and then there is the fear of not being beautiful enough to attract an appropriate gentlemen because men basically have their choice. I talked with a very mature married man of God about this and he shared with me that it isn’t so much the physical beauty that a man of God is looking for, but the woman’s ability to remain hidden in Christ as a single woman. He shared that men of God want that deeper connection than just beauty and that can only be had with a certain type of woman. So ladies, Know your worth. We are definitely more than just that physical thing.
Back to the word from the Lord: So, I got to work and without me even mentioning to my co-worker how I felt, she shared with me that I had struggled with my image from time to time, and that despite that struggle God wants me to know that I am beautiful. She shared how when God puts a man and a woman together the woman doesn’t have to take on persona to be this type of girl or that type of girl that maybe she feels would be more acceptable or beautiful to the man. She shared that the man that God had for me would love my style and the way that I carry myself, and that it is just beautiful how God puts that together. She shared that it really doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks at that point only the couple and the two will be so happy and satisfied with one another.
Did you know that the Lord is concerned about your self-esteem? He is concerned about every aspect of us that leads to wholeness. That includes mind, body, and spirit. God doesn’t want us just thinking anything about ourselves. He wants our thinking about ourselves to come on up to his standard. That is why God corrected the way that I was thinking with a word of wisdom. If God doesn’t check our wrong thinking, then we will continue to believe wrong about ourselves, and begin to settle for less, but less isn’t what God has for us. He has his best, and in order to receive God’s best, we have to be whole.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…Romans 12:2
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he… Proverbs 23:7
Sometimes people ask me questions like it must be really lonely being single for so long, and I think to myself well I don’t really have a big issue with loneliness. Loneliness as we know is a feeling of being alone that we can feel whether we are by ourselves or not; while being alone is simply being by ourselves.
It is not necessarily a bad thing to be by ourselves. Sometimes, it can be a good thing. When I am by myself, I get a lot done because I don’t have someone to distract me. How one feels being alone, can depend on her personality. For example, if a person is an introvert like I am, that person may need that alone time to recharge before going back into the world mingling around people.
Whereas an extrovert, on the other hand may feel overwhelmed from being alone. Whatever the personality, I’ve learned that giving of your time, and talent to others can be one of the best anecdotes for loneliness and it helps in personal development as well.
Just a few weeks ago, I ran into a staff leader from a group that I used to serve in while in college. It was amazing how everything that I learned serving with him, I am still currently using in my personal ministry. As a young person, I would visit a group called InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and one day the members of the group nominated me to be a leader. I had no clue as to what I’d be doing, but it seemed fun to do something new.
In the process, I discovered that I had a gift to teach, and deal with people among other things. Of course, our gifts need to be developed or else our gifts will just lie dormant, and go unused. What better way to develop our gifts is there then to volunteer our gifts and talents under the instruction of those already operating in their gifts, we can do nothing but flourish.
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 1 Timothy 1:6 (NIV)
The next time a holiday comes along where singles tend to feel some type of way, why not, check and see if there is someone in need of your unique gifts or abilities where you can serve them. In turn, you are really serving yourself, because you become developed, establish healthy self-esteem after utilizing your gifts, and healthy relationships with others along the way.
The Single life is not a sentence to lonely and unproductive days wondering and wishes for a date. The Single life can be very purposeful, and full of all types of joy and triumph if we allow it. Let’s consider others as singles, and watch God see to it that we are considered as well in personal growth, and fellowship with others.
Don’t be misled–you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Galatians 6:7 (NLT)
He who separates himself seeks his own desire, He quarrels against all sound wisdom. Proverbs 18:1
Normally, when a believer separates himself from friends or a community that would hold him accountable it is for the purpose to do his own thing or to sin. This is a very dangerous position for a believer to be in because doing one’s own thing leads to pride, and it also leads to foolishness.
According to the Bible, it is the fool who has said in his heart that there is no God. In other words, the fool believes in his heart that he can do whatever it is that he wants to do without God holding him accountable for it. He has no earthly reminders of accountability because he has separated himself. The person who allows themselves to become a fool will have a rude awakening to God’s judgment. It is foolish to allow ourselves to get to that point.
This is why I so value the ideal of community, and in times where my circle of accountable believers became minimal due to natural life circumstances such as people moving, starting families and having less time for friendship and such, I have remained intentional about involving myself in a community of believers.
Now, in a community of believers there will be a mixture of mature and immature. That is why we have to have discernment of who we can tell certain things to and who we cannot. One of Satan’s major tricks is to cause offense in communities namely churches in order to separate the offended from the body of the community.
Men typically fall for this quicker than women because men tend to attach certain offenses to their pride as a man. In many cases, men feel as though to look over a fault is somehow a demotion in their man-hood when it is the very opposite.
A man’s discretion makes him slow to anger, And it is his glory to overlook a transgression. Proverbs 19:11 (NASB)
The person who allows himself to be dismissed from an appropriate community becomes stagnant in growth. He can only go so far on his own. Because of the lack of humility in dealing with offense, this brother often cuts many off and has to figure out how to do life on his own. When this man’s strength wanes, he may become bitter and blame others for his place in life. However the reality is that it was his choice to separate himself from everyone who he found offense with. Instead, it is best to practice humility in community and to follow the leading of the Lord.
The Bible makes it clear on how the body of Christ is to deal with offense. We are to forgive, forbear, with, and love one another. It is interesting that each of these three things that believers ought to do in order to remedy offense all point back to ourselves. For example, love your neighbor as you love yourself, and forgive as your heavenly father has forgiven you.
A simple nugget to help strengthen the community relationships and prevent offense is to understand God’s grace and the need that we personally have for it in order to show that same grace, love, and forgiveness to others.
Unfortunately, the old school church was not taught very much in grace, but taught harshly in the law alone. Therefore, many older people struggle with the ideal of God’s grace for themselves and then to others. God’s grace is what we don’t deserve, but what we need to overcome, and to walk in victory. It is that very same grace that we should show to others.
Lastly, another way that the Bible mentions to avoid remaining in offense is to go to the brother that did the offending and have a conversation. If that brother does not hear, then scripture says to get another brother as an intermediary. The point is not to cut off those who can truly hold us accountable in a Biblically sound and reasonable manner because of offense alone. It is important for every believer to have accountability because it sharpens us, refines us, and builds us up in ways that walking alone cannot do.
Accountability is so important that even God of the highest character and integrity made himself accountable to his very own word saying:
The LORD told me, “You have observed well, because I’m watching over my message, to make sure it comes about.” Jeremiah 1:12
will worship toward your holy temple, and praise your name for your lovingkindness and for your truth: for you have magnified your word above all your name. Psalms 138:12
We as human beings need someone to submit to because we are prone to sin because of our flesh, but submission to appropriate accountability and community helps to curb the weaknesses of our flesh.
Those that are intentional about accountability and maintaining a strong community will be less likely to walk in such an overt spirit of rebellion, self-will, pride, and foolishness because the community has helped to check a lot of that behavior through the transparency and sharpening that comes with appropriate community. Let’s be intentional about community, accountability, and not compromising with sin as we grow closer toward the Lord.
I think it is interesting how the last two New Year’s blogs were prophetic in a sense of what God was doing in me within the new year. 2014’s New Year’s blog focused on me making some choices to be more deliberate on practicing the discipline of obeying God immediately when he shows me that a relationship is not for me. Also, discipline concerning various struggles that I had dealt with. It is amazing how during that year I was tested for the last time in those areas that I needed to apply discipline in and I passed those tests.
2015’s New Year’s blog focused on matters of the heart, and re-centering and refocusing my heart on the Lord for 2015. God did just that in 2015. He brought up various things that were in my heart that I did not even know were there. Some of it was just simply embarrassing. But God’s grace, mercy, and love got my heart where he wanted it to be.
2015 has been a year of positioning where God strategically placed me in position to receive the things that he has promised me for 2016. One of the main things that the Lord spoke over me in prayer at the beginning of 2015 was the word, “Stability”. God brought about stability to various things in my life such as perspectives, and fears that I had.
Last night, we had the Young Adult Encouragement Group at my house, and I shared with the attendees how each year I would go through something new that tested my faith and caused me to fear if I would be able to continue on. Especially at the beginning of 2015 there was one test, and trial after the next. I felt like my strength was on no go mode, but what the Lord showed me that he was doing was amazing.
He kept bringing the below scripture up in my spirit:
It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. Psalms 18:32-33
God was showing me that he was making my feet like dears feet. I would always read that in the Bible and ask myself what that meant. Well this year, God decided to show me what that meant. I happened to stumble upon a commentary as I was researching this scripture and it described how the feet of certain deers are designed specifically by God to be swift in escaping their enemies as well as escaping harm. What ministered to me most regarding the above scriptures is the pictures that I found that show deers on the heights of mountains that are just chillin unafraid of falling or any such thing.
They were not afraid because they had been specifically designed and trained by God to trust how he made them, and because it is the Lord who holds them up. What an amazing revelation to have as God takes us higher in this new year. That we do not have to fall from where God is taking us, and that God was thoughtful enough to take a whole year to prepare us through trial and tribulation to trust him more.
This was confirmed to me by one of the elders at my church who prophesied the same thing over me after God had dealt with me about this.
Finally, there is a scripture that keeps coming up in my personal prayer time for 2016 is the below scripture:
The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22
Therefore, I am continually declaring this over my life for this year. I have an expectation for this year that many of the prayers that I have prayed and things that I have been believing God for will come to pass and there will be no additional sorrow added with it. This has been the plan of the Lord for my life, and he is surely bringing it to pass. God’s got us. We just have to continue to trust and follow him. What is the Lord showing you for the New Year? Have you taken the time to get before him and seek his face?
Right now, I am intoxicated with the author of a particular book. This book describes the ideal of intimacy so well. It is a book of discovery where the author consistently explains who he is, and he reminds the reader who she is letting her know how precious she is to him.
Some excerpts from the book:
But now, this is what the Lord says– he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush[a] and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. Isaiah 43:3-4
The above scriptures remind me of when I was first getting to know the Lord as a teenager. When people would come up to me and pray for me in church they would always say, “God is saying that you are mine.” “I got you.” It was during this season, that I was beginning to learn who God was and what I meant to him.
As a young person and still today, I have had to go through many trials and tribulations that has caused me to learn God in a greater way. It is through the storms and trials of life that we see who God is. That is when God reveals his strength to us and often his will for us. If we read Isaiah over and over again, God is telling his people “I am God and there is no other.” “I am God and without me you can do nothing.” “I am God and there is none besides me.” In other words, God was making it very clear to his people that if they look to idols or anything else they could find no one as good as him. God is it! God is the top notch! It doesn’t get any better than him!
It is interesting though that despite God revealing these things to us, our human nature leans to idols, sin, and things that appeal to our senses. We want something to touch, to make us feel the security that only the Lord can give, yet God is patient and reveals himself to us again and again.
It is through this type of intimacy with God that he reveals who he is, and who we are, and finally how much we mean to him.
Many people don’t realize that God is more than commandments and rules. They limit their view of God to popular opinion. God is more than do this and don’t do that. He is actually the God who created romance.
One definition of romance is a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. Why not have a life-long relationship with the Lord that is full of the excitement of God revealing himself to us? We don’t have to wait until we are in love with a person to experience intimacy or closeness to someone, to experience the unraveling of getting to know someone special in a class of his own. We can experience that in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He provides everything that we could ever want in a relationship:
Security – The idea that we are completely covered and taken care of.
Trust – Trustworthiness, no worries with God.
Knowledge of ourselves – In Christ we learn who we are. God confirms to us who we are.
Commitment/Covenant – We are in covenant with Christ
Intimacy – A closeness unique to those involved.
The idea is not to discredit relationships, but to encourage intimacy with God over a desire for a relationship. It is this basis that will ground us as single believers for the appropriate relationship because Christ will have shown us through our relationship with him how we are to be treated.
We are the bride of Christ collectively as a whole. That includes both men and women. We have been pursued, sought after, and thoughtfully made to feel secure in Christ. In this God boasts and has the right to do so because the idols that we chase are not enough. Only Christ is.
The world requires a man to woo a woman with flowers and candy, but Christ requires a man to woo his wife with such love that he is willing to give his life for her as Christ, our example gave his life for us.
Let’s not get caught up in romanticizing about romance that doesn’t even meet God’s standard and get caught up in God himself the creator of true romance. Let’s allow God to address all of our insecurities as singles with his great love for us as he reminds us that we have been chosen by him specifically by name and we are loved.
The safest place for a single is in intimacy with God. Intimacy with God through the Holy Spirit, his word and other believers who are after God’s heart.
I can recall the maturity that has taken place in me since I was younger. I am a Daddy’s girl. Meaning, I see God as my daddy. I see God as my covering, and my protection. There is a little girl in me that gets excited to go into my God’s presence knowing that he is there to listen to me, comfort me, and to be my confidant and friend. However there are times when the Lord will hide himself and it seems as if he is not there.
In those times, I don’t feel him like I used to. I used to sort of panic during those times. I would get discouraged and begin to open the door to other stuff. Stuff like unhealthy men being in my life. One time, I strait up told God that I was talking to a gentlemen because I did not feel him near.
Not only was I going through this, but I found that some of the girls that God had sent to me to mentor were going through the same thing. We would get caught up in relationships with men who weren’t worthy of us for a lack of intimacy with God. However, the Lord began to teach me.
He said to walk by faith in those times when I did not feel him near. Faith is the proof of what we believe God for; the evidence of things unseen. Faith requires action because faith without works is dead.
Now that I am older and more mature, I no longer look to other things or people to have that intimacy, that safe place, that satisfaction that I can only find in the Lord. Instead, I look to the Lord even more diligently through faith and taking steps of action.
Recently, my consistent prayer time with the Lord has not been the same. There has been a shift where it isn’t as easy for the Lord to take up in my prayer and just flow. Therefore, I have to do something different. I have to become even more consistent in seeking God as I walk by faith.
As an older adult, I take that as my invitation to seek God even more until I find him. Instead of just praying and reading at my regular prayer time, now I am praying at that prayer time plus an additional prayer time that includes laying before the Lord.
On top of that, I continue to pray small prayers through out the day such as God prepare me to hear you and follow you. Increase my hunger and thirst for you etc. If we are not intentional about intimacy with God, We will be intentional about intimacy with something or someone which often isn’t healthy.
Truly, the safest place for a single is in intimacy with God. Intimacy with God is the first relationship that we must become successful at or else the rest of our relationships will be a roller coaster of relationships that often end in a train wreck.
God hides himself to keep the relationship fresh, exciting, and new; not so that we can entertain ourselves with idols that cannot satisfy.
Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself, the God and Savior of Israel. All the makers of idols will be put to shame and disgraced; they will go off into disgrace together. But Israel will be saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation; you will never be put to shame or disgraced,to ages everlasting. Isaiah 45:15-17 (NIV)
We have covered a range of different topics in this “Dating Vs. Waiting” series. If you look back at the series, you will see that the constant thread throughout the whole blog series concentrates on an honest reflection of the intent of the heart and the question of whether we are seeking to please God or not in our potential love life.
The whole Dating vs. Waiting ideal, debate, or whatever you want to call it is not an ideal of rules and regulations, but an ideal that should make readers examine the intents and motives of their heart.
The word of God says that all things are lawful to us to do, but all things are not beneficial for us to do (1 Corinthians 10:23). The only way that we will know the difference is if we set our wills aside for the will of God. Are we dating to fill a void, just to fit in, because we don’t trust God, to satisfy our sinful nature, or are we seeking the will of God at the core?
Neither has this series been for people to look at it and pride themselves on doing everything right. We all fall short, and we all learn and grow from our short-comings, but the ideal is in the end to have a heart centered dead at Jesus Christ. Out of that heart, will come everything that we could have ever desired or needed because that is God’s word, and God’s word cannot come back void.
The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. Psalms 34:10 (NIV)
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added unto us. Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
Jesus corrected some religious people in the below scriptures who appeared to do everything right by the book, but inside their hearts were not toward the Lord:
“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
In the above scripture, Jesus answers the question of the Pharisees and teachers who asked Jesus why his disciples broke tradition and did not wash their hands before they ate. He further proved that he was not concerned about an outward show of adhering to strict rules, but he was more concerned about the posture of the heart. It is the posture of our hearts that cause us to make wrong choices in dating and cause us to become impatient in waiting. It is a heart posture that causes us to obey God during the hard times. Posturing our heart toward God in humility and intentionally spending time with him is what gives us that heart that we need to thrive in Christ.
He wants our hearts to be all the way toward him. He wants to be the center of our worlds and to sit in the seat of our hearts. It is only then that we will truly be righteous and our ways will be easily directed because we are not depending on ourselves or our abilities, but on Christ. We won’t have to worry about getting off or trying to figure out what to do because the Holy Spirit will teach us and we will be open enough to hear him.
The more that we lean in, trust in, rely on, and depend on Christ as singles and married, the easier and more effortless it will become for us to do what is right. At that point, we may naturally do what is right without even noticing it because we are just that close to God. God’s will is that we know him intimately, and closely, to the point of loving him. And the scripture says that if we love him; we will then keep his commandments.
If we are careful to listen to him, and follow him, we will not have a problem figuring out what to do next, who to marry, who to court, and who to leave alone. Everything that we need is in him alone. That is the sum total of the, “Dating vs. Waiting” series if you did not get anything else out of it.
It is also the sum total of Intercession For A Generation, which has as it’s foundation, “To Teach A Generation the Heart of God and the Way of the Lord.” If the Lord places it on your heart to refrain from dating for a season, then do it. If God calls you into a season where he calls you to court, then do that. Allow the Lord to deal with your heart in order to do the things that line up with his own will for you. We are not our own. We have been bought with a price purchased by the precious blood of Christ Jesus.
Let’s not seek to do the norms of the culture that we live in, but the norms of the kingdom of God centering our lives, hearts, souls, and decisions around our intimate relationship with Jesus Christ—allowing God to turn the compass of our hearts wherever he desires for it to go.
Below are some things that the interviewees have learned thus far in their dating experience:
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