We as women have to remember our power of influence.We have the power and authority by God to change the course of a nation, household, life, and whatever we set our sights on. So, why do we set our sights so low regarding ourselves when it comes to getting a man? Just like Eve in the garden of Eden was able to influence the whole direction of man kind by following the poor advice of a snake; we as women have the power to encourage men in positive ways to influence them and generations to come.
One of the major ways that we can influence is through holding up a standard. Whether we know it or not, women set the standard when it comes to relationships. Our power is in the standard that we set. When we set a standard, we have to take ourselves seriously and stick to that standard. If we do not stick to the standard, the men around us will not take us seriously, and will lose respect for us.
We are the prize. The Bible says that a godly wife is from the Lord. That means that she is to be prized as being received and prepared by God to be given to a man who has earned favor from the giver, who is God. There is a standard to be met. God’s standards are set around us to protect us, and to preserve us. Not only do our standards protect us, and preserve us, but they provoke men to reach a higher standard. This is how we as single women help men. We remove ourselves from them when they are not ready to attain to God’s standard.
In the garden of Eden, God did not present Adam with his wife until he was ready for her. He taught Adam the value of walking with God first, being prepared financially through working in the garden, and the value of having someone else through viewing the pairing of animals. Before God bought Eve to Adam, He showed him how all of the animals had someone to compliment them of the opposite sex. The same thing goes for relationships now. Men have to see the value in having us in their lives. They have to lose the ideal of using women selfishly and conveniently for sexual pleasures without taking on the responsibility of performing the rest of the role of having a man in one’s life. Things such as being the spiritual covering over the household, guarding against ungodly influence that seeks to break up the home, and walking together with his lady, not below her or above her. There is so much that I could say on this, but we as women need to stop being so afraid of being alone that we are willing to compromise what God has promised to us just to belong to someone temporarily.
I say temporarily because most times if a man isn’t ready and prepared; the relationship that we establish with them will not last. We start all over again disappointed again, when we could simply hold up a standard, measure, and say this ain’t it I think I’ll continue to wait. It is just that simple. That same man moves on to the next woman who doesn’t know her worth. When we relax our God given standard we enable men not to grow, not to get prepared, not to submit to the Lord. They simply have no motivation to do so. Let’s be used by God as motivator’s for men to get into position and stop lowering our price as if we aren’t worth much. The devil is a liar!!!!