Our example Sarah, stayed in subjection to Abraham, covered his insecurity through submission and respect, and the outcome because of her obedience was well.
Abraham and Sarah were traveling through a foreign land. Abraham came up with the idea for Sarah to say that she is his sister because he is afraid the king of the foreign land will kill him and take his wife Sarah to be his wife because Sarah was beautiful to look at (Genesis 20:2-18).
We see that Sarah submitted to her husband’s word to tell Abimelek, the king that she was only his sister, and not his wife. After her submission to him, Abimelek took her into his house because she was fine. He had other plans for her as if she was single. God, the one in whom Sarah trusted to cover both her and her husband, and to correct Abraham her head when he was wrong covered them both.
Note, remember in the last blog post, we read how it takes trust in God to trust our husbands in such a way as to still have a peaceable and quiet spirit especially when they are wrong.
This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They put their trust in God and accepted the authority of their husbands. For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham, and called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do. 1 Peter 3:5-6
We have to continue to maintain our peace, quiet spirit, and respect in the middle of similar situations as what Sarah endured. Note, a quiet spirit is a disposition of trust in the Lord not necessarily avoiding voicing how we feel. Our voices are important and should be articulated with respect and considered with respect and care.
God Goes to Bat for Sarah
God appears to King Abimelek telling him he is a dead man. God told Abimelek that Sarah was married and went as far as to close the wombs of all women in the kingdom because of the situation created by Abraham’s fear or insecurity.
When we submit to our husbands and continue to honor, and respect them like Sarah, even if they are wrong we will still be covered because we are ultimately submitting to and honoring God when we honor our husbands. We are honoring the order, covering, and safe place God has given us as women, and ultimately this lifestyle requires us to still place our trust in Christ to show how trustworthy he is.
God took care of it. Again, I reiterate that trusting our husband’s with a quiet and peaceable spirit requires us to trust God.
Sarah on the contrary could have argued with Abraham putting him down for such a plan, which would have damaged him more. It would have created a weight in their relationship, and driven a wedge between them.
Even though she would have been right, her actions and how she would have gone about it would have been wrong. The way that she decided to handle it resulted in the best way to handle it. This is proven by the results.
Results of Sarah’s submission and respect for her husband:
- Everything worked out.
- Abraham was convicted and corrected about his actions by King Abimelek.
- All the while, Sarah was protected, and she did not even have to open up her mouth.