When a Man Loves A Woman, He is Willing to Do Whatever is Necessary to Win Her:
Sometimes, men are presented with a challenge when they are used to doing dating and relationships in a familiar way that has seemed to work in the past, but suddenly it does not work anymore.
The man who has met a match in the form of a woman that he is really interested in, yet feels unready to lead that woman properly in a way that she would respect, but most of all God would respect, will do what is necessary to meet that standard if he really wants to be with that woman. He will allow himself to go through the process necessary to ready himself to go get that girl. That’s exactly what the below gentleman did.
I’m speaking of a couple who appeared on the new Own series, “Black Love.” Edwina Findley Dickerson, and Kelvin Dickerson. They share a very awesome and interesting story in episode 3 of the beginning of their courtship they broke off and mended prior to marriage.
Edwina was in prayer, and God spoke to her sharing that Kelvin is praying about pursuing her. Not long after her encounter, Kelvin came to her sharing that he prayed about dating her, but God said no.
They continued as friends until Kelvin shared that he felt she deserved more. He was at a point in his life where he was not sure if he could wait to have sex until marriage. Edwina held strong beliefs of celibacy and would not budge. After the communication waned for some time, Edwina prepared to move to Los Angeles from New York.
During this time, her friends threw her a surprise going away party and invited Kelvin. They reconnected and became a couple again. A few years after their re-acquaintance, they got married.
Kelvin shared some pointers stating that as a man who has grown and matured, he has learned that he can control his desires, and if he can control his sexual desires as a single man; he can also control them as a married man.
He overcame the fear of not being enough for her by allowing himself the time and space to grow with God. God showed him that he had more power than he thought he had within him. He is walking in his identity as a king with a beautiful queen.
This story encouraged me to continue to trust God. Even if things don’t appear to be working out initially, God knows how to work situations in our favor. He knows how to prepare us to bring us to what he has for us.
Finally, Edwina shared an awesome thought stating that when you are whole and complete enjoying your life as a single; you will do the same thing as a married person. Despite the waiting and seeming disappointment; she held her head and continued on to live her life, and she was blessed during the process as well as in the end.
We do not have to become discouraged as single women of God, and if we do, we do not have to stay there. We can continue to hide in Christ and enjoy our lives. To the men of God who do not feel ready, who may not have been serious about obeying God in saving sex for marriage.
It is not impossible. You do not have to be afraid to pursue a woman who has a godly standard. Just allow yourself to be perfected in that area like Kelvin so you will be readied to handle that responsibility and much more.
Singleness is largely a preparation ground for marriage for those who choose to be married. How are you currently spending your singleness? Are you a serial dater going from person to person or are you someone who is spending ample enough time with God alone to allow him to make and mold you for the desire of marriage he has placed in your heart?
Watch a clip from the series below and check out the full episodes on the Own Network: