The Discomfort of Walking by Faith
Those with Broken Perspectives are Unwilling to be Uncomfortable in Trusting God
They refuse to live life in a place of trust that often requires the discomfort of not knowing. Because they choose not to trust God; they remain stuck in their current position until it is so uncomfortable that there is absolutely no other choice, but to listen to God or face destruction.
We will not know the inner workings of everything, but we have enough to walk by faith. If you start to notice that you value comfort over walking by faith with the Lord, please know that you are exhibiting a behavior of someone who is broken. To some, It is easier not to deal with weaknesses and insecurities, than to face them with faith and trust in God.
We can hide them and mask them in making excuses because we want to be comfortable and aren’t willing to do the necessary work to take possession of what God has promised us through faith. Walking by faith will be uncomfortable many times.
You may not understand how the outcome will work itself out initially, but this is where those who are whole in their thinking proceed forward anyway by faith and in submission to the Word of God. It is that respect, submission, and reverence for the Lord and what He has said that eventually delivers us into the land of promise after all.
Those in the book of Numbers chapter 13 who made several excuses why they could not take the land of promise were broken in their thinking. The real truth was they did not have enough faith in God to deliver what he promised. They had placed their attention on the wrong thing. They were looking at the obstacles instead of looking at their God.
They Look at The Obstacles Instead of Looking at Their God
If we will be free in this area; we will have to find safe places to be transparent about our weaknesses so that they can be addressed with faith; instead of swept underneath the rug and disguised with excuses. We have to be willing to endure the discomfort of someone else knowing that we are not always strong, and we do not always have it altogether. In doing so, with the right type of people, we will become stronger, and the weight of carrying our weaknesses on our own will dissolve.
We will also have to place greater emphasis on what God has said in his word knowing that he isn’t a man who can lie nor the son of man to repent. Hopefully, in this process we also learn to cast those weaknesses on God as well allowing his strength to be enough for us. Our intimacy with God will grow, and the Holy Spirit will remind us of God’s word so that we are reassured that we aren’t alone.