

​I am in awe and wonder at what the Lord is doing in my life right now. Of course, I know this is only the beginning. There are more great things to come. Prior to this season, I was in a season where I was going through one trial and tribulation one right after the other and sometimes more than one running together. I was almost suffocated by pain, and now it’s almost the opposite. I am almost suffocated by excitement, but my expectation tells me there is more.

I learned the need for a greater level of discipline during each season. God allowed me to go through to prepare me to keep my eyes on him during the season of tests and trials, but also during the season of favor, I have to practice just as much discipline to keep my eyes on Jesus.

Things are going so well in my life that I have to be careful not to worship sort of speak or get my joy for life simply out of the season, but from my relationship with Jesus Christ. The truth is we need discipline in every season to keep our eyes on Jesus Christ. Pain competes for our attention, and discipline helps us not to focus solely on the pain, but on the God who sustains us through the pain.

When we are undisciplined in dealing with pain, we begin to make self-destructive choices. When we are undisciplined in dealing with the joy of a season, we become lazy with making right choices and seeking God, and we likewise begin to make poor choices.

Again, discipline is necessary for both seasons. It’s like when you are riding a bike uphill, you have to exert more dedication, energy, and zeal in order to make it up the hill. This is the season of trials and tribulations. We are more careful to seek the Lord, fast and pray, uphold God’s commands, and speak the Word of God over our circumstance because we are desperate.

When we are riding a bike downhill, we don’t have to exert very much energy. Things fall into place. All is well. We can easily fall into seeking the Lord or not, reading God’s word or not, meditating on God’s commands or not. It can be more of a ‘Que Sera, Sera, which means whatever happens happens. We focus more on enjoying the moment than investing in the future. It is important to focus on enjoying the moment, but not to the neglect of our future.

During the good times, it is still needful to fast and pray and keep the flesh under submission to the discipline of God’s word. The investment in this area may not be the same as it was during the trial and tribulation season, but it should not go away. Understanding the need for discipline and the things the Lord allows in our lives to produce that discipline and character within us such as trials and tribulations; is a glorious thing to see. It produces a glory within us that points to God that is unmatched by anything else.

The type of glory produced in this lifestyle causes people to question who we are and what we’ve done. Others will want to know what the formula is, and it can be summed up in one word Jesus. Abiding in Christ, and learning to be disciplined in both seasons of life produces a person beautiful, refined, and full of the character of God. Thus, I encourage you not to lose yourself in either season rather trials and tribulations or seeing the goodness of God on display. Continue to offer yourself to God as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable in both seasons of life.

Behaviors of the Broken Vs. The Whole – Part VII (Finale’)

Because of the pride that naturally comes from not seeking the Lord as we should; it’s easy to become presumptuous based on how things appear. This is what Israel did. Those who came back with the negative report in Numbers 14 were killed by a plague. After those remaining saw this; they took it upon themselves to go up to Canaan themselves to attempt to inherit the land. This they did without seeking the Lord. They were used to being presumptuous and making choices off of what appeared to make sense instead of seeking the Lord. This is also a result of the broken. Sometimes, we can get so busy, even as believers, and fail from seeking the Lord, and in our presumption make poor choices. A little humility to stop, be still, listen to wise counsel, and seek the Lord will prevent unnecessary mistakes made in presumption.

After ignoring the warning of Moses not to go up to Canaan because God was not with them in their decision; the children of Israel went up anyway and they simply got a beat down.

Nevertheless, in their presumption, they went up toward the highest point in the hill country, though neither Moses nor the ark of the Lord’s covenant moved from the camp. Then the Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived in that hill country came down and attacked them and beat them down all the way to Hormah. – Numbers 14:44-45

Destroyed or Preserved
Ultimately, we all have a choice in how we will navigate uncomfortable circumstances that come to stretch us and build our faith so that we can handle promise.  Moses, Caleb, and Aaron were in the same boat. They all were in a foreign land making passage to a land of promise by faith. Even though they were in the same boat facing the same circumstances, not all of them had the same outcome.

Some were destroyed due to lack of faith, unbelief, competition, control, contempt toward the Lord, and all-out rebellion. All of the negative things mentioned were a choice. Just like Caleb, Moses, and Aaron chose to have faith–so can we. Now Moses, Caleb, and Aaron were not perfect by any means, but they trusted in the Lord. That is the lesson that has to come out of this whole series. We have to be able to recognize when we are exhibiting characteristics of one who is broken, and address those characteristics with the things that make us whole such as humility, seeking the Lord, faith, the Word of God, and having the right perspectives. We do not have to be destroyed while we are in transition from one place of faith to the next. We do not have to allow ourselves to remain broken when we do face challenges that break us, but we can by God’s grace and our choice be preserved to enjoy life in the next season of our personal promised land.

Characteristics of The Broken Versus The Whole – Part VI (Negative Speaking)

Broken people often speak negatively because they have just about given up hope. They tend to forget what the Word says about how a man will be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth (Proverbs 12:14). 

This is what the children of Israel did. They spoke negatively saying their wives and children would be taken, and they would die in the wilderness. God responded to them by giving them over to the evil that they had spoken upon themselves, but he said he would spare Caleb and the children of those who did not believe.

So tell them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very thing I heard you say: In this wilderness, your bodies will fall—every one of you twenty years old or more who was counted in the census and who has grumbled against me. Not one of you will enter the land I swore with uplifted hand to make your home, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun. – Numbers 14:28-30

This negative speaking shows that there is unbelief somewhere in our hearts regarding what we are speaking about negatively. This can easily be uprooted through building up our faith in the particular area. If you are experiencing brokenness in an area causing you to lose hope and speak negatively; you have a responsibility to build your own faith. Moses and Caleb attempted to build the faith of Israel, but many of them just would not get it because faith is something that has to be grasped by a person. You have to get it for yourself.

But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. – Matthew 15:18

But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, – Jude 1:20

Next week we will discuss presumption and summarize this as next week will be the finale’ of this series. For more on wholeness visit the link: Click here

Behaviors of the Broken Vs. the Whole – Part V (Contempt for God)

Contempt For God

Contempt: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn. disregard for something that should be taken into account. the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers.

How could we ever look at God with contempt? There would have to be some deception involved. We would have to somehow believe that God is not for us, but against us. We would have had to believe a lie rather than the truth. We would have to allow ourselves to be distracted from the promises of God for us and get caught up simply in what we see. This is really the only way I can see someone looking at the Lord with contempt because of who God is.

Admit it or not, we all at some point during our lives have been tempted to look at the Lord with contempt, and if you have not; you will need to keep on living. This is a discomforting result of being broken because when we are broken we do not always see right or think clearly.

God’s response:

The Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them? Numbers 14:11

Not one of those who saw my glory and the signs I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness but who disobeyed me and tested me ten times— not one of them will ever see the land I promised on oath to their ancestors. No one who has treated me with contempt will ever see it. – Numbers 14:22-23

Have you ever been tempted to disobey God due to being in a hard circumstance for some time where you thought to yourself God could just get me right out of this? I have, but it was my love for God that did not allow me to give in to temptation. God can take us right out of situations easily, but there is something for us in the process. This is where a demand is placed on our trust in the Lord. Disobedience to God is a form of looking at God with contempt. However, when we honor our intimate relationship with God and love for God above the comfort of circumstance; we too can pass the test of looking at God with contempt. Caleb, Moses, and Aaron had the same experiences that the rest of Israel had, but one party chose to honor and believe God; while the other chose to disregard God.

This is why an intimate relationship with God on a consistent basis is so important. God cannot be looked at as a God to provide comfort and things only. We must be committed to knowing him.

He shall seduce with flattery those who violate the covenant, but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. – Daniel 11:32 (ESV)

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” – John 14:21

Our example in Numbers 14 shares how many of the children of Israel who had spied out the land of Canaan looked at the Lord with contempt. Because they came back with a negative report despite the fact that God said he would give them the land shows their contempt for God’s ability to do what he said.

Behaviors of the Broken Versus the Whole – Part IV(Comparison)

Full of Comparison

The insecurity birthed out of one who leans to the flesh and to one’s own understanding; instead of what Jesus Christ says about him in his word, causes a comparison, and a constant need to attempt to measure up to a false standard that was never meant for them in the first place. The person who lives like this despises who he or she is and what he or she has to offer while constantly focusing on someone else. This person is broken in a bad way.

Dathan and Korah were already community leaders, who despised their very own position, compared themselves to Moses and Aaron seeking to bring them down while lifting their insecure selves. This is a constant theme with the insecure and broken even now. While they focused so much on Moses’ and Aaron’s calling; their posts or calling from God remained un-maned.

With them were 250 Israelite men, well-known community leaders who had been appointed members of the council. They came as a group to oppose Moses and Aaron and said to them, “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?” Numbers 16:2-3

Koran and Dathan could have easily resolved their personal issue that they so rudely projected onto Moses and Aaron. They could have taken a note from Moses, whose immediate response was to fall on his face before God. Humility will always be the answer for one who has become prideful within his insecurities. Because of Koran and Dathan’s reliance on the flesh and what they saw; nothing they did would prosper. However when we lean on God instead of our own understanding; everything that we do will prosper.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding; – Proverbs 3:5

This is what the Lord says:
“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
    who draws strength from mere flesh
    and whose heart turns away from the Lord. – Jeremiah 17:5
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither–
    whatever they do prospers. – Psalms 1:2-3

The end result of Koran and Dathan was an early death. Read about it in Numbers 14. Koran and Dathan, along with the 250 men who opposed Moses wanting his position so bad that Moses said go ahead take it. Moses instructed them to do what the priests do, who were set aside by God. Moses told Koran, Dathan, and the 250 men to bring up sensors as priests to the Lord. When this happened the 250 men were killed by fire. Koran had previously been killed by the earth opening up and swallowing him and his whole family. When we operate outside of who God called us to be; we set ourselves up for disaster. Don’t allow competition to grow within you in a state of brokenness, but give that area of brokenness over to God allowing him to heal you.

Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part III (Control & Rudeness)

Broken People Exhibit Characteristics of Control

People often mask their insecurities and weaknesses with trying to control things, people, situations as to appear to have it together. Control is one of the worst manifestations of the broken. 

Those who walk in control; have to learn to relinquish the things they are trying to control over to the Lord. They have to become humble enough to ask God for wisdom and then humble enough to apply that wisdom.

And they said to each other, “We should choose a leader and go back to Egypt.” Numbers 14:4

Now, Israel already had leaders, but in the spirit of control, they wanted to circumvent the leaders God had set up to find other leaders who would pursue their broken agenda. This is a very dangerous characteristic of the broken because their control, stubbornness, and rebellion actual work against them to keep them from moving forward. It sets them backward every time. We don’t want to be in cycles of moving backward instead of forward.

Rude & Prideful
Those that operate from a broken perspective often set up walls of pride to protect themselves, their opinions, and the way that they see things. The Bible says that Korah and Dathan, two leaders in Israel became insolent: 

​Insolent: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect (Google Dictionary).

Those that operate from a broken perspective have in many cases already exalted their opinions above everyone else—even leadership. They’ve become rude and prideful. If you start to notice this type of behavior in your own life, you my want to do a heart check asking the Lord to reveal where these patterns are coming from, and to give you the grace to deal with it so that it is resolved and no more.

Those that are whole recognize these patterns and begin to humble themselves; while those that are of broken perspectives simply accept this behavior as if this is the way it is. God calls us up higher. He does not allow us to stay the same.

For more on wholeness click here for new book, “The Wholeness Action Plan.”

Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part II (The Discomfort of Walking by Faith)

The Discomfort of Walking by Faith

Those with Broken Perspectives are Unwilling to be Uncomfortable in Trusting God

They refuse to live life in a place of trust that often requires the discomfort of not knowing. Because they choose not to trust God; they remain stuck in their current position until it is so uncomfortable that there is absolutely no other choice, but to listen to God or face destruction. 

We will not know the inner workings of everything, but we have enough to walk by faith. If you start to notice that you value comfort over walking by faith with the Lord, please know that you are exhibiting a behavior of someone who is broken. To some, It is easier not to deal with weaknesses and insecurities, than to face them with faith and trust in God.

We can hide them and mask them in making excuses because we want to be comfortable and aren’t willing to do the necessary work to take possession of what God has promised us through faith. Walking by faith will be uncomfortable many times.

You may not understand how the outcome will work itself out initially, but this is where those who are whole in their thinking proceed forward anyway by faith and in submission to the Word of God. It is that respect, submission, and reverence for the Lord and what He has said that eventually delivers us into the land of promise after all.

Those in the book of Numbers chapter 13 who made several excuses why they could not take the land of promise were broken in their thinking. The real truth was they did not have enough faith in God to deliver what he promised. They had placed their attention on the wrong thing. They were looking at the obstacles instead of looking at their God.

They Look at The Obstacles Instead of Looking at Their God

If we will be free in this area; we will have to find safe places to be transparent about our weaknesses so that they can be addressed with faith; instead of swept underneath the rug and disguised with excuses. We have to be willing to endure the discomfort of someone else knowing that we are not always strong, and we do not always have it altogether. In doing so, with the right type of people, we will become stronger, and the weight of carrying our weaknesses on our own will dissolve.

We will also have to place greater emphasis on what God has said in his word knowing that he isn’t a man who can lie nor the son of man to repent. Hopefully, in this process we also learn to cast those weaknesses on God as well allowing his strength to be enough for us. Our intimacy with God will grow, and the Holy Spirit will remind us of God’s word so that we are reassured that we aren’t alone.

Behaviors of The Broken Vs. The Whole – Part I (Disbelief)

First, I want to introduce this six-part blog series by sharing that there are times when everyone will be broken and being broken does not always mean that a person is doing something wrong. Look at some of our greatest examples who were broken Job, and Jesus.

Job became broken because God bragged on him allowing Satan to try him, and like God said, Job endured without turning on the Lord. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was broken, but it was a voluntary brokenness for a greater purpose to save us.

Brokenness can have a purpose if we have our perspectives in place. When we do not have our perspectives in place, those negative perspectives we hold can lodge themselves into our personalities causing us to exhibit behaviors of the broken.

Below are a few of those behaviors along with the appropriate view that one should hold in order to be free from broken perspectives and to walk in the perspectives of one who is whole in Christ.

Broken people with broken perspectives do not walk by faith

Instead of walking by faith; broken people abide in disbelief. They look at things based on face value and that is it. A person content to be broken will not exert any effort to train themselves to walk by faith. It isn’t always easy to walk by faith because walking by faith deals with moving in a forward motion despite what is seen with the natural eye. Faith means believing God when circumstances appear contradictory.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1

The children of Israel had just come from checking out the land of Canaan. There was a majority who believed they could not have the land of Canaan even though God promised it to them because of how it appeared. There was a minority of those who went with them to scout out the land who believed God would give it to them no matter how it appeared (Numbers 13 & 14).

Those who desire to be whole will need to allow God’s process within them to cause them to believe God no matter what the circumstance appears to be. Those who desire wholeness will have to be intentional about addressing every fear with the Word of God consistently to build faith.

Be Bold During the Wait

Did you know that wholeness is a prerequisite for dating God’s way and marrying God’s way? When we embrace who we are–fully, embracing ourselves and our standard by God, we can proceed forward in a bold manner that brings freedom to our footsteps.​Bold: (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous (Google Definition).There is a confident bent or settling into ourselves that has to take place prior to marriage, healthy dating or courtship. That settling is best maximized when the below is firmly in place.

A sold out attitude of trust in the Lord

Come what may, our trust should be at rest in the Lord. This is something that is often anchored during trials, challenges, and opposition in life. Every time God brings us out, and every time God gives us peace despite challenges, our roots grow deeper, and we become steadfast and unmovable.

This is why we cannot despise challenges, but we must face them head-on with the strength God provides through his presence and word. This sold out trust will cause us to rest from anxiety, and questions of approval or not from others. We will be sound, Girl, chill, confident in who we are and willing to take risks.

A community that supports God’s vision for your life
This is a very important factor in being bold in the wait because we all need others.

​Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Jimdre West, the 34-year-old, male virgin of Worth The Wait blog has a new community available for believers to keep us encouraged during our wait. It’s the WaitUp App. This app provides inspirational and encouraging daily notifications to your phone.

​It also has blogs, encouraging video, and events. Last month the ministry app hosted a Kings & Queens speed dating event. They have mentioned that they will be providing more opportunities for community as well. You will want to stay plugged into what they have going on. Go to your app store and download the free WaitUp app today, and follow them on social media @WaitUp.

Propelling Faith:

With the deep-rooted trust in the Lord in place and the strong community, you should only be moving forward. Propelling faith does not allow us to be stuck. Things that used to get you bent out of shape, should barely faze you in this place. As a matter of fact, that propelling faith should obliterate what attempts to stop you. Don’t forget, we are to be mountain moving people. All it takes is just a little bit of faith. With this faith, you will wake up in a whole new world sort of speak because things will shift suddenly on your behalf for your good. Are you ready to be bold in the wait? Like our Facebook page, and share your best bold face selfie.

3 Things I love About Michelle Williams’ Journey to The Ring

Her Transparency

I’ve been following Michelle for years. I can remember reading articles with her being transparent sharing how she would sometimes feel awkward or lonely watching others holding hands and being booed up while she remained single. If you periodically have those feelings, it’s okay. You are not alone. Everyone has those feelings. Just move past your feelings into faith and hope. Her singleness seemed to last quite some time while fellow band members Kelly and Beyonce met their loves and married earlier.

Michelle’s story of recently sharing her engagement at age 37 just goes to show you it doesn’t matter what age you meet the special someone and become engaged; The important part is that we press through our feelings of when, can it happen for us, are we good enough, or will we always be alone, and look forward to our future. Michelle never gave up. She continued to live her life walking out her purpose. This included releasing albums, holding a standard, and encouraging others, and it came true for her.

Her Encouragement in How to Place Our Focus

Michelle wrote on her Instagram account not to focus on finding love so much that it depresses us. Instead, she encouraged those who want love; to do what’s in their power to prepare for it. Michelle was simply attending a Christian conference when she met Chad. They cordially talked and after Chad was encouraged by a friend to pursue her; they began texting. It will happen at the right time, and we do not have to force nor belabor over the idea of meeting the right one. We simply have to be ready and whole enough to take him on when he shows up.

She was also asked in an interview of whether she felt a pressure to find someone as equally successful as she is and she responded with the below answer:

 “I think it’s dating someone who is doing their thing intheir field. It doesn’t have to be another artist. It doesn’t have to be same tax bracket. Same tax bracket is great. But it’s so much more than that. Do they bring stability to your life? Do they bring security to your life? How are they pushing you [to be] a better person? Are they helping you deepen your faith or are they distracting you from it? Anything that’s distracting you away from whatever was making you successful might not be cool. You might not be equally yoked. Faith is important to me. Can we pray together?”(Refinery 29 Interview)

It’s important to be similarly focused knowing what you want, and holding firm to your God-given standard so you will know how to choose wisely.

Her Encouragement of Wholeness

In the middle of being purposeful in using our gifts and talents for the glory of the Lord. There’s this thing called self-care. When Michelle was asked about her self-care regime in a Refinery 29 interview late 2017, she shared the below:

“Yes. I know myself and I know I like my alone time. I light my candles, music, just really basic things. And then I also treat myself once a week to something that says I love myself. Whether it’s getting an ice cream sandwich or ‘girl you know you ain’t shaved your legs. Shave your legs!’ Stuff like that so you don’t neglect you. We are in an industry where we care for people. We have to have energy to give to people. So what can I do that just gives something to myself for a little bit?”

More from this interview can be found at the link: Click here

​Finally, Her victory in experiencing being pursued and captured by a genuine man of God, Chad Johnson, is simply awesome, to say the least. Her story just reminds those of us who are still waiting that there is still hope for us no matter how long it may take. I think I can maintain hope until the end! How about you?

More on Michelle’s engagement can be found in the exclusive interview she did with People Magazine at the link: Click here