When I was a teenager, I always had everything I needed, and what I did not have, God made a way for me to have. I would sow from the little that I got. If I had $5, I sometimes gave the whole $5 away. To others, it was sowing small, but to God, it was sowing richly because I was willing to give all that I had. I do believe that God uses the purity of our hearts in giving to show us that we will lack nothing when we are willing to give.
Giving and sowing seed is not something that we just do in church. God may place it on our hearts to give to someone at the gas station or a woman who comes up to us saying she doesn’t have money to feed her kids. God uses his people on earth as instruments to give where there is a need. We have to have a sensitivity to know when and where God is calling us to give.
Now that we’ve learned that it’s okay to be wealthy; and that it’s God’s will to make us wealthy to show people about him in the earth. Let’s take a look at some Biblical principles and promises below for the one willing to sow:
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. – 2 Corinthians 9:10
It’s God that gives us money to sow. He is our source not only of life, health, and strength but of money as well. He gives money to the one who has a willing heart to be obedient in sowing. One who is consistent in allowing his/her heart to be soft toward the tug of the Lord to give money where God leads will always have extra money coming in from God. Note: Again, this does not only mean to sow into the church offering. Being obedient in tithes and offering is a given, but God wants to show his love to others outside of the church. Allow God to make you sensitive to sow.
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed. – Proverbs 19:7
This is an awesome promise that I’ve seen manifested in my life. I’ve given to poor people and seen God give it right back to me as if I’d borrowed some money from him and I was being paid back. I remember one example in particular. I gave $30 to a pair of homeless people toward a hotel room, and the next day God had a $20 laying on the ground in a Jewel parking lot for me of which I picked up. He also paid me the rest later. God is faithful to his word not only as it relates to salvation, but also as it relates to money.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. – Galatians 6:7
People have come up with something called Karma, which is a bite from the word of God. They don’t wanna give my God his credit, but the principle of sowing and reaping comes from God. This can relate to money, but it also relates to life in how we treat others. God will not allow us to sow and not reap. It is a mockery of his character to do so.
Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you know not what disaster may happen on earth. – Ecclesiastes 11:1-2
The above scripture speaks to those who are afraid to sow. They hold on tightly to all of their money always expecting something bad to happen. Let me tell you; it is wise to save money for a rainy day, but there is such a thing as not trusting in the Lord to preserve and sustain us. There is such a thing as trusting only in our savings and riches. God doesn’t want us to trust in our money, but He wants us to trust in Him. Don’t be afraid to give when God lays it on your heart. Not only does God want us not to be afraid to give, but he wants us to be okay with diversifying our giving. The scripture is saying give some here and there. Don’t just sow into one pot. Be led by the Spirit and wisdom. It’s okay to give.