
Guard Your Heart!

The Bible reminds us that we ought to guard our hearts diligently because it is the well-spring of our lives (Proverbs 4:23.) From our hearts, we produce joy, gratefulness, perspective for life, bitterness, anger and more. Our actions and reactions to things will be dependent on what we allow to get into our hearts. This is why it is so vital for us to guard our hearts.

Naturally speaking of our hearts, it’s the center of life for our bodies. Our heart has the responsibility to work with our lungs to provide life-giving oxygen to our blood. The oxygenated blood travels back to the heart from the lungs and is pushed to the rest of the organs in our body providing vital nutrients.

This process allows all of our organs to function resulting in a healthy functioning body. When this flow of blood from our hearts to our organs is interrupted by things such as clogged arteries or high cholesterol the life flow that naturally takes place in our bodies becomes interrupted and sickness in our bodies is produced.

Heart failure due to such things can cause death. It’s the same thing with our lives. Our emotional, mental, and spiritual health can be threatened if we allow the natural flow of our hearts to be interrupted. If we fill up on the wrong things: negative thinking, talking, false doctrine, ungodliness, it will eventually affect our hearts.

Further, this is why it’s so vital that we guard our hearts because our very life depends upon it. The Bible discusses the armor of God in Ephesians 6 sharing about specific tools God has given us to assist us in guarding our hearts and continuing to stand. The breastplate of righteousness is worn over our chest which protects the vital organ of the heart. We must be careful to keep this on along with the other tools provided. Righteousness in our actions is to continue to remain in alignment with the righteousness God has given to us through his son Jesus Christ.

If we allow ourselves to meditate on the wrong things; the wrong actions become one easy step away and cycles of sin and unrighteousness are produced. This is how many end up in unrighteousness because they failed to guard their hearts. Be aware of what you listen to, the conversations you absorb, and what you gravitate to in your heart. Check contrary thoughts immediately with the Word of God. Set boundaries and learn to speak up regarding boundaries when inappropriate conversations are bought to you of gossip and doubt. You are too valuable. What God has invested in you is too valuable. Remember it’s God’s will that you have life and life overflowing. Shut down anything that seeks to produce death in your life.

​The Freedom of Wholeness Allows for the Vulnerability of Taking Risks

Walking in wholeness allows certain freedom that allows us to be vulnerable and to take risks. It’s necessary to take a risk for those who desire to be in a God-honoring relationship. Someone at some point has to let the other know s/he is interested in the other person. At which point, the other party will either agree or disagree to begin a process of getting to know one another.

Wholeness is a word for holistic health—meaning balance mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and most importantly spiritually. The facets of wholeness begin and end with our intimate relationship with Christ. God’s word is not limited to only spiritual matters but deals with the whole man.

From God’s word we learn to have balanced financial habits, we learn the ins and outs about disappointment, hope, managing anger, and our emotions, how to make and maintain friends and relationships and so much more. Many of the disciplines that man studies such as psychology, sociology, health, and nutrition, the Word of God has something to say about it.

Fear is something that would hold us back from being vulnerable. We may fear rejection. However, if we’ve experienced any disappointments in life; we know that we can bounce back from disappointment. If we have a solid foundation of how we see ourselves and how we see God; it becomes all the more easier to bounce back. Seeing ourselves the way God sees us allows us to maintain a healthy view of ourselves whether we are rejected when making ourselves vulnerable or not.

What if we take the risk and the other person eventually agrees to begin a process of dating? We will never know if we are too afraid to take the risk. To be vulnerable means to open ourselves up to be wounded. It normally shows a level of trust for us to take that risk. We may trust that if we are wounded God can and will heal us. We may also trust that the person we are opening ourselves up to isn’t a harsh person who would be rude if we show ourselves vulnerable.

A person who walks in wholeness may feel disappointed if rejected. That’s human nature and s/he should feel the rejection. It’s a normal part of life that we all go through. However, the person who no longer believes s/he is worthy of love because someone turned them down is imbalanced and not walking in wholeness. Wholeness is a balanced and holistic view of one’s self and God. Remember the whole person views his/herself the way God views him/her. This means anything the Word of God has said of that person is true and anything contrary is a lie and must be dismissed according to 2 Corinthians 10:5.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5

Those that are too afraid because they have not mastered seeing themselves how God sees them in his Word will continue to experience the frustration of staying in the same place because they are too afraid to trust, be vulnerable and take the risk. I don’t advise someone forcing their way out there to try to begin a relationship with someone if they do not see themselves properly. It will place an unnecessarily heavy burden on the relationship before it begins.

Do the necessary work while single of working through those insecurities that cause negative self-talk, unbelief, and crippling fear. Ask the Lord to teach you to embrace yourself and your value as He sees you and not from the view of your insecurities. The freedom that comes from doing the work will be worth it. Once ready, you’ll find yourself willing to take more risks in faith that someone is for you if this is a promise God’s given you. If it isn’t the current person of interest, it will be someone else and you’ll rest assured of this because you’ve embraced God’s perspective for you over your own.

Traveling on a Budget & Enjoying Your Life:

***This blog has affiliate links. I get paid a portion of the sales made through the links.***

Begin Saving Early
Traveling on a budget is the key to meeting your travel goals. You can do whatever you want as it relates to traveling and goals as long as you plan for it. If you want to go on a trip, you’ll need to begin planning early to make sure you can afford all of the costs of the trip. Setting up automatic savings that come out of your paycheck before taxes can be an easy way to do that. The money can be set up to go into a separate savings account. By the time, you get ready to book your trip, you would already have the money in the bank to pay for it.

This is something I began doing when I received my last raise in August of 2019. I allocated that raise amount of 3% of my paycheck each month to go into a separate bank account just for vacations. When I got ready to travel, I already had the funds on hand that would cover the trip. The trip was not covered because I am rich, but because I simply planned for it. I make a modest income working for a non-profit, but because I am specific with my income; I can do more with it.

Book Your Flights Early on Using Google’s Flight Search Tool
If you visit Google’s search engine and type in flights; it should pull up a search cue where you can add the dates you’d like to travel. It will compare all airlines that provide their information showing the prices for those dates. You can also track those dates by getting an email alert when the prices go down or up. Based on this information, you can book the most affordable rate. This also works for comparing hotels also.

Traveling on a budget

Stick With One Particular Hotel Brand for Points and Discounts While Traveling on a Budget
Many businesses, including hotels, have reward programs where if you book with them regularly, you’ll earn points and even free nights at a hotel. This year for my birthday, I was able to spend a night at a nice elegant hotel for $50 bucks. The points paid for the majority of the stay. Take advantage of these programs when planning your travel. I normally stick with Marriott Bonvoy. I utilized their points program to pay for the $50 stay.

Park ‘N Fly – 50% OffReserve Now
Traveling on a Budget

Book Parking for Travel to the Airport in Advance

A convenient and affordable way to park near the airport. Park ‘N Fly is a service offered in 59 U.S. cities. They provide parking for those heading to the airport. The way it works is you make your reservation online, show up to their parking lot, and ride their bus shuttle directly to your terminal at the airport.

When it’s time to return home, you will be picked up at the airport and taken directly back to your vehicle. In my experience, Park ‘N Fly takes the stress off of traveling and trying to figure out where to park. They currently have a 50% off sale in select cities. Click the link to see if your city is included. There’s nothing like saving on parking while traveling on a budget.

Create an Itinerary Before You Go
An itinerary is a one-sheet document that you can add what you’ve scheduled for your trip. You’d include your plane information with confirmation and time of flights, restaurants you’ve researched and planned to visit museums and other activities. You’d also need to include addresses for your hotel, restaurants, and activities. Include telephone numbers for those you may need to call; such as the number to the hotel and rental car company. I’d hate to be in the middle of nowhere looking for pertinent information. I normally have everything listed on the itinerary.

Take a Good Book With You
While going to bed early, if that’s your thing, you may want to dive into a book. You may also want to read while you’re on the plane. A book can be a break away from the norm and it seems to pair perfectly with a solo trip. I have certain books I only read while traveling. I get to have fun and get a little mental stimulation.

Plan Plan Plan
Do your research before you go. You want to use your time to have fun and enjoy while on vacation not trying to figure out something you should have planned for beforehand.

Learn more savings and travel tips here.

Guest Post: The Reality of Sexual Assault and What We Can Do About It

“Assault survivors respond differently. There’s no right or wrong way to react after being sexually abused. The assault can be so overwhelming that we may respond in three ways – fight, flee, or freeze.” ― Dana Arcuri, Author & Speaker

The Bible is a reliable record of real people, real events, real emotions, and some messy situations. Genesis 34 shows the reality of sexual assault, but also God’s hope through horrible circumstances, and what you can do to bring light to these dark situations. Let’s briefly look at Genesis 34 together and then talk about some practical ways this applies to us today. God commanded Jacob to return to Bethel (31:13) and then to his home where Isaac lived, which was Hebron (35:27). Instead, he stayed in Succoth and then settled near Shechem (Modern day Samaria). The name of the LORD is not mentioned once in this chapter; therefore, we see the consequences of when we don’t allow God to lead us, but instead, we lead ourselves. It is for that reason that we see carelessness (Gen. 34:1), defilement (Gen. 34:2 – 5), deception (Gen. 34:6 – 24), and vengeance (Gen. 34:25 – 31).

In Vs. 1, we see carelessness on the part of Dinah, but primarily on the part of her father, Jacob. There are many questions that arise from this situation: “Was Dinah naive? Rebellious? Ignorant of the land of the pagans? Why was it important she got to know the other women?” The greatest question though is, “Why did her father Jacob allow this?”

A lesson to parents is that you need to be involved with your child’s life; know their friends, what they’re doing on social media, what music and movies are influencing them, how they’re doing in school, and most of all, what their relationship with God is like. 

A lesson to children, those still under the authority of your parents, there will come a time that you launch into your own life and family, but that time is not now. Obey your parents, listen to the wise counsel of older Christians, and learn from their life experiences so you can mature leaps and bounds ahead of your peers for the glory of God. Instead of being obedient to lead his family to Bethel, Jacob was disobedient and led his family to Shechem. When we disobey God, we’re not only putting ourselves in unnecessary danger but our entire family as well.

In this chapter, we see the word “defilement” used 3x to describe Shechem’s horrific offense (Gen. 34:5, 15, 27). Shechem said he loved Dinah (Gen. 34:3), but true love does not rape (Gen. 34:5) and hold someone captive (Gen. 34:26).

Many in this generation are driven intensely by their sexual passions and believe mere physical attraction is love when in reality it is the empty, ultimately unsatisfying, shell of lust. God is the author of love, romance, and sex; therefore, to experience the fullness of each we must play the game of life using His manual called the Bible. 
Notice Jacob’s response to his daughter getting raped (Gen. 34:5). This is the reaction of a cowardly father, an apathetic father, or both. Where is parental care? Where is godly leadership? It is nowhere with the dad; therefore, the sons decide to take action because their father won’t.
Everyone is a leader because everyone has influence and the best leaders take initiative under critical circumstances. Learn from the mistakes of Jacob and others so you can become the best version of yourself that God intended.

Genesis 34:9 is a clear indication that Satan is working behind the scenes, influencing the situation, and trying to destroy the covenant line. Just as God is interweaving His plan of redemption throughout the Bible we also see Satan, in his futility, trying to sabotage it.

The reason Hamor and Shechem were so willing to have themselves and the men of their city circumcised is because that would be their “foot in the door” to ultimately absorb all of Israel’s wealth (Gen. 34:23). Notice that both sides are deceiving each other! Concerning Jacob’s family, as soon as they pushed God out of their life, that’s when they started acting just like the world.

As you read through the events of Genesis 34 we are left to wonder, “Where is Jacob in all of this?!” It’s a shame when sons need to take action because their father won’t. Here’s where it gets personal. It’s a shame when other people need to bear your responsibilities because you choose not to. From one father to another, I pray we rise up to be the strong spiritual leaders our families need.

As the chapter comes to a close, we find ourselves in a traumatic tragedy. Not only did these boys commit mass murder, high-scale theft, destruction, and perversion of God’s holy sign of the covenant, but most reprehensible of all, they misrepresented God entirely. What do you think the pagan nations around them were thinking as they saw those who claimed to follow the one true God act like this? Certainly, there are no godly men in this chapter. If only Jacob obeyed the Lord by taking his family to Bethel this would have all been avoided. Even Jacob’s response is a reflection of his pernicious, selfish, heart.

Though this is a chapter of catastrophe, not all hope is lost. God has not given up on the covenant family. Though it seems darkness has consumed mankind, God’s light will inevitably shine and cause freedom once again. 

Join me in praying the below prayer:

Dear God, please forgive me for the times I have disobeyed You. Please restore those relationships I’ve hurt from my own selfishness. Please break my heart over my sin. Build me up into the person You desire me to be. I pray for all those who have suffered sexual assault of any kind; heal them of their pain, restore them from their trauma, and use them to testify of Your power to work all things for good. Help Your Church to raise awareness of, educate about, defend from, and combat against the sin of sexual assault. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.” 

Action Point
​This event in Genesis is known as the “Dinah Incident” and is one that reminds all of us that sexual assault is a horrific reality in our world. Here are several recommendations for you and your church to get involved in this very important subject. Here’s how you and your church can be salt and light in this situation:

  • Pray
  • Implement, maintain, and update safe church child protection policies. 
  • Require leaders in the church to complete boundary and trauma training.
  • Take a special offering for your local domestic violence or sexual assault organizations. 
  • During April (Sexual Assault Awareness) and October (Domestic Violence Awareness) encourage your church to participate in some way whether it be providing services to these organizations, having a sermon series, etc. 
  • Provide resources for your congregation to raise awareness and be educated.
  • If you see something, say something! You can help stop someone from becoming a victim. 

More Ways Singles Can Stay Connected During the Pandemic

The Pandemic has opened the door to more online connections all across the world. Many singles have faced isolation in not being able to go out as much, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot meet new people and make new connections. I’ll share ideas below that offer online solutions for our new normal.

T.D. Jakes Millennial Mondays
I was blessed to stumble upon T.D. Jake’s Millennial Ministry on a Sunday where I scoured YouTube looking for another ministry to stream. I saw T.D. Jakes Ministry popup on my timeline and just in time caught the announcement of Millennial Mondays. It’s an online Zoom meeting where Millennials can talk to others led by a pastor on T.D. Jake’s staff called Pastor V. I visited this group for the first time this past Monday and I have to say it was excellent. It was a safe space for Millennials to open up, share, and receive ministry if necessary. There was a young lady at the end who needed some encouragement and many provided encouraging words and even offered to provide her money via Cashapp. T.D. Jakes will be on the live zoom on December 14th. To participate in this online event text Gen Now to the number 28950.

Why So Single
Why So Single is a monthly live Zoom event for Christian Singles to discuss all things about the single life. They host special guest panelists and everyone gets to share at some point in the event. This event isn’t always the same. Each new panelist brings something unique to the table each time and you never know who you may meet while participating in this event. To attend the next Why So Single event; you’ll have to register at the Eventbrite link. You’ll then be added to the email mailing list for future Why So Single Events. They are having a holiday mixer event on December 19th with an ugly sweater contest and more. Visit link here: Why So Single? Singles Holiday Mixer Tickets, Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 2:00 PM | Eventbrite

Search Events on Eventbrite
Speaking of Eventbrite, I’d accidentally come across all types of online Christian single’s meetups across the globe. If you like meeting new people and have some free time, search Virtual Christian Single’s events on Eventbrite and join some of the cool events. They even have virtual speed dating events that come up for Christians. Here is a link that I found that you can check out: Online Christian Singles Virtual Events | Eventbrite

Subscribe to Intercession for A Generation’s Mailing List
I do plan on hosting some online events next year and am building up my mailing list right now while working on some things behind the scenes. If you would like to participate in future online events with this blog and me add your email to our list at this link: Giveaways ( You’ll receive a free wholeness pack when you subscribe.

Take a Vacation to a New Place
If there is a state that is open and has some activities you’d like to participate in; then take advantage of the low airfares and book a trip. I use the Google flights tool to search all airlines for the lowest prices. This year all of my travel had been canceled so my vacation budget has just been sitting there. I listen to an out-of-state podcast every week and the state where the podcast is hosted is open. The host is always talking about how everything is open with necessary precautions of course. I checked it out online and booked the trip. I’ll be leaving soon and hopefully, I’ll meet and build connections with more cool people.

Just because there is a pandemic doesn’t mean we have to be isolated. Use precautions and wisdom and connect online or in a safe environment that minimizes risk. Wear your mask and clean your hands often when doing so. An N-95 mask is the best. If you plan to travel, I recommend wearing the N-95 mask if you can find one online.

4 Traits of a Confident Single Woman:

She’s unapologetically herself
She is unafraid of what others think of her. Thus, she isn’t willing to dim who she is to appease others. This honesty in embracing herself keeps her from living a lie with a guy just to be with a guy. Instead, she honors the covenant that she has with God and herself. This covenant is to honor Christ and to honor who Christ has shaped her to be.

She is patient when it comes to love because she’s resolved that she is worth it
She realizes that she isn’t your average Jane. So, she’ll need to be patient to wait for a brother who isn’t your average Joe. She finds great things to do while waiting that further prepare her for that special time of marriage she desires for her future. She carries herself as a woman of wisdom avoiding situations that will cause her to veer off the beaten path God has given her to walk. She carefully avoids situationships, hook-ups, and anything that would leave her stuck in something less than what God has for her.

She isn’t ashamed to stand on her standards
Her standards make her who she is. She’d be crazy without them. Her standards also protect her. She has embraced the fact that she is valuable to herself, God, and others. Thus, she embraces her standards no matter who doesn’t understand. She knows if she devalues herself by lowering her standards; she’ll be the one to pay the cost, not others who do not savor her value. She embraces herself realizing that it is her responsibility to value herself even when others don’t.

She isn’t discouraged when interested in a guy who doesn’t pursue her
If a man doesn’t value her enough to pursue her; he may not be the one or it may not be the appropriate time. She isn’t going to trip on her worth due to this. Instead, she is thankful for God’s protection as she trusts God regarding everything concerning her. She will guard her heart by not focusing on the gentleman she’s interested in so much. She will make sure her heart doesn’t begin to trust the idea of her crush more than Christ and God’s ability to give her the desires of her heart.

She is a confident woman because her heart is fixed. It’s fixed on Christ and the future that he has for her. Even when this woman becomes broken, she is whole because she looks to God.

The False Expectation of Marriage for Being a Good Girl: Thoughts on Erica Campbell’s Can’t Sow Seeds of Whoredom Statement

Recently, Erica Campbell shared on her Instagram and also explained more in detail on a radio show her statement below. See the quote of what she said at her Instagram link here:

I understand where Erica Campbell is coming from as she encourages singles to shift their thinking from loose sexual character to that of purity in preparation for marriage. There has to be a mature mindset to take on marriage especially if we will do so successfully, but it could easily be derived from her statement that those who practice the opposite of waiting until marriage for sex will not get married and that’s simply not true. Deciding to wait until marriage to have sex can and often does leave singles single longer.

It is true, that if we want God’s best for our future marriages that we will have to like Erica said, begin practicing obedience to God in the area of sexual purity among other areas. This also applies to virgins who have sex in their mind and have not had sex with their bodies. However, there has to be a greater expectation of remaining abstinent than to simply get married because getting married can come easier through compromise.

Simply put more people are willing to compromise sexually than to hold up a standard so there are more opportunities for people to choose from as a spouse when doing it the world’s way. I’m sharing this from experience as someone who is a 37-year-old virgin, who believes in honoring God with my body and actions. I’ve had more serious pursuits from men who do not believe the same as me with remaining abstinent until marriage and setting boundaries to do so than those who do believe the same. I had to make a choice of whether I wanted marriage or to please God.

Does the Church create a false expectation that abstaining from sex before marriage guarantees a marriage? I am 110% for doing things God’s way which is what the Bible teaches for us to wait until marriage to have sex. Anyone who follows my platform knows that I rep waiting 110%. However, I feel like the church has to be careful in how we communicate expectations for doing things God’s way and doing them the world’s way.

Many of my single sisters waiting to have sex after marriage are alone. They aren’t alone because they are loose in their sexual character. They are alone because they decided to wait. We have to begin telling the truth to young women that in many cases deciding to wait until marriage may mean that we are single longer because many men do not want a woman who has decided to wait until marriage for sex.

Many women who make the choice to obey God in this manner face rejection over and over again from men. Because of this, many women struggle with accepting themselves. They’re faced with the question of should I compromise to get married or should I continue to trust and obey God even if that means being alone a little longer.

I’ve met so many good guys who were looking for a wife, but the only thing that held them back was the fact that I, as a single woman, have boundaries so that I can continue to honor God with my body. Some of the good men interpreted my commitment to my healthy boundaries as a lack of trust in them. This was the case because their goal was not to honor God but themselves.

If we teach women to only value and prioritize marriage as the reason to wait; then women may begin making choices that aren’t honorable to God just to get married. We see it all the time. I can count so many women on my fingers who are married because they decided to compromise sexually before marriage.

I can also count on my fingers without using them all―the number of women I’m familiar with who became married after not having sex at all. The reality is a woman or man can get married while previously being a whore or sowing h*e seeds. The marriage may be more challenging in some areas due to the lack of discipline and character practiced before marriage. Some of these challenges could be avoided by doing things God’s way hence the benefit of waiting. Those who do obey God in waiting will be able to avoid some challenges that those who did not wait will not be able to. We see this all the time.

The greater weight should not be placed on being a good girl/good guy to get married, but being obedient to honor God whether we get married or not. I believe if the goal is only to get married then the door becomes open for idolatry of marriage. Idolatry is when we place something of more importance than Christ in our life. We begin to sacrifice for it as a form of worship.

Many of God’s single Christian daughters who have idolized marriage, and obeyed God in waiting, have become bitter toward God and His way of doing things. They believed the false expectation that abstinence until marriage meant having a marriage. When that did not happen many of God’s single daughters decided to begin sowing seeds of whoredom and found themselves no longer alone.

This is why we have to be careful about how we communicate about God’s Biblical laws. Yes, we should wait until marriage to have sex. It honors God with our bodies. It provides clarity when we are dating so we can see the real person and not the smokescreen of the connection created when we’ve become sexually intimate with a partner. There are great benefits to saving sex for marriage, but there has to be a greater motivation behind it than just to get married because what happens when waiting becomes the reason why men no longer want to be with you?

Finally, if you are someone reading this who has been obedient and are still single; be encouraged to know you are worthy of marriage if that is something you desire; seek God to see if it’s something he has for you and continue to remain faithful to God. If it is the Lord’s will for you to be married, you will be blessed with an appropriate spouse.

We Cannot Be Fully Committed to Christ & The Republican or Democratic Party:

Woo! Chile’. Our country along with the body of Christ has been through a rough election season. There has been much tension and discourse in the body of Christ.

There have been Republicans who have judged those who have voted for Democratic candidates and vice versa. Some Christians have been so passionate and devout about their political opinions and affiliations that it would be easy to assume they love one particular party or its ideas over Christ and the gospel itself.

As believers, our full and total allegiance should be given to Christ, his Word, and his ideas. Because neither party Democratic or Republican subscribes to Christ’s ideas fully neither party can ever or will ever have my full allegiance.

The Republican party is full of those who very sharply reminds me of the Pharisees and religious elite in the Bible who constantly looked for something wrong with others. Similar to how the Pharisees sought to find something wrong with Jesus to demote him from his position of authority as the Son of God and representative of the kingdom of heaven. 

Republicans use two main issues that are obviously wrong abortion and homosexuality. The fact that Democrats leave it open to a Woman’s choice is twisted to mean that Democrats support killing babies which may not be true. They just may support the woman’s choice. There is an obvious difference between the two ideas. The Bible and Christianity are touted as the basis for Republican support and ideas which in my opinion borders blasphemy and taking God’s name in vain.

The Bible nor Christ or Christianity was not provided to us to condemn people, but to bring us into fellowship with the living God who changes our hearts and produces the fruit of righteousness within us through abiding in him. It isn’t about appearing righteous, but being righteous from the inside out.

Republicans appear righteous for being adamant against the two sins of homosexuality and abortion but fail in the most important act of righteousness of which the entire gospel hang on and that is loving God with all of our heart and loving our neighbor as ourselves. To assert self-righteousness based on not supporting two sins while neglecting the basis of the gospel in loving others as ourselves is blasphemy and hypocrisy. It’s hard to take someone’s religion or “relationship with God” seriously when they fell in the very foundation of the gospel. Simply put, it puts a reproach on the gospel.

The below scripture shares the importance of seeing this from the perspective that is above that of a Pharisee:

Blind Pharisee! First, clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean. – Matthew 23:26

Democrats seem to be more laid back on the harsh judgments of people. They seem to be more caring and reflective of loving people. You may not be able to perceive fully what a Democrat believes as they do not often speak about religious things. In some cases, it could be due to the fear and reverence they have for religion or perhaps not all Democrats are religious.

True religion Biblically is not perceived by those who are the loudest about their religion, but on those who know how to treat others in particular the fatherless and widows (James 1:27). The Bible is also clear that the whole law and gospel hinge on our love for God and others as we love ourselves. When this is genuinely done, there is no need to harp on others not to commit abortion or to practice same-sex relationships, perversion, or whatever the sin(s) may be. The process of salvation and sanctification will occur as the Holy Spirit changes the heart and cleanses man through the renewing of our mind with the Word of God.

We will not be able to perceive a person as a Christian just by appearance. It will be by the fruit produced in their lives. On the surface, the Pharisees could not prove Jesus was sent from God or not, but his fruit was obvious. 

Where the Democrats err is that some Democrats have used the Bible’s message of love to condone sin. There was an Illinois politician who read scripture about love as he made civil unions legal as to compare a homosexual relationship to love and if it’s love it must be okay. An overemphasis on the idea of love irresponsibly condones sin. Real love will correct sin.

Thus, the Republican party nor the Democratic party is completely balanced in the ideas of Christ, the Bible, or the kingdom of God. This is why my full allegiance will always be to Christ above American politics.

Christ is the fulfillment of the law. Rather it comes to not killing babies, practicing homosexuality, fornication, drunkenness, cursing, anger, unforgiveness, adultery, stealing, or any other sin, Christ is the way we experience freedom from all sins. The law by itself isn’t enough and a love for people who practice sin isn’t enough. We all must submit to God individually by faith working out our own salvation as the Bible teaches.

So, before you start to judge your brother or sister for voting differently than you, realize our votes no matter what aren’t enough to fix sin in the hearts of man. Are we truly trusting God?

Irresponsible Leadership Creates an Occasion to Blaspheme Christ

Thankfully, our country is moving out of an era where an occasion to blaspheme Christ has been given to the American public, onlookers from other countries, and skeptics of faith in Christ alike. This occasion was given by not only authority in the form of the President, but pastors and ministers who claimed to be called to promote the gospel message. Instead, the message of the gospel has been lost and replaced with an over-emphasis of support for a candidate who confuses the idea of what a Christian is―thus making it easy for others to blaspheme Christ.

To blaspheme means to speak irreverently about God or sacred things. When people in authority or in the church loudly proclaim sacred things without the love of God associated with those things; an occasion to blaspheme the God “misrepresented” is provided.
The Bible says it like this:

If I speak in the tongues of men or angels but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. – 1 Corinthians 13:1

A resounding gong and a clanging cymbal is a nuisance. As soon as you try to whine down in quietness and peace a loud resounding gong disturbs you. That is what it has been like in the last four years. One loud, annoying thing after the other. The loud annoying things are what’s focused on instead of the more important focus of walking in the character of love.

The Bible makes it clear that we can do several spectacular things, but without love, the spectacular things do not mean much. If a person isn’t willing to walk in love; it would be better for them to keep their faith or religion a secret. We don’t need to know a person is a Christian if that person isn’t willing to walk in love.

A genuine Christian should be known as a Christian before they open their mouth based on how they treat others—how they love others.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” – John 13:35

The Bible warns the Jews in Romans 2 that non-believers will begin to blaspheme God based on the actions of the Jews instead of the true knowledge of God. This is a dangerous thing to be responsible for misrepresenting God in such a fashion:

​You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” – Romans 2:23-24

The Bible is warning in the above scripture against pushing the law without obeying it. It puts God’s name in a place of irreverence among those who aren’t learned in the way of the Lord. In a time where many Millennials are turning against God, faith, and the gospel; it’s more important than ever that genuine Christians walk in genuine love and truth. The Bible has historically been associated with hate and racism in this country and Trump’s administration bought back horrible memories for many while associating itself with the Bible while promoting hate. Some of us have seen former believers allow their hearts to become hard as they struggled to hold on to faith in a God that they see as promoting hate.

Not that God promotes hate because he doesn’t. Some people simply do not have the discernment nor the knowledge to tell the difference between what is God and what is a person who claims to follow God but acts in opposition to what God stands for. This is why it is so important as leaders to be careful about how we represent a relationship with God to others. The Bible, Christ, and Christianity should be approached with fear and reference, not loud boisterous carelessness. People are important to God as he died for all men. We cannot treat people any kind of way and think it’s okay.

Thankfully, we have an opportunity for something different with Biden in office. My hope is that believers would pray for him just as much as they prayed for Trump. It is my prayer that believers would not disrespect him by saying he isn’t their president when the Bible tells us to pray for and submit to our leaders’ period.

It seems that some of our Christian leaders traded the gospel and mantle to obey Christ for Balaam—fame, money, and notoriety. Our relationship with God should not be used to manipulate who is elected into office or not. I firmly believe that God exalts a person and sits down another and whoever he wills to be in office will be in office. We have to continue trusting God for our future no matter who is in office. It’s my prayer that we would be willing to do the work of healing and humbling ourselves as believers within this nation to begin loving one another as Christ prayed for before he ascended into heaven.

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. – John 17:20-21

Overcoming the Fear of Man:

Last week we discussed the fear of man. We discussed the fear of man operating in religious people who seek to confine others to their understandings, personal convictions, and lifestyles. This is indeed a form of bondage that prevents us from being ourselves and causes us to walk in disobedience toward God by obeying the voice of man over the voice of God.
This is a very serious sin because the church is full of people who refuse to use their gifts, talents, or to walk fully in their purposes because they are afraid of being seen the wrong way. These people have not fully developed into their own identity in Christ, but hang on to the idea of how others see them. They find their worth and acceptance in being seen in a particular light by others. The dangerous part of this however is that God has sown seeds of purpose in each one of us.
The purpose God has sown in us is to reflect Christ leading others to him. Those who impose the fear of men on others seek to lead others to themselves instead of Christ. It is deep. How can someone become free from this?

One must learn who they are in Christ and what God says about them:
Have your own intimate relationship with the Lord. Read your Bible. Fast and pray yourself. God will show you things giving you discernment. You’ll know who is operating out of prophesying the Word of the Lord over you and who is operating out of control only seeking to shape you into a replica of themselves. He will begin to illuminate to you your purpose. Your purpose is what God has called you to do. God has a parable in the Bible about talents he’s given men. In the parable, God was upset because some knew better.

They knew God expected a return on the talent he’d invested, but in fear, the talent holder hid his talent. He never sought to multiply it increasing the return to God who’d given it. Who in your life are you fearing more than God that you are willing to disobey God in hiding your talent?

God’s word tells us to stir up the gifts in us. This particular scripture is of apostle Paul, who shared with his mentee Timothy that he has a gift of faith. He had noticed this gift of faith not only in him but in his grandmother Lois as well.

He is building up Timothy’s confidence to know that the gift of faith is his and it has been a gift that’s been prevalent in his bloodline. Therefore, Paul continues by sharing with young Timothy that he is not to be afraid because God has not given him a spirit of fear. What is Paul saying? Paul is saying operate out of what is coming from God not what is coming from man.

The fear of man comes from man. It does not come from God. We are not to operate out of it.

When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that it’s in thee also.
Wherefore, I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:5-7

Next, Paul lets Timothy know that he should not be ashamed of the testimony of Christ, but he must embrace the afflictions that come with carrying our cross. Facing the pressure of the fear of man is all a part of carrying our cross and walking out our purpose. As I said last week, God will send those who will walk with us and support us to remind us that we aren’t crazy. We do need that for our own personal stability. Paul was an appropriate example of that for Timothy. When Timothy faced opposition for walking out who God called him to be; he had the support of the Holy Spirit as well as reminders in apostle Paul, and his grandmother Lois that he was doing the right thing. God will give us discernment to see this when we walk with him.

Once we know who we are; we can become bold:
The Bible says that the righteous are as bold as a lion, but the wicked flee when no one pursues after them. God increases our boldness by allowing us to walk through uncomfortable tests and through the test on to the end of the test we see that we are okay. What we feared was not as big a deal as we’d thought. When we walk with this assurance that God is with us and what we face; he’ll bring us through. We learn there is no reason for us not to be bold.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers us out of them all.