“To Teach A Generation the Heart of God & the Way of the Lord”
Intercession For A Generation is currently a blog geared at teaching the young adult generation the Heart of God and the way of the Lord. Our main emphasis of writing has been focused on “Life & Relationship Lessons.”
The Heart of God is toward people made in his image:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

About the Founder:
Russelyn Williams is the author of “The Single Christian Woman’s Guide” and the visionary for “Intercession For A Generation”, an award-winning young adult blog and ministry website. Her content focuses on life and relationship lessons from a Biblical perspective, with a special reach for singles and single women in particularly. She has had her various struggles on her way to wholeness in which she continues to overcome through her intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and an increased level of growth and personal development. She has taught abstinence education and healthy decision making skills in public schools, juvenile detention centers, and churches for the past four years. She has her B.A. in Communications Media Arts & Theater from Chicago State University. Outside of writing, Russelyn enjoys reading, fellowship with friends, watching a good movie, and cooking.
She resides in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. She uses her blog to create a safe space for Millennials and Single Christian women by being an example that shows it’s possible to live a fulfilled life of wholeness as a single woman. Russelyn offers speaking, and workshops to churches, single’s ministries, and women’s ministries along the lines of the topics of her books which include wholeness and relationships. Visit her site Russelynwilliams.com to see testimonials from previous speaking engagements.
Contact Us: russelynwilliams@intercession4ageneration.org
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Follow Russelyn on Clubhouse for Live Discussions: Click here to follow on Clubhouse
I partner with the ButGod community on Clubhouse Thursdays at 5 p.m. C.S.T. discussing various topics. I sometimes speak about purity on Mondays w/the ButGod community as well at 5 p.m. C.S.T.